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Stass Paraskos:
art and politics
Stass Paraskos
Born in the village of Anaphotia
near the town of Larnaca in
Cyprus in 1933.
His family were very poor peasant
Stasss parents and brothers as children
in the 1930s
Stass Paraskos
The Shepherd
Scenes of his life as a child looking after his familys flock of sheep and goats in Cyprus
often appeared in his paintings.
Between 1878 and 1960 Cyprus was a British colony and so in 1953 Stass travelled to
Britain in search of a better life. He had no thoughts of being an artist at this time.
Arriving in London with no money he quickly got a job
washing dishes at the ABC Tearoom in Tottenham
Court Road.
In 1957 he moved to Leeds in northern England, where
he and his brothers opened the first Greek restaurant
in the city, the oddly named Montevideo.
The Montevideo was popular with students and
tutors from the nearby Leeds College of Art, one of
the most progressive and radical art schools in the
world in the 1950s and 60s.
One of these regular visitors was the Head of Fine
Art at the art school, Harry Thubron.
Thubron decided it would be a good idea for Stass
to join the art school as a student, even though
Stass had no university entrance qualifications. He
had not even completed school in Cyprus due to
his familys poverty.
Why Thubron decided Stass should become an
artist is still a mystery. Perhaps it was just a radical
thing to do in the 1950s and 60s - invite someone
with no background or qualifications in art to study
Stass said, It was like entering paradise for me
studying at Leeds.
Above: Leeds College of Art
Left: Harry Thubron
Stass Paraskos
Figure Study
It was at Leeds College of Art that
Stass found his distinctive style of
painting and made friends with some
of the most significant international
artists of the post-war period.
One of those artists was the abstract painter Terry Frost, who persuaded
Stass to join him in St Ives in Cornwall in the south West of England.
Terry Frost
Orange and Black Leeds
St Ives was a well known artists
colony, with artists such as
Barbara Hepworth and Ben
Nicholson working there.
Stass shared a studio with the
abstract painter Wilhelmina
Stass Paraskos
St Ives
Stass Paraskos
Still Life with Vase
Stass Paraskos
Still Life with Skull
Stass Paraskos
Portrait of Carol and Robin Page
Now his friendships in Leeds became
more radical as Stass became close to
avant-garde performance artists such as
Robin Page.
Robin Page
Standing On My Own Head (film still)
Page was a key figure in the development of art
happenings, street art and performance as art. He
began as a painter but moved into performance and
street art in the revolutionary artistic atmosphere in
British art schools in the 1960s.
For Page it was the freedom to experiment he found
at Leeds College of Art in the 1960s that was
In 1966 he staged the street art happening Merry
Christmas 66.
Intended to he staged on the steps of Leeds Town Hall
on Christmas Day 1966, the performance had to be
moved inside Leeds College of Art after the police
objected to Page lying naked in a public space.
Leeds Town Hall at that time was also the local police
Robin Page
Merry Christmas 66
Robin Page
Merry Christmas 66
Earlier in 1966 Page orchestrated a police raid on Stasss first
solo exhibition also held at Leeds College of Art. It was a
show called Lovers and Romances.
Stass Paraskos
Exhibition catalogue to the exhibition Lovers and Romances
held at Leeds College of Art (Leeds Institute Gallery) 1966
Stass Paraskos (left) and Dennis Creffield
(right) at the exhibition installation Lovers and
Romances, Leeds 1966
A notorious court case followed
with the police were goaded into
prosecuting Paraskos for
exhibiting this painting on the
grounds that it shows male
Stass Paraskos
Lovers and Romances I
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
Leading figures in the art world,
including Herbert Read and
Norbert Lynton gave evidence in
favour of Stass.
The court case led to global
publicity and led to a change in
the law in Britain governing
public exhibitions of art.
Stass Paraskos
Newspaper report on the trial in 1966
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
And there is an irony that some
of the paintings that led to Stass
being prosecuted by the British
police are now owned by the
main state art gallery in Britain,
the Tate, including these two
paintings from the 1966
Stass Paraskos
Lovers and Romances III
Stass Paraskos
Lovers and Romances III
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
A year after he was prosecuted in Leeds Stass was
invited to show his work alongside Patricia
Douthwaite, Ian Dury and Herbert Kitchen at
Londons prestigious ICA gallery
Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), London
Exhibition catalogue for Fantasy and Figuration
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
Notably, in the ICA exhibition
catalogue Stass emphasised his
unusual origins as an artist.
