Microscopic inspection of pure metals and solid solutions. Saif al-din ali1. Name of Experiment:
Microscopic inspection of pure metals and solid solutions.
2. The Objective of the Experiment:
To study the different shapes and sizes of grains and the flaws found in casts
Flywheel apparatusSaif al-din aliThis document describes an experiment conducted to determine the moment of inertia of a flywheel. It includes sections on the objective, theory, apparatus, calculations and results, and discussion. The results show the angular acceleration of the flywheel, calculated moment of inertia, and percentage error between calculated and experimental values. The discussion comments on the relationship between moment of inertia and friction torque, and factors that affect moment of inertia such as mass distribution and applied torque. It also defines the kinetic energy stored in a flywheel based on its rotational speed and mass.
تكنولوجيا الخرسانة لمحمود امامSarmed ShukurConcrete Technology , Mahmood Imam ( In Arabic)
تكنولوجيا الخرسانة لمحمود امام
لأول مرة ينشر بشكل كامل على شبة الأنترنت
بعد تصحيح ترتيب فصول الكتاب
friction loss along a pipeSaif al-din ali ,friction pipe ,friction loss along a pipe ,pipe ,along a ,loss along ,loss along a ,friction loss ,friction loss along a ,loss along a pipe ,along a pipe ,friction loss alon ,friction loss along a p ,loss along a pip
Torsion testSaif al-din ali
سيف الدين علي ماضي
Torsion tesd
The objective of this experiment is to study the linearly elastic behavior
of metallic material under a torsion test. Torsion test measures the
strength of any material against maximum twisting forces. During this
experiment, a failure testing is done to our testing material which is a
steel. This failure testing involves twisting the material until it breaks
which helps demonstrates how materials undergo during testing
condition by measuring the applied torque with respect to the angle of
twist, the shear modulus, shear stress
At the limit of proportionality. The shear modulus of elasticity G and
Poisson's Ratio are determined for the specimen using torsional stressstrain relationship from the data collected during the experiment. The
fraction surface of our material at the end of the experiment is used to
stablish characteristics of the material,
Characteristics of single pump and pumps in series and parallel use of indust...TOPENGINEERINGSOLUTIONSThe document discusses setting up pumps in series and parallel configurations and measuring their performance. It includes:
- Instructions on connecting a single pump, or two identical pumps in series or parallel, to a water circulation system and software.
- Procedures to operate each configuration at varying flow rates, recording total head and flow from sensors to obtain pump curve data.
- Objectives to analyze and compare the performance of a single pump versus pumps in series/parallel, and suggest appropriate configurations based on given flow and head requirements.
- Background theory that pumps in series double the achievable head rise while maintaining the same flow, and pumps in parallel double the flow while maintaining the same head rise.
Ch 2-stress-strains and yield criterionVJTI Production Here are the steps to solve this problem:
1) Calculate true stress (σ) and true strain (ε) at each load using the given diameter values:
σ = Load/Current cross-sectional area
ε = ln(Initial diameter/Current diameter)
2) Plot true stress vs true strain curve
3) Determine values from the curve:
1) True stress at maximum load = Highest stress value on curve
2) True fracture stress = Stress at fracture point
3) True fracture strain = Strain at fracture point
4) True uniform strain = Strain value where necking begins
5) True necking strain = Strain at start of necking region
6) Ultimate
Tensile testSaif al-din aliObjective of the experiment:
1 - Study the relationship between the force (P) and
elongation (ΔL).
2 - Stability and study the relationship between strain (ε)
and stress (σ).
3 - Study the concept of the mechanical properties of solids.
4 - Establish a modulus of elasticity (E)
Fly wheel apparatus(a)Saif al-din aliThe document provides instructions for experiments using a simple flywheel apparatus to study rotational motion and energy storage. Experiment 1 measures the relationship between torque and angular acceleration of the flywheel. Results are plotted and the slope is used to calculate the moment of inertia. Experiment 2 examines the flywheel's performance as an energy storage device by measuring its revolutions from an applied torque. The results are used to calculate the bearing friction and compare theoretical and experimental moments of inertia.
