1. Coding Stable
Diffusion form
scratch in PyTorch
Umar Jamil
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC
BY-NC 4.0): https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/legalcode
Not for commercial use
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
2. Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
Topics and
Topics discussed
Latent Diffusion Models (Stable Diffusion) from scratch
in PyTorch. No other libraries used except for tokenizer.
Maths of diffusion models as defined in the DDPM
paper (simplified!)
Classifier-Free Guidance
Text to Image
Image to Image
Future videos
Score-based models
ODE and SDE theoretical framework for diffusion
Euler, Runge-Kutta and derived samplers.
Basics of probability and statistics (multivariate
gaussian, conditional probability, marginal probability,
likelihood, Bayers rule).
I will give a non-maths intuition for most
Basics of PyTorch and neural networks
How the attention mechanism works (watch my video
on the Transformer model).
How convolution layers work
3. What is Stable
Stable Diffusion is a text-to-image deep learning model, based on diffusion models.
Introduced in 2022, developed by the CompViz Group at LMU Munich.
Picture of a dog with glasses
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
4. Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
What is a generative
A generative model learns a probability distribution of the data set such that we can then sample from the distribution to create new
instances of data. For example, if we have many pictures of cats and we train a generative model on it, we then sample from this
distribution to create new images of cats.
5. Why do we model data as distributions?
Imagine youre a criminal, and you want to generate thousands of fake identities. Each fake identity, is made up of
variables, representing the characteristics of a person (Age, Height).
You can ask the Statistics Department of the Government to give you statistics about the age and the height of the
population and then sample from these distributions.
Age: N(40, 302)
At first, you may sample from each distribution independently to create a
fake identity, but that would produce unreasonable pairs of (Age, Height).
To generate fake identities that make sense, you need the joint
distribution, otherwise you may end up with an unreasonable pair of
(Age, Height)
We can also evaluate probabilities on one of the two variables using
conditional probability and/or by marginalizing a variable.
Height: N(120, 1002)
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
6. Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
Learning the distribution p(x) of our
We have a data set made of up images, and we want to learn a very complex distribution that we can then use to
sample from.
7. X0 Z1 Z2 Z3
Pure noise
Original image
Reverse process: Neural network
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
Forward process: Fixed
8. The math of diffusion models
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
9. Ho, J., Jain, A. and Abbeel, P., 2020. Denoising diffusion probabilistic models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 33, pp.6840-6851.
Reverse process p
Forward process q
Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO)
Just like with a VAE, we want to learn the
parameters of the latent space
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
10. We take a sample from our dataset
We generate a random number t, between 1 and T
We sample some noise
We add noise to our image, and we train the model to learn to predict the amount of noise present in it.
We sample some noise
We keep denoising the image progressively for T steps.
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
11. U-Net
Ronneberger, O., Fischer, P. and Brox, T., 2015. U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation. In Medical Image Computing and
Computer-Assisted InterventionMICCAI 2015: 18th International Conference, Munich, Germany, October 5-9, 2015, Proceedings, Part III 18 (pp. 234-
241). Springer International Publishing.
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
12. X0 Z1 Z2 Z3
Pure noise
Original image
Reverse process: Neural network
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
Forward process: Fixed
How to generate new data?
13. Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
How to condition the reverse process?
Since we start from noise in the reserve process, how can the model know what we want as output? How can the
model understand our prompt? This is why we need to condition the reverse process.
If we want to condition our network, we could train a model to learn a joint distribution of the data and the
conditioning signal (, ), and then sample from this joint distribution. This, however, requires the training of a
model for each separate conditioning signal.
Another approach, called classifier guidance, involves the training of a separate model to condition the output.
The latest and most successful approach is called classifier-free guidance, in which, instead of training two
networks, one conditional network and an unconditional network, we train a single network and during training, with
some probability, we set the conditional signal to zero, this way the network becomes a mix of conditioned and
unconditioned network, and we can take the conditioned and unconditioned output and combine them with a
weight that indicates how much we want the network to pay attention to the conditioning signal.
14. Classifier Free Guidance (Training)
Ronneberger, O., Fischer, P. and Brox, T., 2015. U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation. In Medical Image Computing and
Computer-Assisted InterventionMICCAI 2015: 18th International Conference, Munich, Germany, October 5-9, 2015, Proceedings, Part III 18 (pp. 234-
241). Springer International Publishing.
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
15. Classifier Free Guidance (Inference)
Ronneberger, O., Fischer, P. and Brox, T., 2015. U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation. In Medical Image Computing and
Computer-Assisted InterventionMICCAI 2015: 18th International Conference, Munich, Germany, October 5-9, 2015, Proceedings, Part III 18 (pp. 234-
241). Springer International Publishing.
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
16. Classifier Free Guidance (Combine
o$ = $$$ $$$ + $$$
A weight that indicates how much we want the model
to pay attention to the conditioning signal (prompt).
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
18. X0 Z1 Z2 Z3
Pure noise
Original image
Reverse process: Neural network
Forward process: Fixed
Performing many steps on big images is
Since the latent variables have the same dimension (size of the vector) as the original data, if we want to perform many steps to denoise
an image, that would result in a lot of steps through the Unet, which can be very slow if the matrix representing our data/latent is large.
What if we could compress our data before running it through the forward/reverse process (UNet)?
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
19. Latent Diffusion Model
Stable Diffusion is a latent diffusion model, in which we dont learn the distribution p(x) of our data set of images, but
rather, the distribution of a latent representation of our data by using a Variational Autoencoder.
This allows us to reduce the computation we need to perform the steps needed to generate a sample, because each
data will not be represented by a 512x512 image, but its latent representation, which is 64x64.
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
20. What is an Autoencoder?
X Encoder Z X
[1.2, 3.65, ]
[1.6, 6.00, ]
[10.1, 9.0, ]
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
[2.5, 7.0, ]
* The values are random and
have no meaning
21. Whats the problem with Autoencoders?
The code learned by the model makes no sense. That is, the model can just assign any vector to the inputs without the numbers in the vector representing any
pattern. The model doesnt capture any semantic relationship between the data.
X Encoder X
Input Reconstructed
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
22. Introducing the Variational Autoencoder
The variational autoencoder, instead of learning a code, learns a latent space. The latent space represents the parameters of a (multivariate) distribution.
X Encoder X
Latent Space
Input Reconstructed
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
24. X
Architecture (Image-To-Image)
Encoder Z
Text Prompt
A dog with glasses
Add noise to latent
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
25. X
Architecture (In-Painting): how to fool
Encoder Z
Text Prompt
A dog running
Combine with latent at current time step
Add noise
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
26. Layer Normalization
a1 a2 a3
X =
(10, 3)
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 10
f1 f2 f3
a'1 a'2 a'3
X =
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 10
f1 f2 f3
Each item is updated with its normalized value, which will turn it
into a normal distribution with 0 mean and variance of 1.
The two parameters gamma and beta are learnable
parameters that allow the model to amplify the scale of each
feature or apply a translation to the feature according to the
needs of the loss function.
With batch normalization we
normalize by columns (features)
Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
With layer normalization we
normalize by rows (data items)
28. Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
The full code is available on GitHub!
Full code: https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-
Special thanks to:
1. https://github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion/
2. https://github.com/divamgupta/stable-diffusion-tensorflow
3. https://github.com/kjsman/stable-diffusion-pytorch
4. https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/
29. Umar Jamil - https://github.com/hkproj/pytorch-stable-diffusion
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