1) The document summarizes observations from aerial photos, moorings, ferries, and satellites of the Puget Sound region from May 14, 2012.
2) Strong algal blooms were observed in the South Sound and Central Basin as well as most smaller bays. Dissolved oxygen levels had decreased in the last two weeks despite high algae production.
3) The King County Marine Phytoplankton Monitoring Program measures phytoplankton abundances and water quality parameters at various locations in Puget Sound to understand how climate change and other stressors impact the marine environment.
This document provides an overview of the life cycle of a wireframe in 3 parts:
1) Understanding the problem through research into business needs, constraints, and technical requirements.
2) Finding a solution by creating personas, content inventories, audits, and strategies.
3) Presenting the solution with diagrams showing navigation, layout, and content integration.
EV Roadmap_Oregon-Driving-Patterns_Planning Data_John Thornton Clean FutureJohn Thornton
The document discusses a breakout group meeting to plan electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the Willamette Valley and Puget Sound corridor. It provides background data on how far and where people in the region drive. The group was assigned to create a hypothetical placement plan for charging stations and discuss regional coordination and policy recommendations. They were tasked with designing an integrated charging network from Eugene to Seattle and considering partnerships with neighboring areas.
Google - Designs, Lessons and Advice from Building Large Distributed Systemselliando dias
The document discusses the architecture and design of large distributed systems at Google. It describes how Google's computing infrastructure spans many data centers around the world and how systems are designed to be fault tolerant given hardware failures. It provides details on Google's storage hierarchy and file system (GFS) which partitions data across many machines, as well as how distributed scheduling works. The document emphasizes that distributed systems are necessary given the large volumes of data and requests, and that most internal Google services are distributed for scalability.
PowerPoint is a widely used program for creating presentations. It allows users to organize ideas, add visual elements like charts and pictures, and customize the design. Presentations can be created for on-screen slideshows or printing for handouts. PowerPoint has different modes for creating, organizing, and presenting slides, including options for adding animations, transitions, notes, and rehearsing timings.
What does it take to make google work at scale xlight
The document discusses the software stacks used by companies like Google and Facebook to run services at massive scale. It describes key components of their infrastructure like MapReduce for distributed processing, BigTable for storage, and Borg for cluster management. The stacks are optimized for data-intensive workloads across thousands of machines through replication, load balancing, and fault tolerance. Current research aims to improve utilization, stream processing, and distributed algorithms to enable real-time insights from huge datasets.
Build 1 trillion warehouse based on carbon databoxu42
Apache CarbonData & Spark Meetup
Build 1 trillion warehouse based on CarbonData
Apache Spark? is a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing.
CarbonData is a high-performance data solution that supports various data analytic scenarios, including BI analysis, ad-hoc SQL query, fast filter lookup on detail record, streaming analytics, and so on. CarbonData has been deployed in many enterprise production environments, in one of the largest scenario it supports queries on single table with 3PB data (more than 5 trillion records) with response time less than 3 seconds!
Bloom filters provide a space-efficient probabilistic data structure for representing a set in order to support membership queries. They allow false positives but no false negatives. The structure uses k hash functions to map elements to bit positions in a bit array. Querying whether an element is in the set checks if the corresponding bit positions are all set to 1. Modern applications include distributed caching, peer-to-peer networks, routing, and measurement infrastructure where Bloom filters trade off exact representation for speed and space efficiency.
The document summarizes the results of performance benchmarks testing various PHP runtime environments and configurations for optimizing Drupal performance. Key findings include:
- Zend Server with full page caching provided the best performance with 988 requests per second on Linux and 624 requests per second on Windows.
- Bytecode caching (APC, WinCache, Zend Server Optimizer+) improved performance by over 300% compared to plain PHP. Additional caching like shared memory provided further gains.
- On Linux with aggressive Drupal caching, Zend Server with shared memory caching achieved the highest requests per second at 891. On Windows, Zend Server with shared memory achieved 584 requests per second.
Build 1 trillion warehouse based on carbon databoxu42
Apache CarbonData & Spark Meetup
Build 1 trillion warehouse based on CarbonData
Apache Spark? is a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing.
CarbonData is a high-performance data solution that supports various data analytic scenarios, including BI analysis, ad-hoc SQL query, fast filter lookup on detail record, streaming analytics, and so on. CarbonData has been deployed in many enterprise production environments, in one of the largest scenario it supports queries on single table with 3PB data (more than 5 trillion records) with response time less than 3 seconds!
Bloom filters provide a space-efficient probabilistic data structure for representing a set in order to support membership queries. They allow false positives but no false negatives. The structure uses k hash functions to map elements to bit positions in a bit array. Querying whether an element is in the set checks if the corresponding bit positions are all set to 1. Modern applications include distributed caching, peer-to-peer networks, routing, and measurement infrastructure where Bloom filters trade off exact representation for speed and space efficiency.
The document summarizes the results of performance benchmarks testing various PHP runtime environments and configurations for optimizing Drupal performance. Key findings include:
- Zend Server with full page caching provided the best performance with 988 requests per second on Linux and 624 requests per second on Windows.
- Bytecode caching (APC, WinCache, Zend Server Optimizer+) improved performance by over 300% compared to plain PHP. Additional caching like shared memory provided further gains.
