Tyler Reyno proposes establishing a Canadian rocket company called Open Space Orbital Inc. The presentation outlines a 13-year development plan to enter the smallsat launch market starting in year 6, with the goal of achieving 50 launches per year by year 13 at a cost of $2 million per launch. Reyno argues that a domestic launch capability is important for Canada's technological and economic future. A public-private partnership model is recommended to help develop critical infrastructure and space technologies.
This document provides a strategic plan update for the Central New York Regional Economic Development Council (CNY REDC) for 2015-2016. It summarizes progress made over the past four years and integrates work from eleven new groups formed for the Upstate Revitalization Initiative. The plan recommends 45 priority projects totaling over $30 million in proposed state investment and over $466 million in private funding. Collectively, the projects aim to create over 1,000 new jobs and leverage a 14:1 return on investment. The update reinforces the council's commitment to strengthening targeted industry clusters, improving regional and global competitiveness, and revitalizing urban cores. It also discusses strategies to address challenges like high poverty and engage diverse populations
We specialise in developing complex software applications for businesses in energy, media, logistics, healthcare, financial services and communications sectors globally
Balasaraswathy.S is a final year Electronics and Communication Engineering student at SSM Institute of Engineering and Technology, Anna University, Chennai, India. Her email is saisaraswathy93@gmail.com and Twitter ID is @SBalasaraswathy. She is interested in smart homes as part of the Internet of Things, which uses sensors and devices connected through networks to automate homes and improve convenience for consumers.
Buku-buku milik Aldo Zirsov yang dikirim dari Amerika Serikat ke Indonesia hilang di pelabuhan. Buku-buku tersebut akhirnya muncul di beberapa toko buku bekas di Indonesia, terutama di Reading Lights Bandung. Aldo berusaha mencari keberadaan buku-bukunya dan menemui beberapa pembeli yang masih menyimpan buku-bukunya. Meski sebagian besar pembeli tidak mau menjual kembali buku tersebut, Aldo tetap bersyukur
Este documento describe los cursos masivos en l┴nea abiertos (MOOCs), los cuales permiten que cualquier persona se inscriba gratuitamente en cursos en l┴nea impartidos por principales universidades. Las tecnolog┴as modernas como Internet y el almacenamiento en la nube pueden llevar la educaci┏n en l┴nea a una escala masiva y proporcionar educaci┏n superior a todos. Los MOOCs conectan a profesores y estudiantes a trav└s de temas comunes con la ayuda de Internet en lugar de ser solo puntos de reuni┏n.
Este documento describe la vida de Vilar y c┏mo su contexto hist┏rico lo influenci┏. Explica que la religi┏n y pol┴tica estaban ligadas y afectaron el pensamiento social, especialmente durante la guerra. Tambi└n describe el desorden social en la infancia de Vilar debido a la revoluci┏n en Rusia, y c┏mo sus profesores lo educaron para desarrollar un pensamiento anal┴tico. Vilar quer┴a que sus estudiantes pensaran cr┴ticamente para enfrentar la vida.
The document summarizes the major external and internal female reproductive organs. Externally, it describes the mons pubis, clitoris, prepuce, urethral openings, vaginal orifice, labia minora and majora, Bartholin's glands, and fourchette. Internally, it outlines the vagina, cervix, uterus, endometrium, ovaries, oviducts, follicles, and corpus luteum. The purpose and function of each organ is briefly explained.
This document provides information on anger management. It discusses understanding stress and its effects, as well as strategies for managing anger. Biological, psychological, and social factors that influence behavior and stress responses are examined. Tools for managing anger include relaxation techniques like deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation. Maintaining an hostility log, using positive thinking, and seeking social support are also presented as anger management strategies.
An extracranial aneurysm is a permanent dilatation of an artery outside the skull. The document defines and classifies different types of aneurysms including aortic, carotid, iliac, and popliteal aneurysms. Abdominal aortic aneurysms are the most common type and usually occur below the renal arteries due to atherosclerosis. They may be asymptomatic, symptomatic but unruptured, or ruptured with high mortality. Treatment involves surveillance of small aneurysms and surgery such as open repair or endovascular stent grafting for larger or symptomatic aneurysms to prevent rupture.
?Qu└ es metacognici┏n y qu└ papel juega en el aprendizaje? (?Puede influir el mismo alumno en su propio aprendizaje?)
