Suraj Asnani is seeking a position that utilizes his creative, technical and management skills. He has over 10 years of work experience in sales and business development roles. Currently, he is a Regional Sales Manager for Total Oil in Kolkata, where he is responsible for business growth, account management, and developing the distributor network in multiple states. Previously, he held sales roles at Larsen & Toubro and Pratish Packaging, and brings experience in industries including manufacturing, oil, and packaging solutions. He holds an MBA in Marketing and a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering.
1. The document provides a summary of the author's 10+ year professional career journey, including various jobs in different industries and locations in India and the United States.
2. The author began their career after graduating with an engineering degree in 2004 and held several jobs with growing responsibilities before joining Phillips Carbon Black Limited in Kolkata in 2010 where they worked for 5 years.
3. In 2015, the author went to study and work in the United States but had to return to India in 2016 due to family reasons. They then joined a hosiery company in Kolkata as an Executive Assistant, reflecting on their bumpy but rewarding career journey thus far.
This document discusses the risks of nitrates in processed foods and drinking water. It notes that while nitrates extend shelf life and lower costs for consumers, they have been linked to health issues like birth defects when government allowances exceed safe levels. The document also indicates that consuming nitrates through processed meats has been associated with increased risks of cancers like pancreatic cancer, and feeding children hot dogs regularly could increase their risk of leukemia by 9 times. It calls for notifying the public more, conducting more research on nitrate risks, finding alternatives to nitrates, and petitioning the government to change nitrate allowances.
To make your wife happy, ask her what she likes and let her do what she wants so she feels understood. Listen to her point of view to understand her more, appreciate her a lot by giving her flowers, presents and appreciating whatever she cooks for you.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In a single sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create and publish online presentations.
The document describes three types of studies: descriptive studies which characterize variables without changing the environment, exploratory studies which are conducted when little is known about a problem, and correlational studies which investigate statistical relationships between variables without determining cause and effect. Descriptive studies use observation, case studies, and surveys. Correlational studies can study many variables at once but cannot determine causation.
Objects can change states in response to events or over time. A UML state diagram captures these state changes by showing the possible states of an object, the transitions between states, and the starting and ending points of state change sequences. It also models the entry and exit activities that occur when a system enters or leaves a state, as well as activities that occur within a state. Guard conditions can be used to specify when a transition takes place.
The document discusses use cases and how they help analysts understand how a system should behave from the user's point of view by gathering requirements. Visualizing use cases in diagrams allows users to provide additional information and helps combine use case diagrams with other types of diagrams.
The document discusses several key trends in the U.S. healthcare system: 1) Healthcare spending in the U.S. is the highest in the world at 16.4% of GDP but results in low quality of care rankings; 2) In response, the system is focusing on controlling costs and improving quality which has led to consolidation of hospitals and physician practices; 3) This has shifted medical equipment purchasing decisions from doctors to healthcare executives focused on total cost of ownership. Equipment financiers must address both clinical and financial concerns to help vendors navigate this changing landscape.
El documento describe diferentes estrategias para realizar una b炭squeda efectiva de informaci坦n sobre un tema de inter辿s en Google, incluyendo realizar b炭squedas por frases exactas, con restricciones de palabras, por rangos, en diferentes formatos y en sitios espec鱈ficos. Recomienda explorar otros tipos de b炭squedas como en Google Acad辿mico y libros sobre el tema. Concluye que la b炭squeda de informaci坦n es importante y que existen herramientas para seleccionar la informaci坦n relevante.
The document discusses site investigation methods for determining soil properties below a construction site. It defines site investigation, explains its purposes such as evaluating load capacity and settlement, and describes exploration program steps from initial information gathering to detailed borings. Common boring types like auger and core borings are outlined. In-situ tests for soil strength measurement are also summarized, including standard penetration, vane shear, plate load, cone penetration, and pressure-meter tests.
The document analyzes the use of visual and audio techniques in the Skyfall movie trailer. It discusses how logos are seamlessly integrated with tense music and action. Minimal text is used to focus on imagery. Font and colors associate the film with espionage. Establishing shots hint at the film's global locations. Lighting, settings, and props establish mood and genre conventions. Dialogue, music, and editing pace the trailer to build tension.