- On Linux with aggressive Drupal caching, Zend Server with shared memory caching achieved the highest requests per second at 891. On Windows, Zend Server with shared memory achieved 584 requests per second.
Google: The Chubby Lock Service for Loosely-Coupled Distributed Systemsxlight
The document describes the Chubby lock service, which provides coarse-grained locking and reliable storage for loosely-coupled distributed systems. Chubby uses Paxos consensus to elect a master from replicas to handle read/write requests. It provides locks and storage of small files to help systems elect leaders and coordinate activities. Chubby has been used successfully by several Google systems for tasks like master election and metadata storage.
Google: The Chubby Lock Service for Loosely-Coupled Distributed Systemsxlight
This document summarizes the Chubby lock service, which was designed to provide coarse-grained locking and reliable storage for distributed systems. Chubby uses the Paxos consensus protocol to elect leaders and synchronize data. It has been used successfully by several Google systems for tasks like master election and metadata storage. The initial design focused on availability over performance. While it has worked well overall, some aspects had to be modified based on unexpected usage patterns.
High Availability MySQL with DRBD and Heartbeat MTV Japan Mobile Servicexlight
MTV Networks Japan implemented a high availability MySQL database with DRBD and Heartbeat to provide redundancy for their MTV Flux and MTV Mobile services. They migrated the databases from a multiple master architecture to a active-passive setup with a virtual IP and DRBD synchronous replication between primary and secondary nodes. The migration took around 2 hours with little application downtime. Lessons learned included the need for extensive testing of the complex Heartbeat and DRBD configuration and being careful not to run both database nodes simultaneously.
PostgreSQL is very differently architected and presents none
of these problems. All PostgreSQL operations are multi-versioned using
Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC). As a result, common
operations such as re-indexing, adding or dropping columns, and
recreating views can be performed online and without excessive locking,
The document discusses the importance of frontend website performance. It provides examples showing that speeding up websites by even small amounts, such as 0.4 seconds, can significantly increase metrics like search traffic, revenue, and reduce bandwidth usage. The document recommends techniques for improving performance like concatenating files, minifying files, using content delivery networks, browser caching, and reducing redundant content. It also discusses tools for analyzing website performance.
The document summarizes the UDT protocol, which is a high performance transport protocol designed for data-intensive applications over high-speed networks. It discusses the limitations of TCP for these applications and high bandwidth-delay product networks. It then provides an overview of the design and implementation of the UDT protocol, including its congestion control algorithm, APIs, and composable framework. It evaluates UDT's performance in terms of efficiency, fairness, and stability compared to TCP. The goal of UDT is to enable efficient, fair, and friendly transport of data for distributed applications over high-speed networks.
Sector is a distributed file system that stores files on local disks of nodes without splitting files. Sphere is a parallel data processing engine that processes data locally using user-defined functions like MapReduce. Sector/Sphere is open source, written in C++, and provides high performance distributed storage and processing for large datasets across wide areas using techniques like UDT for fast data transfer. Experimental results show it outperforms Hadoop for certain applications by exploiting data locality.
Fixing Twitter Improving The Performance And Scalability Of The Worlds Most ...xlight
Fixing Twitter and Finding your own Fail Whale document discusses Twitter operations. The operations team manages software performance, availability, capacity planning, and configuration management using metrics, logs, and data-driven analysis to find weak points and take corrective action. They use managed services for infrastructure to focus on computer science problems. The document outlines Twitter's rapid growth and challenges in maintaining performance as traffic increases. It provides recommendations around caching, databases, asynchronous processing, and other techniques Twitter uses to optimize performance under heavy load.
1. The Trans-Pacific Grid Datafarm testbed provides 70 terabytes of disk capacity and 13 gigabytes per second of disk I/O performance across clusters in Japan, the US, and Thailand.
2. Using the GNET-1 network testbed device, the Trans-Pacific Grid Datafarm achieved stable transfer rates of up to 3.79 gigabits per second during a file replication experiment between Japan and the US, near the theoretical maximum of 3.9 gigabits per second.
3. Precise pacing of network traffic flows using inter-frame gap controls on the GNET-1 device allowed for high-speed, lossless utilization of long-haul trans-Pacific network links.
The document provides tips for improving website conversions by addressing common frustrations of online shoppers. It discusses 10 tips across various areas, including landing visitors on the right page, making the homepage useful, helping with navigation, improving site search, clearly displaying products, including necessary product details, making registration optional, simplifying forms, reassuring visitors, and getting feedback. Testing changes using tools like Google Analytics and Website Optimiser is recommended to identify areas for improvement and measure the impact of tests.
The document discusses various strategies and techniques for capacity management of web operations, including forecasting future capacity needs, identifying ceilings for system resources, implementing safety factors, and performing diagonal scaling. It also provides examples of metrics used at Flickr for monitoring capacity and some "stupid capacity tricks" that can be employed in emergencies.
OpenID is an open standard for decentralized authentication that allows users to log in to multiple websites using a single digital identity. It uses a URL as a person's identifier and allows them to prove control of that identifier through cryptographic means without needing to share any other private information. OpenID addresses common problems with user authentication across different websites and aims to be simple, secure, and interoperable.