This document discusses the changing state of communication studies due to technological advances and globalization. Georgette Wang argues that the existing communication paradigm no longer adequately guides the field due to changes like increased mobile phone and internet use worldwide. As media consumption patterns shift globally, with growth in Asia, Africa and Latin America replacing declines in North America and Europe, the existing Western-focused paradigm must also shift to remain relevant on a global scale. The document examines calls from Wang and others for new theoretical frameworks and a paradigm shift to decentralize communication research and better incorporate diverse cultural perspectives from around the world.
Before writing a thesis, one should know what a thesis is, what it requires, and how to write it in a way that engages the reader without distracting him/her anywhere. Such a thesis can help you earn good grades. Have a look at a brief guide about thesis writing.
The document provides an outline for writing a research proposal and report. It discusses the typical elements and structure, including:
1) Elements such as the title page, problem statement, objectives, literature review, methodology, and references.
2) Developing the proposal involves choosing a topic, formulating research questions, outlining literature, deciding on methods, and proposing timelines and resources.
3) Research proposals and reports generally have five chapters: introduction, literature review, methodology, analysis, and conclusions. Each chapter contains standard sections.
This literature review summarizes previous research on automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) and optimal handling unit size. Early works focused on storage assignment policies and order handling algorithms. Subsequent research used simulation and optimization techniques to model AS/RS design and throughput. Several studies examined optimal handling unit size for material handling and warehousing systems, incorporating size into multi-inventory models and demonstrating potential cost savings from using optimally sized containers. The review relates these findings and establishes the need to consider container size effects within AS/RS environments through analytical and simulation modeling.
This document provides definitions and guidelines for key terms used in research such as references, bibliographies, and citations.
References are organized listings of works cited in the text that are placed at the end of a document. They include author name, title, publication details, and pages cited. References are arranged alphabetically. Bibliographies are full listings of all material consulted for research, including sources not directly cited.
Citations acknowledge original authors when using their information. They appear in text or at the end and provide enough information to identify the source. Style manuals like MLA, APA, and Chicago provide standardized formats for citations and bibliographies to avoid plagiarism and organize references.
This document provides guidance on developing an effective research proposal. It begins by explaining the purpose of a research proposal and defining key terms. It then discusses important qualities like being engaging, directive, unique, holistic and keen. The document outlines typical parts of a research proposal like the rationale, statement of problem, methodology and references. Examples are provided for some sections. It emphasizes qualities like clarity, structure and avoiding duplication. Overall, the document aims to help researchers effectively plan and communicate their proposed study.
This document provides information about citation and references. It defines citation as acknowledging the source of ideas and references as a detailed list of sources. It explains the difference between citations, which are used within the body of text, and references, which are included at the end. Examples are given of citing sources in different positions within a sentence and of formatting references in both APA and Harvard styles. Key sources that discuss citation, referencing, and the differences between them are also listed.
This document summarizes a literature review of articles on culture published in the Engineering Management Journal between 1989 and 2014. It finds that while over 575 articles were published, few addressed cultural issues. Those that did often focused on understanding how globalization and multicultural teams impact engineering management. The review aims to help engineering managers enhance their cultural knowledge and leadership skills for diverse, global environments. It provides background on definitions of culture from anthropology and discusses some of the major researchers in the field of organizational culture.