Unit9Ahmad HussainThe document discusses the second law of thermodynamics. It defines the second law as stating that some heat must always be rejected by a system, even though the net heat supplied equals the net work done according to the first law. The second law implies that the thermal efficiency of heat engines must always be less than 100% because the gross heat supplied must be greater than the net work done. The document also discusses heat pumps and how they operate in the reverse of heat engines, requiring work input to transfer heat from a cold to hot reservoir.
Fox and McDonalds Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 9th Edition Pritchard Solut...KirkMcdowellsFull download : https://alibabadownload.com/product/fox-and-mcdonalds-introduction-to-fluid-mechanics-9th-edition-pritchard-solutions-manual/ Fox and McDonalds Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 9th Edition Pritchard Solutions Manual
Refrigeration air conditioning laboratory Moist Air Properties and Air-Condi...Saif al-din aliThis document describes an experiment analyzing the properties of moist air using an air conditioning laboratory unit. Measurements of dry and wet bulb temperature were taken at different sections of the unit as air passed through a humidifying and preheating section and reheating section. The experimental results demonstrated how air conditioning processes can condition air to desired levels of temperature and humidity for occupant comfort regardless of external conditions. Calculations using psychrometric charts and equations were performed to determine air properties at each section.
Bending test | MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Laboratory | U.O.B |Saif al-din aliThe document describes a bending test experiment conducted on a steel beam specimen. The objectives were to determine deflections and bending stresses under different loading conditions. The experiment involved applying concentrated loads at the center of beams with simply supported, cantilever, and fixed end conditions. Deflections and stresses were calculated theoretically and measured experimentally for each loading case. Results were compared to evaluate accuracy. The goal was to analyze beam behavior under bending forces.
Tensile testing experimentSulaiman Dawood BarryTensile testing is used to determine the strength and ductility of materials. A specimen is placed in grips and pulled apart under increasing tensile force while measuring elongation. The resulting stress-strain curve provides properties like yield strength, tensile strength, and Young's modulus. Tensile tests are important for engineering design and quality control by ensuring materials can withstand expected loads and comparing new materials. Common applications include testing aircraft components, bolts, and other loaded structures.
Lab 1 the dryness fraction of the steam(mech)lizwi nyanduCAPE PENINSULA UNIVERSITY OF TECHONOLOGY
Fatigue FailureMatej JanegaThis document discusses fatigue failure in metals. It defines fatigue as weakness caused by repeated cyclic loading. There are two types of fatigue loading: low-cycle loading with high stresses that cause plastic deformation, and high-cycle loading with lower elastic stresses. Fatigue failure requires sufficient tensile stresses, stress variations through cycling, and a large number of cycles. The document outlines fatigue testing methods, the stages of fatigue propagation including crack initiation and propagation, analyzing fatigue failures, and methods for preventing fatigue such as surface treatments and removing stress concentrators.
Circulating load hamidfaraThis document summarizes a presentation on bench scale and pilot plant tests for circulating load in crushing and milling circuits. It discusses calculating circulating load, effective factors that influence circulating load like feed rate and water addition, and test design considerations. The conclusions indicate that optimum circulating load balances energy costs and that Bond work index values are affected by test sieve size and circulating load.
Torsion testing experiment (instructor)Sulaiman Dawood BarryThe document describes a torsion testing experiment. The objectives are to:
1. Determine the shear modulus (G) of different materials and the relationship between applied torque and angular twist.
2. Examine how material length affects angular twist.
The experiment involves twisting steel and brass rods of different lengths using known torques and measuring the angular deflection. Graphs of the data are used to calculate G, finding values of 68.46 GPa for steel and 38.8 GPa for brass, which are close to reference values. Testing another brass rod of varying lengths, a graph shows angular twist increases proportionally with length. G is recalculated from this graph as 43.50 GPa
Cyclone dust-return-and-dust-handling-design-parametermkpq pashaThe document discusses cyclone technology for removing dust particles from air streams. It provides background on cyclone design parameters like pressure drop and collection efficiency. The optimal dimensions of cyclones are discussed, with the 2D2D design being most efficient for particles larger than 20 microns. While models can predict trends, testing is still needed due to complex flow patterns and many influencing factors. The document also reviews classical cyclone design procedures and limitations of models in accurately predicting performance metrics like number of turns and cut-point diameter.
