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San Joaquin Valley CollegePhysician Assistant Program 2011/2012
Community/Public service
Community/Public service12 SJVC PA students participated in a school organized Blood Drive with the American Red Cross.
Community/Public serviceIn collaboration with JCPenney and The Salvation Army, SJVC PA students adopted 2 homeless families this Christmas Holiday. Clothing, food, appliances and toys for the children were collected and donated to both families.SJVC PA Students organized a toy drive.  All the toys collected went towards the Visalia Harley-Davidson Toy drive benefiting those that cannot afford toys for the holidays.
Community/Public servicePA students participated in a school organized Coat drive to support members of the community that could not afford to provide coats for their families.SJVC organized a canned food drive to support the Visalia Emergency Aid Council.  Every year the Visalia Emergency Aid feeds over 10,000 families in the community.
Community/Public serviceSJVC PA students volunteering for the Salvation Army in order to raise funds and help the poor and homeless this holiday season.
Community/Public serviceSJVC students celebrated PA week by honoring local PAs all across San Joaquin and Tulare County by delivering coffee and pastries. Providers were also invited to PA celebration at a SJVC PA  sponsored local venue.
Public Education
Public Education     In order to combat the obesity problems in our community, SJVC PA Students visited local elementary schools and spoke about the importance of eating healthy and exercising.  They gave each student a pedometer and encouraged them to get a minimum of 3,000 steps a day.Our Goal as future health care providers is intervening at a younger age to help decrease the rise of childhood obesity and diabetes within our community.
Public EducationWorld Diabetes Day, SJVC PA students organized and lead World Diabetes Day, out in a local awareness and prevention project throughout our community in order to better educate people on diabetes as well as healthy eating, exercise and prevention. Over 500 Brochures and education material were distributed in one day.The brochures were in both English and Spanish .
Public EducationSJVC PA Students went to local Elementary Schools and taught students about the importance of hand washing.  They explained how germs can get them sick, taught them the proper hand washing techniques.  They left posters, Purell, and hand washing activities for the children and their families.
diversityThe student body consists of 30 students, most from the Central San Joaquin Valley. Diversity is displayed by a total of 21 different foreign languages and over 19 ethnic backgrounds among our SJVC studentsEthnic backgrounds include: Nigerian, Italian, Swedish, Vietnames, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Salvadorian,  Ukrainian, Romanian,  Iranian, Pakistani, Mexican, Native American, Peruvian, African American, Caucasian, Indian, and Hmong.
diversitydiversitySJVC PA program also boasts 20 % Veterans and have several students who plan on serving in the military after graduation.
diversitySJVC PA program hosted a cultural diversity day on campus. In collaboration with local tribes we organized a Native American booth to educate our community over the different tribes, territories and language differences that are found in our region.
Professional Advocacy
Professional AdvocacySJVC Student Representative Steven Hauswirth PA-S with State representative Stewart Anderson. On behalf of Assemblywoman Connie Conway a proclamation in recognition of PA week 2010State Representative Stewart Anderson thanking SJVC Physician Assistant students for their work and commitment to the people of the Central Valley of California
Professional AdvocacySJVC  PA Student representative, Steven Hauswirth, speaking at the County Board of Supervisors to declare October 6-12, 2010 as "Physician Assistants Week throughout Tulare County
Professional AdvocacyThe founding officers of the SJVC Student Veterans Caucus have kicked off their first official function by participating in the AAPA Project Access project. Speaking to local ROTC cadets at Lemoore HS about the PA profession, what it takes to get there, and how their military experience helped them get to where they are now.
Professional AdvocacySJVC PA Luis Archilla awarded the LAMP award forSJVC PA Jed Grant awarded the LAMP award forThis guy, awarded the lamp award for..
Fund raising
Fund RaiserSJVC Students participated and raised money for  Down Syndrome in the annual Step up for Downs Syndrome walk at Hoover High School.  SJVC students were part of Team Emma Ann.  The annual walk had over 1450 walkers and raised over $54,000.
Fund raiserOn Jan 2010, SJVC PA Students participated and volunteered at:The 6th Annual Race Against Hunger on Thanksgiving.  There were over 3300 Participants and the event raised over $65,000 and fed over 2500 families. SJVC PA students alone raised over $1250 for the event.
