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Statutory Redundancy Payment Calculator - 2020
Statutory Redundancy Payment Calculator - 2020
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Statutory Redundancy Payment Calculator - 2020
息 IBB Law
LLP 1 May 2020 (Employment Department) 03456 381381 enquiries@ibblaw.co.uk www.ibblaw.co.uk 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Age 18 538.00 807.00 1076.00 19 538.00 807.00 1076.00 1345.00 20 538.00 807.00 1076.00 1345.00 1614.00 21 538.00 807.00 1076.00 1345.00 1614.00 1883.00 22 538.00 807.00 1076.00 1345.00 1614.00 1883.00 2152.00 23 807.00 1076.00 1345.00 1614.00 1883.00 2152.00 2421.00 2690.00 24 1076.00 1345.00 1614.00 1883.00 2152.00 2421.00 2690.00 2959.00 3228.00 25 1076.00 1614.00 1883.00 2152.00 2421.00 2690.00 2959.00 3228.00 3497.00 3766.00 26 1076.00 1614.00 2152.00 2421.00 2690.00 2959.00 3228.00 3497.00 3766.00 4035.00 4304.00 27 1076.00 1614.00 2152.00 2690.00 2959.00 3228.00 3497.00 3766.00 4035.00 4304.00 4573.00 4842.00 28 1076.00 1614.00 2152.00 2690.00 3228.00 3497.00 3766.00 4035.00 4304.00 4573.00 4842.00 5111.00 5380.00 29 1076.00 1614.00 2152.00 2690.00 3228.00 3766.00 4035.00 4304.00 4573.00 4842.00 5111.00 5380.00 5649.00 5918.00 30 1076.00 1614.00 2152.00 2690.00 3228.00 3766.00 4304.00 4573.00 4842.00 5111.00 5380.00 5649.00 5918.00 6187.00 6456.00 31 1076.00 1614.00 2152.00 2690.00 3228.00 3766.00 4304.00 4842.00 5111.00 5380.00 5649.00 5918.00 6187.00 6456.00 6725.00 6994.00 32 1076.00 1614.00 2152.00 2690.00 3228.00 3766.00 4304.00 4842.00 5380.00 5649.00 5918.00 6187.00 6456.00 6725.00 6994.00 7263.00 7532.00 33 1076.00 1614.00 2152.00 2690.00 3228.00 3766.00 4304.00 4842.00 5380.00 5918.00 6187.00 6456.00 6725.00 6994.00 7263.00 7532.00 7801.00 8070.00 34 1076.00 1614.00 2152.00 2690.00 3228.00 3766.00 4304.00 4842.00 5380.00 5918.00 6456.00 6725.00 6994.00 7263.00 7532.00 7801.00 8070.00 8339.00 8608.00 35 1076.00 1614.00 2152.00 2690.00 3228.00 3766.00 4304.00 4842.00 5380.00 5918.00 6456.00 6994.00 7263.00 7532.00 7801.00 8070.00 8339.00 8608.00 8877.00 36 1076.00 1614.00 2152.00 2690.00 3228.00 3766.00 4304.00 4842.00 5380.00 5918.00 6456.00 6994.00 7532.00 7801.00 8070.00 8339.00 8608.00 8877.00 9146.00 37 1076.00 1614.00 2152.00 2690.00 3228.00 3766.00 4304.00 4842.00 5380.00 5918.00 6456.00 6994.00 7532.00 8070.00 8339.00 8608.00 8877.00 9146.00 9415.00 38 1076.00 1614.00 2152.00 2690.00 3228.00 3766.00 4304.00 4842.00 5380.00 5918.00 6456.00 6994.00 7532.00 8070.00 8608.00 8877.00 9146.00 9415.00 9684.00 39 1076.00 1614.00 2152.00 2690.00 3228.00 3766.00 4304.00 4842.00 5380.00 5918.00 6456.00 6994.00 7532.00 8070.00 8608.00 9146.00 9415.00 9684.00 9953.00 40 1076.00 1614.00 2152.00 2690.00 3228.00 3766.00 4304.00 4842.00 5380.00 5918.00 6456.00 6994.00 7532.00 8070.00 8608.00 9146.00 9684.00 9953.00 10222.00 41 1076.00 1614.00 2152.00 2690.00 3228.00 3766.00 4304.00 4842.00 5380.00 5918.00 6456.00 6994.00 7532.00 8070.00 8608.00 9146.00 9684.00 10222.00 10491.00 42 1345.00 1883.00 2421.00 2959.00 3497.00 4035.00 4573.00 5111.00 5649.00 6187.00 6725.00 7263.00 7801.00 8339.00 8877.00 9415.00 9953.00 10491.00 11029.00 43 1614.00 2152.00 2690.00 3228.00 3766.00 4304.00 4842.00 5380.00 5918.00 6456.00 6994.00 7532.00 8070.00 8608.00 9146.00 9684.00 