?Cu│les son los 16 h│bitos de la mente (Arthur Costa) y c┏mo se manifiestan en el aprendizaje?
?Qu└ actividades de clase mejoran la metacognici┏n y ayudan al aprendizaje?
Conexiones: Plataforma de Ciencias del Aprendizaje se enfoca en:
- Asesor┴a y acompa?amiento ^in situ ̄
- Formaci┏n continua
- Investigaci┏n
Visite nuestras redes sociales
- Sitio web: http://conexiones.com.ec
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/conexionespca
- Instagram: ConexionesPCA2017
- 際際滷share: /Lascienciasdelaprendizaje
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyUDsQmjsiJl8T2w5-EF78g
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/16212567/
E-mail: info@conexiones.com.ec
Tel└fono: +593 995 615 247
The document is a feedback survey about a radio trailer for an upcoming documentary. It contains 14 multiple choice and open-ended questions to gather information about the respondent's age, ethnicity, opinions on the length, audio clips, music, pace of narration, clarity, and understanding of the documentary trailer, as well as ways the trailer could be improved.
The document summarizes a presentation given by Haseeb Ullah about Pak Suzuki Motor Corporation. It includes information about the company's vision, objectives, marketing mix, market segmentation, and analysis of internal and external factors using various matrices like SWOT, BCG, SPACE, CPM, and QSPM. The various strategic recommendations provided by the different models include market development, product development, market penetration, concentric diversification, and backward integration.
Alcanzar/mejorar los niveles de productividad de Toyota.
Aumentar la utilizaci┏n de recursos.
Estandarizar las pr│cticas/procesos ┏ptimos.
Sistema de producci┏n Ford estandari?zado.
Mayor sensibilidad hacia los clientes.
Decisiones r│pidas e implementaci┏n │gil. ̄
As┴, el objetivo que Ford Motor Company persigue es "producir mejores produc?tos m│s r│pidamente y a un precio m│s bajo para satisfacer a m│s clientes en todo el mundo". Para conseguirlo va a llevar a cabo un redise?o tanto de sus procesos como de su estructura, basando la misma en sus productos y no en las │reas geogr│ficas, como ven┴a actuando desde su creaci┏n.
- Project management is important for organizations to effectively introduce new products, processes, and programs and deal with reduced product cycle times. It helps cross-functional teams be more effective.
- Over $250 billion is spent annually in the US on ~175,000 IT projects, but only 26% are completed on time and within budget, with the average costing over $2 million for large companies. Project management is an $850 million industry expected to grow 20% annually.
- A project is unique, temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. It differs from ongoing operations or a program in that it has a definite beginning and end.
The document outlines three proposals for Tennessee Controls Corporation's Process Controls Division: 1) Develop new products for the high-volume market segment, 2) Develop high-technology control systems, and 3) Acquire MDA. Each proposal is evaluated using a Strategic Ranking Index (SRI) which considers credibility, risk factors, and financial return. Proposal 1, to develop new high-volume products, scored highest on the SRI and was recommended due to the champion's competitive analysis, potential for substantial profits even if followed, and opening of new markets.
Barnes Group provides an overview of their investor presentation which discusses their business segments, growth strategies, and financial expectations. They operate in both industrial and aerospace markets globally. The presentation outlines their strategic focus on driving sustainable growth and improving operating margins through portfolio enhancements, intellectual property, end market selection, and expanding their global footprint. Financial charts show their progress on transforming their portfolio and increasing investment to support long term organic growth.
06/17/2010 Meeting - Electronic Data Analysis Using ACLacfesj
The document provides an overview of a training session on using ACL (Audit Command Language) for data analysis. It discusses the objectives of the training, which are for participants to learn how to use basic commands and filters in ACL, perform calculations, use summarize and join commands, and apply best practices for journal entry testing. It also outlines several common journal entry tests that can be performed in ACL like identifying entries for seldom used accounts, users who seldom post entries, backdated or predated entries, entries made on weekends or holidays, and searching for key words.
Barnes Group Inc. Investor Overview - July 2016Terri Chapman
This document provides an overview of Barnes Group Inc. for investors. Some key points:
- Barnes Group is an international manufacturer and services provider serving industrial and aerospace end markets.
- Through acquisitions and divestitures, the company has transformed its portfolio mix from roughly even industrial/aerospace in 2010 to 65%/35% currently.
