The document discusses a 6-week lesson on responding to God's call based on the story of Jonah. It explores how Jonah initially disobeyed God's call to preach to Nineveh but later obeyed. The goals are to understand obeying God allows one to fulfill their role in His mission and to evaluate ways one says no to God. It includes discussion questions about justifying disobeying God and being obedient as a teenager. It also reviews the key lessons that God's call never cancels, obeying allows participation in His mission, and obeying is always right regardless of feelings. Finally, it previews an activity asking students to consider who their own "Ninevites" are.
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Step Out Lesson 5
1. Step Out: Responding to Gods Call
Jonahs Response
Click on scripture to open in Bible Gateway
Jonah 1:1-4
Jonah 3:1-6
Jonah 4:1-3
2. Memory Verse
I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate
God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who
relents from sending calamity. Jonah 4:2b
3. Learning Goals
Explore: Understand that by responding to Gods call
in obedience allows you to fulfill your role in His
Transform: Evaluate ways in which you knowingly or
unknowingly say no to God.
5. Discussion
In what ways do you justify not doing what you
know that God wants you to do?
What in your life gets in the way of answering Gods
What are some examples of being obedient to
Gods call as a teenager?
How would your life be different if you always said
yes when God called you to do something?
6. Key Study
1. Running from Gods call never cancels the calling.
Jonah 1:14
Jonah 1:1-4
7. Key Study
2. Obeying Gods call allows us to be part of His
mission. Jonah 3:16
Jonah 3:1-6
8. Key Study
3. Obeying Gods call is always right, regardless of how
we feel. Jonah 4:13
Jonah 4:1-3
9. Reverb Student Book Option: WHO R UR NINEVITES??
Preview the activity on page 78 titled Who R Ur Ninevites?
This is the fifth lesson of Step Out, a 6-week emphasis on responding to Gods call to join His
mission. You can learn a great deal form the way that Jonah completely botched his response
to God. If you have a Reverb student book available, turn to page 78 and point out the activity
titled Who R Ur Ninevites?
We have the ability to look at Jonahs life and make some judgments
about where he went right and where he went wrong. But before you
pass judgment on him, take a look at this weeks focus activity. You
might find that you have a lot in common with Jonah.
Spend a few extra minutes this week looking over this activity as they
work through this weeks section, which runs from pages 7479.
10. Reverb Student Book Option: WHO R UR NINEVITES??
Preview the activity on page 78 titled Who R Ur Ninevites?
This is the fifth lesson of Step Out, a 6-week emphasis on responding to Gods call to join His
mission. You can learn a great deal form the way that Jonah completely botched his response
to God. If you have a Reverb student book available, turn to page 78 and point out the activity
titled Who R Ur Ninevites?
We have the ability to look at Jonahs life and make some judgments
about where he went right and where he went wrong. But before you
pass judgment on him, take a look at this weeks focus activity. You
might find that you have a lot in common with Jonah.
Spend a few extra minutes this week looking over this activity as they
work through this weeks section, which runs from pages 7479.