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Brief STBM Program of
     Plan Indonesia
             Eka Setiawan
  WASH Program Manager  Country Office
   Plan stay between 10-17 years in 1 (one) District), since 1969
   Since 2003, via Total Sanitation (subsidy approach)
   Not involving Pokja AMPL
   Spent up to 1,5 mill USD for 15,000 toilets construction benefitted to
  45,000 people. However there are still 100,000 people who do not have
  access to toilets in the other 90 Plans village
   The old result:

                                                                No ownership.

                                                                No behavior
          since 2007, via Community Led Total Sanitation (non - subsidy approach)
          involving Pokja AMPL or Dinkes
          Conducting integrated STBM approach www.stbm-indonesia.org
                   - 200 villages triggered
                   - 150 ODF (70 is STBM)
                   - 7 villages STBM (plus additional pillars ternak / cattles waste)
          Next Target: 700 villages (in new Country Strategic Program)

               S UMA TRA                    KA L IMA NTA N   Pillar 1
                       Kebumen                                                                Lembata         JNO
                                        S urabaya            PillarULA WE S I
                                                                    2                                             PA PUA
                           Pillar 1                                                           Pillar
                                                                                          MA LUKU      1
                                         Pillar 2            Pillar 4
                           Pillar 2                                             S ikka        Pillar 2
                                         Pillar 4
                           Pillar 3                                         Pillar 1          Pillar 3
                                         Pillar 5
          G robogan                                  BALI
                                                                            Pillar 2          Pillar 4
           Pillar 1                                                                           Pillar 5
           Pillar 2
           Pillar 3         Rembang                                                            S oe
                                                                                                   A US TRA LIA

                                                                                              STBM                 Kefa
           Pillar 4          Pillar 1                                                                             STBM
           Pillar 5          Pillar 2                                                SIMAVI
Resources needed to scale up STBM
                                                 Plan Indonesia & Pokja AMPL Kabupaten will conduct regular
                Pokja AMPL                       meeting once every (3) three months at District Level. The
                 (District)                      participants will be all team STBM Kecamatan, PAMSIMAS,
                                                 UN/NGOs, etc. During the meeting Pokja AMPL will fill Kartu
                                                 Monitoring STBM Kabupaten

                                                 Plan Indonesia & Team STBM Kecamatan (or sanitarian, etc). Once
                Team STBM                        every two months will invite one/two village facilitator in all villages to
                Kecamatan                        conduct sub-district meeting. Team STBM Kecamatan will compile
               (Sub-District)                    the Kartu Monitoring Desa and put it inside Kartu Monitoring STBM
                                                 Kecamatan . Plan Indonesia & Team STBM Kecamatan will come to
                                                 dusun/Desa if there is a problem occurs, to help Village Facilitator.

                                                 Village Facilitator (or the CLTS facilitator), will come regularly to each
             Village Facilitator                 dusun for monitoring. During his/her visit, they will compile the
            (Team STBM Desa)                     household cards per-dusun and put them inside Kartu Monitoring
                                                 STBM Desa.

                                                 Dusun champion exist in every sub-villages. Together (village
   Dusun           Dusun             Dusun       facilitator & champion) will fill the households card during the regular
  Champion        Champion                       monitoring visit. And Village Facilitator may train dusun champion on
                                                 how to fill the cards on his/her absence.