Marcet boiler sarkawtnThis experiment aims to determine the relationship between the saturated temperature and pressure of steam in equilibrium with water between 0 and 14 bars using a Marcet boiler. The measured slope of the temperature-pressure graph is compared to theoretical values from steam tables. Results show a direct proportional relationship between temperature and pressure, with the experimental slope deviating slightly from the theoretical slope due to measurement errors ranging from 0.3-44%. The Marcet boiler can be used to study this relationship and various thermodynamic applications that involve changes in steam properties with pressure and temperature.
Foundations Design combined footings - تصميم القواعد المسلحه المشتركه والشداداتKarim Gaberمُلخصات طالب فيما يخص خطوات تصميم القواعد المنفصله والشريطيه ضمن منهج الاساسات السطحيه
كل الشكر للمراجع التى وفرت لنا العلم , وبالاخص م.ياسر الليثي
تصميم القواعد المنفصله والشريطيه - Design of Isolated FootingKarim Gaberمُلخصات طالب فيما يخص خطوات تصميم القواعد المنفصله والشريطيه ضمن منهج الاساسات السطحيه
كل الشكر للمراجع التى وفرت لنا العلم , وبالاخص م.ياسر الليثي
FatigueGaziantep UniversityFatigue occurs when a material is subjected to repeated loading and unloading. It causes failure from crack initiation and propagation even when stresses are below the yield strength of the material. Fatigue was first observed in railroad and bridge components that cracked under repeated loading. Fatigue failure can occur suddenly and without warning in metals, plastics, rubbers, and concrete used in applications with rotating or fluctuating stresses like aircraft wings, springs, and pipes conveying fluid. The number of cycles to failure depends on the stress range and mean stress based on stress-life (S-N) curves, which can be corrected using the Goodman diagram for different stress ratios. Crack propagation rates under cyclic loading can be modeled in three regions based on stress
Nonlinear integral control for dc motor speed control with unknown and variab...Saif al-din aliThis document discusses nonlinear integral control for DC motor speed control with unknown and variable external torque. It begins with an introduction to DC motors and common speed control techniques. It then provides the basic model of a DC motor and derives the transfer function. It discusses nonlinear control systems and elements like saturation, deadband, and friction. It describes methods for solving nonlinear transient responses, nonlinear system stability, and provides a Simulink model example comparing PI and P controller performance for speed and error. References for DC motor speed control and optimization of PI controllers are also provided.
Design problemSaif al-din aliThe document provides design specifications for a mechanical system that uses pulleys, gears, a shaft, and bearings. It includes details on the power input and output requirements for different components, material properties, and design considerations. The author is tasked with designing: 1) Pulleys B and K with a belt to transmit power from pulley K to B; 2) Spur gears C and G to transmit 65% of power; 3) Helical gears E and H to transmit the remaining power; 4) The shaft connecting the components; 5) Bearings A and D to support the shaft. Calculations and checks are required to validate the design meets stress, wear, and reliability requirements.
Ch 2-stress-strains and yield criterionVJTI Production Here are the steps to solve this problem:
1) Calculate true stress (σ) and true strain (ε) at each load using the given diameter values:
σ = Load/Current cross-sectional area
ε = ln(Initial diameter/Current diameter)
2) Plot true stress vs true strain curve
3) Determine values from the curve:
1) True stress at maximum load = Highest stress value on curve
2) True fracture stress = Stress at fracture point
3) True fracture strain = Strain at fracture point
4) True uniform strain = Strain value where necking begins
5) True necking strain = Strain at start of necking region
6) Ultimate
Tensile testSaif al-din aliObjective of the experiment:
1 - Study the relationship between the force (P) and
elongation (ΔL).
2 - Stability and study the relationship between strain (ε)
and stress (σ).
3 - Study the concept of the mechanical properties of solids.
