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Stealing Fitness
Designing a lifestyle where
鍖tness can be fun and easy
There is no"
There is an EASY one
The Problem
Our life, as designed by
others, has left us
Stressed, Tired,
Overworked, and
We know what we "
So why cant we seem to
The Solution
The Formula for
Changing Behavior"
Behavior=Motivation*Ability*Trigger -
occurring at the same time
Motivation Moves in Waves:
If you want to change
behavior, focus on Ability and
Triggers, NOT Motivation
Make it EASY
6 Elements of Simplicity"
Physical Effort"
Mental Effort"
Social Norms"
Remove Ability Barriers for
what you want to do
Not enough time?
Do you have a second to
touch your toes?
No Money?
Body weight exercises are
Everything takes too much
physical effort?
Can you start with 10 Deep
No Mental Room?
No need to thinkI just
gave you three places to
start and more will come
The Real Issues
Breaking Through"
Social Norms
Changing behavior is
hard because our
environment wasnt set
up for us to be
Start with an awareness of
how your social group could
help you get back on track
with your 鍖tness.

Look for opportunities to be
active with friends and
What if you have habits
that are not helpful for
being 鍖t?
Work too much?
Dont get enough sleep?
Have an unhealthy diet?
All of these things may feel
overwhelming, but just like
adding a behavior,
removing behaviors can be
made easier.
To Remove a Behavior:
ADD Ability Barriers and
REMOVE the Triggers
(more on this laterhang
in there)
Everything we do has a
We pick up the $20 bill on
the sidewalk because we
SEE it
We eat the donut because
we FEEL hungry
We drink Starbucks
because we FEEL tired
Triggers can be Physical
(sight, sound, taste, feel,
smell) or Emotional
They can also be internal or

H u n ge r i s a n i n t e r n a l
physical trigger

Sadness is an internal
emotional trigger

The $20 bill is an external
physical trigger
To increase a behavior,
increase its trigger
To decrease a behavior,
decrease its triggers
Feedback Loops
Most of the results we are
looking for are too far
down the road. Getting
that six pack, losing 20
Instead, 鍖nd feedback
loops that you can see
right away so you know
you are on the right track
Its Time to
Celebrate Celebrate
When we celebrate after
completing the behavior,
we are more likely to do it
We are our own biggest
critics. It is time to 鍖ip that
When we celebrate
progress, even the
smallest bit of progress, we
are shaping our behavior
in the positive direction
When we scold ourselves
for not enough progress,
all progress stops and we
spiral right back to where
we started
Setbacks and
What if I dont succeed?
The 3 Step Process
I am not bad  missing a day or not
following through happen. You are just
getting started

I am not alone  Changing behavior is a
process for everyone. No one is perfect

There is a way out  You can try again
with a new strategy. Remember
Its a Process"
Make it a GAME"
It is easier to learn from a
game. It isnt as serious
and stressful
Solving a Puzzle
How can you remove or add ability
barriers to get the desired results?

How can you add or remove triggers?

You know you have solved the equation
when the Behavior happens no matter
how motivated you are!
Resources to get Started
Looking for more resources where
you can put this into practice?

Sign up for the tiny habits program at
Stay tuned for the next
presentation where I will
show you my designs for

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