                  Households        Households    There is STBM household card in every houses. Plan Indonesia
                                                  will produce these. 1 Household = 1 card.
Source: Kepmenkes No 852 thn 2008
Roadshow STBM

                  Village Interest Letter   Training triggering CLTS

                     Road Show  ke
   Field Visit

                                                               Promotion STBM
                                               Pelatihan         Pemicuan         Kegiatan Monitoring /     Kegiatan Monitoring/    Kegiatan Monitoring
                                                (5 hari)          (2 Jam)         Assistance ke-1           Assistance ke-2         /Assitance ke-3, dst
                                                                                  (1 jam)                   (1 Jam)                 (1 Jam)

                                                               Fasilitator Desa   FD kembali ke Dusun A,    FD kembali ke Dusun A
                                            Pelatihan CLTS                                                                          FD kembali ke Dusun
                                                               turun ke Dusun     atau ke KK, melakukan     melakukan monitoring
                                            ke Fasilitator                                                                          A melakukan
                                                               A melakukan        monitoring CLTS setelah   CLTS, sekaligus
                                            Desa/FD (5 hari)                                                                        monitoring CLTS,
                                                               pemicuan CLTS      pemicuan sekaligus        kampanye PAM RT         sekaligus kampanye
                                                                                  Kampanye CTPS..                                   Pilar STBM lainnya

                                                               FD Turun ke        FD Kembali ke Dusun B,    FD kembali ke Dusun B
                                                               Dusun B            melakukan monitoring      melakukan monitoring    FD kembali ke Dusun
                                                               melakukan          CLTS setelah pemicuan     CLTS, sekaligus         B melakukan
                                                               pemicuan CLTS      sekaligus kampanye        kampanye PAM RT         monitoring CLTS
                                                                                  CTPS                                             sekaligus kampanye
                                                                                                                                    pilar STBM lainnya

                                                               seterusnya         Dusun seterusnya         Dusun seterusnya
                                                                                                                                    Dusun seterusnya

Road Map STBM
                      Training  Ke
  - Kabupaten                                                  Kecamatan STBM
                     Tim Kecamatan

                                                               Kabupaten STBM
How to do 5 pillars STBM at Plan?

                                                                                                    Keys: Never mix-
                                                                                                    up CLTS
                                                                                                    triggering with
                                              5 days CLTS triggering
                                              training to Village Facilitator                       others!
                                              (but include information on whole
                                              pillar of STBM as additional)

        Village Facilitator                                   Village Facilitator                     Village Facilitator
        Triggering time (half-day) to                         Triggering time (half-day) to           Triggering time (half-day) to
        Community #1                                          Community #2                            Community #3, etc ..

Follow-up #1 to Community #1                          Follow-up #1 to Community #2
(insert IEC promotion to other pillar STBM)           (insert IEC promotion to other pillar STBM)

Follow-up #2 to Community #1                          Follow-up #2 to Community #2
(insert IEC promotion to other pillar STBM)           (insert IEC promotion to other pillar STBM)

Follow-up #3 etc..                                   Follow-up #3 etc..
Definition of 5 Pillars STBM  concluded from local Pokja
                                                        Cara M onitor untuk di kompil asi ke
                            PILAR STBM                  Laporan dusun
    1. Stop BABS
      Jenis Sarananya      1) Cemplung dengan tutup     jenis sarana adalah sa la h satu dari 3
                           2) Plensengan dengan tutup   op si
                           3) Leher Angsa               dan
                                                        pe milik ruma h m enjawab 'ya',
     Apakah Pemilik Rumah Menggunakan Jamban ?
                                                        m aka KK tersebut ODF (atau stop
                           1) Ya                        BABS)
                           2) Tidak
    2. Cuci tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS)
       Tersedianya Sarana Cuci Tangan
       A) Air              1) Ya                        Air = 'ya'
                           2) Tidak                     dan
       B) Sabun            1) Ya                        Sabun = 'ya'
                           2) Tidak                     dan
                                                        Pesan C TPS = 'bo leh 'ya' a tau 'tidak'
       C) Pesan CTPS       1) Ya
                           2) Tidak                     Pra kt ik = 'ya'
       Apakah bisa mempraktekkan CTPS                   Ma ka KK t erse but su dah CTPS
                           1) Ya
                           2) Tidak
    3. Pengolahan Air Minum (PAMRT)
       Kebiasaan KK dlm mengkonsumsi air minum          Jika,
                           1) Direbus/ Dimasak          Kebiasaan KK m em ilih sala h satu da ri
                           2) Ceramik Filter            op si 1 atau 2 a tau 3
                           3) Sodis
                                                        wad ah m in um terut utup = 'ya '
                           4) Lainya                    Ma ka KK t erse but su dah PA M-RT
       Tempat/ wadah penyimpanan Air Minum di tutup
                           1) Ya
                           2) Tidak
    4. Pengolahan Sampah Rumah Tangga
       Sampah Rumah Tangga Biasanya.
      1) Dijadikan Kompos                               Jika peng ola han samp ah m em iliki salah
                                                        satu dari opsi 1 a tau 2 at au 4 ata u 5
      2) Dibuat Kerajinan
                                                        Ma ka KK t erse but su dah Pila r-4
      3) Tidak di Apakan
      4) Di Timbun
      5) Di Bakar
    5. Pengolahan Limbah Cair Rumah Tangga
       Air di Dapur atau Cucian Diapakan ?              Jika peng ola han limb ah ca ir m em ilih opsi
       1) Diresapkan ke lubang tanah                    1 atau 2 a tau 3
       2) Dimanfaatkan Untuk Tanaman                    Ma ka KK t erse but su dah Pila r-5
       3) Dibuang ke Saluran Air
       4) Dibiarkan Menggenang
Pillar #1: CLTS