He described himself as Born 1933 in
Cyprus of peasant stock.
The idea of being an outsider to the
polite bourgeois world of mainstream
art was to become a recurring theme
in the way Stass presented himself as
an artist.
Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), London
Exhibition catalogue for Fantasy and Figuration
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
Increasingly Stasss paintings were becoming more political too.
Often the themes related to events in Cyprus. In the 1960s Cyprus
suffered an ongoing low level civil war between the Greek Cypriot and
Turkish Cypriot communities on the island with irregulars on the island
attacking the other side.
Much of this was violence stoked by right-wing politicians and military
leaders in mainland Greece and Turkey.
In 1967 one of the atrocities alleged to have taken place was the rape of
Greek Cypriot women on the island by members of the Turkish military
based in Cyprus. It prompted Stass to paint this painting, now in the City
of Leeds Art Gallery.
Stass Paraskos
Cypriot Women Raped by Turkish Soldiers
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
As the political situation in Cyprus
deteriorated in the early 1970s Stass
painted Liberty Abandons Cyprus.
Stass Paraskos
Liberty Abandons Cyprus
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
During this period Stass was becoming
one of the most highly respected art
tutors in Britain.
He became Head of Painting at
Canterbury College of Art (now called
the University for Creatives Arts)
Stass teaching at Canterbury College of Art
(University for Creative Arts) in the 1970s
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
He also persuaded the president of
Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios , allow
him to set up the first art college in
Cyprus, the Cyprus College of Art.
This opened in 1969 as an art summer
school and later developed into
offering foundation, undergraduate ad
postgraduate courses.
Initially Stass ran the new college from
a distance, while still teaching in
Stass meeting President Archbishop
Makarios of Cyprus (centre) with the poet
Martin Bell (left) in 1968
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
His art also continued to develop.
Stass Paraskos
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
revisiting the
religious themes he
saw in the Orthodox
church art he knew
as a young boy.
Stass Paraskos
The Agony and the Ecstasy
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
But also addressing
directly the social and
political themes that
were affecting Cyprus.
He returned to live in
Cyprus in 1989 and in
paintings like The
Missing he depicted
the relatives of those
who had disappeared
without a trace during
the Turkish invasion of
Cyprus in 1974.
Stass Paraskos
The Missing
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
But also addressing
directly the social and
political themes that
were affecting Cyprus.
He returned to live in
Cyprus in 1989 and in
paintings like The
Missing he depicted
the relatives of those
who had disappeared
without a trace during
the Turkish invasion of
Cyprus in 1974.
Stass Paraskos
Mothers of the Missing
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
Although the 1974 invasion of Cyprus by
Turkey separated the two ethnic groups on
the island, political violence still happened
as in the murder of the Cypriot journalist
Kutlu Adal脹.
This event, in 1996 led Stass to make this
Stass Paraskos
The Murder of Kutlu Adal脹
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
In this painting he depicted a
Greek school teacher and her
Greek pupils who continued to
live in the part of Cyprus that
fell under Turkish military
control in 1974.
Stass Paraskos
School Teacher of Carpasia
and Enclave Pupils
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
And in 1994 he began a series
of paintings looking at the
sometimes inhuman
treatment of women in
In particular he wanted to
challenge what he saw as the
hypocrisy in the way people
judged the behaviour of men
and the behaviour of women.
He exhibited these in a show
entitled Human rights  mans
inhumanity to woman.
Stass Paraskos
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
Stass died in 2014
His son, Michael Paraskos, has
written that Stass died a
disappointed man. He never
received the credit he
deserved for bringing a
specifically Cypriot form of
modern art to Cyprus in the
He was deliberately shunned
by the University of Cyprus
when it was set up in 1989,
despite Archbishop Makarios
and later presidents promising
Stass that his Cyprus art school
would one day form the
universitys fine art faculty.
Stass Paraskos
Pagan Sprint
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
His work is still shunned by the
two major museums of
modern art in Cyprus, the
Leventis Art Gallery and the
Nicosia Municipal Art Gallery.
