The document summarizes data from the 2010 and 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health regarding substance use initiation among persons aged 12 or older in the United States. It finds that in both years, marijuana was the most commonly used illicit drug and alcohol was the most commonly used substance overall among those who had initiated use before age 18 or 21. For most substances, rates of initiation were similar between 2010 and 2011 with some small declines or increases. Males generally reported higher rates of initiation than females across substances.
This document proposes revisions to certain State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) program reporting requirements established in 2009. It extends the deadline for states to collect and publicly report SFSF data to January 31, 2012. It also proposes a priority for future Department of Education discretionary grants to states that developed statewide longitudinal data systems required under SFSF by the deadline. Additionally, it reminds grantees that the Department may identify them as high-risk and impose sanctions for failing to meet program requirements, and may take enforcement action against states failing to meet certain SFSF indicator requirements.
Ana Luisa Escorel teve uma carreira de sucesso no design gr叩fico, mas se aventurou na literatura apenas recentemente. Sua estreia como escritora veio com o romance Anel de vidro, publicado em 2010, que foi bem recebido e lhe rendeu o Pr棚mio S達o Paulo de Literatura. Embora tenha publicado ensaios sobre design anteriormente, foi a escrita ficional que despertou seu interesse liter叩rio.
This document provides information on several GOST certifications and technical requirements publications that are available for purchase from Each entry lists the publication title and number in both English and Russian, its availability as a PDF document, order number, languages available, and instructions to contact for pricing and discount offers. The publications cover topics including instruments for measuring analog network parameters, digital instruments for measuring metal cable parameters, and technical requirements for emergency monitoring systems for communication network equipment.
This document summarizes a notice from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) requesting public comments on 24 recommendations and documents from the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) that will be presented for ratification at the OIML's 14th Conference. NIST leads the U.S. participation in the OIML and will consider all submitted public comments in developing the U.S. positions for the conference. The recommendations cover various types of measuring instruments and have gone through a multi-year development and review process.
O livro "Mudan巽a Institucional e Reconvers達o Produtiva no sul da Bahia" do professor Elson Mira analisa como a economia do sul da Bahia deixou de depender do cacau e passou a ter um setor terci叩rio forte baseado em com辿rcio e servi巽os. O livro argumenta que as institui巽探es regionais ainda s達o dominadas por interesses do cacau e n達o reconhecem a import但ncia do setor terci叩rio. O professor far叩 semin叩rios para divulgar os dados da pesquisa em organiza巽探es regionais.
El documento describe cinco modelos relacionales infantiles que se desarrollan en ni単as que experimentan violencia, abandono o abuso en sus familias. Estos modelos incluyen la ni単a aplicada que se enfoca en logros intelectuales para escapar del ambiente violento, la ni単a aislada que se esconde y se percibe d辿bil, la ni単a reprimida que olvida para no enojarse, la ni単a sensible que defiende a los d辿biles con humor sarc叩stico, y la ni単a-madre que asume un rol maternal desde temprana ed
El documento explica qu辿 es un brief y las tres etapas del proceso de elaboraci坦n de un brief. Un brief define los objetivos de una campa単a, el producto o servicio, el p炭blico objetivo, el mercado y la estrategia de marketing. Incluye informaci坦n del cliente, la estrategia propuesta por la agencia, y el plan publicitario final. El brief es fundamental para guiar el trabajo de todos los involucrados en la campa単a de manera ordenada y eficiente.
The document summarizes data from the 2010 and 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health regarding substance use initiation among persons aged 12 or older in the United States. It finds that in both years, marijuana was the most commonly used illicit drug and alcohol was the most commonly used substance overall among those who had initiated use before age 18 or 21. For most substances, rates of initiation were similar between 2010 and 2011 with some small declines or increases. Males generally reported higher rates of initiation than females across substances.
This document proposes revisions to certain State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) program reporting requirements established in 2009. It extends the deadline for states to collect and publicly report SFSF data to January 31, 2012. It also proposes a priority for future Department of Education discretionary grants to states that developed statewide longitudinal data systems required under SFSF by the deadline. Additionally, it reminds grantees that the Department may identify them as high-risk and impose sanctions for failing to meet program requirements, and may take enforcement action against states failing to meet certain SFSF indicator requirements.
Ana Luisa Escorel teve uma carreira de sucesso no design gr叩fico, mas se aventurou na literatura apenas recentemente. Sua estreia como escritora veio com o romance Anel de vidro, publicado em 2010, que foi bem recebido e lhe rendeu o Pr棚mio S達o Paulo de Literatura. Embora tenha publicado ensaios sobre design anteriormente, foi a escrita ficional que despertou seu interesse liter叩rio.
This document provides information on several GOST certifications and technical requirements publications that are available for purchase from Each entry lists the publication title and number in both English and Russian, its availability as a PDF document, order number, languages available, and instructions to contact for pricing and discount offers. The publications cover topics including instruments for measuring analog network parameters, digital instruments for measuring metal cable parameters, and technical requirements for emergency monitoring systems for communication network equipment.
This document summarizes a notice from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) requesting public comments on 24 recommendations and documents from the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) that will be presented for ratification at the OIML's 14th Conference. NIST leads the U.S. participation in the OIML and will consider all submitted public comments in developing the U.S. positions for the conference. The recommendations cover various types of measuring instruments and have gone through a multi-year development and review process.
O livro "Mudan巽a Institucional e Reconvers達o Produtiva no sul da Bahia" do professor Elson Mira analisa como a economia do sul da Bahia deixou de depender do cacau e passou a ter um setor terci叩rio forte baseado em com辿rcio e servi巽os. O livro argumenta que as institui巽探es regionais ainda s達o dominadas por interesses do cacau e n達o reconhecem a import但ncia do setor terci叩rio. O professor far叩 semin叩rios para divulgar os dados da pesquisa em organiza巽探es regionais.
El documento describe cinco modelos relacionales infantiles que se desarrollan en ni単as que experimentan violencia, abandono o abuso en sus familias. Estos modelos incluyen la ni単a aplicada que se enfoca en logros intelectuales para escapar del ambiente violento, la ni単a aislada que se esconde y se percibe d辿bil, la ni単a reprimida que olvida para no enojarse, la ni単a sensible que defiende a los d辿biles con humor sarc叩stico, y la ni単a-madre que asume un rol maternal desde temprana ed
El documento explica qu辿 es un brief y las tres etapas del proceso de elaboraci坦n de un brief. Un brief define los objetivos de una campa単a, el producto o servicio, el p炭blico objetivo, el mercado y la estrategia de marketing. Incluye informaci坦n del cliente, la estrategia propuesta por la agencia, y el plan publicitario final. El brief es fundamental para guiar el trabajo de todos los involucrados en la campa単a de manera ordenada y eficiente.