The document summarizes the status of the maritime industry in Primorsko Goranska County of Croatia. It finds that the county has a strong shipbuilding industry that represents an important part of the Croatian economy, but the industry is currently underdeveloped and facing challenges. A key issue is the lack of a clear vision and coordinated policy for the maritime sector's development. Recommendations include political support for the industry, restructuring of shipyards, and establishing institutions and clusters to foster technology transfer and international cooperation.
2012 is a year of consolidation for IFSTTAR, as witnessed by its determination to continue along its path and pursue its shared goals and vision.
The 2012 Activity Report presents the achievements and highlights of the year.
Mr Gurpreet Singhota, Deputy Director/Head, Operational Safety Section, Maritime Safety Division at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) joined us for a Q&A session to discuss the aims, impact and progress of the IMO¡¯s e-navigation strategy.
As Secretary of the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation (NAV), Mr Singhota has the responsibility for both the NAV and the Sub-Committee on Radiocommunications Search and Rescue (COMSAR) including the development of an e-navigation strategy implementation plan. Mr. Singhota is a Master Mariner with 14 years of sea-going experience, including six years of command experience on a variety of vessels including super tanker, bulk carrier, chemical tanker, cadet training ships.
The document summarizes the Marine Roadmap and Capability Study conducted in 2011/2012 to identify priority opportunities for the UK marine industries to focus on. The study was funded by the Technology Strategy Board and Transport KTN and involved workshops with industry, academia, and stakeholders. It identified 30 leading market opportunities within 4 major groups: integrated transport, marine renewables, low carbon/green shipping and propulsion, and marine ICT. The roadmap aims to inform the scope of the Vessel Efficiency Competition.
The document summarizes the Marine Roadmap and Capability Study conducted in 2011/2012 to identify priority opportunities for the UK marine industries to focus on. The study was funded by the Technology Strategy Board and Transport KTN and involved workshops with industry, academia, and stakeholders. It identified 30 leading market opportunities within 4 major groups: integrated transport, marine renewables, low carbon/green shipping and propulsion, and marine ICT. The roadmap aims to inform the scope of the Vessel Efficiency Competition.
The document discusses changes in the transport industry and how the STC Group has adapted to survive. It has invested heavily in training and developing its human resources or "knowledge infrastructure". It provides training and education services globally to industries like shipping, ports, and logistics. Modern developments like larger ships and more sophisticated port facilities require specialized training to ensure the safe and efficient flow of information between all parties.
El zool¨®gico de Cali en Colombia fue fundado en 1969 y alberga alrededor de 2500 animales de 233 especies diferentes, incluyendo mam¨ªferos, aves, reptiles, anfibios, peces y mariposas. Ubicado en el bosque municipal cerca del r¨ªo Cali, es considerado el cuarto mejor zool¨®gico de Am¨¦rica Latina.
La entrevista sobre la sociedad del conocimiento explor¨® c¨®mo este concepto ocupa un lugar fundamental en las ciencias del conocimiento y la educaci¨®n, sirviendo como una visi¨®n del futuro acad¨¦mico del pa¨ªs. Si bien la sociedad del conocimiento ha guiado las pol¨ªticas, su implementaci¨®n ha sido desigual en ¨¢reas ling¨¹¨ªsticas. Comprender este tema es clave para mejorar la educaci¨®n y formar mejores profesionales en el Ecuador y en el mundo.
Lee Michael Griffiths has over 25 years of experience in sales and management roles within the electrical and heating industries. He held positions as an accounts junior, sales advisor, sales manager, and branch manager. Most recently, Griffiths has been the director of his own business, Absolute Heating Spare Ltd, which he established in 2015. He considers himself to be self-motivated, a team player, hard working, conscientious, punctual, and reliable.
Este documento compara los modelos de negocios tradicionales y los modelos de negocios en la econom¨ªa digital. Explica que los modelos tradicionales dependen de las jerarqu¨ªas, comunicaciones formales y cumplimiento de objetivos espec¨ªficos, mientras que los modelos digitales se basan en mejoras a la distribuci¨®n, comunicaciones electr¨®nicas y facilidad para finalizar clientes. Adem¨¢s, describe los tipos de negocios B2B, B2C y B2G en la econom¨ªa digital.