He declared in the catalogue
of the 1967 exhibition at the
ICA in London that he was of
peasant stock he
demonstrated he knew he
would never be accepted by
the bourgeois worlds of art
and education in Cyprus who
want artists to toe the line.
His art was always too radical
and in life and in death he is
always the outsider.
Stass Paraskos
Illegal Immigrants
I was always a bit of an
anarchist. Not the kind of
anarchist who wants to blow
everything up. The kind of
anarchist who is intellectual.
Who wants the world to
make its own decisions and
take responsibility for those
decisions. Do not listen to
the regulations and laws of
Stass Paraskos
Inteviewed in Politis (Cyprus newspaper)
28 October 2013

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Stass Paraskos: art and politics

  • 2. Stass Paraskos Born in the village of Anaphotia near the town of Larnaca in Cyprus in 1933. His family were very poor peasant farmers. Stasss parents and brothers as children in the 1930s
  • 3. Stass Paraskos The Shepherd 1964 Scenes of his life as a child looking after his familys flock of sheep and goats in Cyprus often appeared in his paintings.
  • 4. Between 1878 and 1960 Cyprus was a British colony and so in 1953 Stass travelled to Britain in search of a better life. He had no thoughts of being an artist at this time.
  • 5. Arriving in London with no money he quickly got a job washing dishes at the ABC Tearoom in Tottenham Court Road. In 1957 he moved to Leeds in northern England, where he and his brothers opened the first Greek restaurant in the city, the oddly named Montevideo.
  • 6. The Montevideo was popular with students and tutors from the nearby Leeds College of Art, one of the most progressive and radical art schools in the world in the 1950s and 60s. One of these regular visitors was the Head of Fine Art at the art school, Harry Thubron. Thubron decided it would be a good idea for Stass to join the art school as a student, even though Stass had no university entrance qualifications. He had not even completed school in Cyprus due to his familys poverty. Why Thubron decided Stass should become an artist is still a mystery. Perhaps it was just a radical thing to do in the 1950s and 60s - invite someone with no background or qualifications in art to study art. Stass said, It was like entering paradise for me studying at Leeds. Above: Leeds College of Art Left: Harry Thubron
  • 8. It was at Leeds College of Art that Stass found his distinctive style of painting and made friends with some of the most significant international artists of the post-war period.
  • 9. One of those artists was the abstract painter Terry Frost, who persuaded Stass to join him in St Ives in Cornwall in the south West of England. Terry Frost Orange and Black Leeds 1957
  • 10. St Ives was a well known artists colony, with artists such as Barbara Hepworth and Ben Nicholson working there. Stass shared a studio with the abstract painter Wilhelmina Barns-Graham. Stass Paraskos St Ives 1959
  • 11. Stass Paraskos Still Life with Vase 1960 Stass Paraskos Still Life with Skull 1960
  • 12. Stass Paraskos Portrait of Carol and Robin Page 1966 Now his friendships in Leeds became more radical as Stass became close to avant-garde performance artists such as Robin Page.
  • 13. Robin Page Standing On My Own Head (film still) 1972 Page was a key figure in the development of art happenings, street art and performance as art. He began as a painter but moved into performance and street art in the revolutionary artistic atmosphere in British art schools in the 1960s. For Page it was the freedom to experiment he found at Leeds College of Art in the 1960s that was important.