4 - Establish a modulus of elasticity (E)
Fly wheel apparatus(a)Saif al-din aliThe document provides instructions for experiments using a simple flywheel apparatus to study rotational motion and energy storage. Experiment 1 measures the relationship between torque and angular acceleration of the flywheel. Results are plotted and the slope is used to calculate the moment of inertia. Experiment 2 examines the flywheel's performance as an energy storage device by measuring its revolutions from an applied torque. The results are used to calculate the bearing friction and compare theoretical and experimental moments of inertia.
Unit9Ahmad HussainThe document discusses the second law of thermodynamics. It defines the second law as stating that some heat must always be rejected by a system, even though the net heat supplied equals the net work done according to the first law. The second law implies that the thermal efficiency of heat engines must always be less than 100% because the gross heat supplied must be greater than the net work done. The document also discusses heat pumps and how they operate in the reverse of heat engines, requiring work input to transfer heat from a cold to hot reservoir.
Fox and McDonalds Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 9th Edition Pritchard Solut...KirkMcdowellsFull download : https://alibabadownload.com/product/fox-and-mcdonalds-introduction-to-fluid-mechanics-9th-edition-pritchard-solutions-manual/ Fox and McDonalds Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 9th Edition Pritchard Solutions Manual
Refrigeration air conditioning laboratory Moist Air Properties and Air-Condi...Saif al-din aliThis document describes an experiment analyzing the properties of moist air using an air conditioning laboratory unit. Measurements of dry and wet bulb temperature were taken at different sections of the unit as air passed through a humidifying and preheating section and reheating section. The experimental results demonstrated how air conditioning processes can condition air to desired levels of temperature and humidity for occupant comfort regardless of external conditions. Calculations using psychrometric charts and equations were performed to determine air properties at each section.
Bending test | MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Laboratory | U.O.B |Saif al-din aliThe document describes a bending test experiment conducted on a steel beam specimen. The objectives were to determine deflections and bending stresses under different loading conditions. The experiment involved applying concentrated loads at the center of beams with simply supported, cantilever, and fixed end conditions. Deflections and stresses were calculated theoretically and measured experimentally for each loading case. Results were compared to evaluate accuracy. The goal was to analyze beam behavior under bending forces.
Tensile testing experimentSulaiman Dawood BarryTensile testing is used to determine the strength and ductility of materials. A specimen is placed in grips and pulled apart under increasing tensile force while measuring elongation. The resulting stress-strain curve provides properties like yield strength, tensile strength, and Young's modulus. Tensile tests are important for engineering design and quality control by ensuring materials can withstand expected loads and comparing new materials. Common applications include testing aircraft components, bolts, and other loaded structures.
Lab 1 the dryness fraction of the steam(mech)lizwi nyanduCAPE PENINSULA UNIVERSITY OF TECHONOLOGY
Fatigue FailureMatej JanegaThis document discusses fatigue failure in metals. It defines fatigue as weakness caused by repeated cyclic loading. There are two types of fatigue loading: low-cycle loading with high stresses that cause plastic deformation, and high-cycle loading with lower elastic stresses. Fatigue failure requires sufficient tensile stresses, stress variations through cycling, and a large number of cycles. The document outlines fatigue testing methods, the stages of fatigue propagation including crack initiation and propagation, analyzing fatigue failures, and methods for preventing fatigue such as surface treatments and removing stress concentrators.
Circulating load hamidfaraThis document summarizes a presentation on bench scale and pilot plant tests for circulating load in crushing and milling circuits. It discusses calculating circulating load, effective factors that influence circulating load like feed rate and water addition, and test design considerations. The conclusions indicate that optimum circulating load balances energy costs and that Bond work index values are affected by test sieve size and circulating load.
Torsion testing experiment (instructor)Sulaiman Dawood BarryThe document describes a torsion testing experiment. The objectives are to:
1. Determine the shear modulus (G) of different materials and the relationship between applied torque and angular twist.
2. Examine how material length affects angular twist.
The experiment involves twisting steel and brass rods of different lengths using known torques and measuring the angular deflection. Graphs of the data are used to calculate G, finding values of 68.46 GPa for steel and 38.8 GPa for brass, which are close to reference values. Testing another brass rod of varying lengths, a graph shows angular twist increases proportionally with length. G is recalculated from this graph as 43.50 GPa
Cyclone dust-return-and-dust-handling-design-parametermkpq pashaThe document discusses cyclone technology for removing dust particles from air streams. It provides background on cyclone design parameters like pressure drop and collection efficiency. The optimal dimensions of cyclones are discussed, with the 2D2D design being most efficient for particles larger than 20 microns. While models can predict trends, testing is still needed due to complex flow patterns and many influencing factors. The document also reviews classical cyclone design procedures and limitations of models in accurately predicting performance metrics like number of turns and cut-point diameter.