Este documento presenta la informaci¨®n sobre un proyecto de emprendimiento para una tienda de calzado llamada LEBEN. Incluye detalles sobre la propietaria Lorena Vila?a, el problema que la tienda resolver¨¢ ofreciendo calzado en tallas comunes y diversos modelos, y la propuesta de valor que incluye calzado casual personalizado con dise?os ¨²nicos. Tambi¨¦n presenta informaci¨®n sobre el segmento objetivo de clientes j¨®venes entre 15-35 a?os y muestra prototipos de calzado dise?ado.
This CV summarizes the qualifications of Dimas Prabowo, a 29-year-old graphic designer and freelance designer from Jakarta, Indonesia. He has 6 years of experience working in media and creative agencies. His areas of expertise include graphic design, illustration, drawing, branding, typography, layout, photography, and logo design. In his education experience section, he lists several design and media related organizations he has worked for between 2011-2016. His hobbies include sketching, music, art, photography, books, coffee, literature, movies, graffiti, traveling, soccer, and cycling.
This document provides safety guidelines for working in a workshop, advising students to wear protective clothing like aprons and closed toe shoes, tie up long hair and roll up sleeves. It instructs students to never operate machines alone, always turn them off before cleaning, listen to teacher demonstrations, and only enter the workshop with a teacher's permission.
Este documento resume las opiniones de estudiantes sobre diferentes estilos de ense?anza. Los estudiantes disfrutan de actividades participativas en clase como exposiciones y trabajo en equipo, pero critican el dictado y mon¨®logos del maestro. La forma en que el maestro interact¨²a con los estudiantes afecta su aprendizaje y entusiasmo por la materia. Los maestros deben dominar tanto los contenidos como las estrategias pedag¨®gicas y la din¨¢mica del grupo para mejorar el inter¨¦s de los estudiantes.
La digesti¨®n y absorci¨®n de los hidratos de carbono implica la hidr¨®lisis de polisac¨¢ridos, disac¨¢ridos y monosac¨¢ridos por enzimas digestivas en el intestino delgado. Los monosac¨¢ridos como la glucosa y la fructosa se absorben activamente en el intestino delgado a trav¨¦s de transportadores como SGLT1. La intolerancia a la lactosa ocurre cuando hay deficiencia en la enzima lactasa, lo que causa malabsorci¨®n de la lactosa y s¨ªntomas como diarrea.
This document provides examples to illustrate the use of the present simple and present continuous tenses in English. It shows sentence constructions using different verbs in both tenses and analyzes when each tense would be used based on whether the verb describes an action, state, repeated event, or ongoing activity. Key distinctions are made between verbs that indicate an action which can be used in either tense versus stative verbs which are generally only used in the present simple tense.
Este documento contiene informaci¨®n sobre los engranajes de dientes rectos. Define engranajes de dientes rectos, describe su historia y desarrollo a trav¨¦s de los tiempos, explica su funcionamiento y caracter¨ªsticas, y detalla sus usos y desventajas. Tambi¨¦n incluye un ejemplo de dise?o de engranajes de dientes rectos para una aplicaci¨®n espec¨ªfica.
German-Finnish maritime co-operation, joint development of next-generation te...Business Finland
Maritime Business Day seminar in Helsinki 30.1.2018_Presentation by Prof. Holger Watter, University of Applied Science, Flensburg; Association Chairman of the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany (MCN)
The document discusses maritime safety challenges and opportunities for transnational cooperation in the European Atlantic coastal region. It outlines the EU Atlantic Area programme which provides funding to improve maritime safety as a priority. Potential areas for future cooperation projects include developing common strategies, monitoring systems, research and education around water safety, risk prevention and emergency response.
Cantabria organizes the first floating marine energy conference in December 2010 in Santander to focus on the development of marine energy technologies and markets. Topics will include the market situation and industry development for wind, wave, and ocean energy, as well as challenges and projects for floating wind energy. The conference aims to generate value by sharing information between worldwide industry leaders, researchers, and experts to help introduce organizations in this sector and make the conference a standard event for offshore floating wind energy worldwide.
Pomorskie Region in northern Poland has a strong blue economy focused around its coastal cities of Gdansk, Gdynia, and Sopot. The region attracts investment through its ports and shipbuilding industry, with major companies producing offshore and maritime vessels. Pomorskie has identified offshore technologies, ports and logistics as a key area for further developing its blue economy through research and innovation in areas like offshore energy, marine monitoring, and marine biotechnology.