Rennette Roney is seeking a new job with opportunities for growth and a positive work environment. She has over 10 years of customer service experience at Capital One in both collections and customer service roles, receiving top performance awards. Her most recent roles were in collections but the departments were phased out. She is looking to leverage her experience in a new role.
This document provides information about a student's daily routine and activities throughout the day. It includes reciting poems about the days of the week, phonetic exercises, discussing times of day, morning and afternoon duties like getting ready for school, helping around the house, and evening activities. The document ends with discussing what was learned in the lesson and assigning homework.
On Wednesday April 29th we went to the college in Marshalltown to present in front of three judges. My project was with Melanie and we did what we called "Splatter Box". We took old shoe boxes provided by Mrs. Hammers and wrapped rubber bands around them, not before sliding blank pieces of paper into them. When we went to the preschool two weeks ago to do the project, the girls loved it and wanted to keep doing it but the boys did enough. Two days ago was the college visit and we presented them, to our surprise we got 9th overall out of 25 (I believe). Attached is our presentation.
Java is an object-oriented language that requires creating a class to run a program. To execute Java code, developers must install the Java Development Kit (JDK) and an integrated development environment like Eclipse. With those tools configured, users can generate a new Java project in Eclipse by clicking File, New, Java Project, typing a name, and clicking Finish to set up the initial project structure for developing Java applications.
This document describes the services offered by, a Polish software development company. They create web and mobile applications, as well as graphics and animations. They offer full-stack development services using technologies like PHP, Java, and Objective-C. They work with clients to specify requirements, code the applications, test them, and provide ongoing support. They have experience building e-commerce sites, online marketplaces, and platforms for industries like real estate, education, and healthcare.
Something that often gets a bad rap in the media is a diet rich in fat. Although this is somewhat true, the underlying factor is actually the type of fats you are consuming and your daily energy requirements. Fats play an integral role in any diet however they are especially important for endurance athletes.
Presentation over the Bologna Technology hub where Oltremare was created and operates nowadays.
Oltremare enjoys the the technical cultural exchange of this creative district as an inspiration to its most advanced technical solutions for the cashew nut industry
Jestemy firm tworzc strony internetowe pochodzc z Torunia. Oferujemy wszystkim naszym Klientom profesjonalne projektowanie i budow stron internetowych. Tworzymy systemy informatyczne bdce doskona wizyt坦wk firmy, pozwoli to tak甜e na zaistnienie w Sieci i pozyskiwanie nowych klient坦w. Tworzymy strony internetowe dla maych i wikszych firm. Potrafimy idealnie dopasowa si do potrzeb Klienta i zawsze podchodzimy do ka甜dego zlecenia i klienta kompleksowo. Wyr坦甜nia nas wiedza, du甜e dowiadczenie rynkowe i zesp坦, kt坦ry oferuje zawsze fachowe doradztwo. Strony internetowe Toru z nami zawsze sukces.
DDS Poland pomaga markom komunikowa si w cyfrowej rzeczywistoci, kreatywnie wykorzystujc najnowsze technologie, urzdzenia i kanay komunikacji. Zapoznaj si z nasz ofert.
Strona mobilna, responsywna i tradycyjna dowiedz si czym si r坦甜ni. Czego u甜ytkownicy smartfon坦w i tablet坦w oczekuj od strony mobilnej? Jaki wpyw bdzie miaa strona mobilna na Twoj obecn tradycyjn stron www? Sprawd添 czy jest si czego ba!
Aplikacje mobilne Android, iOS, Windows Phone w Ideo Sp. z o.o.Ideo Sp. z o. o.
Zapraszamy do zapoznania si z prezentacj multimedialn, przedstawiajc szczeg坦owe informacje na temat tworzenia aplikacji mobilnych w Ideo Sp. z o.o. Firma posiada bogate portfolio aplikacji mobilnych i webowych dla znanych i cenionych marek. Ideo Sp. z o.o. to najlepszy wyb坦r - firma posiada kilkanacie lat dowiadczenia na rynku rozwiza internetowych. Wicej informacji na:
Objects can change states in response to events or over time. A UML state diagram captures these state changes by showing the possible states of an object, the transitions between states, and the starting and ending points of state change sequences. It also models the entry and exit activities that occur when a system enters or leaves a state, as well as activities that occur within a state. Guard conditions can be used to specify when a transition takes place.
The document discusses use cases and how they help analysts understand how a system should behave from the user's point of view by gathering requirements. Visualizing use cases in diagrams allows users to provide additional information and helps combine use case diagrams with other types of diagrams.
