The ACADEMY by DHI - Courses & Events Calendar 2014 - UKStephen Flood
Courses & Events Calendar 2014
Building expertise in Flooding, Urban Water, Coast & Marine, Surface & Groundwater, and Environment & Ecosystems
MIKE by DHI Training
Thematic Courses
User Conferences
A Regional Coastal Modelling System for the North West from Wales to Scotland...Stephen Flood
2015 DHI UK & Ireland Symposium
A Regional Coastal Modelling System for the North West C from Wales to Scotland
Samantha Mullan (Intertek),
Tuesday 21 April 2015 at 12:20 - 12:40
Intertek has developed a regional coastal modelling system for United Utilities. This modelling system covers UU¨s entire area of interest and stretches from the north Wales coast to the southeast coast of Scotland, including complex and dynamic environments such as the Ribble Estuary, Morecambe Bay and the Solway Firth. ?To develop an efficient and practical system that provides the client with an assessment and management tool that meets their requirements, with sufficient resolution in all areas of interest over such a large and varied region, has been challenging. The presentation will provide an overview of the modelling system, including the techniques employed, and some of the difficulties experienced.
Thomas International provides people assessment tools to help businesses improve employee performance. Their assessments provide insight into employees' potential, motivations, strengths, and limitations. They work with over 32,000 companies worldwide, including 27,000 small- and medium-sized enterprises, to transform performance through assessments that are accurate, straightforward, quick, and provide rapid results.
The document discusses learning about various writing principles, including sentence fluency, punctuation, and response techniques. It mentions the 7 Principles of Writing, learning to read aloud to hear rhythm, making punctuation memorable, using response starters instead of just retelling, and using icons like ! and ? in responses. It also notes getting into peer response groups and keeping a response journal.
Voices from the Middle article "Miles for Motivation"Lesley Roessing
The teacher implemented a "Froggie Miles" competition in her classroom to motivate students to complete assignments for non-grade rewards rather than just for grades. She divided students into teams and had them earn miles for their team based on completing assignments and activities. This increased student effort, engagement, and performance compared to just working for grades. Students took more academic risks and supported each other's learning because they saw it as helping their team rather than just themselves. The competition created a sense of community and excitement that engaged and challenged students more than the teacher grading assignments alone.
Modelling extreme conditions for wave overtopping at Weymouth - Oliver Way (H...Stephen Flood
2015 DHI UK & Ireland Symposium
Modelling of Extreme Conditions for Wave Overtopping at Weymouth Bay
Oliver Way (Hyder Consulting), Tuesday 21 April 2015 at 16:00 - 16:20
A wave model study of Weymouth Bay was undertaken for Weymouth and Portland Borough Council to investigate flooding in the historical centre of Weymouth which is understood to be caused by tidal and fluvial waters overtopping flood defences, groundwater rising above ground level in response to high tides and heavy rain and wave overtopping along the open coast / Esplanade. The wave modelling results in this study are used to provide input conditions to the overtopping calculations which will in turn be used as inputs to the models of overland flow to provide flood extents. MIKE 21 SW was applied to simulate extreme wave conditions with combined extreme water levels. The model domain extends from Chesil Beach in the west to Lulworth Cove in the east. Extreme water level data were supplied by the Environment Agency for Weymouth from the Coastal flood boundary conditions for UK mainland and islands report (Environment Agency, 2012). Extreme wave values were also obtained from this Environment Agency report at offshore locations on the model boundary. Extreme wave conditions were considered for three directional sectors: south west, south and south east. A joint probability approach was applied for a range of return periods and climate change epochs. Wave data were extracted at nearshore locations along the beach front of Weymouth Bay. These data were used as input conditions for wave overtopping calculations (EurOtop) at site specific points along the beach to determine overtopping discharge rates along the beach front.
The document summarizes the daily activities and lessons from a writing class. It describes:
- A morning free write activity quoting Paul Laurence Dunbar.
- Presentations from students on various informative topics like newspapers, governments, butterflies and more.
