
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
where inventors meet investors
Im an
I want to start
my business
Need x Lakhs
Im an Angel
Investor !!
Will give you x
Lakhs +
Need 30% of
your company
in return
Do I have no
other option?
Yes you have.
Share an
Your Startup
 Share an idea which you want to see on the market.
 Join with people around the globe to work on an idea.
 See or write ideas in different categories.
 Keep most liked ideas on home page to increase user
 Let people know by
a) holding competitions at IITs , IIMs and medium
scale colleges like VJTI, TSEC and get a few
hundred biz ideas. 4
b) Conducting city level competitions at radio stations
c) Make it compulsory to sign up to share or comment
or like an idea.
 Source of Income: ADs
 Time: 8-12 months.
 Return: large and highly demographic user base.
 The 2nd service of MyVenture is CrowdFunding
 wishberry.in -- only CrowdFunding platform in India
 What is Crowd Funding?
 Why Crowd Funding?
 Why would the crowd give money?
 USPs : Start a free campaign ; cheapest crowd funding
in India ( 3% - 8% -16% ) ; campaigners are verified ;
larger timeframe ; referral system ; follow button ;
Campaign Consulting.
 3-way win-win situation:
1. Startup doesn't have to approach angels. Just start
the business and rock the world !!
2. Crowds enjoy rewards or equities.
3. MyVenture earns through ADs, premium campaign
listing, customized designs, money roll over and %
commission. Also we get a quality user-base which
is very crucial.
Year 1 Year 2 (BEP) Year 3 Year 4
Only ADs CrowdFunding
and ADs
ng, ADs
g, ADs,
investors &
Revenue 35-40,000 9 L + 70,000 =
9.7 L
12 L +
70,000 +
2.5 L = 15.2
15 L + 1 L +
2.5 L + 1.7 L
= 20.2 L
Expenses 2.6 L 3.1 L 6.1 9.1 L
Net -2.2 L 6.6 L 9.1 L 11.1 L
Average yield per crowdfunding = 20,000
Average yield per investment = 20,000
Homepage Design & Listing revenue per year = 60,000
 Generally personal contacts needed for funding a
startup which is a major reason for less innovativeness
& entrepreneurship in India.
1. Angels dont invest in small amounts
2. Angels take away almost 1/4th stake
3. Angels make sure that all possibilities of personal
and family money are exhausted by the inventor.
4. Angels occupy a space on board of directors and
virtually run the company.
 Free marketing.
 A unique solution: 24 hr 365 days availability of
 Highly followed or liked idea often get funded and turn
into reality.
 The users can also upload their videos on the portal.
This removes the misconception that a person cannot
describe their idea online
 Going International
 Fund your small business
 We can give users a feature of adding skills and
recommendation that can help recruiters.
 This can be another source of income (from recruiters
and job seekers)

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my venture co in Crowdfunding in India

  • 1. where inventors meet investors MYVENTURE.CO.IN 1
  • 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT 2 Im an Entrepreneur I want to start my business Need x Lakhs Anyone? Im an Angel Investor !! Will give you x Lakhs + Guidance Need 30% of your company in return Do I have no other option? Yes you have. CROWDFUNDING
  • 3. A THREE SERVICE PORTAL MyVenture Share an Idea CrowdFund Your Startup 3
  • 4. SHARE AN IDEA Share an idea which you want to see on the market. Join with people around the globe to work on an idea. See or write ideas in different categories. Keep most liked ideas on home page to increase user interest. Let people know by a) holding competitions at IITs , IIMs and medium scale colleges like VJTI, TSEC and get a few hundred biz ideas. 4
  • 5. SHARE AN IDEA b) Conducting city level competitions at radio stations c) Make it compulsory to sign up to share or comment or like an idea. Source of Income: ADs Time: 8-12 months. Return: large and highly demographic user base. 5
  • 6. CROWDFUND YOUR STARTUP The 2nd service of MyVenture is CrowdFunding wishberry.in -- only CrowdFunding platform in India What is Crowd Funding? Why Crowd Funding? Why would the crowd give money? 6
  • 7. CROWDFUND YOUR STARTUP USPs : Start a free campaign ; cheapest crowd funding in India ( 3% - 8% -16% ) ; campaigners are verified ; larger timeframe ; referral system ; follow button ; Campaign Consulting. 3-way win-win situation: 1. Startup doesn't have to approach angels. Just start the business and rock the world !! 2. Crowds enjoy rewards or equities. 3. MyVenture earns through ADs, premium campaign listing, customized designs, money roll over and % commission. Also we get a quality user-base which is very crucial. 7
  • 8. REVENUE MODEL Year 1 Year 2 (BEP) Year 3 Year 4 Revenue Stream Only ADs CrowdFunding and ADs CrowdFundi ng, ADs and investors. CrowdFundin g, ADs, investors & recruiters Revenue 35-40,000 9 L + 70,000 = 9.7 L 12 L + 70,000 + 2.5 L = 15.2 L 15 L + 1 L + 2.5 L + 1.7 L = 20.2 L Expenses 2.6 L 3.1 L 6.1 9.1 L Net -2.2 L 6.6 L 9.1 L 11.1 L 8 Average yield per crowdfunding = 20,000 Average yield per investment = 20,000 Homepage Design & Listing revenue per year = 60,000 (Year2/Campaigns)
  • 9. SO HOW IS THIS DIFFERENT ? Generally personal contacts needed for funding a startup which is a major reason for less innovativeness & entrepreneurship in India. CROWDFUNDING: 1. Angels dont invest in small amounts 2. Angels take away almost 1/4th stake 3. Angels make sure that all possibilities of personal and family money are exhausted by the inventor. 4. Angels occupy a space on board of directors and virtually run the company. 9
  • 10. SO HOW IS THIS DIFFERENT ? Free marketing. A unique solution: 24 hr 365 days availability of opportunities. Highly followed or liked idea often get funded and turn into reality. The users can also upload their videos on the portal. This removes the misconception that a person cannot describe their idea online 10
  • 11. SCALIBILITY GOING INTERNATIONAL, FUND UR SMALL BUSINESS Going International Fund your small business We can give users a feature of adding skills and recommendation that can help recruiters. This can be another source of income (from recruiters and job seekers) 11