The document discusses the differences between the Old and New Covenants established by God. It argues that God framed two "worlds", referring to the families under the old and new covenants. It explores how God established the lineage from Abraham and the Israelites under the Old Covenant, and how Jesus established the New Covenant through his sacrifice and the "seed" being the Word of God rather than physical lineage. Faith allows believers to understand these two frameworks ordered by God.
The comings, revelations and manifestations of the lord by elder don ellisasdjfkl
This document discusses the various ways in which Jesus Christ comes to his followers as described in the Bible. It provides examples from passages like John 14:18 where Jesus says "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you" to argue that Christ comes spiritually to instruct, guide, comfort and rule over his followers. The document examines multiple passages to support the idea that Christ comes in spiritual manifestations to strengthen faith, reveal truth, judge sin, and form himself in believers. It aims to prove that the Bible teaches of Christ's continued spiritual presence with his people.
This document discusses the biblical role and responsibilities of deacons in the church. It argues that deacons were an important office in the early church mentioned in Acts and Timothy, and that churches should recognize deacons today to serve the church and minister to those in need. The author believes deacons should work to understand members' needs, assist the pastor, study the Bible, and help distribute funds to widows and others lacking provisions. While acknowledging modern welfare programs, the author thinks the church still has an obligation to care for its own in need.
The document discusses various Department of Defense supply and maintenance programs including: the 3M system for maintaining equipment efficiency; the DPAS system for tracking sensitive equipment; the MOV program for validating outstanding material obligations; and the DLRs program for controlling depot-level repairable Navy items. It also defines terms related to equipment maintenance and supply such as CASREP, MAMS, and bulkhead ready spares. Various forms, acronyms, and programs are defined including CHRIMP for hazardous material management and DRMS for disposal of excess material.
The document discusses the roles and responsibilities of various leadership positions in the Navy, including the Commander in Chief, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Navy, Chief of Naval Operations, Fleet Commander in Charge, Type Commander, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, Fleet Master Chief, Force Master Chief, and Command Master Chief. It also describes various Navy programs, documents, and terms such as the CCRI, EDVR, ODCR, AMD, evaluation reports, service records, SITREPs, the IG, Navy Correspondence Manual, PTS Program, DLPT, duties of the Command ESO, the Navy's drug screening program, and the six programs of Brilliant on the Basics.
The document defines terms and concepts related to electromagnetic spectrum, radio wave propagation, modulation techniques, radar fundamentals, and signals intelligence collection. It describes the frequency bands of the electromagnetic spectrum and their common uses. It also defines key terms like frequency, wavelength, modulation, demodulation, bandwidth, and propagation effects in the atmosphere. Modulation techniques like AM, FM, USB/LSB, and CW are explained. Radar fundamentals covered include terms like PRF, PW, scan rate, bearing, and the functions of air search, surface search, and fire control radars. The document distinguishes between operational intelligence (OPELINT) and technical intelligence (TECHELINT) collection.
The document discusses the differences between the Old and New Covenants established by God. It argues that God framed two "worlds", referring to the families under the old and new covenants. It explores how God established the lineage from Abraham and the Israelites under the Old Covenant, and how Jesus established the New Covenant through his sacrifice and the "seed" being the Word of God rather than physical lineage. Faith allows believers to understand these two frameworks ordered by God.
The comings, revelations and manifestations of the lord by elder don ellisasdjfkl
This document discusses the various ways in which Jesus Christ comes to his followers as described in the Bible. It provides examples from passages like John 14:18 where Jesus says "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you" to argue that Christ comes spiritually to instruct, guide, comfort and rule over his followers. The document examines multiple passages to support the idea that Christ comes in spiritual manifestations to strengthen faith, reveal truth, judge sin, and form himself in believers. It aims to prove that the Bible teaches of Christ's continued spiritual presence with his people.
This document discusses the biblical role and responsibilities of deacons in the church. It argues that deacons were an important office in the early church mentioned in Acts and Timothy, and that churches should recognize deacons today to serve the church and minister to those in need. The author believes deacons should work to understand members' needs, assist the pastor, study the Bible, and help distribute funds to widows and others lacking provisions. While acknowledging modern welfare programs, the author thinks the church still has an obligation to care for its own in need.