- The company provides guidance for 2016, expecting total sales growth of 3-4% including an acquisition, with industrial segment growth of 1-2% organically and aerospace segment expected to be flat to low single digit growth.
- Barnes Group utilizes its Barnes Enterprise System approach and strategic acquisitions to drive productivity improvements and expand its portfolio into
This document outlines the business policy and strategy of Fauji Cement Company Ltd. It provides information on the company such as its establishment in 1992, current production capacity of 8.4 million tons annually, and operations across three manufacturing plants in Pakistan. The organizational structure and various types of cement produced are also mentioned. The company's mission and vision focus on being a role model in cement manufacturing while maximizing profitability and market share. A PESTEL analysis is included, along with Porter's Five Forces model and an evaluation of the company's external and internal factors. The document analyzes the company's resources and formulates strategies.
This document provides information on Lucky Cement, including its business profile, vision, mission, internal and external factor analyses, competitive profile, TOWS matrix, Porter's five forces analysis, and financial analysis. Lucky Cement was founded in 1993 and is one of the largest cement manufacturers in Pakistan. It has strong financial performance with increasing profits, assets, and revenues over recent years. However, it faces threats from government regulations and price competition from rivals. The document evaluates Lucky Cement's strengths and weaknesses and provides recommendations around increasing employee pay and benefits, market penetration in new regions, and contingency planning.
1. The document discusses managerial economics group project on innovation in PROTON, Malaysia's national car company. It covers topics like the challenges and process of innovation, technology and economic growth, and the importance of research and development.
2. Some of the key challenges PROTON faces for innovation are a lack of human capital and technological capabilities, reliance on foreign imports, and pressure from competitors in Thailand with more advanced technologies.
3. PROTON's innovation process involves collaboration with research institutions, creating a culture of innovation within the company, and leveraging programs to solicit ideas from employees.
Presentation entitled `Breakthrough Competencies in the Development of Pubic Administration - Better Business Cases.¨ An overview of the methods and approaches that focus on business cases such as PRINCE2? and Agile. He gives some insight into the frameworks that form the core of these methods such as the 5-case model and the project initiation route-map.
The Role of the Business Case in Public Investment Management and Project Por...Dr Rupert Booth
The document outlines Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Management (PIM) framework and Project Portfolio Planning (PPP) process. It introduces the Five Case Model business case approach used in PPP. The model assesses the strategic, economic, commercial, financial, and management cases for projects. It then discusses each step of Saudi Arabia's PPP process in detail, including screening projects using a strategic assessment, risk assessment, and strategic outline case with cost-benefit analysis. The best projects are prioritized to create a five-year project portfolio plan. Project execution is supported by a stage gate process and standardized 'White Book' procedures.
Barnes Group Inc. Investor Overview - April 2016Terri Chapman
This document provides an investor overview of Barnes Group for April 2016. It begins with forward-looking statements and disclosures. It then provides an overview of Barnes Group as an international industrial and aerospace manufacturer and services provider with two business segments. The document reviews Barnes Group's financial performance trends, strategic themes, growth strategies for its business segments, market outlooks, capital allocation approach and portfolio transformation through acquisitions. It summarizes Barnes Group's position in industrial and aerospace end markets and the performance of its various businesses.
ITG is an independent broker and financial technology firm that helps improve institutional trading efficiency and execution quality. They provide electronic block crossing, algorithms, smart routing, analytics and workflow technology in over 50 countries. ITG has 956 employees in 14 offices including 9 trading desks. Their strategic operating plan involves a $40 million investment over 2.5 years to drive revenue growth and improve margins through enhancing their core capabilities of liquidity, execution, analytics and workflow technology. Their goals are to increase US market share to 3% and achieve a run-rate revenue of $600 million and pre-tax margin of 15% by the end of 2018.
Dr Robert Phaal - Technology roadmapping: a case studyJIC
Technology roadmapping: a case study
Best Practice Workshop: Technology Roadmapping
Brno, 5 February 2013
Dr Robert Phaal (Centre for Technology Management)
Barnes Group Inc. Investor Overview - March 2016Terri Chapman
The document provides an investor overview for Barnes Group from March 2016. It discusses Barnes Group's business segments, end markets served, financial performance trends, and growth strategies. Some key points:
- Barnes Group has two business segments: Industrial and Aerospace, serving a variety of end markets globally.
- The company has transformed its portfolio through acquisitions since 2010, increasing its aerospace business from 32% to 65% of sales.
