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Steiningerisland Background Info.pdf
 Independent since 1973, part of the
British Commonwealth
 Constitutional parliamentary de-
mocracy for over 250 years
 More than 700 islands, cays and
 Population 389 000,
Grand Bahama Island 51 000
 English Common Law
 Safe haven for investors
 Corruption Perceptions Index rank
30/180, score 63/100
(U.s. rank 25/180, score 67/100 -
Spain rank 32/180, score 62/100)
 Bahamas recorded a total of 7m
tourists in 2019, ranking 57th in the
world in absolute terms.
 Smaller countries regularly perform
lower in a comparison of the abso-
lute number of guests. By putting
the tourist number in relation to
the population the picture beco-
mes more comparable: with 18.44
tourists per resident, the Bahamas
ranked 9th in the world and 6th in
the Caribbean.
 Bahamas generated around 3.61 bn
USD in the tourism sector alone.
This corresponds to 32.05 Percent
of its Gross Domestic Product and
approximately 24 Percent of all
income from international tourism
in the Caribbean.
 Most foreign homebuyers in the
Bahamas come from the United
States, Canada, France, Britain and
 No restrictions on foreigners buy-
ing property
 Foreigners who own properties in
the Bahamas are eligible for a ho-
meowner卒s residence card.
 Those who purchase properties va-
lued at least USD 750 000 qualify
for permanent residency.
 Bahamas impose little to no tax.
 Rental income: no income taxes
but stamp duties are imposed
when renting out Bahamian real es-
 Capital gains: no taxes on capital
gains in the Bahamas.
 Real estate: the maximum tax rate
is 1% annually for properties worth
more than USD 500 000. Steinin-
ger Island is exempt from any pro-
perty tax.
 Inheritance: not taxed on the is-
 Residents: income of residents is
not subject to tax.
Steiningerisland Background Info.pdf
 Although geographically close,
Miami and the Bahamas are diffe-
rent worlds. Just 55 nautical miles
off the Southern Coast of Florida -
a spring and a step away from the
sunny, cosmopolitan city of Miami
- is Grand Bahama.
 Grand Bahama is famous for its
tropical climate, excellent sea-
food, and some of the worlds most
gorgeous (and relatively untou-
ched) beaches. Travelers can make
the most of this close proximity by
taking a one- or two-day trip from
Miami to Grand Bahama by boat
or plane. So, a visit to the sunshine
state can also mean an idyllic geta-
way to tropical bliss.
 When Uber announced its air taxi
venture Uber Elevate (now acqui-
red by Joby Aviation), it seemed
like a far-fetched ambition. But re-
cently many aerospace companies
have started working on delivering
air taxis to serve a certain group of
 Unlike ground transport, the in-
frastructure costs for air taxis will
be much cheaper and yet more
efficient. It will help massively in
congested locations and where the
demand to commute is more than
the supply.
 The newest invention in the aero-
space business is electric vertical
take-off and landing (eVTOL) air-
 Direct connections to more than
2 billion people
 US immigrant pre-clearance and
 11 000 feet runway that can ac-
commodate Boeing 747-400s
 Major Container Port for Hutchison
and MSC
 The deepest draft 52 feet (16 m)
outside of Norfolk, Va on the entire
US East Coast
World Class Hotels i.e. SIX SENSES
World Class Fishing Tournaments
i.e. Marlin Festival Cruise Ships i.e.
Carnival Cruises, MSC
Lucaya International School
The Doctors Hospital
Medical School and University
WorldClassContainerPort i.e.Hut-
chison Whampoa,
MSC FDA approved pharmachem
and polymers production facilities,
Oil Bunkering,
XQuisite Yachts Marina,
First Hybrid Mega Yachts
 1955 Financier Wallace Grove sig-
ned the Hawksbill Creek agreement
with the Bahamian government to
build the City of Freeport.
 He created the Grand Bahama Port
Authority (GBPA) and started the
development of Freeport as a mo-
dern, 230-square mile, tax-friendly,
free trade zone with world class
 The Best Free Trade Zone Overall
for SMEs in Latin America and The
Caribbean in 2016.
