This presentation consist of next-gen mobile apps technologies and mobility outsourcing benefits with Paragyte. Get started with our mobile solutions now and plan for the future.
Growing investor interest in the Indian CRAMS / CDMO industry - Aurum and Dea...Aurum Equity Partners LLP
This document provides an overview of the contract research and manufacturing services (CRAMS) sector. It notes that the global CRAMS market is expected to grow significantly between 2000 and 2017, driven by outsourcing trends in the pharmaceutical industry. The market is divided between contract research organizations (CROs) and contract manufacturing organizations (CMOs). The document also outlines the favorable market dynamics and consolidation trends in the CRAMS industry.
Trabalho apresentado sobre a organiza??o que promove e facilita o contato com os clientes da Empresa BRADESCO, como requisito a conclus?o do modulo de Administra??o Geral. Instrutor Orientador: Fl¨¢vio Pereira de Deus
Benef¨ªcios e dificuldades da metodologia Lean aplicada ¨¤ jogos eletr?nicosBitCake Studio
Nossa palestra sobre como usar a metodologia Lean e aplic¨¢-la para desenvolvimento de jogos.
BitCake est¨¢ atualmente desenvolvendo o Project Tilt desde antes do Steam oferecer o programa de acesso antecipado. Durante esse tempo, n¨®s viemos coletando conhecimento sobre como construir uma comunidade e us¨¢-la para nos ajudar a desenvolver uma experi¨ºncia melhor de jogo.
Vers?o em ingl¨ºs:
This presentation consist of next-gen mobile apps technologies and mobility outsourcing benefits with Paragyte. Get started with our mobile solutions now and plan for the future.
Growing investor interest in the Indian CRAMS / CDMO industry - Aurum and Dea...Aurum Equity Partners LLP
This document provides an overview of the contract research and manufacturing services (CRAMS) sector. It notes that the global CRAMS market is expected to grow significantly between 2000 and 2017, driven by outsourcing trends in the pharmaceutical industry. The market is divided between contract research organizations (CROs) and contract manufacturing organizations (CMOs). The document also outlines the favorable market dynamics and consolidation trends in the CRAMS industry.
Trabalho apresentado sobre a organiza??o que promove e facilita o contato com os clientes da Empresa BRADESCO, como requisito a conclus?o do modulo de Administra??o Geral. Instrutor Orientador: Fl¨¢vio Pereira de Deus
Benef¨ªcios e dificuldades da metodologia Lean aplicada ¨¤ jogos eletr?nicosBitCake Studio
Nossa palestra sobre como usar a metodologia Lean e aplic¨¢-la para desenvolvimento de jogos.
BitCake est¨¢ atualmente desenvolvendo o Project Tilt desde antes do Steam oferecer o programa de acesso antecipado. Durante esse tempo, n¨®s viemos coletando conhecimento sobre como construir uma comunidade e us¨¢-la para nos ajudar a desenvolver uma experi¨ºncia melhor de jogo.
Vers?o em ingl¨ºs:
EU: Refrigerators and Freezers ¨C Market Report. Analysis and Forecast to 2020IndexBox Marketing
IndexBox Marketing has just published its report: ¡°EU: Refrigerators and Freezers - Market Report. Analysis And Forecast To 2020¡±. This report focuses on the EU refrigerator market, providing a comprehensive analysis and the most recent data on its market size and volume, EU trade, price dynamics, domestic production, and turnover in the industry. The market trends section reveals the main issues and uncertainties concerning the industry, while the medium-term outlook uncovers market prospects. The attractivity index (IB Index) summarizes the source of existing opportunities as they appear in this market, as well as an interpretation of the trade figures.
DataCare - Software de Qualidade de Dados da AssessoMarcelo Oliveira
A Assesso ¨¦ uma empresa brasileira de 26 anos que oferece solu??es de qualidade de dados, marketing direto e sistemas sob medida. Seus principais produtos s?o o DataCare, um software para tratamento e unifica??o de dados, e o DL Manager, para gerenciamento de campanhas de marketing. A Assesso tamb¨¦m oferece servi?os como processos de tratamento de dados, constru??o de cadastros ¨²nicos e projetos de CRM.
EU: Prepared Explosives ¨C Market Report. Analysis and Forecast to 2020IndexBox Marketing
IndexBox Marketing has just published its report: ¡°EU: Prepared Explosives - Market Report. Analysis And Forecast To 2020¡±. This report focuses on the EU prepared explosive market, providing a comprehensive analysis and the most recent data on its market size and volume, EU trade, price dynamics, domestic production, and turnover in the industry. The market trends section reveals the main issues and uncertainties concerning the industry, while the medium-term outlook uncovers market prospects. The attractivity index (IB Index) summarizes the source of existing opportunities as they appear in this market, as well as an interpretation of the trade figures.
