introduction to computer in arabic class 2Dr. Mazin Mohamed alkathiriintroduction to computer in arabic class no.2 , hardware parts of computer,
university of hadramout.
النفتهيم الاساسية لتقنية المعلومات والحاسوب.pptxKHALIDahmed579182عرض تقديمي ببحاسوب ومكوناته المختلفة وعلاة ذلك بتقانة المعلومات الحديثة ، نتمني ان تنال رضاء الجميع
بعض الأوامر الأساسية للفة فيجوال بيسك ستديوLumah MadanyThis document discusses different types of conditional statements in Visual Basic, including InputBox and MsgBox functions to get and display information, IF-THEN and IF-THEN-ELSE statements to execute code based on conditions, and Select Case statements to choose between multiple conditions. It provides syntax examples for using these statements to control program flow based on evaluated expressions.
أدوات البرمجة بلغة فيجوال بيسك ستديوLumah MadanyThis document discusses different types of controls that can be used in a user interface, including text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, list boxes, and combo boxes. It lists various properties of each control type, such as name, text, font, location, size, checked/selected state, and variables used.
أدوات البرمجة بلغة فيجوال بيسك ستديوLumah MadanyThis document discusses different types of controls that can be used in a user interface, including text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, list boxes, and combo boxes. It lists various properties of each control type, such as name, text, font, location, size, checked/selected state, and variables used.
شبكات الحاسبLumah MadanyThis document discusses network types and server configurations. It describes a WAN and LAN, and lists servers for mail, mobile, and file storage. The document also outlines network components like clients, servers, and protocols and how they interconnect and communicate using IP addresses and MAC addresses.
البرمجة بلغة فيجوال بيسك ستديوLumah MadanyThis document discusses basic programming concepts like constants, variables, data types, operators, and conditional statements. It defines constants like Const1 and Pi, demonstrates declaring variables with types like name as a string and age as an integer, and shows arithmetic operators for expressions such as M=2*6/3, M=2*6+3^2, and M=2*(6+3)^2. Logical operators for conditions are presented with examples like 10 > = 4 and 12 > 20 being False and True respectively.
صياغة حل المسائلLumah MadanyThe document discusses mathematical concepts such as equations, variables, sequences, and algorithms. It defines equations for a line and a function relating variables X and Y. It also presents a pseudocode for an algorithm to calculate the sum of integers from 1 to 10 and determine if a number is positive or negative.
مقدمة في البرمجةLumah MadanyThe document discusses the basics of computer programming including binary, assembly language, and high-level languages. It covers topics such as binary numbers, assembly language instructions, and different types of high-level languages like BASIC, C, C++, and Java that allow programmers to write code in a more readable format than binary or assembly.
مقدمة في البرمجةLumah MadanyThe document discusses the basics of computer programming including binary, assembly language, and high-level languages. It covers topics such as binary numbers, assembly language instructions, and different high-level languages like BASIC, C, C++, and Java. Sections are devoted to details of binary, assembly, and characteristics of various high-level programming languages.
شبكات الحاسبLumah MadanyThis document discusses different types of computer networks including WANs, LANs, and their key characteristics. It outlines the components of a basic network including servers, clients, and how they connect and communicate with each other via protocols. The document also covers network addressing schemes and security concepts like MAC addresses.
الوحدة الثانيةLumah MadanyThis document discusses content management systems (CMS) and lists various CMS platforms and tools. It outlines features of CMS like templates and content editing. Popular open source CMS like WordPress and Drupal are mentioned. Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and blogs on Blogger, WordPress are listed along with their uses. Other Google tools including Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Sites are provided. Finally, it notes content creation tools such as PowerPoint.
13. البيانات والمعلوماتالمعلومة : المعاني التي يدركها الإنسانالبيانات : الشكل الخارجي الظاهري الذي تمثل به تلك المعاني و المفاهيم والحقائقمثال الأسد والدرجات من الكتاب”المعلومات هي القوة“ لما يترتب على الحصول عليها من قدرات هائلة ومفيدة
14. المعلومات المستخلصة من الحاسب تتميز بـالدقة الهائلةالسرعة الفائقة في استرجاع المعلومةإمكانية الحصول على المعلومة في الوقت المناسبإمكانية التخزين الهائلة للبيانات
15. أقسام البياناتبيانات رقمية : هي البيانات التي تأخذ قيماً محددة لا تخرج عنها (الحروف والأرقام)كم قيمة يمكن أ ن تأخذ الخانة الواحدة في رقم ما؟بيانات تمثيلية :هي البيانات التي تأخذ قيماً عديدة (شدة الصوت و درجة الحراة)كم قيمة يمكن أ ن تأخذ درجة الحرارة؟
16. لغة الآلةالحاسب يستخدم نبضات كهربائيةيستخدم الحاسب رمزان فقط هما (0 و 1) يطلق على الخانة الذي يمثل فيها الصفر و الواحد رقم ثنائي أو بت Bit1حالة وجود الاشارة أو +v0 حالة عدم وجود الاشارة أو –vشكل (1-11)