During a time when 10% of the country is out of work (and presumably looking for a new job), how do you stand out from the crowd to get noticed and land an interview?
Apply marketing tips and tricks to:
* Find jobs before they ever even exist
* Manage your resume and portfolio in a way that makes it quick and easy to customize for every job
* Build a consistent look and feel for your resume and portfolio
* Add that extra WOW factor with cheap (or free) and easy technology tools
2. Overview
Social Networking - Finding the Jobs
Style - Fonts, Imagery & Presentation
Keeping it All Consistent - Your Personal
Style Guide
Using Technology - Tools & Tricks
4. The Rules
There arent many solid ones.
Consistency is key.
This discussion is about ideas and trends
that seem to be working in todays
They wont all work for you.
There may be others that work in addition
to the ideas presented here.
5. Where have
all the jobs
Career Builder
Content Wrangler
6. One Example - Pauls Experience
LinkedIn status of a colleague.
Status update was that he was working on
鍖nishing a book about networking.
Proactively approached him inquiring
about the need for assistance with
Ended up with a short-term contract for
typesetting, and own name now has
7. The Basics - Etiquette
Watch what you post (e.g., language,
opinions about current employer/job).
Pay attention to timing (supposed to be
at work).
Remove questionable photos, postings
with inappropriate language.
Your boss, coworkers, and prospective
employers are paying attention.
Find the balance between keeping yourself
visible and becoming annoying.
8. Online Pro鍖les
Keep it consistent.
Professional separate from social (e.g.,
LinkedIn for professional, Facebook for
social), but still watch it.
Adjust visibility settings (permissions).
Facebook recently started allowing
Google indexing.
May not want to link all your social
networks, but others (e.g., Twitter) may
bene鍖t from association.
10. Recruiters/Employers
When looking at pro鍖les/r辿sum辿s, they
are watching for:
Large gaps in employment that are
12. Your Own Brand
Think of yourself as a product.
R辿sum辿, website, avatar, portfolio, etc.,
should all 鍖ow and carry a seamless
design characteristic.
Keep it simple and elegant - makes it
easier to carry your style through multiple
Use it when participating in discussions.
Offer your expertise.
14. Why Sans the Serif?
Sans serif fonts look good at most sizes.
They tend to have a more contemporary or business feel.
Most operating systems render them neatly.
Serif fonts tend to lose readability at smaller sizes.
Without ClearType, serif fonts tend to look grainy, and
lose readability at extreme sizes.
19. Why Cut Out Clip Art?
Associated with lack of effort.
Entire Facebook pages dedicated to
hating Clip Art.
Try These Resources
20. Where to Use Art?
Replace outdated imagery in your
portfolio/on your Website.
Do not add unnecessary imagery to your
r辿sum辿, social networking pages, etc.
23. Color Palette
Select at least three
colors for your primary
Add large swatches of
those colors, along with
their color codes, to your
style guide.
24. Typography
Choose your fonts and
Include a detailed Style
Check that your fonts and
styles are Web safe!
25. Job Descriptions
Make your r辿sum辿 鍖exible & manageable.
Always create a custom deliverable for
each job you apply for.
31. Use Technology to Show Off
Have an e-version of your portfolio
Make it easy to manage.
Make it present well.
32. Presentation Tools
際際滷 Rocket www.sliderocket.com Depends Create sleek, elegant presentations online
Adobe InDesign Included Creates Flash Books from Any Document
Prezi www.prezi.com Free Creative alternative to PowerPoint
Flow Chart Tools
Lucid Chart www.lucidchart.com Depends Flow chart tool, instant sharing
Lovely Charts www.lovelycharts.com Depends Flow charts/other charts
Product Planner http://productplanner.com/ Free Cool 鍖ow charts/how to's
Online Collaboration
Zapproved www.zapproved.com Free Easy way to collaborate on ideas and projects and make a decision
Dabbleboard www.dabbleboard.com Free Whiteboard for online collaboration
Screen Capture
Screen Toaster http://www.screentoaster.com/ Free Screen recorder, no download required
Jing http://www.jingproject.com Free Screen capture/recording tool
Web Design/Analytics
Browser Shots www.browsershots.com Free Check your website in multiple browsers at once
Sprout Builder www.sproutbuilder.com Depends Create 鍖ash content for websites
Clicky www.getclicky.com Depends Awesome white label website analytics
Social Tools
SocialU www.socialu.com Free Social media stalking tool
PixelPipe www.pixelpipe.com Free Upload videos and pictures to multiple sites at once
hit me later www.hitmelater.com Free Snooze button for email
Sendible www.sendible.com Free Schedule emails, tweets, sms, etc
Soungle www.soungle.com Free Google for sound effects: 鍖nd and download free sound effect
Wordle www.wordle.net Free Word cloud generator
BudURL www.budurl.com Free link shrinker and tracker
Image Enhancement
Picre鍖ect www.picre鍖ect.com Free Image re鍖ector
Wave my Pic www.wavemypic.com Free Re鍖ects and ads a wave to the bottom of any picture
33. Some Tools In Action
Adobe InDesign Flipping Book
Sprout Builder
35. Stuck for Ideas?
Google is your best friend.
See what others are doing and take
inspiration from them.
Spend time on designing your personal
Proof, re-proof, and have someone else
proof again.
36. A Few Career Resources