نظم التشغيل المفتوحة والتطبيقات الحرةissa alsumriسلطنة عمان وزارة التربية والتعليم محافة شمال الباطنة تقنية المعلومات الصف التاسع نظم التشغيل المفتوحة والتطبيقات مفتوحة المصدر
امن المعلومات الشخصيةAhmed Al-farra AbuOmarهل جهازك مراقب؟، أفراد اسرتك مراقبون؟ هل هناك من يتابعك عبر الكاميرا الخاصة بك؟ هل بياناتك الشخصية معرضة للسرقة؟
البرامج الخبيثه renowasfi99This document discusses different types of malicious software like malware, and recommends keeping systems up to date by using tools from Microsoft, Apple, and Google to help protect devices running Windows, Mac, and Gmail accounts. Regularly updating operating systems and software can help reduce security risks.
Performance management (1)Tixy Mariam RoyPerformance management is the continuous process of setting objectives, assessing progress and providing on-going coaching and feedback to ensure that employees are meeting their objectives and career goals.
1 6Les DavyThe document lists various words in Chinese and their English translations. It provides a matching exercise, pairing each Chinese word with its corresponding English translation. Several examples are given of words matched correctly, while others are purposefully mismatched to be corrected. The exercise provides practice matching Chinese words to their English meanings.
SOP OC COMMantiikThe document discusses creating a communication plan. It states that a communication plan should include setting objectives and goals for the project to know where you want to go. It also stresses the importance of understanding your target audience, noting that this differs from target market. In AIESEC, key target audiences include supporters like organizations and alumni, as well as members and potential members.
امن المعلومات الشخصيةAhmed Al-farra AbuOmarهل جهازك مراقب؟، أفراد اسرتك مراقبون؟ هل هناك من يتابعك عبر الكاميرا الخاصة بك؟ هل بياناتك الشخصية معرضة للسرقة؟
البرامج الخبيثه renowasfi99This document discusses different types of malicious software like malware, and recommends keeping systems up to date by using tools from Microsoft, Apple, and Google to help protect devices running Windows, Mac, and Gmail accounts. Regularly updating operating systems and software can help reduce security risks.
Performance management (1)Tixy Mariam RoyPerformance management is the continuous process of setting objectives, assessing progress and providing on-going coaching and feedback to ensure that employees are meeting their objectives and career goals.
1 6Les DavyThe document lists various words in Chinese and their English translations. It provides a matching exercise, pairing each Chinese word with its corresponding English translation. Several examples are given of words matched correctly, while others are purposefully mismatched to be corrected. The exercise provides practice matching Chinese words to their English meanings.
SOP OC COMMantiikThe document discusses creating a communication plan. It states that a communication plan should include setting objectives and goals for the project to know where you want to go. It also stresses the importance of understanding your target audience, noting that this differs from target market. In AIESEC, key target audiences include supporters like organizations and alumni, as well as members and potential members.
Acids & Bases Day 1ajmori1The document provides instructions for various classroom assignments and activities related to acids and bases:
- Students are asked to line up in a horseshoe pattern and complete the front and back of page 1 of their Acids & Bases lab sheets.
- They are also instructed to log into an online learning platform and complete the daily assignments, opening a PowerPoint for the day's lesson.
- The document explains that most liquids will be either acids or bases, using a pH scale from 0-14 to measure how acidic or basic they are, with distilled water being neutral at 7. Acids are between 0-6.9 and bases 7.1-14 on the scale.
Data Caching Evolution - the SafePeak deck from webcast 2014-04-24Vladi VexlerThis document discusses data caching and its evolution. It covers reasons for application caching like improving response times and offloading load from databases. It describes the evolution from do-it-yourself local and distributed caching using key-value stores, to automated dynamic caching solutions. Automated dynamic caching solutions cache query results, ensure data is never stale through real-time invalidation, and provide efficient cache management to keep hot data in memory. These solutions require minimal configuration and automatically recognize query patterns and cache dependencies.
Lecture ready class 5Les DavyThe document summarizes a lesson on corporate fraud from a Sophomore English class. It includes vocabulary definitions for key terms like fraud, Ponzi scheme, and corruption. It then discusses the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, a US law passed to prevent accounting fraud by improving corporate accountability and regulating financial reporting and audits. The text examines requirements of the act, debates around its impact, and potential need for further reforms. Exercises include a group vocabulary activity, reading comprehension questions, and an analysis of transitions in a sample lecture on ethics.
SafePeak - In-Memory Dynamic CachingVladi VexlerSafePeak dynamic caching solution accelerating production and scaling apps, 100% ACID and by automated learning and cache configuration.