Advantages of Using Facebook Essay Example | Facebook and whatsapp - Free Essay Example | Essay about Facebook. Facebook Essay | Essay on Facebook in India for Students and Children .... Facebook History Essay: [Essay Example], 1041 words | EssayPay. Essay of facebook - South Florida Painless Breast Implants by Dr Paul .... Facebook as a social media company - Free Essay Example | 3facebook - Why I Hate Facebook Essay Analyzing Arguments - English .... Growth and Development of Facebook Essay Example | Topics and Well .... The Business of Facebook - 鏝 Essay about facebook. Advantages and Disadvantages using facebook by .... About Facebook inc. - Free Essay Example | Facebook Essay & Paragraph 損 All Paragraph. ARTMISC - Facebook Argumentative Essay.docx - Facebook Argumentative .... 7 Keys to Writing Killer Facebook Posts That Bring Clicks. Essay on Facebook in English for Students | 500 Words Essay. Facebook Persuasive Essay Sample - Pros & Cons Examples. Excellent Argumentative Essay About Facebook ~ Thatsnotus. Facebook essay ideas. Facebook vs. Twitter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays .... An Impact of Facebook News Feed on Facebook Users - Free Essay Example .... Essays on facebook addiction. The Catling Mindswipe: How-to: Write an Essay in Facebook - and Why You .... Read 束Facebook損 Essay Sample for Free at Opinion essay about facebook Facebook Essay
This honors thesis examines why there are many women working in the public relations industry in Hong Kong. The student, Tiffany Wan, conducted surveys and interviewed an expert in the field. Through a literature review, Wan found three main factors that could explain the trend: communication skills, gender ratio, and education. However, the survey results did not strongly support the idea that women have better communication skills. Gender ratio, with more women migrating to Hong Kong, seemed to be a more significant factor. And in education, communication programs have more female than male students. The thesis provides insight into the "feminization" of the public relations industry in Hong Kong through quantitative and qualitative research methods.
The two important features of social science that give rise to these questions are:
1. Social sciences study social phenomena, meaning phenomena that involve human beings and their relationships, institutions, cultures, etc.
2. Social sciences employ scientific methods of investigation involving systematic empirical observation, formulation and testing of hypotheses, etc. just like natural sciences.
So the questions arise due to the need to reconcile the social/human aspect of the subject matter with the scientific aspect of the methodologies used.
Discussion Leader: Correct, the two key features are that social sciences study social phenomena involving human beings but also employ scientific methods of investigation like natural sciences. This gives rise to questions around how to reconcile the human/social aspect with scientific methods
What is the value of studying humanities in a business or technical .pdfinfo785431
What is the value of studying humanities in a business or technical curriculum?
Having learned more about the myths and stories of Western civilization, I am understanding
more how study of the humanities (art, history, and literature) can be used to help people better
understand and communicate with one another. It is obvious that the study of humanities is not
just a college course, but it is an ongoing process and practice in life.
The humanities can first be used to understand the past which has created the present. The
culture which we have was shaped by the past. Facts, findings, and literature of even thousands
of years ago have influenced our world today. Knowing this past can allow people to understand
our present; knowing how we came to this present helps us to communicate about it and the
The study of the humanities can also be used to realize differing interpretations of life and
history. Studying facts of the past helps to understand literature of the past. Art reflects the
cultures of the past, and shows how we achieved what we have today. For example, the Song of
Roland was very biased about the Saracens (Muslims). If one only studied literature, they would
have a totally skewed interpretation of who the Muslims were. By studying history though, we
know that the battle in this literature wasn\'t even against Muslims. Also by studying history and
religion we can see how Islam developed and what it really is. This is just one example of how
the comprehensive study of the humanities can be used to understand the world, and to
communicate fairly and intelligently with others in the world.
The humanities are not just part of the college\'s curriculum. The study of the humanities teaches
one how to study and look at how the past developed and how it has impacted today\'s world.
The humanities allows people of different cultures to communicate and understand their
sometimes common pasts but present differences. The humanities shows how different
disciplines affect and complement one another. Finally, the study of the humanities shows that
this study is ongoing and continual, constantly evolving and shaping.
Highly successful executives, entrepreneurs and policy makers offer words of wisdom about the
practical value of studying the humanities. I think if you have a good background in what it is to
be human, an understanding of life, culture and society, it gives you a good perspective on
starting a business, instead of an education purely in business...You can always pick up how to
read a balance sheet and how to figure out profit and loss, but it\'s harder to pick up the other
stuff on the fly.
1. The humanities prepare you to fulfill your civic and cultural responsibilities.
reason that John Harvard left his library to the college in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, that Jane and Leland Stanford founded Stanford University, and
that states established land-grant colleges was to educate cultured and
useful citizens. T.