The document discusses several key trends in the U.S. healthcare system: 1) Healthcare spending in the U.S. is the highest in the world at 16.4% of GDP but results in low quality of care rankings; 2) In response, the system is focusing on controlling costs and improving quality which has led to consolidation of hospitals and physician practices; 3) This has shifted medical equipment purchasing decisions from doctors to healthcare executives focused on total cost of ownership. Equipment financiers must address both clinical and financial concerns to help vendors navigate this changing landscape.
El documento describe diferentes estrategias para realizar una b炭squeda efectiva de informaci坦n sobre un tema de inter辿s en Google, incluyendo realizar b炭squedas por frases exactas, con restricciones de palabras, por rangos, en diferentes formatos y en sitios espec鱈ficos. Recomienda explorar otros tipos de b炭squedas como en Google Acad辿mico y libros sobre el tema. Concluye que la b炭squeda de informaci坦n es importante y que existen herramientas para seleccionar la informaci坦n relevante.
The document discusses site investigation methods for determining soil properties below a construction site. It defines site investigation, explains its purposes such as evaluating load capacity and settlement, and describes exploration program steps from initial information gathering to detailed borings. Common boring types like auger and core borings are outlined. In-situ tests for soil strength measurement are also summarized, including standard penetration, vane shear, plate load, cone penetration, and pressure-meter tests.
The document analyzes the use of visual and audio techniques in the Skyfall movie trailer. It discusses how logos are seamlessly integrated with tense music and action. Minimal text is used to focus on imagery. Font and colors associate the film with espionage. Establishing shots hint at the film's global locations. Lighting, settings, and props establish mood and genre conventions. Dialogue, music, and editing pace the trailer to build tension.
Rennette Roney is seeking a new job with opportunities for growth and a positive work environment. She has over 10 years of customer service experience at Capital One in both collections and customer service roles, receiving top performance awards. Her most recent roles were in collections but the departments were phased out. She is looking to leverage her experience in a new role.
This document provides information about a student's daily routine and activities throughout the day. It includes reciting poems about the days of the week, phonetic exercises, discussing times of day, morning and afternoon duties like getting ready for school, helping around the house, and evening activities. The document ends with discussing what was learned in the lesson and assigning homework.
On Wednesday April 29th we went to the college in Marshalltown to present in front of three judges. My project was with Melanie and we did what we called "Splatter Box". We took old shoe boxes provided by Mrs. Hammers and wrapped rubber bands around them, not before sliding blank pieces of paper into them. When we went to the preschool two weeks ago to do the project, the girls loved it and wanted to keep doing it but the boys did enough. Two days ago was the college visit and we presented them, to our surprise we got 9th overall out of 25 (I believe). Attached is our presentation.
Java is an object-oriented language that requires creating a class to run a program. To execute Java code, developers must install the Java Development Kit (JDK) and an integrated development environment like Eclipse. With those tools configured, users can generate a new Java project in Eclipse by clicking File, New, Java Project, typing a name, and clicking Finish to set up the initial project structure for developing Java applications.
This document describes the services offered by, a Polish software development company. They create web and mobile applications, as well as graphics and animations. They offer full-stack development services using technologies like PHP, Java, and Objective-C. They work with clients to specify requirements, code the applications, test them, and provide ongoing support. They have experience building e-commerce sites, online marketplaces, and platforms for industries like real estate, education, and healthcare.
Something that often gets a bad rap in the media is a diet rich in fat. Although this is somewhat true, the underlying factor is actually the type of fats you are consuming and your daily energy requirements. Fats play an integral role in any diet however they are especially important for endurance athletes.
Presentation over the Bologna Technology hub where Oltremare was created and operates nowadays.
Oltremare enjoys the the technical cultural exchange of this creative district as an inspiration to its most advanced technical solutions for the cashew nut industry
Jestemy firm tworzc strony internetowe pochodzc z Torunia. Oferujemy wszystkim naszym Klientom profesjonalne projektowanie i budow stron internetowych. Tworzymy systemy informatyczne bdce doskona wizyt坦wk firmy, pozwoli to tak甜e na zaistnienie w Sieci i pozyskiwanie nowych klient坦w. Tworzymy strony internetowe dla maych i wikszych firm. Potrafimy idealnie dopasowa si do potrzeb Klienta i zawsze podchodzimy do ka甜dego zlecenia i klienta kompleksowo. Wyr坦甜nia nas wiedza, du甜e dowiadczenie rynkowe i zesp坦, kt坦ry oferuje zawsze fachowe doradztwo. Strony internetowe Toru z nami zawsze sukces.