  • 14. In 1966 he staged the street art happening Merry Christmas 66. Intended to he staged on the steps of Leeds Town Hall on Christmas Day 1966, the performance had to be moved inside Leeds College of Art after the police objected to Page lying naked in a public space. Leeds Town Hall at that time was also the local police headquarters. Robin Page Merry Christmas 66 1966
  • 16. Earlier in 1966 Page orchestrated a police raid on Stasss first solo exhibition also held at Leeds College of Art. It was a show called Lovers and Romances. Stass Paraskos Exhibition catalogue to the exhibition Lovers and Romances held at Leeds College of Art (Leeds Institute Gallery) 1966
  • 17. Stass Paraskos (left) and Dennis Creffield (right) at the exhibition installation Lovers and Romances, Leeds 1966
  • 18. A notorious court case followed with the police were goaded into prosecuting Paraskos for exhibiting this painting on the grounds that it shows male nudity. Stass Paraskos Lovers and Romances I 1966
  • 19. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. Leading figures in the art world, including Herbert Read and Norbert Lynton gave evidence in favour of Stass. The court case led to global publicity and led to a change in the law in Britain governing public exhibitions of art. Stass Paraskos Newspaper report on the trial in 1966
  • 20. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. And there is an irony that some of the paintings that led to Stass being prosecuted by the British police are now owned by the main state art gallery in Britain, the Tate, including these two paintings from the 1966 exhibition. Stass Paraskos Lovers and Romances III 1966 Stass Paraskos Lovers and Romances III 1966
  • 21. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. A year after he was prosecuted in Leeds Stass was invited to show his work alongside Patricia Douthwaite, Ian Dury and Herbert Kitchen at Londons prestigious ICA gallery Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), London Exhibition catalogue for Fantasy and Figuration 1967
  • 22. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. Notably, in the ICA exhibition catalogue Stass emphasised his unusual origins as an artist. He described himself as Born 1933 in Cyprus of peasant stock. The idea of being an outsider to the polite bourgeois world of mainstream art was to become a recurring theme in the way Stass presented himself as an artist. Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), London Exhibition catalogue for Fantasy and Figuration 1967
  • 23. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. Increasingly Stasss paintings were becoming more political too. Often the themes related to events in Cyprus. In the 1960s Cyprus suffered an ongoing low level civil war between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities on the island with irregulars on the island attacking the other side. Much of this was violence stoked by right-wing politicians and military leaders in mainland Greece and Turkey. In 1967 one of the atrocities alleged to have taken place was the rape of Greek Cypriot women on the island by members of the Turkish military based in Cyprus. It prompted Stass to paint this painting, now in the City of Leeds Art Gallery. Stass Paraskos Cypriot Women Raped by Turkish Soldiers 1967
  • 24. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. As the political situation in Cyprus deteriorated in the early 1970s Stass painted Liberty Abandons Cyprus. Stass Paraskos Liberty Abandons Cyprus 1972
  • 25. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. During this period Stass was becoming one of the most highly respected art tutors in Britain. He became Head of Painting at Canterbury College of Art (now called the University for Creatives Arts) Stass teaching at Canterbury College of Art (University for Creative Arts) in the 1970s
  • 26. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. He also persuaded the president of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios , allow him to set up the first art college in Cyprus, the Cyprus College of Art. This opened in 1969 as an art summer school and later developed into offering foundation, undergraduate ad postgraduate courses. Initially Stass ran the new college from a distance, while still teaching in Britain. Stass meeting President Archbishop Makarios of Cyprus (centre) with the poet Martin Bell (left) in 1968
  • 27. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. His art also continued to develop. Stass Paraskos Bathing 1968
  • 28. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. Sometimes revisiting the religious themes he saw in the Orthodox church art he knew as a young boy. Stass Paraskos The Agony and the Ecstasy 1979
  • 29. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. But also addressing directly the social and political themes that were affecting Cyprus. He returned to live in Cyprus in 1989 and in paintings like The Missing he depicted the relatives of those who had disappeared without a trace during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974. Stass Paraskos The Missing 1995
  • 30. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. But also addressing directly the social and political themes that were affecting Cyprus. He returned to live in Cyprus in 1989 and in paintings like The Missing he depicted the relatives of those who had disappeared without a trace during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974. Stass Paraskos Mothers of the Missing 2001
