The document discusses the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act of 1946, which aims to regulate industrial relations and conditions of employment through establishing standing orders at industrial establishments. It covers topics like classification of workers, attendance policies, leave, termination, and grievance procedures. The document also outlines the process for employers to submit draft standing orders for certification and opportunities for appeals.
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Standing oreder ppt
2. Introduction & Definition
To avoid friction amongst the employers and workmen
employed in an industry is the principal aim of Indian
Legislation in India.
It was considered that the society had a vital interest in the
settlement of terms of employment of Industrial Labor and also
settlement of Labor problems.
Therefore, the steps were taken by the Central Government to
enact Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 with a
view to afford protection to the workmen with regard to
conditions of employment.
Definition under the Act (Sec.2)
Standing Orders mean rules relating to matters set out in the
Schedule to the Act [Sec.2(g)] to be covered and in respect of which
the employer has to draft for submission to the Certifying Officer,
are matters specified in the Schedule.
3. Objective of the Act
1. The purpose of having Standing Orders at the plant level and
other commercial establishments is to regulate industrial
2. This Orders regulate the conditions of employment, grievances,
misconduct etc. of the workers employed in industrial
3. Unsolved grievances can become industrial disputes.
4. Model Standing Orders
Classification of Workers
Publication of Work Time, Holidays, Pay Days and Wage Rates
Shift Working
Attendance and Late Coming
Leave and Holidays
Casual Leave
Payment of Wages
Stoppage of Work
Termination of Employment
Disciplinary Action for Misconduct
5. Procedure for the Approval of
Standing Orders
The main provision that deal for the approval of Standing
Orders are:
1. Procedure for the submission of Draft Standing Orders
[Section 3].
1. Procedure for the Conditions for Certification of Standing
Orders [Section4].
2. Procedure for Certification of Standing Orders (Procedure for
Adoption) [Section 5].
3. Appeals [Section 6].
6. Procedure for the submission of
Draft Standing Orders
1. Within 6 months from the date on which this Act becomes
applicable to industrial establishment, the employer shall
submit to the Certifying Officer 5 copies of the draft standing
orders proposed by him.
2. Provision shall have to be made as such every matter set out in
the Schedule which may be applicable to the industrial
establishment and were model standing orders have been
3. Subject to such conditions as may be prescribed, a group of
employers in similar industrial establishments may submit a
join draft or standing orders under this section.
7. Procedure for the Conditions for
Certification of Standing Orders
The standing order to be certified by the certifying officer under
certain conditions:
1. If provision is made therein for every matter set out in the
schedule which is applicable to the Industrial Establishment;
2. If the standing orders are otherwise in conformity with the
provision of this Act and it shall be the function of the
Certifying Officer or appellate authority to reasonableness of
the provision of any standing orders.
8. Procedure for Certification of Standing
Orders (Procedure for Adoption)
1. The Certifying officer receipt of the draft Standing Orders from
the employer shall forward a copy of the draft standing orders
to the recognized trade union of the establishment seeking
submission of objection to draft standing orders if any.
2. The standing orders came into operation on the expiry of 30
days from the date on which the authenticated copies of the
standing orders are forwarded to the employer and the
workmen by the certifying officer.
3. The conditions of employment, which will be binding on the
employer and the workmen from the date when they become
9. Appeal of Standing Orders
Any employer, workmen, trade union or other prescribed
representatives of workmen aggrieved by the order of the
Certifying Officer may appeal to the appellate authority within
30 days from the date on which copies are to be sent to them.
The appellate authority may confirm the standing orders as
certified, or may make modifications or additions to render
them certifiable and it has to send copies of the same to the
concerned person within 7 days of the order[Sec. 7].
10. Modification of Standing Orders
Standing Order finally certified under the Act shall not, except
on agreement between the employers and the workmen or their
Trade Union be liable to modification until the expiry of 6
months from the date on which the standing orders came into
Subject to the provision of sub-section (1), an employer or
workman or a trade union or other representative body of the
workmen may apply to the Certifying Officer to have the
standing orders modified, and such application shall be
accompanied by 5 copies of the modifications proposed to be
11. Certifying Officer
The certifying officer under standing order act means Regional
Labor Commissioner, Labor Commissioner or other officer appointed by
the appropriate government by the notification in the Official Gazette, to
perform all or any of the functions of certifying officer under Act.
Powers of Certifying Officer:-
Every Certifying Officer and appellate authority shall have all the powers
of Civil Court for he purpose of:
1. Receiving Evidence,
2. Administering oaths,
3. Enforcing the attendance of witness, and
4. Compelling the discovery and production of documents.
12. Payment of Subsistence Allowance
Where any workmen is suspended by the employer pending
investigation or inquiry into complaints or charge of misconduct
against him, the employer shall pay to such workmen
subsistence allowance:
a. At the rate of 50% of the wages which the employer is entitled
to immediately preceding the date of such suspension, for the
90 days of suspension; and
b. At the rate of 70% of such wages for the remaining period of
13. Offences and Penalties
An employer fails to submit the draft Standing Orders as
required by Section 3 or who modified his standing orders
otherwise with sec.10 shall be punishable with fine which may
extend to Rs.5000 and in case of continuing offence with a
further fine of Rs.200 for every day after the first during which
the offence continues.
An employer who does not act in contravention of the standing
orders finally certified under this act for industrial
establishment shall be punishable with fine which may extend to
Rs.100 and in case of continuous offence with further fine of
Rs.25 every day after the first during which the offence
No persecution for any offence punishable under this section 13
shall be instituted except with the previous sanction of the
appropriate government. It can be tried only in the Court of a
presidency magistrate or the second class magistrate.