- Financial metrics like adjusted operating margins and EPS have increased steadily in recent years and are expected to continue growing.
- Growth strategies focus on intellectual property, portfolio enhancements, sustainable end markets, global expansion, and talent development.
The document summarizes the major external and internal female reproductive organs. Externally, it describes the mons pubis, clitoris, prepuce, urethral openings, vaginal orifice, labia minora and majora, Bartholin's glands, and fourchette. Internally, it outlines the vagina, cervix, uterus, endometrium, ovaries, oviducts, follicles, and corpus luteum. The purpose and function of each organ is briefly explained.
This document provides information on anger management. It discusses understanding stress and its effects, as well as strategies for managing anger. Biological, psychological, and social factors that influence behavior and stress responses are examined. Tools for managing anger include relaxation techniques like deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation. Maintaining an hostility log, using positive thinking, and seeking social support are also presented as anger management strategies.
An extracranial aneurysm is a permanent dilatation of an artery outside the skull. The document defines and classifies different types of aneurysms including aortic, carotid, iliac, and popliteal aneurysms. Abdominal aortic aneurysms are the most common type and usually occur below the renal arteries due to atherosclerosis. They may be asymptomatic, symptomatic but unruptured, or ruptured with high mortality. Treatment involves surveillance of small aneurysms and surgery such as open repair or endovascular stent grafting for larger or symptomatic aneurysms to prevent rupture.
?Qu└ es metacognici┏n y qu└ papel juega en el aprendizaje? (?Puede influir el mismo alumno en su propio aprendizaje?)
?Cu│les son los 16 h│bitos de la mente (Arthur Costa) y c┏mo se manifiestan en el aprendizaje?
?Qu└ actividades de clase mejoran la metacognici┏n y ayudan al aprendizaje?
Conexiones: Plataforma de Ciencias del Aprendizaje se enfoca en:
- Asesor┴a y acompa?amiento ^in situ ̄
- Formaci┏n continua
- Investigaci┏n
Visite nuestras redes sociales
- Sitio web: http://conexiones.com.ec
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/conexionespca
- Instagram: ConexionesPCA2017
- 際際滷share: /Lascienciasdelaprendizaje
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyUDsQmjsiJl8T2w5-EF78g
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/16212567/
E-mail: info@conexiones.com.ec
Tel└fono: +593 995 615 247
The document is a feedback survey about a radio trailer for an upcoming documentary. It contains 14 multiple choice and open-ended questions to gather information about the respondent's age, ethnicity, opinions on the length, audio clips, music, pace of narration, clarity, and understanding of the documentary trailer, as well as ways the trailer could be improved.
The document summarizes a presentation given by Haseeb Ullah about Pak Suzuki Motor Corporation. It includes information about the company's vision, objectives, marketing mix, market segmentation, and analysis of internal and external factors using various matrices like SWOT, BCG, SPACE, CPM, and QSPM. The various strategic recommendations provided by the different models include market development, product development, market penetration, concentric diversification, and backward integration.
Alcanzar/mejorar los niveles de productividad de Toyota.
Aumentar la utilizaci┏n de recursos.
Estandarizar las pr│cticas/procesos ┏ptimos.
Sistema de producci┏n Ford estandari?zado.
Mayor sensibilidad hacia los clientes.
Decisiones r│pidas e implementaci┏n │gil. ̄
As┴, el objetivo que Ford Motor Company persigue es "producir mejores produc?tos m│s r│pidamente y a un precio m│s bajo para satisfacer a m│s clientes en todo el mundo". Para conseguirlo va a llevar a cabo un redise?o tanto de sus procesos como de su estructura, basando la misma en sus productos y no en las │reas geogr│ficas, como ven┴a actuando desde su creaci┏n.
- Project management is important for organizations to effectively introduce new products, processes, and programs and deal with reduced product cycle times. It helps cross-functional teams be more effective.
- Over $250 billion is spent annually in the US on ~175,000 IT projects, but only 26% are completed on time and within budget, with the average costing over $2 million for large companies. Project management is an $850 million industry expected to grow 20% annually.
- A project is unique, temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. It differs from ongoing operations or a program in that it has a definite beginning and end.
The document outlines three proposals for Tennessee Controls Corporation's Process Controls Division: 1) Develop new products for the high-volume market segment, 2) Develop high-technology control systems, and 3) Acquire MDA. Each proposal is evaluated using a Strategic Ranking Index (SRI) which considers credibility, risk factors, and financial return. Proposal 1, to develop new high-volume products, scored highest on the SRI and was recommended due to the champion's competitive analysis, potential for substantial profits even if followed, and opening of new markets.
