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-- TEMPORARY CASH/CH~.,                         k

                          JE/DRAFT OOLLECTED RECEIPT        7~                                                              CUSTOMERCOpy
                                                                                                        ~                          ~.
.,                                ~No.
                                                                                                                             JQ,. B <;33/
                                                0'Ioi'i1. 0 1
                               V O'Slb2.                                                                                                           :.

                                                                                                                             ~ .,;19 3 3/ ~
     RECEIPT 13 Nt} 021345     L) O~ S I ~3     olio <i12..00/.
                                                                                                                                   f ~ 3::'/~
                               3) o's I~~       0110' /2_001.                                                                ~.
                               ~   0'15J~s      0111属)1.00(.                                                                 ~.~      ~$3       J~
     DATE 2. 3, 0 , ./200
                                                                                                                               .JI, g 33 J -::-
                                                od 1' 2-
                               S 0'51quot;.                                                                                                  f..
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                            .           quot;                    l.~      0' $ U                                1

                                                                                                                             ~.quot; E::l ) ~ of
                                                                                                                             ~~.. ..:;>S
     Temporary collection receipt Issued by Mr.                                                       ot1Jt.. 2-~'J.
     Bilkish Associates, 1, Pushp Varkha, Gr. Floor, 97, S. V. Road, Khar (West), Mumbai-400 052.
     Tel. : 690 3282/690 3283, Telefax: 605 1017/6064484 on behalf of our Clients MIs. STANDARD
     CHARTERED8ANK,~1..~ 0516 ~M~ 6ol.~.
                                            8DO2.. ~bL
                             0 5~<i?
     Card No.~                                                               CHEQU贈/CJ>,5H/DRfFTCOLLECTED
                 J~                 p. 6.o~'                                AmountRs.~..5 -3 Q0 0 J~                        Ps.
     Address5~                  ~.Ce-tt                                     (Rupees                        T
                                                     )                                                                 -

                                 ~ Li~~M
      :DI'                                                   ......

     ~~)                 Pin--U-:::5Q~
                                              9<62..co52.2J1. CH/pO
                                                               Bank~ NO.~_.t.d~'
     Ph No. (R)~(O)                                                                                                        Branoh                w)

                                             {~quot; '11~]i3.
                                                                                                      (Customer.s Signature)
     NOTE: Your payment would ,eflaOl In you, next Sl18ment of Accounts f.lllng wnlch you I'll requested to gilt In touch with CARDS SERVIC!S CINTRE.
     COMPOUND.LOWER PAREL,MUMBAI-400013. TIL, : 491 9121/491 .138
Standardf[                             Chartered
                                                                                                   Standard Chartered                     Bank
         Ref. No. : J w::::J1..('N/2..LfD / ~
                                                                                                                                                          - West,
                                                                                                   Bankcard         Customer             Service Centre

                             /~/C; ~ --                                                            Mezzanine Floor, 462, Phoenix Centre,
                                                       -- - -
         Date : 9.?.                   }
                                                                                                   Phoenix Mill Compound,
                                                                                                   Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel,
                   ? R ~ 'N N 1 Iff
         To,                                                                                       Mumbai 400 013.
                                                            N!O 促    <-
                                                                                                                               + 91 (0) 22 491 7777

-                          LINKING                      ~~i)                                       Fax:                        + 91 (0) 22491 9180
                                 ~ A-N to itquot;,
'I                                           FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS'

                                                                                          ~ J~ '7
                                                   ~ 1'1..9~ s       ~<tS %CO       2.
         S.C.B. Card Nos'
                                                   ~ 12.9    c    5~       6 ~oo           E;~2.     <;?

          This letter refers to the discussions we have had with you in respect of the overduepayments on your S.C.B.
     '-,.tard/s bearing the above caPtion

                                             mb~a~         ~tr that the belrw giv settlement plan is arrived at
     Vs.53ao~                  (Rupees                     -~                                                 )
         as being the total amount payable a . t your current outstanding dues of Rs. b & %'1 as ofdate; as
         worked out and mutually agreed upon by us. The repayment plan for this amount is as shown below:

          Installment                                                                                                                             Amount
                                                                                         Che ue Details
            Number                                                  Date
                                Received / Number                                     Number            Date                                      In Rupees J
                J                                                                   095 162                                             ~. ~ ~33/~
                                                                                                  DI el( 2.tlc(.
                2)                                                                                                        0 ~ l2..cO t. ~. ~I g33! :;
                                                                                         ~ 5  b .3           (J'
                                                                                    ()                                I

                3)                                                                   0151贈4                  IDdoil2.CI~1
                                                                                                                                             ~.               ~
                                                                                     o~5 ) 'bS               cl//c /2.bc:.l-
                                                                                                                                             ~.    ~)~33/?
                ~)                                                                   (J~56'                  cdu              2.()~).

                o                                                                                                                            I.> ?Squot;<633/=
                                                                                     ()'SI6l.                                            ~. ~
                                                                                                                      I2../ 2..t)
     ,                                                                                                                                             ~~ ~3SJ:

           ~<..                                                  B'(quot;~.~
                               I<quot;lCJ B~~~.                                        ~(wJ                      11'.50.
         This settlement plan is subject to strict adherence of the above schedule, realization of all the Cheques / DD /
         Payorders_andthat no further transactions are recorded on the account. The settlement will hold good only if all
         the post dated cheques bearing the above mentioned dates are issued to the Bank / its representatives at the time
         of receipt of this letter. Please note that dishonour of any instrument indicated in the above plan or any missed
         payment would make this settlement plan null and void and would authorize the Bank to redebit your account
         with late payment charges and interest charges (those waived as per above settlement plan ), as well as those
         applicable as per current tariff in force. This letter does not in any way prejudice the Banks rights to proceed
         legally to recover your credit card outstanding dues, should you fail to, meet the above settlement obligation.