The document discusses various Department of Defense supply and maintenance programs including: the 3M system for maintaining equipment efficiency; the DPAS system for tracking sensitive equipment; the MOV program for validating outstanding material obligations; and the DLRs program for controlling depot-level repairable Navy items. It also defines terms related to equipment maintenance and supply such as CASREP, MAMS, and bulkhead ready spares. Various forms, acronyms, and programs are defined including CHRIMP for hazardous material management and DRMS for disposal of excess material.
The document discusses the roles and responsibilities of various leadership positions in the Navy, including the Commander in Chief, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Navy, Chief of Naval Operations, Fleet Commander in Charge, Type Commander, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, Fleet Master Chief, Force Master Chief, and Command Master Chief. It also describes various Navy programs, documents, and terms such as the CCRI, EDVR, ODCR, AMD, evaluation reports, service records, SITREPs, the IG, Navy Correspondence Manual, PTS Program, DLPT, duties of the Command ESO, the Navy's drug screening program, and the six programs of Brilliant on the Basics.
The document defines terms and concepts related to electromagnetic spectrum, radio wave propagation, modulation techniques, radar fundamentals, and signals intelligence collection. It describes the frequency bands of the electromagnetic spectrum and their common uses. It also defines key terms like frequency, wavelength, modulation, demodulation, bandwidth, and propagation effects in the atmosphere. Modulation techniques like AM, FM, USB/LSB, and CW are explained. Radar fundamentals covered include terms like PRF, PW, scan rate, bearing, and the functions of air search, surface search, and fire control radars. The document distinguishes between operational intelligence (OPELINT) and technical intelligence (TECHELINT) collection.
The document discusses various topics related to meteorology and oceanography (METOC) support for military operations. It defines key METOC terms like wind speed, temperature, precipitation and atmospheric pressure. It describes environmental satellite capabilities for observing clouds, oceans and temperatures. The effects of weather on military operations are also summarized, such as how visibility, wind and cloud cover can impact sensors, targeting and force protection. Naval Oceanography is discussed as providing information dominance through products on their website to advise Navy operations.
The document discusses various topics related to naval warfare areas, operations, teams, and systems. It describes the missions and purposes of anti-submarine warfare, surface warfare, information warfare, air warfare, strike warfare, and naval special warfare. It also discusses how the reserve component integrates with the active component, the purpose of direct support assets and mobile detachment teams, and the roles of various deployable meteorology and oceanography teams. Finally, it defines blue and red teams, explains the purpose of fleet electronic support, and discusses the purposes of the cryptologic carry-on program, navy integrated tactical environmental subsystem, and joint deployable intelligence support system.
The document discusses several topics related to US Naval doctrine, history, and operations:
1. It outlines six areas of Naval doctrine including naval warfare, intelligence, operations, logistics, planning, and command/control.
2. It discusses the seven principles of naval logistics and lists the first US Navy ship named after an enlisted sailor.
3. It describes the historical conditions that led to the formation of the US Navy in 1775 and the three classes of naval vessels that existed at that time.
4. It covers several military customs and courtesies as well as important events in naval history including battles and space missions involving sailors. It also discusses the significance of events related to information dominance.
The document defines and describes various networking devices, concepts, and terminology. It discusses host/client architecture, application servers, hubs, switches, routers, WAPs, proxy servers, firewalls, VPN concentrators, backups, and repeaters. It also covers network layers including access, distribution, and core layers. Network topologies such as star, bus, ring, and mesh are explained. Finally, it defines various military and government networks such as NIPRNet, SIPRNet, JWICS, DISN, NMCI, ONE-NET, and IT-21 and describes associated risks like viruses and worms.
Operational Risk Management (ORM) is a systematic decision-making process used to identify and manage hazards that could endanger naval resources. The ORM process involves identifying hazards, assessing risks, making risk decisions, implementing controls, and supervising to ensure controls remain effective. Mishaps must be reported within 30 days through a web-enabled system, and certain mishaps require notification within 8 hours. First aid aims to save life, prevent further injury, and prevent infection.
The document discusses various topics related to intelligence including:
- Defining intelligence and how it differs from information
- The key functions and purposes of joint intelligence
- The fundamentals and oversight of intelligence
- The main intelligence disciplines and levels
- Key intelligence organizations within the US government and their roles
- The intelligence process and preparation of the battlespace
The document discusses various military communication systems and procedures. It describes systems like ADNS, CUDIXS, and VERDIN that transfer data between Navy ships and networks. It also explains procedures for emergency messages through the Red Cross, handling potential deception on communications networks through "GINGERBREAD", and protecting sensitive information by identifying Essential Elements of Friendly Information (EEFI) that should not be disclosed.