Barnes Group provides an overview of their investor presentation which discusses their business segments, growth strategies, and financial expectations. They operate in both industrial and aerospace markets globally. The presentation outlines their strategic focus on driving sustainable growth and improving operating margins through portfolio enhancements, intellectual property, end market selection, and expanding their global footprint. Financial charts show their progress on transforming their portfolio and increasing investment to support long term organic growth.
06/17/2010 Meeting - Electronic Data Analysis Using ACLacfesj
The document provides an overview of a training session on using ACL (Audit Command Language) for data analysis. It discusses the objectives of the training, which are for participants to learn how to use basic commands and filters in ACL, perform calculations, use summarize and join commands, and apply best practices for journal entry testing. It also outlines several common journal entry tests that can be performed in ACL like identifying entries for seldom used accounts, users who seldom post entries, backdated or predated entries, entries made on weekends or holidays, and searching for key words.
Barnes Group Inc. Investor Overview - July 2016Terri Chapman
This document provides an overview of Barnes Group Inc. for investors. Some key points:
- Barnes Group is an international manufacturer and services provider serving industrial and aerospace end markets.
- Through acquisitions and divestitures, the company has transformed its portfolio mix from roughly even industrial/aerospace in 2010 to 65%/35% currently.
- The company provides guidance for 2016, expecting total sales growth of 3-4% including an acquisition, with industrial segment growth of 1-2% organically and aerospace segment expected to be flat to low single digit growth.
- Barnes Group utilizes its Barnes Enterprise System approach and strategic acquisitions to drive productivity improvements and expand its portfolio into
This document outlines the business policy and strategy of Fauji Cement Company Ltd. It provides information on the company such as its establishment in 1992, current production capacity of 8.4 million tons annually, and operations across three manufacturing plants in Pakistan. The organizational structure and various types of cement produced are also mentioned. The company's mission and vision focus on being a role model in cement manufacturing while maximizing profitability and market share. A PESTEL analysis is included, along with Porter's Five Forces model and an evaluation of the company's external and internal factors. The document analyzes the company's resources and formulates strategies.
This document provides information on Lucky Cement, including its business profile, vision, mission, internal and external factor analyses, competitive profile, TOWS matrix, Porter's five forces analysis, and financial analysis. Lucky Cement was founded in 1993 and is one of the largest cement manufacturers in Pakistan. It has strong financial performance with increasing profits, assets, and revenues over recent years. However, it faces threats from government regulations and price competition from rivals. The document evaluates Lucky Cement's strengths and weaknesses and provides recommendations around increasing employee pay and benefits, market penetration in new regions, and contingency planning.
1. The document discusses managerial economics group project on innovation in PROTON, Malaysia's national car company. It covers topics like the challenges and process of innovation, technology and economic growth, and the importance of research and development.
2. Some of the key challenges PROTON faces for innovation are a lack of human capital and technological capabilities, reliance on foreign imports, and pressure from competitors in Thailand with more advanced technologies.
3. PROTON's innovation process involves collaboration with research institutions, creating a culture of innovation within the company, and leveraging programs to solicit ideas from employees.
Presentation entitled `Breakthrough Competencies in the Development of Pubic Administration - Better Business Cases.¨ An overview of the methods and approaches that focus on business cases such as PRINCE2? and Agile. He gives some insight into the frameworks that form the core of these methods such as the 5-case model and the project initiation route-map.
The Role of the Business Case in Public Investment Management and Project Por...Dr Rupert Booth
The document outlines Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Management (PIM) framework and Project Portfolio Planning (PPP) process. It introduces the Five Case Model business case approach used in PPP. The model assesses the strategic, economic, commercial, financial, and management cases for projects. It then discusses each step of Saudi Arabia's PPP process in detail, including screening projects using a strategic assessment, risk assessment, and strategic outline case with cost-benefit analysis. The best projects are prioritized to create a five-year project portfolio plan. Project execution is supported by a stage gate process and standardized 'White Book' procedures.