 2023 The Bahamas celebrate their
50th anniversary and the Bahamian
Governments key goal is to mo-
dernize the Free Zone Agreement.
 Large international players already
started their projects.
 Digital Nomads, Crypto Entrepre-
neurs and Students at the Medical
School and University are now per-
mitted to reside under the Baha-
mas Extended Access Travel Act.
$300M+ in a completely new Port.
 Investments in Infrastructure, Medi-
cal, Crypto, Tourism and Sustaina-
bility and Eco totals $2 billion.
 It卒s gone into overdrive. There
was always a migration, but Covid
gave people a reason just beyond
just taxes. It pushed them over the
edge. David S. Goodboy, Founder
of the Palm Beach Hedge Fund
Association regarding migration to
the south (wsj.com Jun. 9, 2021)
 Christoph Albeck and Hanno
Strack are the Founders and Mana-
ging Directors of CPH INVEST.
 Having successfully planned, built
and exited/sold around 110 high
end residential properties over the
course of the last 8 years, they
currently oversee the development
of further 100 individual residential
homes in The Bahamas.
 Operating in an island environment
with closed local communities,
strict regulation, high environmen-
tal standards and demands, CPH
INVEST is well equipped to ex-
port this expertise to other islands
where they identify similar trading
 Katja Katja Schwenke is a visionary
entrepreneur and strategic advisor.
 In pioneer times of renewable
energies at the beginning of this
century, she spent 10 years as CEO
(WKN AG/now PNE Group) buil-
ding up a company from a start-up
to an international leading group in
Europe and the USA in the field of
wind power.
 Turn key construction of wind
farms, financing and setting up
closed funds of around 800 Million
Euro. Planning and constructing
the worlds most modern wind farm
in the US with 100 MW and 3 MW
Vestas turbines.
 Engaged in investing in projects
that show visions for a sustainable
 CEO & Chief Designer Martin Stein-
inger (48) is known for his minima-
list designs with clear corners and
sharp edges.
 The designs and architectural voice
/ language of the highly qualified
industrial designer are in high de-
mand on the international stage,
have won numerous awards and
impress with their prominent, clear
lines, their timelessness as well as
their refined details.
 During the design process, he ad-
heres to the principle of maximum
simplification and makes use of
unconventional materials such as
stone, concrete, aluminum or brass
to accentuate the straightforward,
at times almost archaic look of his
 2 005 sqft
 18 496 sqft lot
 2 beds
 3 baths
 2 224 sqft
 21 668 sqft lot
 3 beds
 4 baths
 3 847 sqft
 22 205 sqft lot
 4 beds
 5 baths
 5 232 sqft
 24 945 sqft lot
 7 beds
 6 baths
 4 814 sqft
 24 396 sqft lot
 4 beds
 5 baths
 Hurricane safe houses
 Generator free Houses (no need
for Diesel)
 Green Roofs (lowers the need to
cool down air conditioning)
 Solar Panels and efficient battery
 Minimum Energy Efficiency Stan-
dards for all houses
 Smart Community: Pooling of
Energy. Each House contributes to
share the Energy gained from Solar
 Transportation: Airport Shuttle, So-
lar powered Boat Club and Drone
Service into South Florida
 To secure the energy supply, Stei-
niger Island should be energetically
self-sufficient and at the same time
generate the required energy for
all consumers including e-vehicles
 Each building will be equipped
with its own photovoltaic system.
This takes over the primary supply
during the hours of sunshine via
its own inverter. This is flanked by
charging stations for 1-2 electric
 The energy is stored in an outsour-
ced central battery station for all
 In long-term adverse weather si-
tuations use can be guaranteed for
up to 8 days.
 ESG is an acronym defining three
key areas of sustainability that real
estate developers should consider:
environmental, social, and gover-
 At CPH INVEST all our projects are
fully compliant with ESG values.
 At CPH INVEST we fully finance
all our developments with private
capital. Every stakeholder is com-
mitted to our values.
 Environmental building factors
typically spotlight a propertys
carbon footprint and address ener-
gy consumption, water usage, and
waste management.
 Real Estate consumes around 40%
of the worlds energy and contri-
butes up to 30% of its annual GHG
emissions. Thats why the applica-
tion of ESG standards is so import-
ant to us.