  • 31. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. Although the 1974 invasion of Cyprus by Turkey separated the two ethnic groups on the island, political violence still happened as in the murder of the Cypriot journalist Kutlu Adal脹. This event, in 1996 led Stass to make this painting. Stass Paraskos The Murder of Kutlu Adal脹 1996
  • 32. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. In this painting he depicted a Greek school teacher and her Greek pupils who continued to live in the part of Cyprus that fell under Turkish military control in 1974. Stass Paraskos School Teacher of Carpasia and Enclave Pupils 2000
  • 33. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. And in 1994 he began a series of paintings looking at the sometimes inhuman treatment of women in Cyprus. In particular he wanted to challenge what he saw as the hypocrisy in the way people judged the behaviour of men and the behaviour of women. He exhibited these in a show entitled Human rights mans inhumanity to woman. Stass Paraskos Disapproval 1994
  • 34. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. Stass died in 2014 His son, Michael Paraskos, has written that Stass died a disappointed man. He never received the credit he deserved for bringing a specifically Cypriot form of modern art to Cyprus in the 1960s. He was deliberately shunned by the University of Cyprus when it was set up in 1989, despite Archbishop Makarios and later presidents promising Stass that his Cyprus art school would one day form the universitys fine art faculty. Stass Paraskos Pagan Sprint 1968
  • 35. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. His work is still shunned by the two major museums of modern art in Cyprus, the Leventis Art Gallery and the Nicosia Municipal Art Gallery. He declared in the catalogue of the 1967 exhibition at the ICA in London that he was of peasant stock he demonstrated he knew he would never be accepted by the bourgeois worlds of art and education in Cyprus who want artists to toe the line. His art was always too radical and in life and in death he is always the outsider. Stass Paraskos Illegal Immigrants 1998
  • 36. I was always a bit of an anarchist. Not the kind of anarchist who wants to blow everything up. The kind of anarchist who is intellectual. Who wants the world to make its own decisions and take responsibility for those decisions. Do not listen to the regulations and laws of others. Stass Paraskos Inteviewed in Politis (Cyprus newspaper) 28 October 2013

Editor's Notes

  • #3: Born in the village of Anaphotia near the town of Larnaca in Cyprus in 1933, His family were very poor peasant farmers.
  • #4: Scenes of his life as a child looking after his familys flock of sheep and goats in Cyprus often appeared in his paintings.
  • #5: Between 1878 and 1960 Cyprus was a British colony and so in 1953 Stass travelled to Britain in search of a better life. He had no thoughts of being an artist at this time.
  • #6: Arriving in London with no money he quickly got a job washing dishes at the ABC Tearoom in Tottenham Court Road. Soon after that he moved to Leeds in northern England, where he and his brothers opened the first Greek restaurant in the city, the oddly named Montevideo.
  • #7: The Montevideo was popular with students and tutors from the nearby Leeds College of Art, one of the most progressive and radical art schools in the world in the 1950s and 1960s. One of these regular visitors was the Head of Fine Art at the art school, Harry Thubron. Thubron decided it would be a good idea for Stass to join the art school as a student, even though Stass had no entrance qualifications and did not even complete school in Cyprus due to his familys poverty. Why Thubron decided Stass should become an artist is a mystery. It was just a radical thing to do in the 1960s - invite someone with no background or qualifications in art to study art. Stass said, It was like entering paradise for me studying at Leeds.
  • #9: It was at Leeds College of Art that Stass found his distinctive style of painting and made friends with some of the most significant international artists of the post-war period.
  • #10: One of those artists was the abstract painter Terry Frost, who persuaded Stass to join him in St Ives in Cornwall in the south West of England.
  • #11: St Ives was a well known artists colony, with artists such as Barbara Hepworth and Ben Nicholson working there. Stass shared a studio with the abstract painter Wilhelmina Barns-Graham.
  • #13: Now his friendships in Leeds became more radical as Stass became close to avant-garde performance artists such as Robin Page.
  • #14: Page was a key figure in the development of art happenings, street art and performance as art. He began as a painter but moved into performance and street art in the revolutionary artistic atmosphere in British art schools in the 1960s. For Page it was the freedom to experiment he found at Leeds College of Art in the 1960s that was important.
  • #15: In 1966 he staged the street art happening Merry Christmas 66. Intended to he staged on the steps of Leeds Town Hall on Christmas Day 1966, the performance had to be moved inside Leeds College of Art after the police objected to Page lying naked in a public space. Leeds Town Hall at that time was also the local police headquarters.
  • #17: Earlier in 1966 Page orchestrated a police raid on Stasss first solo exhibition also held at Leeds College of Art. It was a show called Lovers and Romances.
  • #19: A notorious court case followed with the police were goaded into prosecuting Paraskos for exhibiting this painting on the grounds that it shows male nudity.