RESEARCH PROPOSAL3Research proposalCompare and contra.docxgholly1
Research proposal
Compare and contrast society during the early Renaissance in Europe to contemporary society
In the fourteenth and fifteenth century, Europe experienced significant changes in history. This marked the rebirth and intellectual growth of Europe since many changes were realized during the people. Renaissance was the word used to describe the rebirths that occurred. Renaissance marked the time of significant changes in cultural, literature, philosophical, and art revolution in other nations in Europe (Kaufman, 2012). The change started in Italy and expanded to other areas in Europe. During the early Renaissance, the society had unique characteristics. However, after the occurrence of changes, contemporary society or the current society was developed. The contemporary society is also characterized by unique features compared to the early Renaissance. However, the two types of society are characterized by features that are similar, while others are different. This research is guided by a thesis statement indicating that similarities and differences between the two spread across all aspect of life, including the education system, cultural practices, and economic inventions, among others.
According to Guarnieri and Negro (2012), the difference in the two societies is marked by changes in the spread of knowledge whereby during the early renaissance society information was spread through handwritten forms. Renaissance left to the invention of the printing press. This also reformed the education system since in the ancient times, education was reserved for the rich people, but the rebirth led to the middle class and low classes are educated. This has led to early discoveries and the spread of information. Currently, society spread written material through online press whereby it reaches many people as compared to contemporary society. Renaissance has also facilitated the rise of Humanism. In the early Renaissance era, people were devoted to living a religious life. This was accompanied by fulfilling their spiritual purpose of life. In contemporary society, humanism raised such that people are now interested in filling their interests rather than religious demands. The modern society emphasize more on worldly presses as well as studied classic texts from scholars and philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato to obtain aspirating. People have developed an increased desire to travels and acquire knowledge (Kaufman, 2012).
The goal of the paper is to deeply study the two societies to compare and contrast society during the early Renaissance in Europe to contemporary society. To achieve this goal, the researcher will strive to meet various objectives, which include identifying characteristics of religious and cultural practices in early renaissance society and contemporary society. The study seeks to examine the changes in the education system between the two societies. The researcher will also determine the chan.
This document discusses intercultural communication research and how it can provide tools to help professionals working in multicultural societies. It makes two main points:
1) Globalization has increased cultural diversity, creating a new target group of professionals who need practical tools for intercultural communication in their work as nurses, social workers, teachers, etc.
2) A poststructuralist approach is needed to address the complexity of multicultural societies and develop analytical tools grounded in practitioners' real-world experiences. It proposes a model using four such tools - positions of experiences, cultural presuppositions, cultural stereotypes, and cultural identity - to analyze intercultural interactions.
Annotated bibliography1- Kulesza, J. (January 01, 2014). Due Dil.docxrossskuddershamus
Annotated bibliography
1- Kulesza, J. (January 01, 2014). Due Diligence in Cyberspace. Retrieved from
This book sheds light on the international legal issues, which are core to Internet Governance, and advances the idea of developing a global solution to its problems. The book incorporates a wide range of ongoing discussions surrounding the governance of the internet and emphasizes on the issues which are urgent and require special attention from the international community in order to guarantee effective running of the global network that forms the backbone of our information driven society.
Joanna Kulesza has a Ph.D. in International Law and is an assistant professor at the University Lodz in Poland. She has been honored for her exemplary research work on International law.
2- Britz, J. J. (May 01, 2008). Making the global information society good: A social justice 油perspective on the ethical dimensions of the global information society1. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59, 7, 1171-1183.
This article addresses ethical challenges facing the global information society from a social justices perspective. In its scope the article also relates four characteristics of the global Information Society. The article employs a moral tool, social justice, on grounds of moral validity to address these ethical challenges.
Johannes Britz is currently Dean and Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, USA. He holds to doctoral degrees from the University of Pretoria in South Africa. He is co-editor of the International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE) and serves on the editorial board of the Library and Information Science Research Journal of the University of Bucharest.
Dr. Britz has expansive international experience both as a researcher and consultant. Dr Britz has a keen interest in social justice and information poverty and works mainly in Africa on these areas.
3-Cheney, G., May, S., & Munshi, D. (2011). The handbook of communication ethics. New York: Routledge.
