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Fixing digital media organization
What problems are we solving?
 Devices are getting smaller
   local storage is becoming expensive
 Cloud Storage is getting popular
   remote storage is becoming cheaper
 Data is moving from Local to Remote
 "Sync paradigm"
   Dropbox model, git model
   is great for mutable data (documents)
   Works best with hierarchical file structures
 "Send paradigm"
   physical disk model
   is better for immutable data (media)
   Works best with metadata-based filesystems
Sync paradigm sucks for mutable
 Sync is everywhere
    Duplicates everywhere!
    Organizational nightmare
 Sync for media is terrible!
    Google music and Itunes
 stashaway is bringing send paradigm back!
 stashaway is for mutable data
    Videos, Pictures, music, archives, etc.
 stashaway strongly encourages workflows
  that favor move/delete
    discourages copy
stashaway in detail
 brew install stashaway
 stashaway setup
   Makes a ~/.stashaway file.
   Takes API keys, and preferences.
 stashaway upload file.avi
   sends file to the remote file storage
   resume when connection is interrupted
   deletes file locally
 stashaway list
   List all files in all remote stores uploaded with
 stashaway stream file
   streams file from remote store for viewing/listening
Additional features
(to be added later)
   file tagging
   automatic duplicate detection
   extensible storage backends
   other bells and whistles
Development Timeline
 Phase one - Research and Experimentation
     Been going on since 2011
     look at the problem from many perspectives
     Everything is up in the air
     Contains many false starts
 Phase two - Breaking ground
   Will be fast, possibly one week
   Do everything right, low technical debt
 Phase three - Beta and beyond
   Launch is unceremonious
   Iterations happen at the speed of phase two
      quick phase two == fast iteration == agile
      slow phase two == slow iteration == expensive
Phase One status
      Compiled -> C languages, haskell
      Interpreted -> Python (restricted to STDlib)
      Distribution will be difficult if using python
      Current Winner -> C
 Hard stuff
      Amazon API signing
      SSL / encryption
      Reacquaintance with C language/ecosystem
      Distribution (installer/homebrew/apt-get integration)
 Potentially Hard stuff
 README Driven Approach
Upcoming videos
 Video 2
    Getting C up and running
    More small refinements to the README
 Still to come:
      Easier Distribution using Python
      Homebrew / apt-get bureaucracy
      Refinements to the README
 Production details
    github: https://github.com/priestc/stashaway
    Next video comes when I have enough content to
     make it into a video
    If you want to contribute, please do so!

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Stashaway 1

  • 2. What problems are we solving? Devices are getting smaller local storage is becoming expensive Cloud Storage is getting popular remote storage is becoming cheaper Data is moving from Local to Remote "Sync paradigm" Dropbox model, git model is great for mutable data (documents) Works best with hierarchical file structures "Send paradigm" physical disk model is better for immutable data (media) Works best with metadata-based filesystems
  • 3. Sync paradigm sucks for mutable data! Sync is everywhere Photostream Duplicates everywhere! Organizational nightmare Sync for media is terrible! Google music and Itunes stashaway is bringing send paradigm back! stashaway is for mutable data Videos, Pictures, music, archives, etc. stashaway strongly encourages workflows that favor move/delete discourages copy
  • 4. stashaway in detail brew install stashaway stashaway setup Makes a ~/.stashaway file. Takes API keys, and preferences. stashaway upload file.avi sends file to the remote file storage resume when connection is interrupted deletes file locally stashaway list List all files in all remote stores uploaded with stashaway stashaway stream file streams file from remote store for viewing/listening
  • 5. Additional features (to be added later) file tagging automatic duplicate detection GUI extensible storage backends other bells and whistles
  • 6. Development Timeline Phase one - Research and Experimentation Been going on since 2011 look at the problem from many perspectives Everything is up in the air Contains many false starts Phase two - Breaking ground Will be fast, possibly one week Do everything right, low technical debt Phase three - Beta and beyond Launch is unceremonious Iterations happen at the speed of phase two quick phase two == fast iteration == agile slow phase two == slow iteration == expensive
  • 7. Phase One status Language Compiled -> C languages, haskell Interpreted -> Python (restricted to STDlib) Distribution will be difficult if using python Current Winner -> C Hard stuff Amazon API signing SSL / encryption Reacquaintance with C language/ecosystem Distribution (installer/homebrew/apt-get integration) Potentially Hard stuff Dropbox README Driven Approach
  • 8. Upcoming videos Video 2 Getting C up and running More small refinements to the README Still to come: Easier Distribution using Python Homebrew / apt-get bureaucracy Refinements to the README feedback Production details github: https://github.com/priestc/stashaway Next video comes when I have enough content to make it into a video If you want to contribute, please do so!