Fund raiserSJVC PA Students organized a Breast Cancer Bake Sale to benefit: The Susan G Komen foundation.  We  raised over $140 by selling a variety of pink pastries and pink punch.   All the money raised went towards finding a cure for Breast Cancer.
Fund raisingSJVC PA students participated in:The 11th annual Wiggle Waggle Walk in September.The walk raised around $15,000 for the Valley Animal Center, Fresnos premier no-kill animal shelter
Fund raiserDuring 2010 CAPA Conferences in Palm Springs, SJVC Students participated and donated to:The Suzanne Jackson Breast Cancer Fund of the Desert Cancer foundation. This Foundation provides free mammograms to residents of the Coachella Valley who are uninsured or unable to afford preventative testing.
Fund RaisingIn collaboration with 93.7 KISS Country FM, Lexus of Fresno and TACHI Hotel & Casino, SJVC students volunteered at:The 12th annual Children's Hospital Radio-athon. Our work alone raised over $12,440 for the Children and Families of Central California and beyond
Fund raisingOn September 11, 2010 SJVC PA students took part in:The American Cancer Societies Relay For Life of Visalia In 24 hr, our involvement alone raised over $1,716.00  for the American Cancer Society
Fund Raising    SJVC PA students raised money for their program by doing multiple fundraisers. Throughout the year      They participated in a fundraiser at Mimis Caf辿, designed their own bumper sticker and t-shirt which they sold at CAPA and at other PA events, they made tamales, bake sales and sold them during the holidays.  All money raised went towards school events, donations to various charities, as well as the purchasing of Pastries and Coffee for local working Physician Assistant in our community in celebration and in recognition of PA week.  Class bumper stickerClass T-shirts
Class Unity
Class UnityThrough class unity and team building, SJVC students continue to show commitment and dedication in learning clinical skills and techniques to better serve our communities.
Class UnitySJVC students attended the annual CAPA conference during PA week.  While in attendance they supported students in PA idol, Class Cheer and student Challenge Bowl.  SJVC Senior Class Vice President won the 2010 American PA Idol, SJVC Junior Class won the 2010 CAPA Cheerleading Competition
Class UnitySJVC students coordinated good luck potlucks, BBQs, and Birthday Celebrations with both the junior and senior classes.  Also the senior class set up a mentorship with the junior class.  This allowed the seniors to give advice and encouragement to the Junior class.
Work  w/Constituent Org.
Work  w/Constituent Org.        IMPACT 2010AAPAs 38th Annual PA Conference.SJVC PA Student Steven Hauswirth along side Benjamin Olmeda PA student from Yale Physician AssociateProgram. Both winner and recipient of the LtCol David Gwinn/Veterans Caucus Scholarship
Work  w/Constituent Org.The Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD), in partnership and collaboration with the California Area Health Education Center (AHEC) and the California Primary Care Association (CPCA) Awarded:California's first scholarships in Student/Resident Experiences and Rotations in Community Health Program (Cal-SEARCH) were given to 5 SJVC PA Students.
Work  w/Constituent Org.SJVC  PA Student representative Steven Hauswirth at the AAPA annual conference in Atlanta. He was awarded SJVC first recipient of an AAPA Veteran's Caucus Scholarship for academic achievement, service and professionalism. During his time there he attended and was involved in representing SJVC and PAs throughout in the Student Assembly of Representatives under the direction of former SJVC PA student Luis Archilla
Student LeadershipSJVC PA student Stephanie Rolfo, ran and was barely defeated for the Student Representative position with CAPA. The same position held by former SJVC student Adam Marks the previous year
Student LeadershipSJVC Senior  PA Student Steven Hauswirth meet with AAPA Veterans Caucus during the Natl conference in Atlanta, in order to form an SJVC branch of the veterans Caucus.It was approved unanimously by the Vet Caucus Board of Directors. Steven Hauswirth PA-S also attended their board meeting and had a part inbrainstorming for the Memorial Day celebration at Nellis Air Force Base. During that time he organize an Enlisted Call for Medics at the hospital for the AAPA Vet Caucus members 油to go and speak about the benefits of becoming a PA after the service.Founding President of SJVC Student Veterans Caucus
Student LeadershipSJVC Krista Aldritt PA-S; PresidentSJVC Jennifer Black PA-S; Vice PresidentSJVC Alicia Gordon PA-S; TreasurerSJVC Jason George PA-S; Constituent Chapter Student Representative (CCSR); External Affairs Chair (EAC)SJVC Steve Hauswirth PA-S; Assembly of Representatives (AOR) RepresentativeSJVC Daniel Villegas PA-S; AOR AlternateSJVC Stephanie Rolfo PA-S; House of Delegate (HOD) Student RepresentativeSJVC Jessica Rumsey PA-S; Student Society HistorianSJVC Tina Fantozzi PA-S; Student Diversity Committee Representative (SDCR)
CommunicationSJVC PA students speaking at a local high school about the PA profession. Our goal was to recruit within our community future PAs. Brochures on what PAs do and how they benefit communities was handed out to over 50 high school students.
