The first function, which determines the
organizational blueprint towards its larger goals, is
Manpower Planning or interchangeably Human
Resources Planning. This is the key to getting the
right people for the right jobs and hence it is
extremely important.
Manpower Planning is the process by which a
management determines how an organization should
move from its current manpower position to its desired
manpower position. Through planning, a management
strives to have the right number and the right kinds of
people at the right places, at the right time, to do
things which result in both the organization and the
individual receiving the maximum long-range benefit.
- Velter Eric W.
The process of determining manpower
requirements & the means for meeting those
requirements in order to carry out the integrated
plan of the organization. -- Coleman
Human resource planning includes the estimation of
how many qualified people are necessary to carry
out the assigned activities, how many people will be
available, and what if anything must be done to
ensure that personnel supply equals personnel
demand at the appropriate point in the future
Leap and Crion.
8. Following features of HRP may be identified
HRP is a process which includes various aspects through
which an organization tries to ensure that right people, at
right place , and at right time are available.
It involves determination of future needs of manpower in
the light of organizational planning and structure.
It also takes into account the manpower availability at a
future period in the organisation.
9. Importance of Human Resource Planning
HRP is of primacy nature and, therefore ,it precedes
all other HRM functions.
HRP contributes in the following ways:
1)Defining future personnel need.
2)Coping with changes.
3)Providing base for developing talent.
4)Increasing investment in human resources.
5)Forcing the management to involve in HRM.
10. Whos responsibility is it ?
HRP is a shared task between the Top Management ,
Line Managers and HR department.
Top Management approves various plans of the
Organisation as a whole.( financial plan & HR plan)
Line Managers or Functional Managers. (to whom the
people report and their effective utilization)
HR department. (coordinative functions and
procedural activities which ultimately result in HR plan)
11. HRs responsibility
1) To assist, counsel and pressurize the Top management
to plan and establish objectives.
2)To collect and summarize data with the long term
objective of total business plan.
3)To monitor and measure performance against the plan
and keep the top management informed about it; and
4)To provide research necessary for effective manpower
and organisational planning.
12. Objectives of HRP:
(a) Obtains and retains the quality and quantity ,of
Human Resource it needs at the right time and right
(b) Makes optimal utilization of these resources.