Robert J. Fremin is seeking a sales or manager position where he can utilize his skills for advancement. He has over 15 years of experience in oilfield inspection and sales management. Most recently, he managed inspection operations as a regional manager and reduced costs while increasing profits by 15%. He has a high school diploma and certifications in various oilfield inspection techniques.
How to support your customers painlessly (for you and them) - Denver Startup...Joanne Webb
Presented at Denver Startup Week - 2014
A good experience can win you incredibly loyal customers. Your awesome product is the biggest part of that, but helping people find the answers they need, managing feedback and responding to issues well, is vital. Every customer contact can provide you with great information, and finding out what people are looking for can be an invaluable guide for product decisions. But all those conversations can get overwhelming, especially for small teams. To get gain over pain, we'll run
through straightforward, scalable ways to look after and learn from your customers, without it becoming a black hole of effort.
So who is this "we"?
Anyone who's startup either:
- Hasn't tackled providing support yet
- Would like a few tips for making support easier
- Wants to hear how good support gives back, in all kinds of ways
and Joanne Webb who looks after Support & QA for the Tracker team at Pivotal Labs.
El documento describe la funci坦n intestinal y el intestino delgado. Describe los elementos del tubo digestivo y sus propiedades motoras, las secreciones del tubo digestivo, los mecanismos de control hormonal y nervioso de la motilidad y secreciones gastrointestinales, y los tipos de movimientos en el tubo digestivo como el peristaltismo y los movimientos de mezcla. Adem叩s, explica las secreciones del intestino delgado, el p叩ncreas, la bilis y su regulaci坦n.
El documento presenta una serie de ejercicios matem叩ticos sobre porcentajes, fracciones, operaciones y problemas de aplicaci坦n. Incluye calcular porcentajes de n炭meros, expresar porcentajes como fracciones y decimales, resolver problemas que involucran incrementos y reducciones de precios o cantidades aplicando porcentajes, simplificar fracciones, efectuar operaciones con fracciones y divisiones, y resolver problemas sobre distribuci坦n y aplicaci坦n de fracciones de cantidades dadas.
This summary provides the essential information about Kyla Moore in 3 sentences:
Kyla Moore has over 6 years of experience in clerical services, customer service, and supervising administrative staff while maintaining records on weapons support equipment and aeronautical log records. She trained subordinates in automated data operations and office software, and ensured maintenance publications and official correspondence were up to date. Moore seeks a position utilizing her skills in management, leadership, computer operations, logistics, and customer service.
Haiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku-style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations, which can be shared on 際際滷Share. In just 3 sentences, it promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations and publishing them to 際際滷Share.
La modernidad se refiere a un per鱈odo de cambio y renovaci坦n con respecto a lo establecido anteriormente, particularmente en las artes y la forma en que las personas ven la vida y las relaciones. La modernidad busca promover el desarrollo humano a trav辿s de medios que generen identidad, felicidad y satisfacci坦n m叩s all叩 de logros profesionales. Para Am辿rica Latina, la modernidad debe enfocarse en un cambio estructural integral que transforme la producci坦n, las relaciones econ坦micas y entre el estado y los individuos. La educaci坦n tambi辿n es
How to support your customers painlessly (for you and them) - Denver Startup...Joanne Webb
Presented at Denver Startup Week - 2014
A good experience can win you incredibly loyal customers. Your awesome product is the biggest part of that, but helping people find the answers they need, managing feedback and responding to issues well, is vital. Every customer contact can provide you with great information, and finding out what people are looking for can be an invaluable guide for product decisions. But all those conversations can get overwhelming, especially for small teams. To get gain over pain, we'll run
through straightforward, scalable ways to look after and learn from your customers, without it becoming a black hole of effort.
So who is this "we"?
Anyone who's startup either:
- Hasn't tackled providing support yet
- Would like a few tips for making support easier
- Wants to hear how good support gives back, in all kinds of ways
and Joanne Webb who looks after Support & QA for the Tracker team at Pivotal Labs.
El documento describe la funci坦n intestinal y el intestino delgado. Describe los elementos del tubo digestivo y sus propiedades motoras, las secreciones del tubo digestivo, los mecanismos de control hormonal y nervioso de la motilidad y secreciones gastrointestinales, y los tipos de movimientos en el tubo digestivo como el peristaltismo y los movimientos de mezcla. Adem叩s, explica las secreciones del intestino delgado, el p叩ncreas, la bilis y su regulaci坦n.
El documento presenta una serie de ejercicios matem叩ticos sobre porcentajes, fracciones, operaciones y problemas de aplicaci坦n. Incluye calcular porcentajes de n炭meros, expresar porcentajes como fracciones y decimales, resolver problemas que involucran incrementos y reducciones de precios o cantidades aplicando porcentajes, simplificar fracciones, efectuar operaciones con fracciones y divisiones, y resolver problemas sobre distribuci坦n y aplicaci坦n de fracciones de cantidades dadas.
This summary provides the essential information about Kyla Moore in 3 sentences:
Kyla Moore has over 6 years of experience in clerical services, customer service, and supervising administrative staff while maintaining records on weapons support equipment and aeronautical log records. She trained subordinates in automated data operations and office software, and ensured maintenance publications and official correspondence were up to date. Moore seeks a position utilizing her skills in management, leadership, computer operations, logistics, and customer service.
Haiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku-style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations, which can be shared on 際際滷Share. In just 3 sentences, it promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations and publishing them to 際際滷Share.
La modernidad se refiere a un per鱈odo de cambio y renovaci坦n con respecto a lo establecido anteriormente, particularmente en las artes y la forma en que las personas ven la vida y las relaciones. La modernidad busca promover el desarrollo humano a trav辿s de medios que generen identidad, felicidad y satisfacci坦n m叩s all叩 de logros profesionales. Para Am辿rica Latina, la modernidad debe enfocarse en un cambio estructural integral que transforme la producci坦n, las relaciones econ坦micas y entre el estado y los individuos. La educaci坦n tambi辿n es
This document contains information about various publications available for purchase related to construction standards and regulations in Russia. It provides details on titles, format, order numbers, availability, and languages available for several publications. The document instructs readers to contact the website listed for current pricing and discount offers on the publications.