         Please note this letter supersedes any previous communication sent to you on settlement.

         Please sign a copy of this letter as acceptance of the repayment plan.

               Incorporated in England with limited liability by Royal Charter 1853 Reference Number ZC 18
               The Principal Office of the Company is situated in U. K.

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Standard Chartered Full & Final Settelment of Dues Letter

  • 1. -- TEMPORARY CASH/CH~., k JE/DRAFT OOLLECTED RECEIPT 7~ CUSTOMERCOpy quot; J NOT AGAINST fULL AND FINAL SETTLEMEIIT. ~ ~. ., ~No. JQ,. B <;33/ 0'Ioi'i1. 0 1 V O'Slb2. :. Q ~ .,;19 3 3/ ~ RECEIPT 13 Nt} 021345 L) O~ S I ~3 olio <i12..00/. JE f ~ 3::'/~ 3) o's I~~ 0110' /2_001. ~. ~ 0'15J~s 0111属)1.00(. ~.~ ~$3 J~ DATE 2. 3, 0 , ./200 .JI, g 33 J -::- od 1' 2- S 0'51quot;. f.. ( OQ . quot; l.~ 0' $ U 1 ~.quot; E::l ) ~ of ~~.. ..:;>S 7 Temporary collection receipt Issued by Mr. ot1Jt.. 2-~'J. Bilkish Associates, 1, Pushp Varkha, Gr. Floor, 97, S. V. Road, Khar (West), Mumbai-400 052. Tel. : 690 3282/690 3283, Telefax: 605 1017/6064484 on behalf of our Clients MIs. STANDARD CHARTERED8ANK,~1..~ 0516 ~M~ 6ol.~. 8DO2.. ~bL 0 5~<i? Card No.~ CHEQU贈/CJ>,5H/DRfFTCOLLECTED ,.. J~ p. 6.o~' AmountRs.~..5 -3 Q0 0 J~ Ps. Name ~ Address5~ ~.Ce-tt (Rupees T tquot;'.quot;' ) - ~ Li~~M :DI' ...... ~~) Pin--U-:::5Q~ 9<62..co52.2J1. CH/pO Bank~ NO.~_.t.d~' Ph No. (R)~(O) Branoh w) . -~ {~quot; '11~]i3. (Customer.s Signature) NOTE: Your payment would ,eflaOl In you, next Sl18ment of Accounts f.lllng wnlch you I'll requested to gilt In touch with CARDS SERVIC!S CINTRE. STANDARD CHARTERED BANK, RI!GIONAL BANKCARD SERVICE CENTRE. MEZZANINE FLOOR. PHOENIX CENTRa. 482. PHOENIX MIl'. COMPOUND.LOWER PAREL,MUMBAI-400013. TIL, : 491 9121/491 .138
  • 2. Standardf[ Chartered Standard Chartered Bank Ref. No. : J w::::J1..('N/2..LfD / ~ - West, Bankcard Customer Service Centre /~/C; ~ -- Mezzanine Floor, 462, Phoenix Centre, -- - - Date : 9.?. } Phoenix Mill Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, G<::)' ? R ~ 'N N 1 Iff To, Mumbai 400 013. N!O 促 <- + 91 (0) 22 491 7777 Telephone: - LINKING ~~i) Fax: + 91 (0) 22491 9180 ~ ~ A-N to itquot;, 'I FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS' ~ J~ '7 ~ 1'1..9~ s ~<tS %CO 2. S.C.B. Card Nos' ~ 12.9 c 5~ 6 ~oo E;~2. <;? This letter refers to the discussions we have had with you in respect of the overduepayments on your S.C.B. '-,.tard/s bearing the above caPtion ~ rd mb~a~ ~tr that the belrw giv settlement plan is arrived at Vs.53ao~ (Rupees -~ ) as being the total amount payable a . t your current outstanding dues of Rs. b & %'1 as ofdate; as worked out and mutually agreed upon by us. The repayment plan for this amount is as shown below: rder Installment Amount Che ue Details ~/~P Number Date Received / Number Number Date In Rupees J '--' J 095 162 ~. ~ ~33/~ DI el( 2.tlc(. 2) 0 ~ l2..cO t. ~. ~I g33! :; ~ 5 b .3 (J' () I ----- 3) 0151贈4 IDdoil2.CI~1 ~~33j ~. ~ i.() o~5 ) 'bS cl//c /2.bc:.l- ~. ~)~33/? ~) (J~56' cdu 2.()~). J o I.> ?Squot;<633/= ()'SI6l. ~. ~ I2../ 2..t) D' , ~~ ~3SJ: C } ~<.. B'(quot;~.~ I<quot;lCJ B~~~. ~(wJ 11'.50. ~ This settlement plan is subject to strict adherence of the above schedule, realization of all the Cheques / DD / Payorders_andthat no further transactions are recorded on the account. The settlement will hold good only if all the post dated cheques bearing the above mentioned dates are issued to the Bank / its representatives at the time of receipt of this letter. Please note that dishonour of any instrument indicated in the above plan or any missed payment would make this settlement plan null and void and would authorize the Bank to redebit your account with late payment charges and interest charges (those waived as per above settlement plan ), as well as those applicable as per current tariff in force. This letter does not in any way prejudice the Banks rights to proceed legally to recover your credit card outstanding dues, should you fail to, meet the above settlement obligation. Please note this letter supersedes any previous communication sent to you on settlement. Please sign a copy of this letter as acceptance of the repayment plan. rW )1~ ~~dS s;.:~2~~~~:~~ANK Incorporated in England with limited liability by Royal Charter 1853 Reference Number ZC 18 The Principal Office of the Company is situated in U. K.