10222.00 10760.00 11298.00 44 1614.00 2421.00 2959.00 3497.00 4035.00 4573.00 5111.00 5649.00 6187.00 6725.00 7263.00 7801.00 8339.00 8877.00 9415.00 9953.00 10491.00 11029.00 11567.00 45 1614.00 2421.00 3228.00 3766.00 4304.00 4842.00 5380.00 5918.00 6456.00 6994.00 7532.00 8070.00 8608.00 9146.00 9684.00 10222.00 10760.00 11298.00 11836.00 46 1614.00 2421.00 3228.00 4035.00 4573.00 5111.00 5649.00 6187.00 6725.00 7263.00 7801.00 8339.00 8877.00 9415.00 9953.00 10491.00 11029.00 11567.00 12105.00 47 1614.00 2421.00 3228.00 4035.00 4842.00 5380.00 5918.00 6456.00 6994.00 7532.00 8070.00 8608.00 9146.00 9684.00 10222.00 10760.00 11298.00 11836.00 12374.00 48 1614.00 2421.00 3228.00 4035.00 4842.00 5649.00 6187.00 6725.00 7263.00 7801.00 8339.00 8877.00 9415.00 9953.00 10491.00 11029.00 11567.00 12105.00 12643.00 49 1614.00 2421.00 3228.00 4035.00 4842.00 5649.00 6456.00 6994.00 7532.00 8070.00 8608.00 9146.00 9684.00 10222.00 10760.00 11298.00 11836.00 12374.00 12912.00 50 1614.00 2421.00 3228.00 4035.00 4842.00 5649.00 6456.00 7263.00 7801.00 8339.00 8877.00 9415.00 9953.00 10491.00 11029.00 11567.00 12105.00 12643.00 13181.00 51 1614.00 2421.00 3228.00 4035.00 4842.00 5649.00 6456.00 7263.00 8070.00 8608.00 9146.00 9684.00 10222.00 10760.00 11298.00 11836.00 12374.00 12912.00 13450.00 52 1614.00 2421.00 3228.00 4035.00 4842.00 5649.00 6456.00 7263.00 8070.00 8877.00 9415.00 9953.00 10491.00 11029.00 11567.00 12105.00 12643.00 13181.00 13719.00 53 1614.00 2421.00 3228.00 4035.00 4842.00 5649.00 6456.00 7263.00 8070.00 8877.00 9684.00 10222.00 10760.00 11298.00 11836.00 12374.00 12912.00 13450.00 13988.00 54 1614.00 2421.00 3228.00 4035.00 4842.00 5649.00 6456.00 7263.00 8070.00 8877.00 9684.00 10491.00 11029.00 11567.00 12105.00 12643.00 13181.00 13719.00 14257.00 55 1614.00 2421.00 3228.00 4035.00 4842.00 5649.00 6456.00 7263.00 8070.00 8877.00 9684.00 10491.00 11298.00 11836.00 12374.00 12912.00 13450.00 13988.00 14526.00 56 1614.00 2421.00 3228.00 4035.00 4842.00 5649.00 6456.00 7263.00 8070.00 8877.00 9684.00 10491.00 11298.00 12105.00 12643.00 13181.00 13719.00 14257.00 14795.00 57 1614.00 2421.00 3228.00 4035.00 4842.00 5649.00 6456.00 7263.00 8070.00 8877.00 9684.00 10491.00 11298.00 12105.00 12912.00 13450.00 13988.00 14526.00 15064.00 58 1614.00 2421.00 3228.00 4035.00 4842.00 5649.00 6456.00 7263.00 8070.00 8877.00 9684.00 10491.00 11298.00 12105.00 12912.00 13719.00 14257.00 14795.00 15333.00 59 1614.00 2421.00 3228.00 4035.00 4842.00 5649.00 6456.00 7263.00 8070.00 8877.00 9684.00 10491.00 11298.00 12105.00 12912.00 13719.00 14526.00 15064.00 15602.00 60 1614.00 2421.00 3228.00 4035.00 4842.00 5649.00 6456.00 7263.00 8070.00 8877.00 9684.00 10491.00 11298.00 12105.00 12912.00 13719.00 14526.00 15333.00 15871.00 61[1] 1614.00 2421.00 3228.00 4035.00 4842.00 5649.00 6456.00 7263.00 8070.00 8877.00 9684.00 10491.00 11298.00 12105.00 12912.00 13719.00 14526.00 15333.00 16140.00 [1] The same figures should be used when calculating the redundancy payment for a person aged 61 and above Service (Years) *All figures capped at the statutory weekly rate* **For employees earning less than the statutory weekly rate, please see Statutory Redundancy Payment Calculator Weekly Multiplier** STATUTORY REDUNDANCY PAYMENT CALCULATOR (6 April 2020 to 5 April 2021)