Marcet boiler sarkawtnThis experiment aims to determine the relationship between the saturated temperature and pressure of steam in equilibrium with water between 0 and 14 bars using a Marcet boiler. The measured slope of the temperature-pressure graph is compared to theoretical values from steam tables. Results show a direct proportional relationship between temperature and pressure, with the experimental slope deviating slightly from the theoretical slope due to measurement errors ranging from 0.3-44%. The Marcet boiler can be used to study this relationship and various thermodynamic applications that involve changes in steam properties with pressure and temperature.
Foundations Design combined footings - تصميم القواعد المسلحه المشتركه والشداداتKarim Gaberمُلخصات طالب فيما يخص خطوات تصميم القواعد المنفصله والشريطيه ضمن منهج الاساسات السطحيه
كل الشكر للمراجع التى وفرت لنا العلم , وبالاخص م.ياسر الليثي
تصميم القواعد المنفصله والشريطيه - Design of Isolated FootingKarim Gaberمُلخصات طالب فيما يخص خطوات تصميم القواعد المنفصله والشريطيه ضمن منهج الاساسات السطحيه
كل الشكر للمراجع التى وفرت لنا العلم , وبالاخص م.ياسر الليثي
FatigueGaziantep UniversityFatigue occurs when a material is subjected to repeated loading and unloading. It causes failure from crack initiation and propagation even when stresses are below the yield strength of the material. Fatigue was first observed in railroad and bridge components that cracked under repeated loading. Fatigue failure can occur suddenly and without warning in metals, plastics, rubbers, and concrete used in applications with rotating or fluctuating stresses like aircraft wings, springs, and pipes conveying fluid. The number of cycles to failure depends on the stress range and mean stress based on stress-life (S-N) curves, which can be corrected using the Goodman diagram for different stress ratios. Crack propagation rates under cyclic loading can be modeled in three regions based on stress
Nonlinear integral control for dc motor speed control with unknown and variab...Saif al-din aliThis document discusses nonlinear integral control for DC motor speed control with unknown and variable external torque. It begins with an introduction to DC motors and common speed control techniques. It then provides the basic model of a DC motor and derives the transfer function. It discusses nonlinear control systems and elements like saturation, deadband, and friction. It describes methods for solving nonlinear transient responses, nonlinear system stability, and provides a Simulink model example comparing PI and P controller performance for speed and error. References for DC motor speed control and optimization of PI controllers are also provided.
Design problemSaif al-din aliThe document provides design specifications for a mechanical system that uses pulleys, gears, a shaft, and bearings. It includes details on the power input and output requirements for different components, material properties, and design considerations. The author is tasked with designing: 1) Pulleys B and K with a belt to transmit power from pulley K to B; 2) Spur gears C and G to transmit 65% of power; 3) Helical gears E and H to transmit the remaining power; 4) The shaft connecting the components; 5) Bearings A and D to support the shaft. Calculations and checks are required to validate the design meets stress, wear, and reliability requirements.
Evaluation of thermal performance of a typical vapor compression refrigeratio...Saif al-din aliThis document describes an experiment conducted to evaluate the thermal performance of a typical vapor compression refrigeration cycle. The objectives were to learn about the components and analyze the cycle. Readings were taken of various temperatures and pressures. Calculations were done to determine compressor work, refrigeration effect, and coefficient of performance. Questions were asked about how to increase COP, the influence of temperatures, detecting refrigerant leaks, processes in the condenser, and functions of cycle components.
Characteristics of a simply converging nozzle through which steam is passesSaif al-din ali1. The document describes experiments conducted on converging and converging-diverging nozzles. It discusses the theory behind how these nozzles work and how properties like pressure and velocity change within the nozzles.
