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I grew up raised by a middle-class family, in a third world country. Middle class for us is not an
impoverishedlife,nor of extravagance. My parents are both in the government service. They made just
enoughto acquire our familys necessities.Astheydid,it made me want to settle formediocrity,until a
notable episode sparked a flame in me. Since then, I wanted to be financially abundant. Not only for
myself, but my community as well.
We at the DILG, as an agency of the National Government, are mandated to promote peace and order,
ensure public safety, and strengthenlocal government capabilitytowards the effective delivery of basic
services to the citizenry. In addition to exercising general supervision over them LGUs, we also provide
themadministrativeguidance andtechnical assistance asnecessary. Influencinglocal functionaries,with
the proper knowledge, skills, and attitude, is our tool of the trade.
Havingthe graduate diplomathatIamapplyingforwill instill inme,andinturntothe LGUs I am assigned
to handle, the entrepreneurial-mindset that a local chief executive (LCE) should have. LGUs should
maximize itscorporate powers.LGUs,thrutheirlocal chief executivesmustthinkof innovative ideas,and
be business-minded alike. LCEs should think and act like CEOs in large companies, but instead of being
profit-oriented, socially-oriented. My prospect of study focuses on strengthening local government
be more capable of deliveringbasicserviceseffectively. Itwouldallow yourplanstobe realized.Afterall
a good plan is useless without a budget.
Reasonably amusing,Iamalicensed Mechanical Engineerbyprofession.Ipassedthe licensureexamwith
place nationwide,outof 2000+ examinees,duringthe October2008 Licensure
Examinations. Though, by several turn of events and change of heart, I preferred working with people
insteadworkingwith machines. Ifeltmanagementthruexcellentleadershipisa verynote-worthyskill in
this professional world. For me it can be more valuable than a technical skill in a specific field.
On my secondjob, I was hiredas a managementtrainee ina private company.By that, I was exposedto
business and corporate macro-operations at a young age. Me and my immediate superior was proud at
to have pioneered a business unit, catering maintenance services to fleet customers. As a young
supervisor, I was satisfied of my job that time. I had good feedbacks from both client and higher
management. However, consideringstabilityandlong-termcareerplans, Idecidedtoentergovernment
service a couple of years later, just as my parents and some close friends advised. Besides, having
graduatedfroma state university,Ifeltgratuitoustothe Philippine governmentforgivingme affordable
but quality education. Continuing my studies, I have twenty-one (21) units in Master of Public
Administration, on the same state university I graduated from. Then came Australia Awards, with the
opportunity to enhance my educational credentials.
The job of being a DILG officer is sometimes unpredictable.We are sometimes called jack of all trades,
masterof none.JustrecentlyIhave intervenedtoassistthe LGUshumanresource managementofficer
(HRMO), in implementing their strategic performance management system. Besides from our mandate,
we now download infrastructure projects to LGUs such as provision of water supply and
construction/rehabilitation of access roads. We were tasked to assist our respective LGUs in project
I choose Swinburne because of the institutions track record in producing commendable alumni still
connected to our agency, with the same learning discipline  Local Economic Development (LED). The
facility processing my scholarship application (PAHRODF) highly recommended Swinburne as well.
Personally,Ifindthe place highlyconducive tolearning,withnumerousopportunitiesforinternshipand
learningbeyond-the-four-walls.Situatedinthe culturally-diverse cityof Melbourne, Imsure itwouldbe
a great Australian experience.

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Statement of purpose 2

  • 1. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE By: JAKEC. MESIAS DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORANDLOCAL GOVERNMENT(DILG) RegionV, PHILIPPINES ApplyingforGRADUATEDIPLOMA IN ENTREPRENEURSHIPAND INNOVATION, At SWINBURNEUNIVERSITYOF TECHNOLOGY, Melbourne,Australia I grew up raised by a middle-class family, in a third world country. Middle class for us is not an impoverishedlife,nor of extravagance. My parents are both in the government service. They made just enoughto acquire our familys necessities.Astheydid,it made me want to settle formediocrity,until a notable episode sparked a flame in me. Since then, I wanted to be financially abundant. Not only for myself, but my community as well. We at the DILG, as an agency of the National Government, are mandated to promote peace and order, ensure public safety, and strengthenlocal government capabilitytowards the effective delivery of basic services to the citizenry. In addition to exercising general supervision over them LGUs, we also provide themadministrativeguidance andtechnical assistance asnecessary. Influencinglocal functionaries,with the proper knowledge, skills, and attitude, is our tool of the trade. Havingthe graduate diplomathatIamapplyingforwill instill inme,andinturntothe LGUs I am assigned to handle, the entrepreneurial-mindset that a local chief executive (LCE) should have. LGUs should maximize itscorporate powers.LGUs,thrutheirlocal chief executivesmustthinkof innovative ideas,and be business-minded alike. LCEs should think and act like CEOs in large companies, but instead of being profit-oriented, socially-oriented. My prospect of study focuses on strengthening local government capability,inaneconomicstandpoint.BeingfinanciallyabundantasanorganizationorLGU,allowsyouto be more capable of deliveringbasicserviceseffectively. Itwouldallow yourplanstobe realized.Afterall a good plan is useless without a budget. Reasonably amusing,Iamalicensed Mechanical Engineerbyprofession.Ipassedthe licensureexamwith flyingcolors,garnering8th place nationwide,outof 2000+ examinees,duringthe October2008 Licensure Examinations. Though, by several turn of events and change of heart, I preferred working with people insteadworkingwith machines. Ifeltmanagementthruexcellentleadershipisa verynote-worthyskill in this professional world. For me it can be more valuable than a technical skill in a specific field. On my secondjob, I was hiredas a managementtrainee ina private company.By that, I was exposedto business and corporate macro-operations at a young age. Me and my immediate superior was proud at to have pioneered a business unit, catering maintenance services to fleet customers. As a young supervisor, I was satisfied of my job that time. I had good feedbacks from both client and higher management. However, consideringstabilityandlong-termcareerplans, Idecidedtoentergovernment service a couple of years later, just as my parents and some close friends advised. Besides, having graduatedfroma state university,Ifeltgratuitoustothe Philippine governmentforgivingme affordable but quality education. Continuing my studies, I have twenty-one (21) units in Master of Public Administration, on the same state university I graduated from. Then came Australia Awards, with the opportunity to enhance my educational credentials. The job of being a DILG officer is sometimes unpredictable.We are sometimes called jack of all trades, masterof none.JustrecentlyIhave intervenedtoassistthe LGUshumanresource managementofficer (HRMO), in implementing their strategic performance management system. Besides from our mandate, we now download infrastructure projects to LGUs such as provision of water supply and construction/rehabilitation of access roads. We were tasked to assist our respective LGUs in project management. I choose Swinburne because of the institutions track record in producing commendable alumni still connected to our agency, with the same learning discipline Local Economic Development (LED). The facility processing my scholarship application (PAHRODF) highly recommended Swinburne as well. Personally,Ifindthe place highlyconducive tolearning,withnumerousopportunitiesforinternshipand learningbeyond-the-four-walls.Situatedinthe culturally-diverse cityof Melbourne, Imsure itwouldbe a great Australian experience.