Barnes Group Inc. Investor Overview - April 2016Terri Chapman
This document provides an investor overview of Barnes Group for April 2016. It begins with forward-looking statements and disclosures. It then provides an overview of Barnes Group as an international industrial and aerospace manufacturer and services provider with two business segments. The document reviews Barnes Group's financial performance trends, strategic themes, growth strategies for its business segments, market outlooks, capital allocation approach and portfolio transformation through acquisitions. It summarizes Barnes Group's position in industrial and aerospace end markets and the performance of its various businesses.
ITG is an independent broker and financial technology firm that helps improve institutional trading efficiency and execution quality. They provide electronic block crossing, algorithms, smart routing, analytics and workflow technology in over 50 countries. ITG has 956 employees in 14 offices including 9 trading desks. Their strategic operating plan involves a $40 million investment over 2.5 years to drive revenue growth and improve margins through enhancing their core capabilities of liquidity, execution, analytics and workflow technology. Their goals are to increase US market share to 3% and achieve a run-rate revenue of $600 million and pre-tax margin of 15% by the end of 2018.
Dr Robert Phaal - Technology roadmapping: a case studyJIC
Technology roadmapping: a case study
Best Practice Workshop: Technology Roadmapping
Brno, 5 February 2013
Dr Robert Phaal (Centre for Technology Management)
Barnes Group Inc. Investor Overview - March 2016Terri Chapman
The document provides an investor overview for Barnes Group from March 2016. It discusses Barnes Group's business segments, end markets served, financial performance trends, and growth strategies. Some key points:
- Barnes Group has two business segments: Industrial and Aerospace, serving a variety of end markets globally.
- The company has transformed its portfolio through acquisitions since 2010, increasing its aerospace business from 32% to 65% of sales.
- Financial metrics like adjusted operating margins and EPS have increased steadily in recent years and are expected to continue growing.
- Growth strategies focus on intellectual property, portfolio enhancements, sustainable end markets, global expansion, and talent development.
Introduction to MaxQ - Canada's First Accelerator for Space-StartupsBrodie Houlette
The document summarizes information about the MaxQ space technology startup accelerator program. It discusses that the global space sector generated $330 billion in revenue in 2014 and the Canadian space sector generated $3.5 billion in 2013. MaxQ will be located in Kitchener-Waterloo to support the growth of space technology startups in areas like Earth observation, geomatics, and biotechnology. The accelerator will provide funding, mentoring, office space, and other resources to help startups launch new downstream space-enabled products and services. Selected startups will go through a multi-month program to prepare for commercial launch.
Computer manufacturing company Business plan Bilal shafique
This business plan is based on assumption and planed before starting the business. this plan was presented by M.Bilal and Khursheed Alam BSIT students in University of Sargodga GRW campus.
18. ?Entry through the smallsat launch
? Roughly 250% market growth over next 5
? Supported by off-the-shelf smallsat
? Smallsat market value (approx. $7.4B)
Entering the Launch Industry
20. ?Easiest access in term of economics:
*Image credit: Skybox Imaging
Market Accessibility
21. ?Other notes:
? Light lift most attractive among other lift
? More in reach of Canada¨s budget
? Low risk in terms of capital/resource loss
in case of failure
*Image credit: Skybox Imaging
Market Accessibility
34. ?Northern Nova Scotia is a good choice
?Located between North America and
European space markets
35. ?SSO and PO accessibility (popular
destinations among smallsats)
?Flight path above the Atlantic Ocean
?Reasonable inclination
Orbital Considerations
36. ?Lean operation with talent located
under one roof is critical
?Main focus on high manufacturing and
launch frequencies
Operating Philosophy
42. ?Two-stage format
?50 kg payload capacity
?14 m length, 0.9 m diameter
?13,500 kg vehicle mass
?90-second first stage burn time
Proposed Rocket Characteristics
43. ?New level of transportability
?Requirement for economically feasible
commercial smallsat launcher
Proposed Rocket Characteristics
44. ?First stage engine:
? 35,000 lbf first stage
? LOX/ethanol
? Pintle injector
? Sea level specific impulse
of 220 s
Proposed Propulsion Characteristics
48. ?5-year development timeline and
