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Stacy D Entwistle Jr
3173 Hoover Dr  Deltona, FL 32738
(386) 960-4876  sentwistlejr@gmail.com
To obtain a career with a reputable company where I can build my skills and knowledge.
April 2011Dec 2014 OSI/ASIG Sanford, FL
Ground Service Lead/A gent
 Ensuring passengersafety
 Assigningteammembers with duties toprepare fortakeoff/landing
 Operating heavy machinery
 Loading and offloading planes
 Service lavatoriesandwater
 Completing paperwork
 Promotion fromAgent to Lead September2013
May 2010 - April 2011 SSP America Sanford, FL
 Bus tables
 Wash dishes
 Take out trash
 Assist where needed
 Prepare and cookfood
July 2006  February 2010 Beef O Bradys Deltona, FL
 Bus tables
 Wash dishes
 Take out trash
 Assist where needed
December 2012- Present Army National Guard DeLand, FL
14G- Air Defense Battle Management System Operator
 Obtain an Secret security clearance
 Performance of on-line/off-line, hardware-software diagnostics
 Operate LAN, WAN and remote video displays
 Evaluate intelligence data for force/engagement operations in JIIM networks
 Provide situational awareness and warning from airspace
 Conduct the planning and execution of airspace management required for supported echelon
 Responsible for air defense airspace management cell equipment march orders, emplacements and level
 Evaluate intelligence data for force/engagement operations
March 2015- March 2016 US Army Bagram, Afghanistan (BAF)
[Phone number][E-mail address]
[Your Name]
 Deployed overseas to support the campaigns of Operation Enduring Freedom as well as Operation
Freedom Sentinel.
 Conducted daily maintenance on the phalanx weapon system (C-RAM) and counter parts in order to
protect FOB Bagram from counter rockets, artillery, and mortars during the 24 hour operations .
August 2006  May 2010 Pine Ridge High School Deltona, FL
 High SchoolDiploma
Kyle Cole kyle.d.cole.mil@mail.mil 317-903-1782
Randy Rivera randy.rivera@tbiam.aero 407-314-6847
Raul Ibarra raul.ibarra@tbiam.aero 386-848-1214
John Bennett 732-773-1009

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  • 1. Stacy D Entwistle Jr 3173 Hoover Dr Deltona, FL 32738 (386) 960-4876 sentwistlejr@gmail.com Objective To obtain a career with a reputable company where I can build my skills and knowledge. Experience April 2011Dec 2014 OSI/ASIG Sanford, FL Ground Service Lead/A gent Ensuring passengersafety Assigningteammembers with duties toprepare fortakeoff/landing Operating heavy machinery Loading and offloading planes Service lavatoriesandwater Completing paperwork Promotion fromAgent to Lead September2013 May 2010 - April 2011 SSP America Sanford, FL Busser/Dishwasher/Cook Bus tables Wash dishes Take out trash Assist where needed Prepare and cookfood July 2006 February 2010 Beef O Bradys Deltona, FL Busser/Dishwasher Bus tables Wash dishes Take out trash Assist where needed December 2012- Present Army National Guard DeLand, FL 14G- Air Defense Battle Management System Operator Obtain an Secret security clearance Performance of on-line/off-line, hardware-software diagnostics Operate LAN, WAN and remote video displays Evaluate intelligence data for force/engagement operations in JIIM networks Provide situational awareness and warning from airspace Conduct the planning and execution of airspace management required for supported echelon Responsible for air defense airspace management cell equipment march orders, emplacements and level systemmaintenance Evaluate intelligence data for force/engagement operations March 2015- March 2016 US Army Bagram, Afghanistan (BAF) Deployments:
  • 2. [Phone number][E-mail address] [Your Name] Deployed overseas to support the campaigns of Operation Enduring Freedom as well as Operation Freedom Sentinel. Conducted daily maintenance on the phalanx weapon system (C-RAM) and counter parts in order to protect FOB Bagram from counter rockets, artillery, and mortars during the 24 hour operations . Education August 2006 May 2010 Pine Ridge High School Deltona, FL High SchoolDiploma References https://www.linkedin.com/in/stacy-entwistle-jr-2955a0a1?trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile Kyle Cole kyle.d.cole.mil@mail.mil 317-903-1782 Randy Rivera randy.rivera@tbiam.aero 407-314-6847 Raul Ibarra raul.ibarra@tbiam.aero 386-848-1214 John Bennett 732-773-1009