2. Calculations are shown for the mass flow rate through the nozzles under different pressure ratios. The critical pressure ratio where the nozzle becomes choked is also calculated.
3. Results show the mass flow rate and critical pressure ratio for two test cases of varying inlet pressures.
Power plant steam condenser Saif al-din aliThis document summarizes an experiment conducted on a steam condenser to evaluate its thermal operation under co-current and counter-current modes. It includes an abstract, introduction, apparatus description, calculations and results from testing the condenser under parallel and counter flow with constant pressure and steam flow rate. Charts show changes in temperature, heat transfer rate, efficiency and overall heat transfer coefficient for each test configuration.
Performance of the four strokes diesel engineSaif al-din aliThis document describes an experiment to study the performance of a four-stroke diesel engine at various speeds. It includes the objective to analyze the effect of speed on engine parameters. The document outlines the test procedure which involves taking readings like speed, torque, temperature and fuel consumption at different water flows through the dynamometer to vary the engine speed. Calculations are shown to determine values like power, efficiency, air-fuel ratio based on the experimental readings. Results are presented in a table for one engine speed setting as an example.
i.c engine Saif al-din aliThe document discusses internal combustion (I.C.) engines. It begins by outlining the objective of identifying types of I.C. engines, their parts, and how each part works. It then provides classifications of I.C. engines and lists their major components. The working principles of four-stroke and two-stroke engines are explained, including diagrams of their cycles. Key aspects covered are intake, compression, combustion, power and exhaust strokes in four-stroke engines and the use of crankcases and ports to enable intake and exhaust in two strokes.
Flow system controlSaif al-din aliThis document describes an experiment on flow system control. The objectives are to obtain the system characteristics like peak overshoot, rise time, and settling time. It introduces PID controllers and discusses their proportional, integral and derivative modes. The theory section explains the transfer function of a PID controller and the effects of the P, I, and D terms. It also describes second-order system responses. The apparatus section lists the steps to operate the flow system and record the response. Calculations are shown to determine the system response based on the controller terms.
Control servo motors Saif al-din aliThis document describes an experiment performed on a DC motor to determine its steady state gain. Measurements were taken of the motor's angular velocity and input voltage over time. The steady state gain (Ks) was calculated from these measurements for both the motor and generator configurations. Ks was found to be 7.36356 rpm/V on average for the motor and 5.596616 rpm/V for the generator. A proportional relationship between voltage and angular velocity was observed from the plotted data. The DC motor model and experimental results showed some non-linear behavior, likely due to load and operating conditions.
NozzlesSaif al-din ali1. The document discusses experiments performed on converging and converging-diverging nozzles.
2. Converging nozzles accelerate fluid flow to supersonic speeds at the nozzle exit, while converging-diverging nozzles can accelerate fluids to both subsonic and supersonic regimes depending on pressure ratios.
3. Calculations are shown for mass flow rates through a nozzle at different pressure ratios using theoretical equations.
performance of the four strokes diesel engineSaif al-din aliThis document describes an experiment to test the performance of a four-stroke diesel engine at varying speeds. It includes sections on the objective, engine performance, test procedure, calculations, results, and discussion. The objective is to study the effect of engine speed on performance parameters. The test procedure involves varying the engine speed using a water dynamometer and recording speed, torque, temperatures, and fuel consumption. Calculations are presented for power, specific fuel consumption, air-fuel ratio, efficiencies, and heat losses. Results are reported for two engine speeds.
Introduction about i.c engine Saif al-din aliThe document discusses internal combustion (I.C.) engines. It begins by identifying the objective of understanding I.C. engine types, parts, and how each part works. It then provides classifications of I.C. engines based on application, design, cycle, valves/ports, fuel type, ignition, combustion chamber, load control, and cooling. Details are given on common engine components and how four-stroke and two-stroke engines operate through intake, compression, power, and exhaust strokes. In conclusion, the document provides a discussion question about writing a short report on I.C. engines.