The document summarizes the EBRD's involvement in the transport sector in Ukraine. It discusses the EBRD's portfolio and focus areas, including various transport projects it has funded. Specific examples highlighted are investments in port infrastructure in Illichivsk and Odessa, as well as loans to shipping companies for vessel acquisition to modernize the dry cargo fleet in the Black Sea region. The EBRD aims to promote sustainable development, private sector participation, and adherence to environmental and social standards.
La entrevista sobre la sociedad del conocimiento explor¨® c¨®mo este concepto ocupa un lugar fundamental en las ciencias del conocimiento y la educaci¨®n, sirviendo como una visi¨®n del futuro acad¨¦mico del pa¨ªs. Si bien la sociedad del conocimiento ha guiado las pol¨ªticas, su implementaci¨®n ha sido desigual en ¨¢reas ling¨¹¨ªsticas. Comprender este tema es clave para mejorar la educaci¨®n y formar mejores profesionales en el Ecuador y en el mundo.
Lee Michael Griffiths has over 25 years of experience in sales and management roles within the electrical and heating industries. He held positions as an accounts junior, sales advisor, sales manager, and branch manager. Most recently, Griffiths has been the director of his own business, Absolute Heating Spare Ltd, which he established in 2015. He considers himself to be self-motivated, a team player, hard working, conscientious, punctual, and reliable.
Este documento compara los modelos de negocios tradicionales y los modelos de negocios en la econom¨ªa digital. Explica que los modelos tradicionales dependen de las jerarqu¨ªas, comunicaciones formales y cumplimiento de objetivos espec¨ªficos, mientras que los modelos digitales se basan en mejoras a la distribuci¨®n, comunicaciones electr¨®nicas y facilidad para finalizar clientes. Adem¨¢s, describe los tipos de negocios B2B, B2C y B2G en la econom¨ªa digital.
Este documento presenta la informaci¨®n sobre un proyecto de emprendimiento para una tienda de calzado llamada LEBEN. Incluye detalles sobre la propietaria Lorena Vila?a, el problema que la tienda resolver¨¢ ofreciendo calzado en tallas comunes y diversos modelos, y la propuesta de valor que incluye calzado casual personalizado con dise?os ¨²nicos. Tambi¨¦n presenta informaci¨®n sobre el segmento objetivo de clientes j¨®venes entre 15-35 a?os y muestra prototipos de calzado dise?ado.
This CV summarizes the qualifications of Dimas Prabowo, a 29-year-old graphic designer and freelance designer from Jakarta, Indonesia. He has 6 years of experience working in media and creative agencies. His areas of expertise include graphic design, illustration, drawing, branding, typography, layout, photography, and logo design. In his education experience section, he lists several design and media related organizations he has worked for between 2011-2016. His hobbies include sketching, music, art, photography, books, coffee, literature, movies, graffiti, traveling, soccer, and cycling.
This document provides safety guidelines for working in a workshop, advising students to wear protective clothing like aprons and closed toe shoes, tie up long hair and roll up sleeves. It instructs students to never operate machines alone, always turn them off before cleaning, listen to teacher demonstrations, and only enter the workshop with a teacher's permission.
Este documento resume las opiniones de estudiantes sobre diferentes estilos de ense?anza. Los estudiantes disfrutan de actividades participativas en clase como exposiciones y trabajo en equipo, pero critican el dictado y mon¨®logos del maestro. La forma en que el maestro interact¨²a con los estudiantes afecta su aprendizaje y entusiasmo por la materia. Los maestros deben dominar tanto los contenidos como las estrategias pedag¨®gicas y la din¨¢mica del grupo para mejorar el inter¨¦s de los estudiantes.
La digesti¨®n y absorci¨®n de los hidratos de carbono implica la hidr¨®lisis de polisac¨¢ridos, disac¨¢ridos y monosac¨¢ridos por enzimas digestivas en el intestino delgado. Los monosac¨¢ridos como la glucosa y la fructosa se absorben activamente en el intestino delgado a trav¨¦s de transportadores como SGLT1. La intolerancia a la lactosa ocurre cuando hay deficiencia en la enzima lactasa, lo que causa malabsorci¨®n de la lactosa y s¨ªntomas como diarrea.