This handbook acts as an all-inclusive guide into the study of communication and ethics. It incorporates some of the issues discussed on the two articles quoted above. It engages analyses and applications based on accepted ethical theories and further engage unfamiliar ones. This blend brings to the surface important questions of power, equality, and justice. The handbook distinguishes itself as a comprehensive resource for the study of communication and ethics.
George Cheney (Ph.D., Purdue University, 1985) is the John T. Jones Centennial Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Texas at Austin.
Steve May (Ph.D., University of Utah, 1993) is Associate Professor of Communication Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Debashish Munshi (Ph.D., University of Waikato.
This document discusses research on intercultural competences and social media. It covers several topics:
1. Social media monitoring tools can be used to analyze online discussions about intercultural topics like the Erasmus program and gain insights into public attitudes.
2. A "third culture" model suggests that social media may be developing its own universal communication styles that bridge different cultures. Memetic communication uses multimedia to make comments more attractive and understandable globally.
3. Cultural differences can still be observed in online behaviors, like what types of content people from individualistic versus collective cultures prefer to share.
4. Overall, while social media may be developing some shared communication norms, it also enables the externalization
Cause And Effect Of Air Pollution Essay.pdfApril Lynn
(DOC) Pollution - Cause and Effect Essay | Nine Co - What Are Main Causes Of Air Pollution. 002 Cause And Effect Essay On Pollution Air Causes Effects Solutions .... Narrative Essay: Causes of pollution essay. Effect of Air Pollution on Plants and Animals | Prana Air. Air pollution essay writing diagram - Causes of Air Pollution Essay - Pippa Lawrence. School Essay: Air pollution essay. 鏝 Essay about air pollution cause and effect. Pollution causes and .... Cause and effect of air pollution essay The Friary School. Essays about air pollution causes effects - Pollution Essay | Pollution | Air Pollution. School Essay: Causes of air pollution essay. Write An Essay On Air Pollution - Essay on Air Pollution: Causes .... Air Pollution Essay | Air Pollution | Atmosphere Of Earth.
The document discusses the Penn State sexual abuse scandal and how a strong corporate social responsibility (CSR) plan could have helped Penn State handle the situation more ethically. It details how Jerry Sandusky abused children over many years while a coach at Penn State, and how Penn State officials like Joe Paterno and university leaders failed to properly report the abuse to the police. This allowed the abuse to continue and damaged Penn State's reputation. A proper CSR policy would have required officials to notify the authorities and protect the children and community.
This document summarizes a literature review of articles on culture published in the Engineering Management Journal between 1989 and 2014. It finds that while over 575 articles were published, few addressed cultural issues. Those that did often focused on understanding how globalization and multicultural teams impact engineering management. The review aims to help engineering managers enhance their cultural knowledge and leadership skills for diverse, global environments. It provides background on definitions of culture from anthropology and discusses some of the major researchers in the field of organizational culture.
Advantages of Using Facebook Essay Example | Facebook and whatsapp - Free Essay Example | Essay about Facebook. Facebook Essay | Essay on Facebook in India for Students and Children .... Facebook History Essay: [Essay Example], 1041 words | EssayPay. Essay of facebook - South Florida Painless Breast Implants by Dr Paul .... Facebook as a social media company - Free Essay Example | 3facebook - Why I Hate Facebook Essay Analyzing Arguments - English .... Growth and Development of Facebook Essay Example | Topics and Well .... The Business of Facebook - 鏝 Essay about facebook. Advantages and Disadvantages using facebook by .... About Facebook inc. - Free Essay Example | Facebook Essay & Paragraph 損 All Paragraph. ARTMISC - Facebook Argumentative Essay.docx - Facebook Argumentative .... 7 Keys to Writing Killer Facebook Posts That Bring Clicks. Essay on Facebook in English for Students | 500 Words Essay. Facebook Persuasive Essay Sample - Pros & Cons Examples. Excellent Argumentative Essay About Facebook ~ Thatsnotus. Facebook essay ideas. Facebook vs. Twitter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays .... An Impact of Facebook News Feed on Facebook Users - Free Essay Example .... Essays on facebook addiction. The Catling Mindswipe: How-to: Write an Essay in Facebook - and Why You .... Read 束Facebook損 Essay Sample for Free at Opinion essay about facebook Facebook Essay
This honors thesis examines why there are many women working in the public relations industry in Hong Kong. The student, Tiffany Wan, conducted surveys and interviewed an expert in the field. Through a literature review, Wan found three main factors that could explain the trend: communication skills, gender ratio, and education. However, the survey results did not strongly support the idea that women have better communication skills. Gender ratio, with more women migrating to Hong Kong, seemed to be a more significant factor. And in education, communication programs have more female than male students. The thesis provides insight into the "feminization" of the public relations industry in Hong Kong through quantitative and qualitative research methods.