CommunicationWoodlake High School Career Day 2010SJVC students Shagufta Khan and Stephanie Rolfo, speaking to over 200 high school kids about the PA profession, what it takes to get there and ways to volunteer and get involved in our communities.
CommunicationSJVC Senior PA Student Len Linbach speaking at a local at risk continuation high school about the importance of getting an education. Many of the student have never heard of the PA profession. PA Pamphlets and other educational brochures were handed out to over 100 students
CommunicationSJVC PA students visited a local High School during a Health Career Pathway Program. Our Goal was not only to promote and encourage local students to peruse a career in Physician Assistant Studies but to also offer direction on how they too can become more involved within their communities.
CommunicationSJVC PA students participating at this years CAPA conference.SJVC PA students took part in the (SOS) Share our Selves projects in order to communicate with other PA programs and to shed light and ideas about our activities, commitments  and our dedication as future Health Care Providers.
San Joaquin Valley CollegePhysician Assistant Program 2011/2012

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Ssa jr project

  • 1. San Joaquin Valley CollegePhysician Assistant Program 2011/2012
  • 3. Community/Public service12 SJVC PA students participated in a school organized Blood Drive with the American Red Cross.
  • 4. Community/Public serviceIn collaboration with JCPenney and The Salvation Army, SJVC PA students adopted 2 homeless families this Christmas Holiday. Clothing, food, appliances and toys for the children were collected and donated to both families.SJVC PA Students organized a toy drive. All the toys collected went towards the Visalia Harley-Davidson Toy drive benefiting those that cannot afford toys for the holidays.
  • 5. Community/Public servicePA students participated in a school organized Coat drive to support members of the community that could not afford to provide coats for their families.SJVC organized a canned food drive to support the Visalia Emergency Aid Council. Every year the Visalia Emergency Aid feeds over 10,000 families in the community.
  • 6. Community/Public serviceSJVC PA students volunteering for the Salvation Army in order to raise funds and help the poor and homeless this holiday season.
  • 7. Community/Public serviceSJVC students celebrated PA week by honoring local PAs all across San Joaquin and Tulare County by delivering coffee and pastries. Providers were also invited to PA celebration at a SJVC PA sponsored local venue.
  • 9. Public Education In order to combat the obesity problems in our community, SJVC PA Students visited local elementary schools and spoke about the importance of eating healthy and exercising. They gave each student a pedometer and encouraged them to get a minimum of 3,000 steps a day.Our Goal as future health care providers is intervening at a younger age to help decrease the rise of childhood obesity and diabetes within our community.
  • 10. Public EducationWorld Diabetes Day, SJVC PA students organized and lead World Diabetes Day, out in a local awareness and prevention project throughout our community in order to better educate people on diabetes as well as healthy eating, exercise and prevention. Over 500 Brochures and education material were distributed in one day.The brochures were in both English and Spanish .
  • 11. Public EducationSJVC PA Students went to local Elementary Schools and taught students about the importance of hand washing. They explained how germs can get them sick, taught them the proper hand washing techniques. They left posters, Purell, and hand washing activities for the children and their families.