DDS Poland pomaga markom komunikowa si w cyfrowej rzeczywistoci, kreatywnie wykorzystujc najnowsze technologie, urzdzenia i kanay komunikacji. Zapoznaj si z nasz ofert.
Strona mobilna, responsywna i tradycyjna dowiedz si czym si r坦甜ni. Czego u甜ytkownicy smartfon坦w i tablet坦w oczekuj od strony mobilnej? Jaki wpyw bdzie miaa strona mobilna na Twoj obecn tradycyjn stron www? Sprawd添 czy jest si czego ba!
Aplikacje mobilne Android, iOS, Windows Phone w Ideo Sp. z o.o.Ideo Sp. z o. o.
Zapraszamy do zapoznania si z prezentacj multimedialn, przedstawiajc szczeg坦owe informacje na temat tworzenia aplikacji mobilnych w Ideo Sp. z o.o. Firma posiada bogate portfolio aplikacji mobilnych i webowych dla znanych i cenionych marek. Ideo Sp. z o.o. to najlepszy wyb坦r - firma posiada kilkanacie lat dowiadczenia na rynku rozwiza internetowych. Wicej informacji na:
Zapewniamy kompleksowo usug z zakresu e-marketingu. Optymalizujemy i pozycjonujemy strony internetowe oraz tworzymy i prowadzimy profile spoecznociowe.
Ideo sp. z o. o. nowoczesne rozwizania z zakresu e-gov i e-konsultinguIdeo Sp. z o. o.
Prezentacja przedstawia rozwizania jakie oferuje dla swoich klient坦w Ideo Sp. z o.o. W przedstawionym materiale mo甜na znale添 szereg przydatnych informacji z zakresu oprogramowania oraz niezbdnego wsparcia firm i instytucji pastwowych.
Automatyzujemy biznesy naszych klient坦w.
Od 2008 roku tworzymy i rozwijamy oprogramowanie wasne i dedykowane. Technologi i zesp坦 dobieramy do projekt坦w a nie
odwrotnie. Programujemy tak, aby nasz kod by zrozumiay
nie tylko dla komputera, ale przede wszystkim dla ludzi. Usugi:
- Aplikacje dedykowane
- Aplikacje wasne
- Projektowanie UX/ UI
- Rozw坦j i utrzymanie
- Technologie
- Hosting
Zobacz prezentacj油a w niej informacje o nas i Case study.
Rozwijajcy si rynek usug informatycznych sprawia, 甜e coraz wicej firm oferuje tworzenie system坦w webowych dla biznesu. Wr坦d wieloci ofert czasami trudno okreli, jaka jest najlepsza, a kt坦ry zesp坦 programist坦w godny zaufania. Firma programistyczna Pozna oferuje tworzenie program坦w na zam坦wienie, aplikacje na telefony i tablety z systemem Android oraz oprogramowanie internetowe.
W majowym raporcie odsumowujemy zmiany, do jakich doszo na przestrzeni kilkunastu miesicy w najwikszych portalach horyzontalnych. A zmienio si sporo, bo ka甜dy serwis z wielkiej czw坦rki przeszed znaczn metamorfoz. Czy udan? Bran甜a jest podzielona. Tak samo jak co do tego, czy og坦lny poziom UX polskich stron internetowych poprawi si od zeszego roku, kiedy to u甜yteczno - wydawaoby si najwa甜niejszy element - wyra添nie kulaa.
Prezentacja r坦甜nych rodzaj坦w sukienek damskich - czym s takie sukienki, jak je rozpozna i kto mo甜e je nosi. Ka甜da kobieta znajdzie tutaj sukienki dla siebie
Zbli甜a si sezon sylwestrowy, i niejedna dziewczyna zastanawia si, co na siebie wo甜y. Dzi prezentujemy sukienki sylwestrowe - 5 najciekawszych propozycji na zbli甜ajcy si sezon!