Estamos sempre investindo em a??es inovadoras, por isso, mais uma novidade para nossos clientes, o Webinar Sisloc!
Neste m¨ºs de setembro lan?amos o primeiro curso nesse formato, com o tema Renegocia??o de T¨ªtulo.
Confira as dicas e conhe?a op??es que podem maximizar resultados a custos baixos. Envio de um teaser. Canais de Retorno. Ativos para quem n?o interagiu.
EU: Pig Iron and Spiegeleisen ¨C Market Report. Analysis and Forecast to 2020IndexBox Marketing
This document provides a sample market report on pig iron and spiegeleisen in the EU from 2007-2015. It includes key findings on market volume, value, production, imports and exports. Production of pig iron increased between 2007-2015 while imports and exports fluctuated. The report analyzes trends, provides market overviews with figures and tables, examines trade and prices, and forecasts growth to 2020. It aims to comprehensively analyze the EU pig iron industry.
The document summarizes stress mirror polishing (SMP) technology used to fabricate the complex, asymmetric hexagonal segments that make up the primary mirrors of large modern telescopes. SMP involves first applying controlled bending and shear forces to a circular glass blank to inverse-warp its surface into the desired non-spherical shape. The blank is then conventionally polished into a spherical shape. When the warping forces are removed, the blank elastically reverts to the desired asymmetric shape. The document reviews the theory and application of SMP, and simulations showing it can successfully polish hexagonal plates for telescopes like the Thirty Meter Telescope within acceptable deviations.
Statistical database, problems and mitigationBikrant Gautam
The document discusses techniques for securing statistical databases from inference attacks. It defines statistical databases and inference, and outlines the problem of inference where individual records can be inferred from aggregate statistics. It then formalizes statistical queries and defines what comprises a compromised database. Common techniques for preventing compromise are described, including query restriction, data perturbation, output perturbation, and conceptual approaches. Specific inference control systems are outlined, such as approximate data swapping, random sample queries, fixed perturbation, and query-based perturbation. Metrics for evaluating technique effectiveness are discussed. The document concludes that no generally applicable solution can fully provide both security and unbiased statistics, and relaxation of goals or tailoring to specific database types may be needed.
Mission Impact Assessment for Industrial Control SystemsMarina Krotofil
This document discusses an EU project called PANOPTESEC that aims to develop an automated cyber defense system for critical infrastructure. It focuses on preventing, detecting, managing, and reacting to cyber incidents in industrial control systems in real-time. The document discusses industrial control systems and cyber-physical systems. It also discusses problems such as continuous vulnerability disclosures, supply chain security issues, and focusing on protecting infrastructure instead of operational goals. The document proposes a mission-impact assessment approach to determine how cyber threats may impact operational goals and tasks. It provides examples of how this approach could be used to assess the impact of various attacks on processes and missions.
Requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus in the field of information protection. My presentation from the online seminar "Compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus in the field of information security" (short version)
The Russian information security market is valued between $500 million to $1.5 billion annually. The largest sectors include network security, antivirus software, and PKI. Main customers are government agencies, large companies, and banks. People working in information security in Russia include former military and security officers as well as new graduates. Key regulators include the Ministry of Defense, FSB, and Central Bank of Russia. Compliance is a major driver of the market. Software certification is important for vendors to access the market.
This document discusses certification of IT security solutions for compliance with Russian security standards. Certification is mandatory for personal data protection systems and systems containing state-owned information, or is generally recommended for major corporations and financial structures. Certification involves black box testing of functionality and testing source code for vulnerabilities and non-declared functions. Choosing a reliable certification laboratory is key, as it will handle the entire certification process, including finding a local representative, obtaining necessary licenses, and providing all required testing. Echelon certification laboratory is experienced in certifying foreign products for the Russian market and can guide companies through the certification process.
The document discusses exploiting a weakness in the SHA1 hashing algorithm to optimize password cracking. Specifically, it describes how the SHA1 word expansion step, which uses XOR operations, can be precomputed to speed up password guessing by holding some values fixed and applying other guessed values using XOR. This works because XORing a value with itself results in zero, allowing some operations to be ignored. An automated script is provided to help optimize the number of operations needed.