This document provides examples to illustrate the use of the present simple and present continuous tenses in English. It shows sentence constructions using different verbs in both tenses and analyzes when each tense would be used based on whether the verb describes an action, state, repeated event, or ongoing activity. Key distinctions are made between verbs that indicate an action which can be used in either tense versus stative verbs which are generally only used in the present simple tense.
Este documento contiene informaci¨®n sobre los engranajes de dientes rectos. Define engranajes de dientes rectos, describe su historia y desarrollo a trav¨¦s de los tiempos, explica su funcionamiento y caracter¨ªsticas, y detalla sus usos y desventajas. Tambi¨¦n incluye un ejemplo de dise?o de engranajes de dientes rectos para una aplicaci¨®n espec¨ªfica.
German-Finnish maritime co-operation, joint development of next-generation te...Business Finland
Maritime Business Day seminar in Helsinki 30.1.2018_Presentation by Prof. Holger Watter, University of Applied Science, Flensburg; Association Chairman of the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany (MCN)
The document discusses maritime safety challenges and opportunities for transnational cooperation in the European Atlantic coastal region. It outlines the EU Atlantic Area programme which provides funding to improve maritime safety as a priority. Potential areas for future cooperation projects include developing common strategies, monitoring systems, research and education around water safety, risk prevention and emergency response.
Cantabria organizes the first floating marine energy conference in December 2010 in Santander to focus on the development of marine energy technologies and markets. Topics will include the market situation and industry development for wind, wave, and ocean energy, as well as challenges and projects for floating wind energy. The conference aims to generate value by sharing information between worldwide industry leaders, researchers, and experts to help introduce organizations in this sector and make the conference a standard event for offshore floating wind energy worldwide.
Pomorskie Region in northern Poland has a strong blue economy focused around its coastal cities of Gdansk, Gdynia, and Sopot. The region attracts investment through its ports and shipbuilding industry, with major companies producing offshore and maritime vessels. Pomorskie has identified offshore technologies, ports and logistics as a key area for further developing its blue economy through research and innovation in areas like offshore energy, marine monitoring, and marine biotechnology.
The document summarizes the EBRD's involvement in the transport sector in Ukraine. It discusses the EBRD's portfolio and focus areas, including various transport projects it has funded. Specific examples highlighted are investments in port infrastructure in Illichivsk and Odessa, as well as loans to shipping companies for vessel acquisition to modernize the dry cargo fleet in the Black Sea region. The EBRD aims to promote sustainable development, private sector participation, and adherence to environmental and social standards.
The document summarizes the EBRD's involvement in the transport sector in Ukraine. It discusses the EBRD's portfolio and focus areas, including various transport projects it has funded. Specific examples of maritime transport projects in Ukraine are provided, such as providing loans to develop ports and acquire cargo vessels. The principles and products available from the EBRD for transport projects are also outlined.
The document summarizes key findings from the SmartRivers 2006 international conference on inland waterways and the global supply chain. It finds that integrating waterways can cut landside transportation costs and that container-on-barge services in Europe have become an essential link between ports and inland markets. However, waterways still only account for 6-7% of goods transported in Europe. The document outlines the major waterways in Europe and factors for the successful development of container-on-barge services, such as reliable schedules and a large international gateway port.
The Italy Underwater Communication Market is a vital and dynamic segment within the country¡¯s defense and maritime industries, dedicated to providing advanced communication systems for underwater applications. Underwater communication plays a crucial role in various sectors, including defense, offshore energy, scientific research, and underwater exploration.
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The document discusses problems at the Port of Rotterdam, the largest port in Europe. Some of the key problems identified include: (1) the complex barge rotation planning and quay scheduling problem due to the large number of terminals and daily barge visits; (2) lack of reliable communication between barge operators and terminals; and (3) increasing environmental pressures on ports from governments and organizations. Other problems mentioned are canal blockages limiting transport, lack of space to accommodate growing world trade volumes, and pressures to adopt greener practices across supply chains. The conclusion states that while Rotterdam is one of the world's largest and busiest ports, the main challenge lies in urgently addressing problems through creative solutions rather than just infrastructure.
The document discusses digitalization initiatives that can help the maritime transport sector become greener, safer, and more efficient. It outlines the agenda which includes presentations from EMSA on digitalization benefits, the EUREKA project which shares information for improved safety and reduced emissions in the Adriatic-Ionian region, and several digitalization projects in the Baltic Sea region. IALA will also discuss how Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) may impact safety of navigation. The document aims to illustrate how digitalization across borders can support the green and digital transitions in the maritime sector.