This document contains a list of 10 photo credits from various photographers and sources including Polish Madman, UXmash, mrrobertwade, Anthony Mattox, IntelFreePress, Ninja M., aresauburnTM, Ed Yourdon, Ken Lund, and eGuidry. It concludes by encouraging the reader to create their own Haiku Deck presentation.
1. SSF Software Special Forces
tel: +48 530 941 860
UL. witojaska 9
08-110 SIEDLCE
2. Profesjonalna, nowoczesna strona WWW to
wizyt坦wka firmy
Co drugi Polak ma smartfona
wr坦d biznesmen坦w to jedno z
podstawowych narzdzi
Strona WWW to pierwszy kontakt z
klientem lub dostawc.
Strona potwierdza wiarygodno
Umie kod QR na wizyt坦wce, a
wystarczy jedno kliknicie, by
odwiedzi twoj stron
3. Czy potrzebuj nowej strony
Strony www nie s ju甜 tylko dla
komputer坦w mo甜na je
przeglda na telefonie, tablecie, a
nawet na wielkim ekranie TV!
Trendy zmieniaj si stale.
Oferujemy nowoczesny design
zgodny z najnowszymi
technologiami profesjonaln
kreacj, estetyczn grafik,
dodatkowe funkcje (blog, sieci
spoeczne, multimedia)
4. Jak czsto zdarzyo si Pastwu zagubi na
nieznanej, przestarzaej stronie?
A mo甜e gdy chcieli Pastwo co sprawdzi na
telefonie, informacje byy nieczytelne?
Ka甜dy utracone wejcie na stron mo甜e
oznacza jednego potencjalnego klienta
Strona to nie tylko reklama to narzdzie do
kontaktu ze wiatem.
Nieprzejrzysta strona to utrata klient坦w
5. Co? Jak? Kiedy?
Czego potrzebujemy?
Materia坦w, kt坦re Pastwo chc
umieci na nowej stronie
internetowej. Dodatkowo,
mo甜emy stworzy i dostarczy
grafik czy nawet filmy!
Ile czasu nam to zajmie?
Stworzenie prostej strony
zabierze kilka dni, im wicej
funkcji tym du甜ej ale nie
du甜ej ni甜 dwa tygodnie!
6. RWD? Strona mobilna?
Strona mobilna przeznaczona
jest specjalnie dla telefon坦w i
maych ekran坦w, upraszczamy
funkcjonalno zachowujc
wszelkie treci.
Strona responsywna skaluje
si do urzdzenia wyglda
estetycznie na tablecie,
laptopie i telewizorze.
Responsywny projekt strony
(RWD) to dzi jedno z
wa甜niejszych zada dla
tw坦rc坦w witryn.
7. Co mo甜emy dodatkowo zaoferowa?
Bezpatna konsultacja dot. Istniejcej
Dodatkowe funkcje: blog, mapa google,
sklep internetowy, aplikacje mobilne
Darmowa pomoc techniczna
Przewodniki wideo i bezpatne
Zajmujemy si te甜 pozycjonowaniem stron,
oraz projektami graficznymi!
8. Koszty?
Strona mobilna
Mobilna wersja istniejcej
od 750 z
Strona responsywna
Responsywna strona stworzona
od podstaw:
od 1700 z
Poniewa甜 staramy si speni wszystkie
甜yczenia klient坦w, nie mamy z g坦ry
ustalonego cennika wszelkie proby
musimy wycenia oddzielnie.
9. O SSF
Zajmujemy si projektowaniem
stron WWW, pracujemy z wieloma
uznanymi markami.
czymy entuzjazm z
profesjonalnym przygotowaniem.
Jestemy wszechstronnym studio
projektowym, kochamy
technologie i to, co robimy.
Zadowoleni klienci m坦wi sami za
11. Polska strona internetowa znanej
marki producenta samochod坦w
Maserati. Na stronie mo甜na zobaczy
midzy innymi katalog modeli
pojazd坦w producenta.
12. Case xchanger
Serwis wymiany walut, gdzie mo甜na
prowadzi aukcje midzy kantorami
oraz kupowa i sprzedawa po
atrakcyjnych kursach waluty.
Platforma pozwala wybra
najatrakcyjniejsze oferty dziki
por坦wnaniu ofert wielu kantor坦w.
13. SSF Software Special Forces
tel: +48 530 941 860
UL. witojaska 9
08-110 SIEDLCE
Zapraszamy na nasz stron internetow