The two important features of social science that give rise to these questions are:
1. Social sciences study social phenomena, meaning phenomena that involve human beings and their relationships, institutions, cultures, etc.
2. Social sciences employ scientific methods of investigation involving systematic empirical observation, formulation and testing of hypotheses, etc. just like natural sciences.
So the questions arise due to the need to reconcile the social/human aspect of the subject matter with the scientific aspect of the methodologies used.
Discussion Leader: Correct, the two key features are that social sciences study social phenomena involving human beings but also employ scientific methods of investigation like natural sciences. This gives rise to questions around how to reconcile the human/social aspect with scientific methods
What is the value of studying humanities in a business or technical .pdfinfo785431
What is the value of studying humanities in a business or technical curriculum?
Having learned more about the myths and stories of Western civilization, I am understanding
more how study of the humanities (art, history, and literature) can be used to help people better
understand and communicate with one another. It is obvious that the study of humanities is not
just a college course, but it is an ongoing process and practice in life.
The humanities can first be used to understand the past which has created the present. The
culture which we have was shaped by the past. Facts, findings, and literature of even thousands
of years ago have influenced our world today. Knowing this past can allow people to understand
our present; knowing how we came to this present helps us to communicate about it and the
The study of the humanities can also be used to realize differing interpretations of life and
history. Studying facts of the past helps to understand literature of the past. Art reflects the
cultures of the past, and shows how we achieved what we have today. For example, the Song of
Roland was very biased about the Saracens (Muslims). If one only studied literature, they would
have a totally skewed interpretation of who the Muslims were. By studying history though, we
know that the battle in this literature wasn\'t even against Muslims. Also by studying history and
religion we can see how Islam developed and what it really is. This is just one example of how
the comprehensive study of the humanities can be used to understand the world, and to
communicate fairly and intelligently with others in the world.
The humanities are not just part of the college\'s curriculum. The study of the humanities teaches
one how to study and look at how the past developed and how it has impacted today\'s world.
The humanities allows people of different cultures to communicate and understand their
sometimes common pasts but present differences. The humanities shows how different
disciplines affect and complement one another. Finally, the study of the humanities shows that
this study is ongoing and continual, constantly evolving and shaping.
Highly successful executives, entrepreneurs and policy makers offer words of wisdom about the
practical value of studying the humanities. I think if you have a good background in what it is to
be human, an understanding of life, culture and society, it gives you a good perspective on
starting a business, instead of an education purely in business...You can always pick up how to
read a balance sheet and how to figure out profit and loss, but it\'s harder to pick up the other
stuff on the fly.
1. The humanities prepare you to fulfill your civic and cultural responsibilities.
reason that John Harvard left his library to the college in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, that Jane and Leland Stanford founded Stanford University, and
that states established land-grant colleges was to educate cultured and
useful citizens. T.
RESEARCH PROPOSAL3Research proposalCompare and contra.docxgholly1
Research proposal
Compare and contrast society during the early Renaissance in Europe to contemporary society
In the fourteenth and fifteenth century, Europe experienced significant changes in history. This marked the rebirth and intellectual growth of Europe since many changes were realized during the people. Renaissance was the word used to describe the rebirths that occurred. Renaissance marked the time of significant changes in cultural, literature, philosophical, and art revolution in other nations in Europe (Kaufman, 2012). The change started in Italy and expanded to other areas in Europe. During the early Renaissance, the society had unique characteristics. However, after the occurrence of changes, contemporary society or the current society was developed. The contemporary society is also characterized by unique features compared to the early Renaissance. However, the two types of society are characterized by features that are similar, while others are different. This research is guided by a thesis statement indicating that similarities and differences between the two spread across all aspect of life, including the education system, cultural practices, and economic inventions, among others.