 Environmental considerations may
also include how well a property
is positioned to handle climate-re-
lated risks like rising ocean levels,
and extreme weather.
 We support the local Coral Vita
Farm to maintain the reef in front
of the island.
 Awareness is growing that real es-
tate has a significant social impact.
We build one house for bahamian
people in need for each house we
sell. Together with the Department
of Housing of the Government of
The Bahamas we offer a way to
purchase a government house in a
designated area.
 The mandate of the Minister re-
sponsible for Housing is the encou-
ragement of home ownership by
persons of low to moderate inco-
 To this end, the Department of
Housing takes applications from
persons of low to moderate inco-
mes interested in obtaining subsi-
dised housing through government
guaranteed loans.
 Vertical take-off and landing
 Zero operating emissions
 One Pilot + four riders
 150 mile max range
 200 mph top speed
 10+ years in development
 Steininger Island has its own air
taxi port on the property
 The Boat Club is all about offering
the possibility to experience only
the best parts of boating. A mem-
bership in our Boat Club removes
all the hassle and adds extra fea-
tures and services for more free-
dom and fun at sea.
 Premium models in various classes
between 20 and 40 ft. The Boat
Clubs fleet includes both motor
and e-power boats with a focus
on performance, design and smart
functionalities for the modern boa-
ter and are carefully chosen to fit
the members needs.
 Unlimited Golf
 Guest invitations
 Forming part of a group
 Family golf
 Gracious clubhouse & restaurant
 Access to club members meeting
 Private Dining
 Different pools
 Private beach
 Parties & social gatherings
 Yoga and pilates classes
Steiningerisland Background Info.pdf
Steiningerisland Background Info.pdf
Christoph Albeck and Hanno Strack
De-Saint-Exup辿ry-Str. 10
60549 Frankfurt am Main
C P H - I N V E S T . C O M

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Steiningerisland Background Info.pdf

  • 4. Independent since 1973, part of the British Commonwealth Constitutional parliamentary de- mocracy for over 250 years More than 700 islands, cays and islets Population 389 000, Grand Bahama Island 51 000 English Common Law Safe haven for investors Corruption Perceptions Index rank 30/180, score 63/100 (U.s. rank 25/180, score 67/100 - Spain rank 32/180, score 62/100) ABOUT THE BAHAMAS
  • 5. Bahamas recorded a total of 7m tourists in 2019, ranking 57th in the world in absolute terms. Smaller countries regularly perform lower in a comparison of the abso- lute number of guests. By putting the tourist number in relation to the population the picture beco- mes more comparable: with 18.44 tourists per resident, the Bahamas ranked 9th in the world and 6th in the Caribbean. Bahamas generated around 3.61 bn USD in the tourism sector alone. This corresponds to 32.05 Percent of its Gross Domestic Product and approximately 24 Percent of all income from international tourism in the Caribbean. TOURISM
  • 6. Most foreign homebuyers in the Bahamas come from the United States, Canada, France, Britain and Italy. No restrictions on foreigners buy- ing property Foreigners who own properties in the Bahamas are eligible for a ho- meowner卒s residence card. Those who purchase properties va- lued at least USD 750 000 qualify for permanent residency. PROPERTY MARKET
  • 7. Bahamas impose little to no tax. Rental income: no income taxes but stamp duties are imposed when renting out Bahamian real es- tate. Capital gains: no taxes on capital gains in the Bahamas. Real estate: the maximum tax rate is 1% annually for properties worth more than USD 500 000. Steinin- ger Island is exempt from any pro- perty tax. Inheritance: not taxed on the is- land. Residents: income of residents is not subject to tax. TAX ADVANTAGES
  • 10. Although geographically close, Miami and the Bahamas are diffe- rent worlds. Just 55 nautical miles off the Southern Coast of Florida - a spring and a step away from the sunny, cosmopolitan city of Miami - is Grand Bahama. Grand Bahama is famous for its tropical climate, excellent sea- food, and some of the worlds most gorgeous (and relatively untou- ched) beaches. Travelers can make the most of this close proximity by taking a one- or two-day trip from Miami to Grand Bahama by boat or plane. So, a visit to the sunshine state can also mean an idyllic geta- way to tropical bliss. MIAMI TO GRAND BAHAMA 55 NAUTICAL MILES
