Replacement paging will be coming soon, removing the second paragraph and enlarging the text. The document also discusses funding trends, financial institutions, and Stearns' overall 3-year market share trend. It concludes with a section on executive team bios.
#4: Remove with HUD and (United States Department of Housing and Urban Development) from first bullet. Remove bullets 2 7. Enlarge and center remaining bullets to accentuate our achievements and stats. _done.
#5: Change Employees title at bottom to PEOPLE. Add in Orange County Register badge or top places to work logo. Make employee quotes larger. The top places to work logo and the employee quotes need to jump off the page. Remove Stearns Mission paragraph at bottom.
#9: Add employee headcount to each year and show a mountain climber type line showing an upward progression. Make title larger. Add shadows similar to next slide.
#11: Change Credit Union to Financial Institutions Group.
#13: Remove POWER The capability of doing or accomplishing anything. Change Hi Balance to High Balance. Make remaining bullets larger and center in red section.
#14: Can we flip the color scheme on this slide and have the white border at the bottom with some different color (maybe the taupe color from testimonials page?) behind the magazine picture and text
#20: Add Karen Crawford is missing in this slide. Please add.
#25: Make this slide a Why Stearns slide. With 8 10 bullets. And add a final slide after this one for Managers and Recruiters pictures and contact information. The language should be We hope you will take the time to find out more about the exciting opportunities available with Stearns. For example, for Tim it would be Tim Cranston, Brian Miller and Heidi Johns Scott. (NEEDS UPDATED PAGE)