     CLTS Training to Village
                                               Triggering to Villages

                                                                                 Commitment to have latrine

100% Open Defecation Free
   Villages Declaration
This may wait till all 5 pillars
      complete too
                                                                        Follow up, & Process building
                                    Latrine constructed & used
                                                                        latrine by community (no
Non-subsidy latrine resulted from CLTS
Before CLTS                After CLTS
Non-subsidy latrine failure due to flooding
          in some of villages
Path specifically built to guide people with low vision to the
latrine and hand-washing station (person with disability)
Pillar #2: Handwashing with soap
Pillar #3: SWTSS

               Clean water storage for
               boiled drinking water
Lanjutan Pilar 3: Apakah jika sudah di-treatment akan aman?

  TIDAK AMAN! Penelitian WHO menyimpulkan 60% air yang telah
      di olah masih tidak sehat karena wadah penyimpanannya
                      kotor atau jari tangan kotor

GELAS HARUS             CERET/TEKO                 CUCI TANGAN
CARA: DICUCI                                       CARA: CUCI
MATAHARI                3-7 HARI SEKALI            B.A.B
Pillar #4: Solidwaste HH

         Kompos, timbun, atau bakar di lubang

Remember: there is no Dinas Kebersihan in most of rural
Pillar #5: Waste Water

Soakaway pit
                      To plantation
                                     (DONOR FUNDED)
                               Staffs of Plan Indonesia                                                                Civil Society & Govt
                                                   Project Manager
                                                       based in soe/kefa

                     Assistant/OS Area Admin/Finance
                                                                                M&E Officer
                                                                                                                   Pokja AMPL               5-10 officials
                     (additional) - based in Kupang
                                                                               based in soe/kefa                   Kabupaten

 Project Admin/Finance Officer Soe                                         Project Admin/Finance Officer Kefa

  Cashier Soe (additional)                                                             Cashier Kefa (additional)
                                                                                                                   Tim STBM                2 officials per
                                                                                                                   Kecamatan               sub-district
                                                                                                                                           (100 orang)

     Handwashing/               CLTS Team                              Handwashing/                CLTS Team
      Safe Water                  Leader                                Safe Water                   Leader
                                                                                                                                       2 CLTS village
       Specialist               (2 persons)                              Specialist                (2 persons)     Tim STBM            facilitator per-
      (1 person)                                                        (1 person)
                                                                                                                   Desa                village
                                                                                                                                       (600 orang)

