The Georgia STARBASE program seeks to build interest in STEM fields amongst at-risk youth through 20-25 hours of hands-on activities in aviation, science, technology, engineering and math. Students who participate score an average of 20 percentage points higher on standardized tests. The program exposes over 800 students annually to technological environments and positive role models in the Georgia National Guard.
The 122nd Regiment Regional Training Institute provides combat arms training, leadership training, and specialist training for the Army National Guard, Reserve, and Active Duty. It plans training based on requirements to keep regional forces technically proficient and tactically current for domestic and foreign operations.
The Georgia National Guard Language Training Center provides refresher language courses for
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Starbase, 122nd rti, and language training center
1. STARBASE technology, engineering and math
test. After participation in Georgias
provides students with 20-25 hours
of stimulating experiences by
STARBASE, average student scores exposing youth to the technological
The Georgia Department of improved by over 20 percentage environments and positive role
Defenses STARBASE program points to 79.95% models found within the Georgia
seeks to build interest in science, At STARBASE, students National Guard.
technology, engineering and math participate in
amongst Georgias at-risk youth. challenging hands-
The program exposes students on, mind-on
and their teachers to real-world activities in aviation,
applications of math and science, science, technology,
through experiential learning, engineering,
simulations and experiments in math, and space
aviation and space-related fields. exploration. They
Georgias STARBASE serves interact with military
approximately 800 fifth graders personnel to explore
annually, with quantifiable careers and make
improvement. Before participation connections with
in the program, students averaged the real world.
54.68% on a standardized science, The program
122nd Regiment noncommissioned officer education
system, and general studies training
and educates the regions all-
volunteer forces to be technically
Regional Training for the Army National Guard,
United States Army Reserve, and
current and tactically proficient as
an expeditionary Army.
Institute the Active Component.
The RTI plans and programs
The RTI teaches Soldiers to
operate in a joint interagency,
training within its region based intergovernmental and multinational
The 122nd Regiment Regional on requirements identified by the environment and to conduct full-
Training Institute provides individual training branch, the Army spectrum operations protecting
regionalized combat arms, Program for Individual Training national security and national
leadership, military occupational and the Training Requirements defense strategies domestically and
specialty, additional skill identifier, Arbitration Plan. The 122nd trains abroad.
sizes are limited to eight students its mission last year to assist pre-
Language to both ensure quality of training mobilization activities for deploying
and to comply with the Defense units by providing Language and
Training Center Language Institutes guidelines. Cultural Awareness training to
As part of a national partnership deploying Soldiers. So far, over 300
The Georgia National Guard with the Defense Language Institute, Soldiers have received Language
Language Training Center (LTC) the Georgia LTCs primary mission and Cultural training at the Georgia
opened its doors in June 2010 at is to give refresher courses to LTC in languages ranging from
the Clay National Guard Center to Guardsmen from all over the country Pashto to Albanian.
provide the resources necessary for who have already learned a foreign The new lab serves as a unique
military intelligence linguists to language as part of their military asset to the region, and the nation as
hone their language skills. This cost- careers. These courses enhance a whole, as it is the only National
effective facility boasts four large their language proficiency and add Guard Language Training Center
classrooms, a state-of-the art testing a degree of cultural awareness. on the East Coast and the first of its
center, and a language library. Class The Georgia LTC expanded kind for the National Guard.
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