  • 13. diversityThe student body consists of 30 students, most from the Central San Joaquin Valley. Diversity is displayed by a total of 21 different foreign languages and over 19 ethnic backgrounds among our SJVC studentsEthnic backgrounds include: Nigerian, Italian, Swedish, Vietnames, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Salvadorian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Iranian, Pakistani, Mexican, Native American, Peruvian, African American, Caucasian, Indian, and Hmong.
  • 14. diversitydiversitySJVC PA program also boasts 20 % Veterans and have several students who plan on serving in the military after graduation.
  • 15. diversitySJVC PA program hosted a cultural diversity day on campus. In collaboration with local tribes we organized a Native American booth to educate our community over the different tribes, territories and language differences that are found in our region.
  • 17. Professional AdvocacySJVC Student Representative Steven Hauswirth PA-S with State representative Stewart Anderson. On behalf of Assemblywoman Connie Conway a proclamation in recognition of PA week 2010State Representative Stewart Anderson thanking SJVC Physician Assistant students for their work and commitment to the people of the Central Valley of California
  • 18. Professional AdvocacySJVC PA Student representative, Steven Hauswirth, speaking at the County Board of Supervisors to declare October 6-12, 2010 as "Physician Assistants Week throughout Tulare County
  • 19. Professional AdvocacyThe founding officers of the SJVC Student Veterans Caucus have kicked off their first official function by participating in the AAPA Project Access project. Speaking to local ROTC cadets at Lemoore HS about the PA profession, what it takes to get there, and how their military experience helped them get to where they are now.
  • 20. Professional AdvocacySJVC PA Luis Archilla awarded the LAMP award forSJVC PA Jed Grant awarded the LAMP award forThis guy, awarded the lamp award for..
  • 22. Fund RaiserSJVC Students participated and raised money for Down Syndrome in the annual Step up for Downs Syndrome walk at Hoover High School. SJVC students were part of Team Emma Ann. The annual walk had over 1450 walkers and raised over $54,000.
  • 23. Fund raiserOn Jan 2010, SJVC PA Students participated and volunteered at:The 6th Annual Race Against Hunger on Thanksgiving. There were over 3300 Participants and the event raised over $65,000 and fed over 2500 families. SJVC PA students alone raised over $1250 for the event.
  • 24. Fund raiserSJVC PA Students organized a Breast Cancer Bake Sale to benefit: The Susan G Komen foundation. We raised over $140 by selling a variety of pink pastries and pink punch. All the money raised went towards finding a cure for Breast Cancer.
  • 25. Fund raisingSJVC PA students participated in:The 11th annual Wiggle Waggle Walk in September.The walk raised around $15,000 for the Valley Animal Center, Fresnos premier no-kill animal shelter
  • 26. Fund raiserDuring 2010 CAPA Conferences in Palm Springs, SJVC Students participated and donated to:The Suzanne Jackson Breast Cancer Fund of the Desert Cancer foundation. This Foundation provides free mammograms to residents of the Coachella Valley who are uninsured or unable to afford preventative testing.
  • 27. Fund RaisingIn collaboration with 93.7 KISS Country FM, Lexus of Fresno and TACHI Hotel & Casino, SJVC students volunteered at:The 12th annual Children's Hospital Radio-athon. Our work alone raised over $12,440 for the Children and Families of Central California and beyond
  • 28. Fund raisingOn September 11, 2010 SJVC PA students took part in:The American Cancer Societies Relay For Life of Visalia In 24 hr, our involvement alone raised over $1,716.00 for the American Cancer Society
  • 29. Fund Raising SJVC PA students raised money for their program by doing multiple fundraisers. Throughout the year They participated in a fundraiser at Mimis Caf辿, designed their own bumper sticker and t-shirt which they sold at CAPA and at other PA events, they made tamales, bake sales and sold them during the holidays. All money raised went towards school events, donations to various charities, as well as the purchasing of Pastries and Coffee for local working Physician Assistant in our community in celebration and in recognition of PA week. Class bumper stickerClass T-shirts
  • 31. Class UnityThrough class unity and team building, SJVC students continue to show commitment and dedication in learning clinical skills and techniques to better serve our communities.