  • 11. When Uber announced its air taxi venture Uber Elevate (now acqui- red by Joby Aviation), it seemed like a far-fetched ambition. But re- cently many aerospace companies have started working on delivering air taxis to serve a certain group of travelers. Unlike ground transport, the in- frastructure costs for air taxis will be much cheaper and yet more efficient. It will help massively in congested locations and where the demand to commute is more than the supply. The newest invention in the aero- space business is electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) air- craft. eVTOL
  • 12. Direct connections to more than 2 billion people US immigrant pre-clearance and customs 11 000 feet runway that can ac- commodate Boeing 747-400s (jumbo-jet) INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT
  • 13. Major Container Port for Hutchison and MSC The deepest draft 52 feet (16 m) outside of Norfolk, Va on the entire US East Coast FREEPORT HARBOUR
  • 14. TOURISM World Class Hotels i.e. SIX SENSES World Class Fishing Tournaments i.e. Marlin Festival Cruise Ships i.e. Carnival Cruises, MSC EDUCATION Lucaya International School The Doctors Hospital Medical School and University INDUSTRY WorldClassContainerPort i.e.Hut- chison Whampoa, MSC FDA approved pharmachem and polymers production facilities, Oil Bunkering, XQuisite Yachts Marina, First Hybrid Mega Yachts ECONOMY
  • 15. 1955 Financier Wallace Grove sig- ned the Hawksbill Creek agreement with the Bahamian government to build the City of Freeport. He created the Grand Bahama Port Authority (GBPA) and started the development of Freeport as a mo- dern, 230-square mile, tax-friendly, free trade zone with world class infrastructure. The Best Free Trade Zone Overall for SMEs in Latin America and The Caribbean in 2016. 2023 The Bahamas celebrate their 50th anniversary and the Bahamian Governments key goal is to mo- dernize the Free Zone Agreement. Large international players already started their projects. FREEPORT FREE ZONE
  • 16. Digital Nomads, Crypto Entrepre- neurs and Students at the Medical School and University are now per- mitted to reside under the Baha- mas Extended Access Travel Act. CARNIVAL CRUISES invests $300M+ in a completely new Port. Investments in Infrastructure, Medi- cal, Crypto, Tourism and Sustaina- bility and Eco totals $2 billion. It卒s gone into overdrive. There was always a migration, but Covid gave people a reason just beyond just taxes. It pushed them over the edge. David S. Goodboy, Founder of the Palm Beach Hedge Fund Association regarding migration to the south (wsj.com Jun. 9, 2021) TRENDS FOR THE NEXT 3 YEARS
  • 18. Christoph Albeck and Hanno Strack are the Founders and Mana- ging Directors of CPH INVEST. Having successfully planned, built and exited/sold around 110 high end residential properties over the course of the last 8 years, they currently oversee the development of further 100 individual residential homes in The Bahamas. Operating in an island environment with closed local communities, strict regulation, high environmen- tal standards and demands, CPH INVEST is well equipped to ex- port this expertise to other islands where they identify similar trading patterns. CPH INVEST
  • 19. Katja Katja Schwenke is a visionary entrepreneur and strategic advisor. In pioneer times of renewable energies at the beginning of this century, she spent 10 years as CEO (WKN AG/now PNE Group) buil- ding up a company from a start-up to an international leading group in Europe and the USA in the field of wind power. Turn key construction of wind farms, financing and setting up closed funds of around 800 Million Euro. Planning and constructing the worlds most modern wind farm in the US with 100 MW and 3 MW Vestas turbines. Engaged in investing in projects that show visions for a sustainable future. CONSULTANT
  • 20. CEO & Chief Designer Martin Stein- inger (48) is known for his minima- list designs with clear corners and sharp edges. The designs and architectural voice / language of the highly qualified industrial designer are in high de- mand on the international stage, have won numerous awards and impress with their prominent, clear lines, their timelessness as well as their refined details. During the design process, he ad- heres to the principle of maximum simplification and makes use of unconventional materials such as stone, concrete, aluminum or brass to accentuate the straightforward, at times almost archaic look of his creations. DESIGNER