According to Guarnieri and Negro (2012), the difference in the two societies is marked by changes in the spread of knowledge whereby during the early renaissance society information was spread through handwritten forms. Renaissance left to the invention of the printing press. This also reformed the education system since in the ancient times, education was reserved for the rich people, but the rebirth led to the middle class and low classes are educated. This has led to early discoveries and the spread of information. Currently, society spread written material through online press whereby it reaches many people as compared to contemporary society. Renaissance has also facilitated the rise of Humanism. In the early Renaissance era, people were devoted to living a religious life. This was accompanied by fulfilling their spiritual purpose of life. In contemporary society, humanism raised such that people are now interested in filling their interests rather than religious demands. The modern society emphasize more on worldly presses as well as studied classic texts from scholars and philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato to obtain aspirating. People have developed an increased desire to travels and acquire knowledge (Kaufman, 2012).
The goal of the paper is to deeply study the two societies to compare and contrast society during the early Renaissance in Europe to contemporary society. To achieve this goal, the researcher will strive to meet various objectives, which include identifying characteristics of religious and cultural practices in early renaissance society and contemporary society. The study seeks to examine the changes in the education system between the two societies. The researcher will also determine the chan.
This document discusses intercultural communication research and how it can provide tools to help professionals working in multicultural societies. It makes two main points:
1) Globalization has increased cultural diversity, creating a new target group of professionals who need practical tools for intercultural communication in their work as nurses, social workers, teachers, etc.
2) A poststructuralist approach is needed to address the complexity of multicultural societies and develop analytical tools grounded in practitioners' real-world experiences. It proposes a model using four such tools - positions of experiences, cultural presuppositions, cultural stereotypes, and cultural identity - to analyze intercultural interactions.
Annotated bibliography1- Kulesza, J. (January 01, 2014). Due Dil.docxrossskuddershamus
Annotated bibliography
1- Kulesza, J. (January 01, 2014). Due Diligence in Cyberspace. Retrieved from
This book sheds light on the international legal issues, which are core to Internet Governance, and advances the idea of developing a global solution to its problems. The book incorporates a wide range of ongoing discussions surrounding the governance of the internet and emphasizes on the issues which are urgent and require special attention from the international community in order to guarantee effective running of the global network that forms the backbone of our information driven society.
Joanna Kulesza has a Ph.D. in International Law and is an assistant professor at the University Lodz in Poland. She has been honored for her exemplary research work on International law.
2- Britz, J. J. (May 01, 2008). Making the global information society good: A social justice 油perspective on the ethical dimensions of the global information society1. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59, 7, 1171-1183.
This article addresses ethical challenges facing the global information society from a social justices perspective. In its scope the article also relates four characteristics of the global Information Society. The article employs a moral tool, social justice, on grounds of moral validity to address these ethical challenges.
Johannes Britz is currently Dean and Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, USA. He holds to doctoral degrees from the University of Pretoria in South Africa. He is co-editor of the International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE) and serves on the editorial board of the Library and Information Science Research Journal of the University of Bucharest.
Dr. Britz has expansive international experience both as a researcher and consultant. Dr Britz has a keen interest in social justice and information poverty and works mainly in Africa on these areas.
3-Cheney, G., May, S., & Munshi, D. (2011). The handbook of communication ethics. New York: Routledge.
This handbook acts as an all-inclusive guide into the study of communication and ethics. It incorporates some of the issues discussed on the two articles quoted above. It engages analyses and applications based on accepted ethical theories and further engage unfamiliar ones. This blend brings to the surface important questions of power, equality, and justice. The handbook distinguishes itself as a comprehensive resource for the study of communication and ethics.
George Cheney (Ph.D., Purdue University, 1985) is the John T. Jones Centennial Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Texas at Austin.
Steve May (Ph.D., University of Utah, 1993) is Associate Professor of Communication Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Debashish Munshi (Ph.D., University of Waikato.