  • 32. Class UnitySJVC students attended the annual CAPA conference during PA week. While in attendance they supported students in PA idol, Class Cheer and student Challenge Bowl. SJVC Senior Class Vice President won the 2010 American PA Idol, SJVC Junior Class won the 2010 CAPA Cheerleading Competition
  • 33. Class UnitySJVC students coordinated good luck potlucks, BBQs, and Birthday Celebrations with both the junior and senior classes. Also the senior class set up a mentorship with the junior class. This allowed the seniors to give advice and encouragement to the Junior class.
  • 35. Work w/Constituent Org. IMPACT 2010AAPAs 38th Annual PA Conference.SJVC PA Student Steven Hauswirth along side Benjamin Olmeda PA student from Yale Physician AssociateProgram. Both winner and recipient of the LtCol David Gwinn/Veterans Caucus Scholarship
  • 36. Work w/Constituent Org.The Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD), in partnership and collaboration with the California Area Health Education Center (AHEC) and the California Primary Care Association (CPCA) Awarded:California's first scholarships in Student/Resident Experiences and Rotations in Community Health Program (Cal-SEARCH) were given to 5 SJVC PA Students.
  • 37. Work w/Constituent Org.SJVC PA Student representative Steven Hauswirth at the AAPA annual conference in Atlanta. He was awarded SJVC first recipient of an AAPA Veteran's Caucus Scholarship for academic achievement, service and professionalism. During his time there he attended and was involved in representing SJVC and PAs throughout in the Student Assembly of Representatives under the direction of former SJVC PA student Luis Archilla
  • 38. Student LeadershipSJVC PA student Stephanie Rolfo, ran and was barely defeated for the Student Representative position with CAPA. The same position held by former SJVC student Adam Marks the previous year
  • 39. Student LeadershipSJVC Senior PA Student Steven Hauswirth meet with AAPA Veterans Caucus during the Natl conference in Atlanta, in order to form an SJVC branch of the veterans Caucus.It was approved unanimously by the Vet Caucus Board of Directors. Steven Hauswirth PA-S also attended their board meeting and had a part inbrainstorming for the Memorial Day celebration at Nellis Air Force Base. During that time he organize an Enlisted Call for Medics at the hospital for the AAPA Vet Caucus members 油to go and speak about the benefits of becoming a PA after the service.Founding President of SJVC Student Veterans Caucus
  • 40. Student LeadershipSJVC Krista Aldritt PA-S; PresidentSJVC Jennifer Black PA-S; Vice PresidentSJVC Alicia Gordon PA-S; TreasurerSJVC Jason George PA-S; Constituent Chapter Student Representative (CCSR); External Affairs Chair (EAC)SJVC Steve Hauswirth PA-S; Assembly of Representatives (AOR) RepresentativeSJVC Daniel Villegas PA-S; AOR AlternateSJVC Stephanie Rolfo PA-S; House of Delegate (HOD) Student RepresentativeSJVC Jessica Rumsey PA-S; Student Society HistorianSJVC Tina Fantozzi PA-S; Student Diversity Committee Representative (SDCR)
  • 41. CommunicationSJVC PA students speaking at a local high school about the PA profession. Our goal was to recruit within our community future PAs. Brochures on what PAs do and how they benefit communities was handed out to over 50 high school students.
  • 42. CommunicationWoodlake High School Career Day 2010SJVC students Shagufta Khan and Stephanie Rolfo, speaking to over 200 high school kids about the PA profession, what it takes to get there and ways to volunteer and get involved in our communities.
  • 43. CommunicationSJVC Senior PA Student Len Linbach speaking at a local at risk continuation high school about the importance of getting an education. Many of the student have never heard of the PA profession. PA Pamphlets and other educational brochures were handed out to over 100 students
  • 44. CommunicationSJVC PA students visited a local High School during a Health Career Pathway Program. Our Goal was not only to promote and encourage local students to peruse a career in Physician Assistant Studies but to also offer direction on how they too can become more involved within their communities.
  • 45. CommunicationSJVC PA students participating at this years CAPA conference.SJVC PA students took part in the (SOS) Share our Selves projects in order to communicate with other PA programs and to shed light and ideas about our activities, commitments and our dedication as future Health Care Providers.
  • 46. San Joaquin Valley CollegePhysician Assistant Program 2011/2012