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Sterilisation & disinfectionPrepared by FadziyahZaira, International Medical School, Bangalore, India.{A microbiology topic.}
What is sterilization?Def: process by which an article, surface or medium is freed of all living microorganisms either in vegetative or spore state.
What is disinfection?Def: The destruction or removal of all pathogenic organisms capable of giving rise to infection.
antisepsisThe term is used to indicate the prevention of infection, usually by inhibiting the growth of bacteria in wounds or tissues.This is done by the antisepticsChemicals or disinfectants which can be safely applied on skin or mucous membrane to prevent infection by inhibiting the growth of bacteria.
Bactericidal agentsBactericidal agents / germicides those who able to kill bacteria.Bacteriostatic agentsOnly prevent multiplication of bacteria, but they remain alive.
What is cleaning?Def:Important preparatory step before sterilisation or disinfection, by removing soil and other dirt.DECONTAMINATIONThe process of rendering an article or area free of contaminants, including microbial, chemical, radioactive and other hazards.
Agents for sterilisationPhysical agentsSunlightDryingDry heat: flaming, incineration, hot airMoist heat: pasteurization, boiling, steam under 		   pressureFiltration: candles, asbestos pads, membranesRadiationUltrasonic and sonic vibrations
Agents for sterilisationChemicalsAlcoholEthyl, isopropyl, trichlorobutanolAldehydesFormaldehyde,glutaraldehydeDyesHalogensPhenolsSurface active agentsMetallic saltsGases:Ethylene oxide, formaldehyde (g), beta propiolactone
PA : sunlightAction primarily due to UV rayshowever, effects vary due to placesEg: in tropical country, the germicidal effect is better than 4 seasoned countries.Bacteria in water are readily destroyed by sunlight.
PA : dryingMoisture is essential for growth of bacteria.Drying in air has deleterious effect on  many bacteria.However, spores are unaffected. Therefore, it is not really unreliable.
PA : heatMost reliable method of sterilization and should be the method of choice.The factors influencing sterilization by heat:Nature of heat-dry or moistTemperature and timeNumber of microorganisms presentCharacteristics of organisms species, strain, sporing capacityType of material from which organism have to be eliminated.
Killing effect of dry heatKilling effect is due to protein denaturation, oxidative damage and toxic effect of elevated level of electrolytes.
Killing effect of moist heatDue  to denaturation and coagulation of proteins.
Thermal death timeDef: Minimum time required to kill a suspension of organisms at a predetermined temperature in a specified environment.Thermal death time is inversely proportional to temperature.TDT is increased in presence of organic substance, proteins, nucleic acid, starch, gelatin, sugar, fats, oils.
Dry heatFlaming:Items: inoculating loop/ wire, tip of forceps, searing spatulasUsing: bunsen burner*inoculating loop is better dipped in disinfectant first before flaming to prevent spattering.
IncinerationItems: contaminated cloth, animal carcasses and pathological material. PVC, polythene can be dealt.However, polystyrene will emit black smoke. Hence should be autoclaved in appropriate container.
Hot air ovenHolding period: 160属C, 1 hourItems: glassware, forceps, scissors, scalpels, all-glass syringes, swabs, liquid paraffin, dusting powder, fats, grease.Materials should be properly arranged to allow free circulation of air.
Hot air oven
Sterilization controlUsage of the spores of Clostridium tetani. The nontoxic bacteria will be cultured to see either it is growing or not.To make sure the sterilization is properly done.
MOISt heatMoist heat can be categorized into 3 groups:Temperature below 100属CTemperature at 100属CTemperature above 100属C
MH: temperature <100属CPasteurisation of milkHolding period: 63属C, 30 minutes (holder 			         method) ; or 72属C, 15-20 			         minutes.Target: all nonsporing pathogensEg: mycobacteria, brucellae, salmonella.Coxiellaburnetti, relatively heat resistant, may survive the holder method.
InpissatorMedia like LJ and Loefflers serumHolding period: 80-85属C, half an hour.
Mh: temperature @100属CBoilingNot recommended for sterilising but ok for disinfection.Sterilisation may be promoted by addition of 2% sodium bicarbonate to the water.Holding period: 10-30 minutes. The lid of sterilizer should not be opened during the period.
Steam @ atmospheric pressure (100属C)Used to sterilize culture media.Koch or Arnold steamer is usually used.Inexpensive methodHolding period: 100属C, 20 minutes on three succesive days (tyndallisation/ intermittent sterilization)Principle: first exposure kills vegetative bacteria and then the next exposure will kill vegetative bacteria that matures from the spore.
Steam under pressureAutoclave/steam sterilizerPrinciple: water boils when its vapour pressure equals the surrounding atmosphere. Thus, when pressure inside closed vessels increases, the temperature at which water boils increases too.Holding period: varies.Temperature: between 108属C and 147属C.Items: dressings, instruments, laboratory ware, media and pharmaceutical products.
Several types of steam sterilizer:Laboratory autoclavesHospital dressings sterilizersBowl and instrument sterilizersRapid cooling sterilizersSterilization control-Spores of Bacillus stearothermophillus is used.
Steam sterilizer
filtrationHelps to remove bacteria from heat labile liquidsItems: sera and solutions of sugars or 	  	    antibiotics.Principle: as viruses pass through the 			ordinary filters, filtration can be 		used to obtain bacteria-freefiltrates of clinical samples for 		virus isolation.