      Hygiene                CLTS Sub-District                         Hygiene                 CLTS Sub-District
      Officers                   Officers                              Officers                    Officers
     (4 person)                (8 persons)                            (4 person)                 (7 persons)        Dusun      Dusun          3 natural
                                                                                                                                              leader per
Soe District (172 villages)                                     Kefamenanu District (160 villages)                                            sub-village
Info: Sanitation Marketing after demand creation community
The community able to create the closet themselves (independent) without any-
 subsidy from Plan. 1 Closet average of IDR 30.000.- (or 4$). Grobogan Study

                                                                        Budget planning (from
                                                                        community) on how to
                                                                        make low-cost-closet.
                                                                        Most of them paid it
                                                                        with Bananas fruit,
                                                                        rice, etc. And exchange
                                                                        it to the existing
                                                                        Koperasi/ Microfinance

Workshop/training on Closet
improvement, in community
(majority: private local artisan

Closet ready for distribution      Finishing closet, and stock   Training on making low-
(or sell)                          for production (gotong        cost-toilet
Children are playing game
called Snake and Ladder as
a FUN way to educate
children in regard of Hygiene
The Decline of Diarrhea Cases in Lembata

                                        91% Diarrhea Reduction

               63% Diarrhea Reduction
The Decline of Diarrhea Cases in TTS
District:                  In average, diarrhea cases in 2012
`                          was 27.31% lower than they were in
                                           2011. The decline of diarrhea cases is
                                           due to STBM intervention led by local
                                           health center and District Health
                                           Agency, which started at the
                                           beginning of 2011. The intervention
                                           involves the promotion to the
                                           community to adopt 5-pillars of
                                           hygiene behavior
                                           (Data collected from Sub-district Health Center in
                                           Polen, Kie, and Amsel)

                                   Kec /                                             Decline in
                                  Subdistrict         2010             2011         percentage

                                  KIE                     1,058               722       31.76%

                                  AMSEL                      338              298       11.83%

                                  Polen                      548              393       28.28%

  Kecamatan/Kec. = Sub-district
                                   Total                  1,944           1,413         27.31%
The Decline of Diarrhea Cases in TTU
                               In average, diarrhea cases in
`                              2012 was 34.20 % lower than
                                                    they were in 2011. The decline
                                                    of diarrhea cases is due to
                                                    STBM intervention led by local
                                                    health center and District
                                                    Health Agency, which started at
                                                    the beginning of 2011. The
                                                    intervention involves the
                                                    promotion to the community to
                                                    adopt 5-pillars of hygiene
                                                    (Data collected from Sub-district Health
                                                    Center in Napan, Lurasik, Oelneke)

                                              Decline in
  Kec. / Sub-district   2010         2011     percentage
  BIKOMI UTARA                  47       29      38.30%
  MUSI                          49       47       4.08%
  BIBOKI UTARA                 345      218      36.81%
  NOEMUTI                       59       35      40.68%
  Total                        500      329      34.20%

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Stbm di plan indonesia maret 2012