Flow system controlSaif al-din aliThe document describes an experiment on flow system control using a PID controller. The objectives are to obtain the system characteristics like overshoot, rise time, settling time, period, and transport delay. It introduces PID controllers and how they work in a closed loop system using proportional, integral, and derivative modes. The apparatus section outlines the experimental setup, which uses a flow system with a square wave input and adjustable setpoint and proportional gain. Calculations are shown for analyzing the system response based on these parameters.
Using the convergent steam nozzle type in the entranceSaif al-din aliThis document discusses using a convergent steam nozzle in the entrance region of a steam turbine. It provides background on steam turbines and how they work, describing how steam is expanded through nozzles to convert heat energy to kinetic energy. It then discusses different types of steam nozzles, focusing on convergent nozzles, and how nozzle shape affects steam velocity and pressure distribution. A numerical simulation will be performed to analyze pressure and velocity within a simple convergent nozzle design.
Hybrid car Advanced vehicle technologySaif al-din aliThe document discusses different types of hybrid vehicles. It describes the key components of a gasoline-electric hybrid car, including a gasoline engine, fuel tank, electric motor, generator, batteries, and transmission. Hybrid vehicles are classified into three main types: micro hybrids, which have a motor to assist with starting and accessories; mild hybrids, which have a more powerful motor to support starting and provide supplementary torque; and full hybrids, where the electric motor can power the vehicle on its own as well as charge via regenerative braking.
Nonlinear integral control for dc motor speed controlSaif al-din aliThis document discusses nonlinear integral control for DC motor speed control with unknown and variable external torque. It begins with an introduction to DC motors and common speed control techniques. It then provides the basic model of a DC motor and derives the transfer function. It discusses nonlinear control systems and elements like saturation, deadband, and friction. It describes methods for solving nonlinear transient responses, nonlinear system stability, and provides a Simulink model example comparing PI and P controller performance for speed and error. References for DC motor speed control and optimization of PI controllers are also provided.
Weak and strong oblique shock waves2Saif al-din aliThis document discusses Prandtl-Meyer expansion fans in compressible fluid flow. It begins with an example problem involving a flow with a Mach number of 3. It then derives the governing equations for Prandtl-Meyer expansion fans mathematically. Several examples are worked through demonstrating how to calculate flow properties after an expansion wave using the Prandtl-Meyer function. The document concludes by discussing the maximum turning angle achievable with an expansion fan and assigning homework problems.
Weak and strong oblique shock waves1Saif al-din ali1) The document discusses oblique shock waves in compressible fluid flow, providing equations for continuity, momentum, and energy that must be satisfied across an oblique shock.
2) It derives an equation to relate the shock angle θ to the freestream Mach number M1 and wedge angle β, allowing calculation of flow properties downstream.
3) The total downstream Mach number M2 is expressed in terms of Mn2 and Mt2 using geometric arguments.
Oblique shock and expansion wavesSaif al-din aliThis document presents explicit analytical solutions for pressure across oblique shock and expansion waves in supersonic flow. It begins by introducing the need for explicit pressure-deflection solutions in solving aerodynamic problems. It then presents:
1) Exact explicit solutions for pressure coefficient and ratio across weak and strong oblique shock waves as functions of deflection angle.
2) Third-order accurate explicit unitary solutions for pressure coefficient and ratio across oblique shocks and expansions as functions of deflection angle.
3) Numerical validation showing good agreement of the new explicit solutions with exact solutions for a range of Mach numbers and deflection angles.
Characteristics of shock reflection in the dual solution domainSaif al-din aliThis document summarizes a numerical study that investigated the effects of laser energy deposition on shock reflection transitions in supersonic flow. The study used computational fluid dynamics simulations to model laser energy being deposited in front of symmetrical wedges, creating a dual solution domain where different shock reflection patterns can occur. The results showed that laser energy deposition could induce transitions between regular and Mach shock reflections, and that the transition characteristics depended on the location and amount of energy deposited. Depositing more energy required more time for transition, and transition did not occur above a certain energy level or when depositing on the centerline.
Characteristics of shock reflection in the dual solution domainSaif al-din ali
تحديد اللزوجه لوقود زيتي باستخدام جهاز انكلر
1. Baghdad University
College of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Name of Experiment
Saif al-Din Ali Madi
The second phase
Group "A "