The document discusses the Greek shipbuilding industry and its competitiveness. It provides context on industry clusters and how firms benefit from being located near suppliers, customers and a skilled labor pool. It then analyzes trends in the European and global shipbuilding industries. The Greek shipbuilding industry is described as facing challenges from lower cost competitors despite Greece's large shipping fleet. Reasons for the industry's low value added are discussed. The document concludes with a SWOT analysis of the Greek shipbuilding industry and strategies it could pursue to strengthen its position.
The document discusses coastal shipping in India, noting that it currently accounts for only 7% of domestic cargo transport despite India having a long coastline and many ports, and identifies some challenges that have curbed its growth such as regulatory issues, taxation of coastal vessels, and a limited number of coastal shipping operators. It also explains that coastal shipping needs support from road and rail transport to effectively move cargo between factories/warehouses and ports.
This document summarizes a study examining the current and future value chains of the maritime cluster (shipbuilding industry) in East Asia and the position of Finnish component, system and service suppliers within it. It focuses on China and South Korea. It finds that the shipbuilding crisis has impacted Chinese and Korean shipbuilders differently, with Korean companies converting more to offshore industries while Chinese seek opportunities in cleantech or metalworking. It recommends Finnish companies develop mid-range products, understand demands of Chinese ship owners, and take an individual approach in each East Asian country. It also addresses implications for manufacturing and R&D operations in Finland and similarities for the machinery sector.
The Ally In Your Pocket - How AI can help neurodivergent people and their alliesmartinjgale
Presented by Martin Gale, Technical Director at Salesforce at Slalom and Ambassador AuDHD UK, this presentation explores the importance of neurodiversity and how AI can be leveraged to support inclusivity in the workplace.
Key Points:
1. Martin's personal anecdotes highlight the daily struggles and strengths of neurodivergent individuals, emphasising the need for inclusive practices.
2. Generative AI, such as ChatGPT, has transformed his work methods by enhancing creativity, reducing anxiety, and saving time.
3. There are many challenges the key stakeholders within organisations have at organisational, managerial levels and individual levels, with the managerial level representing the "squeezed middle".
4. Autonomous AI agents such as Salesforce's Agentforce can act as personal inclusivity buddies, providing reliable support and fostering a more inclusive environment.
5. The presentation concludes with a call to check out the We Too Are One podcast, aimed at raising awareness and understanding for AuDHD people.
The Indian Billionaire Hinduja Family - A Look at the Business Empire and LegacyKunal Singh
The Hinduja family is one of the wealthiest and most influential business families in India. The family traces its origins to the early 20th century when their grandfather, Parmanand Deepchand Hinduja, began a small business in India. The family's business empire expanded significantly when they moved to Iran, where they established their first major venture. Over the decades, the family, led by brothers Srichand, Gopichand, and Prakash Hinduja, built a global conglomerate with interests spanning across automotive, banking, energy, healthcare, finance, and infrastructure. The Hinduja Group, headquartered in London, operates in various countries, including the UK, India, the US, and the Middle East, with flagship companies like Ashok Leyland, IndusInd Bank, and Hinduja Global Solutions. Apart from their business achievements, the Hinduja family is also known for their extensive philanthropic contributions in healthcare, education, and social causes. Despite facing legal challenges and controversies over the years, the Hinduja family remains a dominant force in the global business landscape, with a legacy of wealth, influence, and giving back to society.
MiniTool Partition Wizard Crack + Serial Key (2025)chenstok38
MiniTool Partition Wizard Technician 2025 is a popular partition manager which allows users to create, resize, format and manage their hard disk partitions in a professional manner.
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FL Studio Crack With Activation Key 2025chenstok38
FL Studio 2025 is a very handy and powerful application developed by Image-Line which is sued for creating as well as editing audio files. This handy application needs all of your music production requirements, from composing as well as recording to editing, mixing and mastering.
Regulatory Considerations for Active Implantable Medical Devices (AIMDs)I3CGLOBAL
Classed as innovative and efficacy-impaired, IMDs are put under extreme scrutiny from regulatory authorities because the devices essentially affect the health of patients. Under the auspices of the above, different regulatory frameworks in Europe such as the European Union Medical Device Regulation (EU MDR 2017/745) and in America such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have imposed their own sets of strict regulations concerning the design, manufacture, clinical evaluation, and post-market surveillance of these devices.