  • 1. Brief STBM Program of Plan Indonesia by Eka Setiawan WASH Program Manager Country Office
  • 2. THE OLD SANITATION APPROACH PLAN INDONESIA Plan stay between 10-17 years in 1 (one) District), since 1969 Since 2003, via Total Sanitation (subsidy approach) Not involving Pokja AMPL Spent up to 1,5 mill USD for 15,000 toilets construction benefitted to 45,000 people. However there are still 100,000 people who do not have access to toilets in the other 90 Plans village The old result: No ownership. Abandoned facilities No behavior change
  • 3. SANITATION NEW APPROACH PLAN INDONESIA since 2007, via Community Led Total Sanitation (non - subsidy approach) involving Pokja AMPL or Dinkes Conducting integrated STBM approach www.stbm-indonesia.org Achievement: - 200 villages triggered - 150 ODF (70 is STBM) - 7 villages STBM (plus additional pillars ternak / cattles waste) Next Target: 700 villages (in new Country Strategic Program) Dompu S UMA TRA KA L IMA NTA N Pillar 1 Kebumen Lembata JNO S urabaya PillarULA WE S I S 2 PA PUA Pillar 1 Pillar MA LUKU 1 Pillar 2 Pillar 4 Pillar 2 S ikka Pillar 2 Pillar 4 Pillar 3 Pillar 1 Pillar 3 Pillar 5 G robogan BALI Pillar 2 Pillar 4 Pillar 1 Pillar 5 INDIA N OC E A N Pillar 2 Pillar 3 Rembang S oe A US TRA LIA STBM Kefa Pillar 4 Pillar 1 STBM AusAID Pillar 5 Pillar 2 SIMAVI
  • 4. Resources needed to scale up STBM Plan Indonesia & Pokja AMPL Kabupaten will conduct regular Pokja AMPL meeting once every (3) three months at District Level. The (District) participants will be all team STBM Kecamatan, PAMSIMAS, UN/NGOs, etc. During the meeting Pokja AMPL will fill Kartu Monitoring STBM Kabupaten Plan Indonesia & Team STBM Kecamatan (or sanitarian, etc). Once Team STBM every two months will invite one/two village facilitator in all villages to Kecamatan conduct sub-district meeting. Team STBM Kecamatan will compile (Sub-District) the Kartu Monitoring Desa and put it inside Kartu Monitoring STBM Kecamatan . Plan Indonesia & Team STBM Kecamatan will come to dusun/Desa if there is a problem occurs, to help Village Facilitator. Village Facilitator (or the CLTS facilitator), will come regularly to each Village Facilitator dusun for monitoring. During his/her visit, they will compile the (Team STBM Desa) household cards per-dusun and put them inside Kartu Monitoring STBM Desa. Dusun champion exist in every sub-villages. Together (village Dusun Dusun Dusun facilitator & champion) will fill the households card during the regular Champion Champion monitoring visit. And Village Facilitator may train dusun champion on Champion how to fill the cards on his/her absence. Households Households There is STBM household card in every houses. Plan Indonesia Households will produce these. 1 Household = 1 card. Source: Kepmenkes No 852 thn 2008
  • 5. HOW TO SCALE UP STBM IN PLAN INDONESIA Roadshow STBM Village Interest Letter Training triggering CLTS Road Show ke Desa-Desa Field Visit Promotion STBM Pelatihan Pemicuan Kegiatan Monitoring / Kegiatan Monitoring/ Kegiatan Monitoring (5 hari) (2 Jam) Assistance ke-1 Assistance ke-2 /Assitance ke-3, dst (1 jam) (1 Jam) (1 Jam) Fasilitator Desa FD kembali ke Dusun A, FD kembali ke Dusun A Pelatihan CLTS FD kembali ke Dusun turun ke Dusun atau ke KK, melakukan melakukan monitoring ke Fasilitator A melakukan A melakukan monitoring CLTS setelah CLTS, sekaligus Desa/FD (5 hari) monitoring CLTS, pemicuan CLTS pemicuan sekaligus kampanye PAM RT sekaligus kampanye Kampanye CTPS.. Pilar STBM lainnya FD Turun ke FD Kembali ke Dusun B, FD kembali ke Dusun B Dusun B melakukan monitoring melakukan monitoring FD kembali ke Dusun melakukan CLTS setelah pemicuan CLTS, sekaligus B melakukan pemicuan CLTS sekaligus kampanye kampanye PAM RT monitoring CLTS CTPS sekaligus kampanye pilar STBM lainnya Dusun seterusnya Dusun seterusnya Dusun seterusnya Dusun seterusnya Capacity Building Road Map STBM Training Ke - Kabupaten Kecamatan STBM Tim Kecamatan Kabupaten STBM
