The document reports statistics from the Pure UMCG research information system over two time periods. In the first period from September 11th to October 17th 2014, 1505 new research outputs were added with an average of 301 per week, bringing the total research in the system to 45870. 3827 users were registered. In the second period from September 11th to December 19th 2014, 6228 new research outputs were added with an average of 444 per week, bringing the total to 48142. 4005 users and 33 ORCID IDs were added. The document also provides links and contact information for help with the Pure UMCG system.
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Stats Pure UMCG
1. 1
Stats Pure UMCG
starting September 11th
checked on October 17th
New Research output: 1505
Average new per week: 301
Total UMCG: 45870
Users: 3827
New Documents full text: 269
Total documents full text: 21894
2. 2
Stats Pure UMCG
starting September 11th
checked on December 19th
New Research output: 6228
Average new per week: 444
Total UMCG: 48142
Users: 4005
ORCID IDs added: 33
New Documents full text: 7847
Total documents full text: 21366
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our FAQ list or the FAQs RuG Etalage site.
Twitter: @researchUMCG
If you have any questions, please contact
Guus van den Brekel
Medical Information Specialist and UMCG Coordinator for Pure at
the Central Medical Library (