Hence, the manufacturers must demonstrate compliance with essential safety and performance requirements and perform all necessary risk assessments, with solid clinical evidence presented for the protection of the patients. Furthermore, the AIMDs would need a long list of tests including but not limited to biocompatibility tests, electromagnetic compatibility tests, and long-term reliability studies to extend support to their lifetime and functioning.
Continuous changes are currently being witnessed in AIMDs owing to their inherent complexities and ongoing innovative materials, miniaturization, and wireless technology advancements aimed at enhancing patient outcome and quality of life.
Due to the high-risk classification of AIMDs, regulatory authorities across the world implement strict guidelines. AIMDs are classified as devices with the highest risk category, thus calling for enhanced scrutiny for any evaluation assessment.
Technical documentation is extensive and a requirement by manufacturers, examples are the clinical evaluation report, the risk management file, and the post-market surveillance plan under EU MDR. AIMDs shall always be assessed by a notified body (NB) prior to CE marking under EU MDR.
Under the United States, FDA regulation majority of AIMDs require a PMA submission whereby they must demonstrate safety and effectiveness under clinical trials. Investigational device exemption (IDE) permits AIMDs to be used in clinical studies prior to being fully approved. AIMDs must be plainly identifiable in order to assist safety monitoring so they must have a UDI carrier.
Why Accounting Firms Struggle to Retain Clients in Today¡¯s Competitive Market...Outbooks
Discover the common challenges accounting firms face in retaining clients, from miscommunication to delays caused by workforce shortages. Learn strategies to improve client retention through technology, personalized service, and adapting to modern trends.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries, reshaping business models, and driving unprecedented opportunities for entrepreneurs. This presentation, delivered at JCI Hong Kong, explores the transformative impact of AI on entrepreneurship, highlighting key trends, challenges, and opportunities in the digital age.
Key Topics Covered:
? AI as a General-Purpose Technology ¨C How AI is driving transformation, much like electricity did in previous industrial revolutions.
? Creative Destruction & Disruptive Innovation ¨C Understanding how AI is replacing traditional industries while opening new avenues for growth.
? Paradigm Shift & Boundless Imagination ¨C The need for innovative thinking, breaking away from conventional business models to embrace AI-driven change.
? AI-Powered Entrepreneurship ¨C How startups and businesses can leverage AI to enhance efficiency, scalability, and market impact.
Why This Matters:
Entrepreneurs today must adapt to AI-driven disruption by identifying market gaps, leveraging automation, and using AI tools to scale rapidly. This presentation, led by Professor Wilson Wong (CUHK, UCL) and Mr. David Kwan (Alpha Deepmind Limited), provides expert insights into how AI is reshaping businesses and creating new economic opportunities.
What You¡¯ll Learn:
? How AI is accelerating business growth with smaller teams
? The role of zero-cost prototyping in transforming ideas into reality
? The rise of AI-powered scalable services across industries
? Real-world examples of AI-driven startups and innovations
Join the conversation on how AI is shaping the future of entrepreneurship and explore the limitless possibilities of AI-driven business transformation.
? Download the slides and stay ahead in the AI revolution!
Why External Audits Are Critical for Australian Startups & Scale-Ups.pdfDFK BKM
External audits are more than just a compliance requirement for Australian startups and scale-ups¡ªthey¡¯re a powerful tool for building investor trust, strengthening financial credibility, and ensuring long-term growth. By providing transparency, identifying risks, and enhancing financial management, audits help businesses navigate rapid expansion with confidence. Investing in audit and assurance services today can set the foundation for sustainable success in an increasingly competitive market.