Androides y Mazmorras. Part I (dungeons & robots)Jorge BarrosoThis document discusses refactoring code and managing technical debt. It provides tips on when to refactor such as when code duplication, large classes or methods are detected. It also discusses balancing refactoring with timing in the development process. Code metrics are presented on various code bases to identify areas for refactoring such as files that are frequently changed or have high complexity. The importance of communication when refactoring and getting outside opinions is emphasized. Refactoring is described as improving code design without changing external behavior.
КардиоблиссЕлена ШальноваКардиоблисс – аюрведическая формула для ухода за сердечно-сосудистой системой. Кардиоблисс питает ткани сердца, нормализуя обмен веществ в сердечной мышце, способствует улучшению кровоснабжения миокарда.
Natal fest 2011angical-piauiThe document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive functioning. Exercising for at least 30 minutes three times per week is recommended to see these mental health benefits.
E sahayaataShailesh ChauhanThis document provides instructions for submitting a query, complaint, or grievance through an online portal called "e-Sahaayataa". It outlines selecting identification details, region, activity type, and problem type from dropdown menus, entering contact details, and submitting the request. It also describes receiving a confirmation message, validation email, and status update email throughout the process.
Our parentsAida KareenaIf one day you notice signs of aging in your parents like a less clean home, forgetfulness, or moving more slowly, it means they are getting older and may need help. As they aged before you, it is now your turn to care for them as they cared for you. Your parents' declining abilities are a glimpse into your own future, so treasure the time you have with them now and consider their needs by helping with tasks like cleaning, bathing, and cutting up their food. Loving and caring for your parents in their old age is our duty, just as they loved and cared for us when we could not care for ourselves.
Question4JackMeadowsThe document describes how the author created a stop motion video using an iPhone camera and Microsoft PowerPoint. Photos were taken on the iPhone and uploaded to PowerPoint, where they were animated at 0.01 seconds to create a video effect. This was then uploaded to ݺߣShare. The stop motion involved photos of a bowl with items being removed one by one. New media technologies like the iPhone camera, PowerPoint, and ݺߣShare allowed the author to be creative by offering diverse ways to create a product with a simple narrative that could be easily built.
трифалаксЕлена ШальноваМИРОБАЛАНЫ - это восточные растения, которые могут изменить всю Вашу жизнь!
Вы не применяли их до сих пор потому, что ничего не знали о них.
НО! Если применять их регулярно, они способны совершить невозможное: обратить время вспять!!!
ОМОЛОДИТЬ ВАС и лишить болезней на долгие годы.
Воздействуя на клетки человеческого организма, МИРОБАЛАНЫ препятствуют процессам окисления клеток, а это значит, ВЫ МОЖЕТЕ отодвинуть необратимый период жизни именуемый "старостью", оставаться молодым, бодрым и красивым!
У Вас есть возможность попробовать и решить самим, стремиться к молодости или стареть.
НЕ ОТВЕРГАЙ, А АНАЛИЗИРУЙ - гласит тибетсткая мудрость...
Атомная энергетика в КазахстанеАО "Самрук-Казына"Презентация к докладу заместителя председателя Комитета по атомной энергетике Министерства индустрии и новых технологий РК Александра Кима на казахстанско-американском инвестиционном форуме в Нью-Йорке 7 ноября 2011 года.
2. الفيروساتهي برامج صغيره صممت لإفساد البيانات المهمه وهي تنتقل تلقائيا من جهاز حاسب لاخربدون التفاعل مع المستخدم محدثة الضرر بالجهاز
3. أضرار الفيروساتتهيئة القرص الصلبتعطيل بعض وحدات الحاسبحذف بعض الملفات الموجودة على القرص الصلب بصوره عشوائيةإرسال ملفات عشوائية من القرص الصلب بما فيها الفيروس نفسه الىأشخاص توجد عناوين بريدهم الاكتروني في دفتر العناوين
5. طرق الوقايه من الفيروسات1- عدم قبول أي ملفات أو برامج من أشخاص غير معروفين عند فتح البريد الإلكتروني2- تحميل احد برامج مكافحة الفيروسات وتحديثه بشكل دائم3-عدم التحميل على الجهاز ملفات إلا من مصدر مشروع4- التأكد من خلو الجهاز من الفيروسات قبل إعداد نسخ إحتياطيه5- التحديث الدائم لنظام التشغيل6- عند بدء تشغيل الجهاز يجب التأكد من خلو الأقراص المرنة في محرك الأقراص