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@ w rk 
Prioritize Your Tasks And Schedule them 
Whether you use the Task Manager in Outlook or you have something 
else, make sure you keep a simple to-do list every day and give 
yourself a realistic set of tasks to get through.
Give yourself deadlines 
When facing each task on your to-do list, try and give yourself a 
deadline. That way, you'll be less inclined to procrastinate or waste 
time on other things.
One thing at a time 
Concentrate on one task at a time 
Multi-tasking might seem more productive, but it can really slow you down. 
Tackle one job before you start anything else, otherwise you'll never get 
anything done. It's hopeless trying to do everything at once, because 
you'll never be able to focus properly.
Deal with things immediately 
If something comes up and you can deal with it in a couple of minutes, then 
do it right away. There's no point in postponding it. But remember, this tip only 
works for smaller things. Under no circumstances should you begin projects 
this way; you'll never get anything done.
Split big tasks into bite-size chunks 
If you've got a particularly large project that seems overwhelming, 
break it down into smaller and more manageable chunks. Then 
tackle each one at a time.
Keep your desk clutter-free 
If you don't need it handy or you don't need it at all, it's slowing you 
down. Organize all your files so that you don't waste time looking for 
documents. Do the same for your e-mail inbox. Get rid of excess files 
and folders. As a rule, if you use it once a day or more, it can stay. 
Otherwise, pack it away. 
Set your schedule, make a list, centralize your info...
If you get stuck , move on 
Complex tasks, like creativity, development, or coding, take a lot of 
mental effort and your brain can only focus for a limited amount of 
time. That means its critical to take breaks and let your brain rest. 
Take a walk or socialize for a bit. Then when you get back to work, 
you're energized again.
Use Technology To Be MORE 
Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic. 
Sir Arthur C. Clarke
Be social 
Being social helps break your isolation and connect in new ways with 
others at work. 
The happier you are, the more productive youll be.
Limit social media use 
Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube etc. They're all so tempting to look at and 
can be very distracting. Like emails, you should only check your 
profiles at certain times during the day and limit how long you spend 
using them. Make sure you don't leave any social media sites open on 
your desktop, they'll just keep interrupting your work flow.
Keep phone calls short 
Chatting on the phone to friends or family can consume a lot of time. 
Try and limit each phone call by explaining to the other person that 
you're "on deadline" and can't talk for long  obviously, you won't be 
able to do this some times. In that case, make the conversation to 
the point and let it not take too much time.
Schedule email checking 
Emails are a productivity killer. It's a fact. And it's all too easy to keep 
checking for new messages every five minutes. But doing so can 
mean you spend all day writing emails, instead of focusing on your 
work. Force yourself to check emails at certain times throughout the 
Get outside 
A good dose of fresh air and daylight, away from the unnatural 
environment of an office, is good for the soul. 
Experts suggest that being outside brings all sorts of health benefits 
and that a bit of daily daylight is a stress buster, helping you to stay 
on track when you're back at your desk.
Sleep well 
Get some decent shut-eye every night. 
An adult should sleep around seven to nine hours 
If you're always having late nights, you'll regret it the next day because you 
won't feel rested or rejuvenated and ready to handle what's thrown your way. 
A good night's sleep will reflect in how productive you feel the next day, so 
ensure you make sleep a priority.
Exercise daily 
To keep stress levels at bay, get out and exercise every day. 
Even if it's just half an hour of walking on your lunch break. Exercise 
will help clear your mind and keep you focused. You may think that 
being chained to your desk will mean that you get more things 
done, but it actually works against you.
Eat breakfast 
Start each day with a healthy breakfast 
If you have an unhealthy breakfast or skip on eating anything at all, it 
will just leave you feeling tired, agitated and distracted.
@ w rk 
For the Stay  
 Rajesh Balakrishnan

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Stay Productive @ Work

  • 1. stay productive @ w rk MANAGEMENT SESSION
  • 2. Make Prioritize Your Tasks And Schedule them Whether you use the Task Manager in Outlook or you have something else, make sure you keep a simple to-do list every day and give yourself a realistic set of tasks to get through.
  • 3. Give yourself deadlines When facing each task on your to-do list, try and give yourself a deadline. That way, you'll be less inclined to procrastinate or waste time on other things.
  • 4. One thing at a time Concentrate on one task at a time Multi-tasking might seem more productive, but it can really slow you down. Tackle one job before you start anything else, otherwise you'll never get anything done. It's hopeless trying to do everything at once, because you'll never be able to focus properly.
  • 5. Deal with things immediately If something comes up and you can deal with it in a couple of minutes, then do it right away. There's no point in postponding it. But remember, this tip only works for smaller things. Under no circumstances should you begin projects this way; you'll never get anything done.
  • 6. Split big tasks into bite-size chunks If you've got a particularly large project that seems overwhelming, break it down into smaller and more manageable chunks. Then tackle each one at a time.
  • 7. Keep your desk clutter-free If you don't need it handy or you don't need it at all, it's slowing you down. Organize all your files so that you don't waste time looking for documents. Do the same for your e-mail inbox. Get rid of excess files and folders. As a rule, if you use it once a day or more, it can stay. Otherwise, pack it away. Set your schedule, make a list, centralize your info...
  • 8. If you get stuck , move on Complex tasks, like creativity, development, or coding, take a lot of mental effort and your brain can only focus for a limited amount of time. That means its critical to take breaks and let your brain rest. Take a walk or socialize for a bit. Then when you get back to work, you're energized again.
  • 9. Use Technology To Be MORE PRODUCTIVE Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic. Sir Arthur C. Clarke
  • 10. Be social Being social helps break your isolation and connect in new ways with others at work. The happier you are, the more productive youll be.
  • 11. Limit social media use Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube etc. They're all so tempting to look at and can be very distracting. Like emails, you should only check your profiles at certain times during the day and limit how long you spend using them. Make sure you don't leave any social media sites open on your desktop, they'll just keep interrupting your work flow.
  • 12. Keep phone calls short Chatting on the phone to friends or family can consume a lot of time. Try and limit each phone call by explaining to the other person that you're "on deadline" and can't talk for long obviously, you won't be able to do this some times. In that case, make the conversation to the point and let it not take too much time.
  • 13. Schedule email checking Emails are a productivity killer. It's a fact. And it's all too easy to keep checking for new messages every five minutes. But doing so can mean you spend all day writing emails, instead of focusing on your work. Force yourself to check emails at certain times throughout the day.
  • 14. Get outside A good dose of fresh air and daylight, away from the unnatural environment of an office, is good for the soul. Experts suggest that being outside brings all sorts of health benefits and that a bit of daily daylight is a stress buster, helping you to stay on track when you're back at your desk.
  • 15. Sleep well Get some decent shut-eye every night. An adult should sleep around seven to nine hours If you're always having late nights, you'll regret it the next day because you won't feel rested or rejuvenated and ready to handle what's thrown your way. A good night's sleep will reflect in how productive you feel the next day, so ensure you make sleep a priority.
  • 16. Exercise daily To keep stress levels at bay, get out and exercise every day. Even if it's just half an hour of walking on your lunch break. Exercise will help clear your mind and keep you focused. You may think that being chained to your desk will mean that you get more things done, but it actually works against you.
  • 17. Eat breakfast Start each day with a healthy breakfast If you have an unhealthy breakfast or skip on eating anything at all, it will just leave you feeling tired, agitated and distracted.
  • 18. stay productive @ w rk Thanks For the Stay Rajesh Balakrishnan