Global Goals Jam Canada Winter 2025_report.pdfCOE Centennial
1. S TARing a trans-national NETwork of regional research-driven marine clusters Dragan ?i?i? Pomorski fakultet u Rijeci , Marcello Guaiana Consorzio per l¡¯AREA di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica di Trieste , Antje Klaesner Innova S.p.A Roma
2. Concept and objectives The European Union depends to a great extent on the maritime industry sector and, consequently, also on the shipbuilding. shipbuilding industry is in fact an important and strategic sector in a number of EU member states and for the European Community as a whole. European shipbuilding industry is confronted with competitors coming from the Far East (mainly China, Korea and Japan), the global leader in the construction of complex vessels such as cruise ships, ferries, mega-yachts and dredgers, European marine equipment industry is world leader for a wide range of products, from large diesel engines to electronics
3. Concept and objectives annual turnover of the EU shipbuilding industry is more than EUR 11.5 billion and the about 350.000 people who are directly employed by yards and the marine equipment industry Looking into the future, the competitive advantage of the European Union in the maritime industry sector has to be sustained and depends mainly on the sector¡¯s performance, its flexibility and continuation of competitiveness. S uperior position of the EU will be best maintained through the development of high-tech solutions
4. Concept and objectives The STARNETregio project has been conceived to increase the overall capacity of regional players in the regions Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), Slovenia and the County of Primorsko goranska (Croatia) to invest in RTD and carry out research activities in the marine industry, strengthening and developing the sector¡¯s scientific and technological basis and ultimately the economic growth of the regions. ¡° regional research-driven marine clusters¡±, based on the triple helix model, associating universities and research centres (RTD), enterprises (industry cluster) and public regional authorities (PA)
5. Project partners Consorzio per l¡¯AREA di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica di Trieste (AREA) ITALY Consorzio per l¡¯alta ricerca navale (RINAVE) ITALY Fincantieri Cantieri Navali Italiani SpA (Fincantieri) ITALY INFORMEST - Service and documentation center for international economic cooperation S.p.A. (Informest) ITALY Innova S.p.A. (Innova) ITALY The Public Agency for Technology of the Republic of Slovenia (TIA) SLOVENIA University of Ljubljana ¨C Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport (FMST) SLOVENIA Luka Koper, port and logistic system, d.d. SLOVENIA Regionalna razvojna agencija Porin d.o.o. (Porin) CROATIA Pomorski fakultet u Rijeci (PFRI) CROATIA Megaflex-cijevni sustavi d.o.o. (Megaflex) CROATIA Teri-Crotek d.o.o. CROATIA
6. Maritime cluster As defined in Dynamic European Maritime Clusters IOS Press ISBN 1-58603-684-X, we have addopted seven parts of maritime cluster ? Manufacturing Transportation Resources Services Leisure and tourism Public sector and Research
7. Maritime cluster Manufacturing Shipbuilding Boatbuilding and repair Transportation Ports and terminals Shipping Inland terminals Resources Fishing Fisheries and aquaculture Sea technology Services Brokers and agents Logistics Pilotage Leisure and tourism Cruising Litoral activities Yachting and marinas Public sector Education and training Hidrography Coast Guard NGO¡¯s Trade Unions Research Universities Institutions Consultancy
8. Project rationale Italy, Slovenia and Croatia have strong maritime companies, based on centuries of involvement in shipbuilding, shipping and trade. M aritime companies have modified their structures constantly to the alterations in international trade and foreign competition, constantly being among best European and sometimes even global players. Maritime industry in region is fragmented and is working hard to survive, especially in current recession. Possible solution of the problem is creation of Regional maritime cluster and creation of truly regional maritime space.