  • 22. 2 005 sqft 18 496 sqft lot 2 beds 3 baths 3X BUNGALOW
  • 23. 2 224 sqft 21 668 sqft lot 3 beds 4 baths 6X VILLA TYP A
  • 24. 3 847 sqft 22 205 sqft lot 4 beds 5 baths 6X VILLA TYP B
  • 25. 5 232 sqft 24 945 sqft lot 7 beds 6 baths 3X VILLA TYP C.1
  • 26. 4 814 sqft 24 396 sqft lot 4 beds 5 baths 4X VILLA TYP C.2
  • 27. Hurricane safe houses Generator free Houses (no need for Diesel) Green Roofs (lowers the need to cool down air conditioning) Solar Panels and efficient battery storage Minimum Energy Efficiency Stan- dards for all houses Smart Community: Pooling of Energy. Each House contributes to share the Energy gained from Solar Panels. Transportation: Airport Shuttle, So- lar powered Boat Club and Drone Service into South Florida WE BUILD
  • 28. To secure the energy supply, Stei- niger Island should be energetically self-sufficient and at the same time generate the required energy for all consumers including e-vehicles ecologically. Each building will be equipped with its own photovoltaic system. This takes over the primary supply during the hours of sunshine via its own inverter. This is flanked by charging stations for 1-2 electric cars. The energy is stored in an outsour- ced central battery station for all objects. In long-term adverse weather si- tuations use can be guaranteed for up to 8 days. SOLAR POWER
  • 29. ESG is an acronym defining three key areas of sustainability that real estate developers should consider: environmental, social, and gover- nance. At CPH INVEST all our projects are fully compliant with ESG values. At CPH INVEST we fully finance all our developments with private capital. Every stakeholder is com- mitted to our values. ESG
  • 30. Environmental building factors typically spotlight a propertys carbon footprint and address ener- gy consumption, water usage, and waste management. Real Estate consumes around 40% of the worlds energy and contri- butes up to 30% of its annual GHG emissions. Thats why the applica- tion of ESG standards is so import- ant to us. Environmental considerations may also include how well a property is positioned to handle climate-re- lated risks like rising ocean levels, and extreme weather. We support the local Coral Vita Farm to maintain the reef in front of the island. ENVIRONMENTAL
  • 31. Awareness is growing that real es- tate has a significant social impact. We build one house for bahamian people in need for each house we sell. Together with the Department of Housing of the Government of The Bahamas we offer a way to purchase a government house in a designated area. The mandate of the Minister re- sponsible for Housing is the encou- ragement of home ownership by persons of low to moderate inco- mes. To this end, the Department of Housing takes applications from persons of low to moderate inco- mes interested in obtaining subsi- dised housing through government guaranteed loans. SOCIAL
  • 32. Vertical take-off and landing Zero operating emissions One Pilot + four riders 150 mile max range 200 mph top speed 10+ years in development FLIGHT CLUB
  • 33. Steininger Island has its own air taxi port on the property AIR TAXI PORT
  • 34. The Boat Club is all about offering the possibility to experience only the best parts of boating. A mem- bership in our Boat Club removes all the hassle and adds extra fea- tures and services for more free- dom and fun at sea. Premium models in various classes between 20 and 40 ft. The Boat Clubs fleet includes both motor and e-power boats with a focus on performance, design and smart functionalities for the modern boa- ter and are carefully chosen to fit the members needs. BOAT CLUB
  • 35. Unlimited Golf Guest invitations Forming part of a group Family golf Competitions GOLF CLUB
  • 36. Gracious clubhouse & restaurant Access to club members meeting room Private Dining Different pools Private beach Parties & social gatherings Yoga and pilates classes BEACH CLUB
  • 39. CPH INVEST GMBH CEO 揃 FOUNDER Christoph Albeck and Hanno Strack De-Saint-Exup辿ry-Str. 10 60549 Frankfurt am Main info@cph-invest.com C P H - I N V E S T . C O M