  • 6. How to do 5 pillars STBM at Plan? Keys: Never mix- up CLTS triggering with 5 days CLTS triggering training to Village Facilitator others! (but include information on whole pillar of STBM as additional) Village Facilitator Village Facilitator Village Facilitator Triggering time (half-day) to Triggering time (half-day) to Triggering time (half-day) to Community #1 Community #2 Community #3, etc .. Follow-up #1 to Community #1 Follow-up #1 to Community #2 (insert IEC promotion to other pillar STBM) (insert IEC promotion to other pillar STBM) Follow-up #2 to Community #1 Follow-up #2 to Community #2 (insert IEC promotion to other pillar STBM) (insert IEC promotion to other pillar STBM) Follow-up #3 etc.. Follow-up #3 etc..
  • 7. Definition of 5 Pillars STBM concluded from local Pokja Cara M onitor untuk di kompil asi ke PILAR STBM Laporan dusun 1. Stop BABS Jika Jenis Sarananya 1) Cemplung dengan tutup jenis sarana adalah sa la h satu dari 3 2) Plensengan dengan tutup op si 3) Leher Angsa dan pe milik ruma h m enjawab 'ya', Apakah Pemilik Rumah Menggunakan Jamban ? m aka KK tersebut ODF (atau stop 1) Ya BABS) 2) Tidak 2. Cuci tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) Tersedianya Sarana Cuci Tangan Jika: A) Air 1) Ya Air = 'ya' 2) Tidak dan B) Sabun 1) Ya Sabun = 'ya' 2) Tidak dan Pesan C TPS = 'bo leh 'ya' a tau 'tidak' C) Pesan CTPS 1) Ya dan 2) Tidak Pra kt ik = 'ya' Apakah bisa mempraktekkan CTPS Ma ka KK t erse but su dah CTPS 1) Ya 2) Tidak 3. Pengolahan Air Minum (PAMRT) Kebiasaan KK dlm mengkonsumsi air minum Jika, 1) Direbus/ Dimasak Kebiasaan KK m em ilih sala h satu da ri 2) Ceramik Filter op si 1 atau 2 a tau 3 dan 3) Sodis wad ah m in um terut utup = 'ya ' 4) Lainya Ma ka KK t erse but su dah PA M-RT Tempat/ wadah penyimpanan Air Minum di tutup 1) Ya 2) Tidak 4. Pengolahan Sampah Rumah Tangga Sampah Rumah Tangga Biasanya. 1) Dijadikan Kompos Jika peng ola han samp ah m em iliki salah satu dari opsi 1 a tau 2 at au 4 ata u 5 2) Dibuat Kerajinan Ma ka KK t erse but su dah Pila r-4 3) Tidak di Apakan 4) Di Timbun 5) Di Bakar 5. Pengolahan Limbah Cair Rumah Tangga Air di Dapur atau Cucian Diapakan ? Jika peng ola han limb ah ca ir m em ilih opsi 1) Diresapkan ke lubang tanah 1 atau 2 a tau 3 2) Dimanfaatkan Untuk Tanaman Ma ka KK t erse but su dah Pila r-5 3) Dibuang ke Saluran Air 4) Dibiarkan Menggenang
  • 8. Pillar #1: CLTS CLTS Training to Village Facilitator Triggering to Villages Commitment to have latrine 100% Open Defecation Free Villages Declaration This may wait till all 5 pillars complete too Follow up, & Process building Latrine constructed & used latrine by community (no subsidy)
  • 9. Non-subsidy latrine resulted from CLTS Before CLTS After CLTS
  • 10. Non-subsidy latrine failure due to flooding in some of villages
  • 11. Path specifically built to guide people with low vision to the latrine and hand-washing station (person with disability)
  • 13. Pillar #3: SWTSS Clean water storage for boiled drinking water