- A lecture on opinion and argument writing focusing on using evidence to support claims.
- Book club meetings and a portfolio reflection activity where students reviewed their narrative, informative pieces and free writes.
The document discusses strategies for IT leaders who feel overwhelmed by hiring challenges. It identifies four primary barriers to effective hiring: lack of time for hiring in IT departments, financial constraints, talent shortages, and candidates' desires for flexibility. It then provides five strategies to help with hiring: building a stronger business case for hiring, streamlining hiring processes, focusing current staff on higher priority "big rocks" and using contractors for other tasks, using staff augmentation more strategically to address capacity issues, and partnering with staffing vendors who understand needs. The strategies are aimed at helping IT leaders feel less overwhelmed and better able to hire effectively.
The document provides an overview of the long term lease of CMC-Union hospital in Union County. It discusses the healthcare industry environment facing increasing pressures. The current 25-year lease between the county and CHS is set to expire in 2020, with an option to renew for 9 additional years. Over the lease term, CMC-Union has invested in new service lines and facilities. Its medical staff has grown from 75 to 475 physicians. The county receives annual lease payments based on a percentage of the hospital's operating cash flow and investment income.
An auto repair shop called Village Volvo Service provides quality repairs and maintenance for out-of-warranty Volvo vehicles. The shop has 4 work bays, an office, waiting area and storage in a new building. The waiting area has comfortable seating and amenities. Mechanics with over 20 years of experience work on vehicles and discuss any issues found with customers before beginning repairs. The shop offers routine services like oil changes on specific days and returns small replaced parts to customers' vehicles.
Waleed Alrodhan is a Vice-Dean of the Deanship of Information Technology at Imam Muhammed Ibn Saud University. He received his B.Sc. from King Saud University in 2002, M.Sc. from Royal Holloway, University of London in 2005, and Ph.D. from Royal Holloway in 2011. His research focuses on privacy, identity management, and secure web protocols. He has published numerous papers in these areas and serves as a reviewer for several journals and conferences.
1. Laporan tahunan pelayanan informasi pengadilan tahun 2010 memberikan gambaran umum tentang upaya pengadilan dalam meningkatkan pelayanan informasi kepada masyarakat melalui peningkatan sarana dan prasarana serta sumber daya manusia.
IPTV for Schools - 21st Century SolutionsAndrew Lemert
Many educational institutions need to upgrade the systems used to deliver video content to classrooms, either to replace aging technologies or to support a greater range of content and viewing devices. IPTV networks, particularly those based on newly available technologies, offer significant video quality improvements and provide a unified user interface for live, pre-recorded, on-demand, and Internet-sourced video. IPTV systems can be installed incrementally as an overlay to an existing network, or can be deployed as complete replacements of an existing system. Recent cost reductions, particularly in key software and server components, have now made IPTV technology affordable for virtually any school system.
Voices from the Middle article "Miles for Motivation"Lesley Roessing
The teacher implemented a "Froggie Miles" competition in her classroom to motivate students to complete assignments for non-grade rewards rather than just for grades. She divided students into teams and had them earn miles for their team based on completing assignments and activities. This increased student effort, engagement, and performance compared to just working for grades. Students took more academic risks and supported each other's learning because they saw it as helping their team rather than just themselves. The competition created a sense of community and excitement that engaged and challenged students more than the teacher grading assignments alone.