  • #20: Leading figures in the art world, including Herbert Read and Norbert Lynton gave evidence in favour of Stass. The court case led to global publicity and led to a change in the law in Britain governing public exhibitions of art.
  • #21: And there is an irony that some of the paintings that led to Stass being prosecuted by the British police are now owned by the main state art gallery in Britain, the Tate, including these two paintings from the 1966 exhibition.
  • #22: A year after he was prosecuted in Leeds Stass was invited to show his work alongside Patricia Douthwaite, Ian Dury and Herbert Kitchen at Londons prestigious ICA gallery.
  • #23: Notably, in the exhibition catalogue he emphasised his unusual origins as an artist. He described himself as Born 1933 in Cyprus of peasant stock. The idea of being an outsider to the polite bourgeois world of mainstream art was to become a recurring theme in the way Stass presented himself as an artist.
  • #24: Increasingly Stasss paintings were becoming more political too. Often the themes related to events in Cyprus. In the 1960s Cyprus suffered an ongoing low level civil war between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities on the island with irregulars on the island attacking the other side. Much of this was violence stoked by right-wing politicians and military leaders in mainland Greece and Turkey. In 1967 one of the atrocities alleged to have taken place was the rape of Greek Cypriot women on the island by members of the Turkish military based in Cyprus. It prompted Stass to paint this painting, now in the City of Leeds Art Gallery.
  • #25: As the political situation in Cyprus deteriorated in the early 1970s Stass painted Liberty Abandons Cyprus.
  • #26: During this period Stass was becoming one of the most highly respected art tutors in Britain. He became Head of Painting at Canterbury College of Art (now called the University for Creatives Arts)
  • #27: During this period Stass was becoming one of the most highly respected art tutors in Britain. He became Head of Painting at Canterbury College of Art (now called the University for Creatives Arts)
  • #28: His art also continued to develop.
  • #29: Sometimes revisiting the religious themes he saw in the Orthodox church art he knew as a young boy.
  • #30: But also addressing directly the social and political themes that were affecting Cyprus. He returned to live in Cyprus in 1989 and in paintings like The Missing he depicted the relatives of those who had disappeared without a trace during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974.
  • #31: But also addressing directly the social and political themes that were affecting Cyprus. He returned to live in Cyprus in 1989 and in paintings like The Missing he depicted the relatives of those who had disappeared without a trace during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974.
  • #32: Although the 1974 invasion of Cyprus by Turkey separated the two ethnic groups on the island, political violence still happened as in the murder of the Cypriot journalist Kutlu Adal脹. This event, in 1996 led Stass to make this painting.
  • #33: Although the 1974 invasion of Cyprus by Turkey separated the two ethnic groups on the island, political violence still happened as in the murder of the Cypriot journalist Kutlu Adal脹. This event, in 1996 led Stass to make this painting.
  • #34: And in 1994 he began a series of paintings looking at the sometimes inhuman treatment of women in Cyprus. In particular he wanted to challenge what he saw as the hypocrisy in the way people judged the behaviour of men and the behaviour of women. He exhibited these in a show entitled Human rights mans inhumanity to woman.
  • #35: Stass died in 2014 His son, Michael Paraskos, has written that Stass died a disappointed man. He never received the credit he deserved for bringing a specifically Cypriot form of modern art to Cyprus in the 1960s. He was deliberately shunned by the University of Cyprus when it was set up in 1989, despite Archbishop Makarios and later presidents promising Stass that his Cyprus art school would one day form the universitys fine art faculty.
  • #36: His work is still shunned by the two major museums of modern art in Cyprus, the Leventis Art Gallery and the Nicosia Municipal Art Gallery. He declared in the catalogue of the 1967 exhibition at the ICA in London that he was of peasant stock he demonstrated he knew he would never be accepted by the bourgeois worlds of art and education in Cyprus who want artists to toe the line. His art was always too radical and in life and in death he is always the outsider.
  • #37: I was always a bit of an anarchist. Not the kind of anarchist who wants to blow everything up. The kind of anarchist who is intellectual. Who wants the world to make its own decisions and take responsibility for those decisions. Do not listen to the regulations and laws of others. Stass Paraskos Inteviewed in Politis (Cyprus newspaper) 28 October 2013