  • 14. Lanjutan Pilar 3: Apakah jika sudah di-treatment akan aman? TIDAK AMAN! Penelitian WHO menyimpulkan 60% air yang telah di olah masih tidak sehat karena wadah penyimpanannya kotor atau jari tangan kotor GELAS HARUS CERET/TEKO CUCI TANGAN SELALU BERSIH! HARUS SELALU DENGAN SABUN ! BERSIH! CARA: DICUCI CARA: CUCI BERSIH, DAN DI CARA: DICUCI DAN TANGAN SEBELUM JEMUR DIBAWAH DIJEMUR SETIAP MAKAN, SETELAH MATAHARI 3-7 HARI SEKALI B.A.B SAMPAI KERING
  • 15. Pillar #4: Solidwaste HH Kompos, timbun, atau bakar di lubang Remember: there is no Dinas Kebersihan in most of rural villages
  • 16. Pillar #5: Waste Water Soakaway pit To plantation
  • 17. JUST INFO: RESOURCES AT PROJECT LEVEL (DONOR FUNDED) Staffs of Plan Indonesia Civil Society & Govt Project Manager based in soe/kefa Assistant/OS Area Admin/Finance M&E Officer Pokja AMPL 5-10 officials (additional) - based in Kupang based in soe/kefa Kabupaten Project Admin/Finance Officer Soe Project Admin/Finance Officer Kefa Cashier Soe (additional) Cashier Kefa (additional) Tim STBM 2 officials per Kecamatan sub-district (100 orang) Handwashing/ CLTS Team Handwashing/ CLTS Team Safe Water Leader Safe Water Leader 2 CLTS village Specialist (2 persons) Specialist (2 persons) Tim STBM facilitator per- (1 person) (1 person) Desa village (600 orang) Hygiene CLTS Sub-District Hygiene CLTS Sub-District Officers Officers Officers Officers (4 person) (8 persons) (4 person) (7 persons) Dusun Dusun 3 natural leader per Soe District (172 villages) Kefamenanu District (160 villages) sub-village
  • 18. Info: Sanitation Marketing after demand creation community The community able to create the closet themselves (independent) without any- subsidy from Plan. 1 Closet average of IDR 30.000.- (or 4$). Grobogan Study Budget planning (from community) on how to make low-cost-closet. Most of them paid it with Bananas fruit, rice, etc. And exchange it to the existing Koperasi/ Microfinance Workshop/training on Closet improvement, in community (majority: private local artisan entrepreneurs) Closet ready for distribution Finishing closet, and stock Training on making low- (or sell) for production (gotong cost-toilet royong)
  • 19. Children are playing game called Snake and Ladder as a FUN way to educate children in regard of Hygiene Practices
  • 20. The Decline of Diarrhea Cases in Lembata 91% Diarrhea Reduction 63% Diarrhea Reduction
  • 21. The Decline of Diarrhea Cases in TTS District: In average, diarrhea cases in 2012 ` was 27.31% lower than they were in 2011. The decline of diarrhea cases is due to STBM intervention led by local health center and District Health Agency, which started at the beginning of 2011. The intervention involves the promotion to the community to adopt 5-pillars of hygiene behavior (Data collected from Sub-district Health Center in Polen, Kie, and Amsel) Kec / Decline in Subdistrict 2010 2011 percentage KIE 1,058 722 31.76% AMSEL 338 298 11.83% Polen 548 393 28.28% Kecamatan/Kec. = Sub-district Total 1,944 1,413 27.31%
  • 22. The Decline of Diarrhea Cases in TTU District: In average, diarrhea cases in ` 2012 was 34.20 % lower than they were in 2011. The decline of diarrhea cases is due to STBM intervention led by local health center and District Health Agency, which started at the beginning of 2011. The intervention involves the promotion to the community to adopt 5-pillars of hygiene behavior (Data collected from Sub-district Health Center in Napan, Lurasik, Oelneke) Decline in Kec. / Sub-district 2010 2011 percentage BIKOMI UTARA 47 29 38.30% MUSI 49 47 4.08% BIBOKI UTARA 345 218 36.81% NOEMUTI 59 35 40.68% Total 500 329 34.20%