Modelling extreme conditions for wave overtopping at Weymouth - Oliver Way (H...Stephen Flood
2015 DHI UK & Ireland Symposium
Modelling of Extreme Conditions for Wave Overtopping at Weymouth Bay
Oliver Way (Hyder Consulting), Tuesday 21 April 2015 at 16:00 - 16:20
A wave model study of Weymouth Bay was undertaken for Weymouth and Portland Borough Council to investigate flooding in the historical centre of Weymouth which is understood to be caused by tidal and fluvial waters overtopping flood defences, groundwater rising above ground level in response to high tides and heavy rain and wave overtopping along the open coast / Esplanade. The wave modelling results in this study are used to provide input conditions to the overtopping calculations which will in turn be used as inputs to the models of overland flow to provide flood extents. MIKE 21 SW was applied to simulate extreme wave conditions with combined extreme water levels. The model domain extends from Chesil Beach in the west to Lulworth Cove in the east. Extreme water level data were supplied by the Environment Agency for Weymouth from the Coastal flood boundary conditions for UK mainland and islands report (Environment Agency, 2012). Extreme wave values were also obtained from this Environment Agency report at offshore locations on the model boundary. Extreme wave conditions were considered for three directional sectors: south west, south and south east. A joint probability approach was applied for a range of return periods and climate change epochs. Wave data were extracted at nearshore locations along the beach front of Weymouth Bay. These data were used as input conditions for wave overtopping calculations (EurOtop) at site specific points along the beach to determine overtopping discharge rates along the beach front.
The document summarizes the daily activities and lessons from a writing class. It describes:
- A morning free write activity quoting Paul Laurence Dunbar.
- Presentations from students on various informative topics like newspapers, governments, butterflies and more.
- A lecture on opinion and argument writing focusing on using evidence to support claims.
- Book club meetings and a portfolio reflection activity where students reviewed their narrative, informative pieces and free writes.
The document discusses strategies for IT leaders who feel overwhelmed by hiring challenges. It identifies four primary barriers to effective hiring: lack of time for hiring in IT departments, financial constraints, talent shortages, and candidates' desires for flexibility. It then provides five strategies to help with hiring: building a stronger business case for hiring, streamlining hiring processes, focusing current staff on higher priority "big rocks" and using contractors for other tasks, using staff augmentation more strategically to address capacity issues, and partnering with staffing vendors who understand needs. The strategies are aimed at helping IT leaders feel less overwhelmed and better able to hire effectively.
The document provides an overview of the long term lease of CMC-Union hospital in Union County. It discusses the healthcare industry environment facing increasing pressures. The current 25-year lease between the county and CHS is set to expire in 2020, with an option to renew for 9 additional years. Over the lease term, CMC-Union has invested in new service lines and facilities. Its medical staff has grown from 75 to 475 physicians. The county receives annual lease payments based on a percentage of the hospital's operating cash flow and investment income.
An auto repair shop called Village Volvo Service provides quality repairs and maintenance for out-of-warranty Volvo vehicles. The shop has 4 work bays, an office, waiting area and storage in a new building. The waiting area has comfortable seating and amenities. Mechanics with over 20 years of experience work on vehicles and discuss any issues found with customers before beginning repairs. The shop offers routine services like oil changes on specific days and returns small replaced parts to customers' vehicles.
Waleed Alrodhan is a Vice-Dean of the Deanship of Information Technology at Imam Muhammed Ibn Saud University. He received his B.Sc. from King Saud University in 2002, M.Sc. from Royal Holloway, University of London in 2005, and Ph.D. from Royal Holloway in 2011. His research focuses on privacy, identity management, and secure web protocols. He has published numerous papers in these areas and serves as a reviewer for several journals and conferences.
1. Laporan tahunan pelayanan informasi pengadilan tahun 2010 memberikan gambaran umum tentang upaya pengadilan dalam meningkatkan pelayanan informasi kepada masyarakat melalui peningkatan sarana dan prasarana serta sumber daya manusia.
IPTV for Schools - 21st Century SolutionsAndrew Lemert
Many educational institutions need to upgrade the systems used to deliver video content to classrooms, either to replace aging technologies or to support a greater range of content and viewing devices. IPTV networks, particularly those based on newly available technologies, offer significant video quality improvements and provide a unified user interface for live, pre-recorded, on-demand, and Internet-sourced video. IPTV systems can be installed incrementally as an overlay to an existing network, or can be deployed as complete replacements of an existing system. Recent cost reductions, particularly in key software and server components, have now made IPTV technology affordable for virtually any school system.