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           AND DEMO IN A NEW

StartService   Pavel
program        Partner Technology Advisor

  StartService          StartService         StartService
        DEMO               DESIGN                  PILOT
 A                     B                    C

        TO SEE            TO VALUE           TO DEPLOY
 ? To see how the     ? To analyze Your     ? To deploy the
   technology works     IT¨Cinfrastructure     quick solution
                        and business          (Proof of
                        needs                 Concept)

 ? FREE               ? $1700 +             ? $3200 +
 ? 1-3 hours          ? 3 days              ? 5 days

  StartService                StartService              StartService
        DEMO                     DESIGN                       PILOT
 A                           B                         C

 Advantages of StartService program
 ?   A free demonstration of the new technology and solution
 ?   The clear result and short time of service
 ?   Analysis of your business needs and the effect of deployment
 ?   A significant reduction of project risks
 ?   Knowledge sharing and getting advice from experienced consultants
 ?   A wide network of certified partners throughout Russia


  ?Select the StartService you are interested in
        ?Example: Portal and Collaboration
  ?Select the type of StartService:
        ?DEMO / DESIGN / PILOT
  ?Select the partner and press ¡°order¡±

Why does TDM need it?                           Why does BDM need
1. How does a solution work in                  1. What pains and tasks this
   ¡°reality¡±?                                      solution can solve?

2. What are the benefits from the               2. What are the typical scenarios?
   solution?                                    3. Who is already deployed it?
3. What is the typical architecture?               What are the results?

4. Does the IT-infrastructure ready             4. What kind of needs my
   for deployment?                                 employees have?
5. What kind of architecture will               5. Could I use this solution in my
   suit your needs?                                company?

6. How to make a quick                          6. What will be the ROI?
   deployment ?                                 7. How to deploy the solution with
7. How to support the solution in                  low costs and risks?
   future?                                      8. How to teach my staff?
?   Virtualization and servers             ?   Unified communication
    management                             ?   Business mail
?   PC management                          ?   Portals and collaboration
?   Security                               ?   Business intelligence
?   Desktop virtualization                 ?   CRM
                                           ?   Project management

          CORE                             SOLUTION FOR

                       CLOUD               LICENSE
                                 SERVICE   MANAGEMENT

?   Office 365                             ?   SAM

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StartService program introduction

  • 1. QUICK DEPLOYMENT AND DEMO IN A NEW WAY StartService Pavel Chuchanov program Partner Technology Advisor
  • 2. PACKAGED SERVICE - ?STARTSERVICE? StartService StartService StartService DEMO DESIGN PILOT A B C TO SEE TO VALUE TO DEPLOY ? To see how the ? To analyze Your ? To deploy the technology works IT¨Cinfrastructure quick solution and business (Proof of needs Concept) ? FREE ? $1700 + ? $3200 + ? 1-3 hours ? 3 days ? 5 days
  • 3. PACKAGED SERVICE - ?STARTSERVICE? StartService StartService StartService DEMO DESIGN PILOT A B C Advantages of StartService program ? A free demonstration of the new technology and solution ? The clear result and short time of service ? Analysis of your business needs and the effect of deployment ? A significant reduction of project risks ? Knowledge sharing and getting advice from experienced consultants ? A wide network of certified partners throughout Russia
  • 4. HOW TO MAKE AN ORDER - WWW.MICROSOFT.RU http://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/partner/startservice/
  • 5. 3 SIMPLE STEPS TO ORDER ?Select the StartService you are interested in ?Example: Portal and Collaboration ?Select the type of StartService: ?DEMO / DESIGN / PILOT ?Select the partner and press ¡°order¡± http://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/partner/startservice/
  • 6. WHY DO CUSTOMERS NEED STARTSERVICE? Why does TDM need it? Why does BDM need it? 1. How does a solution work in 1. What pains and tasks this ¡°reality¡±? solution can solve? DEMO 2. What are the benefits from the 2. What are the typical scenarios? solution? 3. Who is already deployed it? 3. What is the typical architecture? What are the results? DESIGN 4. Does the IT-infrastructure ready 4. What kind of needs my for deployment? employees have? 5. What kind of architecture will 5. Could I use this solution in my suit your needs? company? PILOT 6. How to make a quick 6. What will be the ROI? deployment ? 7. How to deploy the solution with 7. How to support the solution in low costs and risks? future? 8. How to teach my staff?
  • 7. VARIETY OF STARTSERVICE OPTIONS ? Virtualization and servers ? Unified communication management ? Business mail ? PC management ? Portals and collaboration ? Security ? Business intelligence ? Desktop virtualization ? CRM ? Project management CORE SOLUTION FOR INFRASTRUCTURE START BUSINESS CLOUD LICENSE SERVICE MANAGEMENT ? Office 365 ? SAM
  • 9. YOU ARE WELCOME! http://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/partner/startservice/