El Hotel San Martín ha sido vendido de forma transparente y respetando los procesos legales, informando a todas las partes involucradas. La venta y nueva administración responde al deseo de la última due?a y administradora Marta Escudero de velar por los trabajadores, aunque la reapertura y funcionamiento futuro dependerá de la nueva administración. El Hotel agradece el apoyo recibido.
El documento describe la misión y visión de la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Administrativas, y la carrera de Comunicación Social. La misión de la universidad es formar profesionales comprometidos con el desarrollo sostenible de Ecuador. La misión de la facultad es dar solución a problemas jurídicos, económicos y administrativos mediante la formación de profesionales con sólidos conocimientos. La misión de la carrera de Comunicación Social es formar profesionales
This document discusses various types of security assessments, including technical security testing, security process assessments, and security audits. It provides details on vulnerability assessments, network penetration testing, web application penetration testing, and source code analysis. It also discusses security process reviews and the differences between security assessments and security audits.
Este documento describe el proyecto Apps for Good, una iniciativa que ense?a a los jóvenes a crear aplicaciones para resolver problemas reales. El proyecto ofrece formación en programación, resolución de problemas, creatividad y trabajo en equipo. El análisis DAFO identifica fortalezas como la metodología consolidada, pero también debilidades como la falta de motivación de los estudiantes y la dependencia de la financiación. El objetivo del proyecto es transformar los métodos de ense?anza para que los estudiantes sean más proactivos y con
This document outlines a mind training program to help participants master emotion control techniques. The training teaches about the mechanisms of the mind and how to transform destructive emotions and motivations, like anger and greed, into constructive ones like compassion. It consists of 5 lecture sessions covering needs for training, mind mechanisms, emotion control methods, success formulas, and ultimate wisdom. The goal is to benefit both individuals and companies by increasing mental strength, health, trust and performance while decreasing stress, corruption and issues. The training can be conducted in person or online in various languages.
This document outlines the tasks and requirements for a short film project assignment. It involves developing an idea for a 1-minute short film, conducting research on narrative techniques, audiences, and production elements. Students must create a written report and PowerPoint presentation to pitch their film idea to a producer, explaining why the film should be made and how it will appeal to audiences. They will receive feedback and revise their materials before submitting their final report and presentation. The assignment assesses students' skills in developing film ideas, conducting research, and pitching projects.
You won''t see an image here, but you can download a study module I made for myself. If you'd like some help preparing for the CISSP, here's some study games I made to help me pass. Wishing you the best of luck.
Digital marketing for bars and restaurantsHaydn Kerr
This document provides guidance on digital marketing strategies for small businesses like bars. It discusses trends driving growth, then outlines the basics of a digital marketing approach: 1) Make your bar look good with a mobile-friendly website, 2) Make your bar easy to find through search engine optimization and local listings on Google, 3) Tell everyone you know through targeted Facebook ads and events, and 4) Invite them back with email marketing and social media content. Key tactics include optimizing websites, claiming local listings, using Facebook targeting ads, and engaging customers through email and social media.
The Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula began when Witiza's family asked the Muslims in North Africa for help against King Rodrigo. The governor of North Africa, Musa, and his general Tariq took their troops to the Peninsula and defeated King Rodrigo at the Battle of Guadalete. Within four years, the Muslim armies had occupied most of the Iberian Peninsula with little resistance from the Visigoths. They established Islamic rule over the territories they conquered, which they called Al-Andalus. Al-Andalus was initially ruled by an Emir under the Umayyad Caliphate of Damascus.
This document discusses various types of security assessments, including technical security testing, security process assessments, and security audits. It provides details on vulnerability assessments, network penetration testing, web application penetration testing, and source code analysis. It also discusses security process reviews and the differences between security assessments and security audits.
Este documento describe el proyecto Apps for Good, una iniciativa que ense?a a los jóvenes a crear aplicaciones para resolver problemas reales. El proyecto ofrece formación en programación, resolución de problemas, creatividad y trabajo en equipo. El análisis DAFO identifica fortalezas como la metodología consolidada, pero también debilidades como la falta de motivación de los estudiantes y la dependencia de la financiación. El objetivo del proyecto es transformar los métodos de ense?anza para que los estudiantes sean más proactivos y con
This document outlines a mind training program to help participants master emotion control techniques. The training teaches about the mechanisms of the mind and how to transform destructive emotions and motivations, like anger and greed, into constructive ones like compassion. It consists of 5 lecture sessions covering needs for training, mind mechanisms, emotion control methods, success formulas, and ultimate wisdom. The goal is to benefit both individuals and companies by increasing mental strength, health, trust and performance while decreasing stress, corruption and issues. The training can be conducted in person or online in various languages.
This document outlines the tasks and requirements for a short film project assignment. It involves developing an idea for a 1-minute short film, conducting research on narrative techniques, audiences, and production elements. Students must create a written report and PowerPoint presentation to pitch their film idea to a producer, explaining why the film should be made and how it will appeal to audiences. They will receive feedback and revise their materials before submitting their final report and presentation. The assignment assesses students' skills in developing film ideas, conducting research, and pitching projects.
You won''t see an image here, but you can download a study module I made for myself. If you'd like some help preparing for the CISSP, here's some study games I made to help me pass. Wishing you the best of luck.
Digital marketing for bars and restaurantsHaydn Kerr
This document provides guidance on digital marketing strategies for small businesses like bars. It discusses trends driving growth, then outlines the basics of a digital marketing approach: 1) Make your bar look good with a mobile-friendly website, 2) Make your bar easy to find through search engine optimization and local listings on Google, 3) Tell everyone you know through targeted Facebook ads and events, and 4) Invite them back with email marketing and social media content. Key tactics include optimizing websites, claiming local listings, using Facebook targeting ads, and engaging customers through email and social media.
The Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula began when Witiza's family asked the Muslims in North Africa for help against King Rodrigo. The governor of North Africa, Musa, and his general Tariq took their troops to the Peninsula and defeated King Rodrigo at the Battle of Guadalete. Within four years, the Muslim armies had occupied most of the Iberian Peninsula with little resistance from the Visigoths. They established Islamic rule over the territories they conquered, which they called Al-Andalus. Al-Andalus was initially ruled by an Emir under the Umayyad Caliphate of Damascus.