This document discusses research on intercultural competences and social media. It covers several topics:
1. Social media monitoring tools can be used to analyze online discussions about intercultural topics like the Erasmus program and gain insights into public attitudes.
2. A "third culture" model suggests that social media may be developing its own universal communication styles that bridge different cultures. Memetic communication uses multimedia to make comments more attractive and understandable globally.
3. Cultural differences can still be observed in online behaviors, like what types of content people from individualistic versus collective cultures prefer to share.
4. Overall, while social media may be developing some shared communication norms, it also enables the externalization
Cause And Effect Of Air Pollution Essay.pdfApril Lynn
(DOC) Pollution - Cause and Effect Essay | Nine Co - What Are Main Causes Of Air Pollution. 002 Cause And Effect Essay On Pollution Air Causes Effects Solutions .... Narrative Essay: Causes of pollution essay. Effect of Air Pollution on Plants and Animals | Prana Air. Air pollution essay writing diagram - Causes of Air Pollution Essay - Pippa Lawrence. School Essay: Air pollution essay. 鏝 Essay about air pollution cause and effect. Pollution causes and .... Cause and effect of air pollution essay The Friary School. Essays about air pollution causes effects - Pollution Essay | Pollution | Air Pollution. School Essay: Causes of air pollution essay. Write An Essay On Air Pollution - Essay on Air Pollution: Causes .... Air Pollution Essay | Air Pollution | Atmosphere Of Earth.
The document discusses the Penn State sexual abuse scandal and how a strong corporate social responsibility (CSR) plan could have helped Penn State handle the situation more ethically. It details how Jerry Sandusky abused children over many years while a coach at Penn State, and how Penn State officials like Joe Paterno and university leaders failed to properly report the abuse to the police. This allowed the abuse to continue and damaged Penn State's reputation. A proper CSR policy would have required officials to notify the authorities and protect the children and community.
This research report summarizes secondary research conducted on Holy Archangels Orthodox Christian Retreat Center (OCRC). It includes a situation analysis of the retreat industry, competitive analysis, SWOT analysis, and identifies potential target markets and research questions. Key findings include: the retreat industry is growing, especially for recovery and wilderness retreats; Orthodox Christian retreat centers are limited; potential target markets include university students and civic/corporate groups. Qualitative and quantitative primary research with students was conducted to understand preferences for retreat environments, activities, and a faith-based organization hosting the retreat.
This document discusses the marketing challenges faced by two friends, Paul and John, who have started an organic pet food company called Healthy Gourmet. With a limited marketing budget as a new startup, their problem is how to effectively market their new product. The document outlines alternatives they are considering, including conducting a focus group to gather customer feedback, exploratory research like a product trial program, and developing a website and social media presence to help promote the brand.
Ms. Joan Bennett was developing supplements and extensions for a national diet and exercise campaign. She wanted insights into young professional women ages 22-34 to understand what motivates them to take health actions like visiting websites or volunteering. She chose Facebook surveys and focus groups for research. However, both methods posed challenges in recruiting participants, getting honest answers, and extracting the right information. The document discusses various issues with each research approach and suggests alternatives that could provide more in-depth insights for the campaign.
The document outlines a marketing plan for TVA 360 Tours, which creates virtual tours. It discusses TVA 360's goals of expanding to new cities and insurance agencies. The plan details two main goals: 1) expanding operations to other Oklahoma cities while keeping stitching operations in Tulsa, and 2) getting bonded and insured coverage for photographers. It recommends marketing tours to real estate brokers in Tulsa through free trial tours, developing a website to host tours, and uploading tours to MLS listings to promote visibility. The marketing firm believes this strategy will help TVA 360 grow profitably.
TVA 360 is a company that creates high-quality virtual tours using proprietary software. The company has created a website and blog to provide information, samples, and contact details to customers and potential customers. The website aims to showcase TVA 360's talents and virtual tour product to gain new customers and keep existing customers informed. The content on the website, such as blog posts and virtual tour samples, is designed to meet customer needs by delivering value, having a distinctive voice, and being visually engaging.