? Year 1: $2,000,000
? Year 2: $18,000,000
? Year 3: $11,000,000
? Year 4: $16,000,000
? Year 5: $10,000,000
?Total: $57,000,000
Proposed Financial Plan
50. ?Value received over investment is high
?Development of:
? Critical new infrastructure
? Space-supporting resources and
Public Enterprise
51. ?Operational and pricing target:
? $2,000,000 launch cost
? $40,000 per kg at 50 kg total payload
? 50 launches per year (approx. weekly
Business Goal
52. ?Progressively increase launch rate:
? Year 1-5: No launches
? Year 6-8: 3 launches per year
? Year 9-10: 6 launches per year
? Year 11: 18 launches per year
? Year 12: 30 launches per year
? Year 13+: 50 launches per year
Launch Rate Strategy
53. ?Progressively decrease cost:
? Year 1-5: No launches
? Year 6-8: $6M per launch (3 launches )
? Year 9-10: $5M per launch (6
? Year 11: $4M per launch (18
? Year 12: $3M per launch
? Year 13+: $2M per launch (50
Pricing Strategy
54. ?Progressively refined profit margins:
? Year 1-5: No launches
? Year 6-8: 11.8% (3 launches per year)
? Year 9-10: 30.8% (6 launches per year)
? Year 11: 72.5% (18 launches per year)
? Year 12: 48.3% (30 launches per year)
? Year 13+: 59.8% (50 launches per year)
Profit Margins
55. ? Progressively increase launch rate while decreasing
? Year 1-5: No launches
? Year 6-8: $6M per launch (3 launches per year)
? Year 9-10: $5M (6 launches per year)
? Year 11: $4M (18 launches per year)
? Year 12: $3M (30 launches per year)
? Year 13+: $2M (50 launches per year)
?119 performed launches
Net Revenue
Net Revenue
($M) [After
Year 6-13 101.4 15.5 170.365 287.265 583 280.95 210.71
Launch Period Spending
56. 2028+ (Year 13+) Financial Summary
Employment spending (per year) $13M
Operational spending (per year) $0.05M
R&D spending (per year) $27.125M
Total spending (per year) $40.175M
Gross revenue (per year) $100M
Net revenue (per year)* $56.834M
Net revenue (per year) [After Taxes]* $42.625M
Price per launch $2M
Expenditure per launch $0.804M
Average profit per launch $1.196M
Average profit per launch assuming 5% failure $1.136M
Average profit per launch (5% failure) after taxes [25%]) $0.852M
Yearly profit (after taxes) $42.625M
Proposed Financial Plan Summary
57. 2028+ (Year 13+) Financial Summary
Employment spending (per year) $13M
Operational spending (per year) $0.05M
R&D spending (per year) $27.125M
Total spending (per year) $40.175M
Gross revenue (per year) $100M
Net revenue (per year)* $56.834M
Net revenue (per year) [After Taxes]* $42.625M
Price per launch $2M
Expenditure per launch $0.804M
Average profit per launch $1.196M
Average profit per launch assuming 5% failure $1.136M
Average profit per launch (5% failure) after taxes [25%]) $0.852M
Yearly profit (after taxes) $42.625M
Proposed Financial Plan Summary
58. ?*Net revenues consider 95% mission
success rate
?Year 13+ profit margin is 59.8%
?Cash positive at Year 6
?Maximum market share of 16%
#9: Interplanetary travel, space resource mining, others around the corner
Canada will have to demonstrate a certain level of access to space if it wishes to play a serious role
#11: Domestic launch capability reflects national confidence
Nations that thrive are nations that take risks
#12: Passivity relying on other nations for large capital and resource investment capabilities
#14: Unlike any other industry, requires people of all trades and expertise
#15: Ground-breaking innovation does not stem from a passive environment
Talent will almost always depart for better opportunity
#17: Value only comes through taking risks
Can¨t stick solely to what we know (space robotics and satellites)
#20: Development of backlog due to secondary payload status
Currently no domestic competition (has been proven to be detrimental)
#21: High market value [available market capitalization value] over investment
High technology value [value of what the technology enables us to do] over investment
#23: Less restrictive regulatory agencies [no ITAR/EAR-level bodies]
#56: Post-development period = sustainable business operation
#57: Highly dependent on achievability of 50 launches per year
Only sustainable way to bring down cost so low is to launch frequently
#58: Highly dependent on achievability of 50 launches per year
Only sustainable way to bring down cost so low is to launch frequently
#59: Extrapolating
Assuming average of two satellites per launch
#61: This has been a review of why Canada needs a domestic launch capability, as well as an illustration of potential engineering and financial philosophies which may serve its development
#62: Required capital and resources
Market opportunity
#64: Heavily government-supported, regardless of whether economics point to capital success
National launch program would more so affect everybody