9. We need 4 different critical conditions satisfied Proximity ; they need to be sufficiently close to permit any positive spill-overs and the sharing of common resources to occur Linkages ; their activities need to share a common aspiration, for example, final market share Interactions ; being close and working on related issues is not sufficient ¨C for constructive cluster effects to occur some level of active relationship has to be present Critical mass ; there needs to be sufficient number of participants present in the connections to have a meaningful impact on companies¡¯ performance
10. Intermedia te Results Current status of Maritime industry in project EuroRegion Reports on all three regions SWAT analysis for all three regions We will present dana for Primorsko Goranska county ¨C other reports could be downloaded from site:
20. SWOT Primorska-goranska County ¨C Maritime research community Strengths Weaknesses Strong maritime research and wide research potential (in fields such as marine engineering, marine electronics, maritime transportation and nautical science) Continuity of research projects, also with international clients Good collaboration between selected researchers and industrial sector Lack of commercialisation of innovations (supported only until the phase of patent or prototype) Poor IT infrastructure and web access Lack of interaction of researchers with the industrial sector
21. SWOT Primorska-goranska County ¨C Maritime research community Opportunities Threats Good institutional framework, supporting participation to EU programmes and projects Innovation exhibition each year with grant for best innovation Organisational restructuring of regional research institutions SteP Ri, supporting technology transfer Croatian accession to the EU expected before 2010 will open up new possibilities for research cooperation No common RTD and innovation strategy for the maritime sector, thus no clear vision on the sector¡¯s development in the future Poor governmental and industrial financial input into the research sector Low acceptance of research results in industry Lack of intermediate organisations supporting TT and IP protection Diminished interest in shipbuilding and engineering university studies
22. SWOT Primorska-goranska County ¨C Maritime industrial community Strengths Weaknesses High accomplishments of small ship constructors Strong competences in machinery production and marine equipment Cluster association of medium-sized companies Strong exporting in shipbuilding and ship repair sector Low competitiveness of companies/ SMEs due to lack of specialisation Public ownership of shipyards (3.MAJ, KRALJEVICA) No bargaining power of SMEs towards shipyards Unsuitable technical and technological equipment
23. SWOT Primorska-goranska County ¨C Maritime industrial community Opportunities Threats Well developed network of institutional support of SMEs Clustering activities among small ship producers support the acquisition of projects, financing, product specialisation, and foreign market penetration Croatian accession to the EU expected before 2010 will accelerate the restructuring process and implementation of reforms SteP Ri, supporting TT and IPR protection No common RTD and innovation strategy for the maritime industry (no political support) Inconsistent legal decisions in the sector Public ownership of shipyards and ports hampers free market economy Lack of intermediate institutions supporting technology transfer
24. SWOT ¨C Primorska-goranska County ¨C main results Good market results on domestic and foreign markets, especially in the field of s mall ship construction Low competitiveness of companies/ SMEs due to missing specialisation Public ownership of shipyards (3.MAJ, Kraljevica), thus no influence on their development Cluster association of medium-sized companies but lack of connections and strong policy towards shipyards No clear vision on the sector¡¯s development in the future
25. SWOT ¨C Primorska-goranska County ¨C main results Well developed network of supporting institutions for SMEs Good connection between institutional organisations Innovations supported up to the prototype stage, but lack of support in commercialisation Academic cooperation agreements with foreign universities No intermediate institutions connecting economy with research activities accomplished in universities and supporting the transfer to the market
26. Regional Impact ¨C Primorska-goranska County Shipbuilding represents one of the most important Croatian industries (12% share in total export) County level: shipbuilding industry is the last big industrial branch that remained on the market after transition process and privatisation, but finished 2007 with losses The maritime industry is considered as underdeveloped due to: Unsuitable technical and technological equipments Absence of an organised maritime policy Not following of European and world tendencies in maritime affairs Inconsistent legal decisions in the sector Lack of coordination of developing particular segments of the maritime system
27. Regional Impact ¨C Primorska-goranska County County is strong in shipbuilding and ship repair (especially with regard to exporting) Rapid development of nautical tourism and availability of modern materials has generated great interest in building, repair and maintenance of leisure boats and ships The unclear vision of the sector in the future represents an obstacle in the economic development of the maritime industry No institution/initiative dedicated to the maritime industry reduces the sector¡¯s importance and thus hampers its development No influence on the sector¡¯s development due to public ownership of shipyards and ports (hindering for free market economy) No bargaining power of SMEs towards shipyards Croatian accession to the EU will open new ways for collaboration Great Recession started in 2007 endangers the positive development of the maritime industry!
28. Regional Impact ¨C Primorska-goranska County Recommended actions: Political support necessary, regional/national programme for the maritime industry Restructuring of shipbuilding industry necessary in order to increase productivity, efficiency, flexibility of operations, technological renewal, introduction of innovations in production processes, improvement of management processes Modernisation of production process of shipyards, d evelopment of a clear link between practical skills and management techniques (focus on quality) Adaptation to market needs and reduction of political dependencies Port modernisation of the Port of Rijeka and concession assignments to domestic and foreign investors
29. Regional Impact ¨C Primorska-goranska County Recommended actions: Professional cluster manager for association needed Intermediate institutions for technology transfer necessary University of Rijeka, represents one of the main pillar for boosting the sector¡¯s development, since nominated as main institution for project development Awareness raising for shipbuilding and engineering university studies Intensify international cooperation with scientific research institutions Operation and efficient functioning of SteP Ri, offering IP transfer and protection, licensing and incubation