Types of filtersCandle filtersAsbestos filtersSintered glass filtersMembrane filters
Candle filterTypes-Unglazed ceramic filtersDiatomaceous earth filtersAsbestos filtersDisposable, single-used discUsage is discouraged  because of its carcinogenic property.Eg: Seitz and Sterimat filters
Sintered glass filtershas low absorptive propertiesBrittle and expensiveMembrane filtersMade of cellulose esters or other polymersUsually used for water purification and analysis, sterilization and sterility testing and preparation of solutions for parenteral use.
radiation2 types of radiationIonising gamma rays, high energy electronsNon-ionising infrared, UVNon-ionising radiationInfraredUsed for rapid mass sterilization of prepacked items; Syringe, CathatersUVDisinfect enclosed area such as entryways, operation theatres and labs.
Ionising radiationGamma raysItems: plastics, syringes, swabs, catheters, animal 	        feeds, cardboard, oils, greases, fabric and 	        metal foils.
Chemical agentsIdeal antiseptic/disinfectant shouldEffective against all microorganismsBe active in presence of organic matterEffective in acid as well in alkaline mediaHave speedy actionHave high penetrating powerStableCompatible with other antispetics and disinfectantX corrode metalsX cause local irritation or sensitisationX interfere with healingX toxic if absorbed into circulationInexpensive and easily available.
Chemical agentsFactors determine the potency of disinfectants:Concentration of the substanceTime of actionpH of the mediumTemperatureNature of the organismsPresence of extraneous material
Chemical agentsAction of chemical actionProtein coagulationDisruption of cell membraneresulting in exposure, damage/loss of contentsRemoval of sulfhydryl group essential for normal functioning of enzymeSubstate competition
CA: alcoholFrequently used:Ethyl alcoholIsopropyl alcoholMust be used at concentration 60-90%Isopropyl alcohol used in disinfection of clinical thermometer.Methyl acohol is effective against fungal spores, treating cabinets and incubators.Methyl alcohol is also toxic and inflammable.
CA: aldehydeFormaldehyde:Bactericidal, sporicidal and has lethal effect on viruses.Used to preserve anatomical specimens, destroying anthrax spores on hair and wool.Glutaldehyde:Effective against tubercle bacilli, fungi, viruses.Less toxic and irritant to eyes, skinUsed to treat corrugated rubber anaesthetic rubber, face masks, plastic endotracheal tubes, metal instruments and polythene tubing.
CA: dyes2 groups of dyes:Aniline dyeAcridine dyeBoth are bacteriostatic in high dilution but are of low bactericidal activity.Aniline dye is more active against gram +ve than gram-veorganisms.Used in microbiology labs as selective agents in culture media.
Acridine dyeNot selective as aniline dye.Important dyes:ProflavineAcriflavineEuflavineAminacrineImpair the DNA complexes of the organisms and thus kill or destroy the reproductive capacity of the cell.
CA: halogensIodineSkin disinfectantActive bactericidal, moderate action on spores.Chlorine Water supplies, swimming pools and food and dairy industries.Along with hypochlorides are bactericidal. Also act on viruses.
CA: phenolsObtained from distillation of coal tar between 170-270属C.Lethal effect: Capacity to cause cell membrane damage, releasing cell contents and causing lysis.Low concentration will precipitate proteins.
CA: gasesTypes of gasesEthylene oxideFormaldehyde gasBeta propiolactone (BPL)Ethylene oxideAction is due to its alkylating the amino, carboxyl, hydroxyl and sulphydryl groups in protein molecules.Also on DNA and RNA.Items: heart-lung machines, respirators, sutures, 	      dental equipment, books, clothing.
Formaldehyde gasEmployed for fumigation of OT and other rooms.After fumigation, the doors should be sealed and left unopened for 48 hours.BPLProduct of ketane and formaldehyde with a boiling point of 163属C.Rapid biocidal activity but carcinogenic.Capable of killing all microorganisms and is very active against viruses.
CA: surface-active agentsDef	substance that alter the energy relationship at interfaces, producing a reduction of surface or interfacial tension.Widely used as wetting agents, detergents and emulsifiers.4 main groups:anionicCationicNonionicamphoteric
Ca: metallic saltsSalts of heavy metals have a greater action.Eg: salts of silver, copper and mercuryProtein coagulant and have capacity to combine with free sulfhydryl group of cell enzymes.

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Sterilisation & Disinfection

  • 1. Sterilisation & disinfectionPrepared by FadziyahZaira, International Medical School, Bangalore, India.{A microbiology topic.}
  • 2. What is sterilization?Def: process by which an article, surface or medium is freed of all living microorganisms either in vegetative or spore state.
  • 3. What is disinfection?Def: The destruction or removal of all pathogenic organisms capable of giving rise to infection.
  • 4. antisepsisThe term is used to indicate the prevention of infection, usually by inhibiting the growth of bacteria in wounds or tissues.This is done by the antisepticsChemicals or disinfectants which can be safely applied on skin or mucous membrane to prevent infection by inhibiting the growth of bacteria.
  • 5. Bactericidal agentsBactericidal agents / germicides those who able to kill bacteria.Bacteriostatic agentsOnly prevent multiplication of bacteria, but they remain alive.
  • 6. What is cleaning?Def:Important preparatory step before sterilisation or disinfection, by removing soil and other dirt.DECONTAMINATIONThe process of rendering an article or area free of contaminants, including microbial, chemical, radioactive and other hazards.
  • 7. Agents for sterilisationPhysical agentsSunlightDryingDry heat: flaming, incineration, hot airMoist heat: pasteurization, boiling, steam under pressureFiltration: candles, asbestos pads, membranesRadiationUltrasonic and sonic vibrations
  • 8. Agents for sterilisationChemicalsAlcoholEthyl, isopropyl, trichlorobutanolAldehydesFormaldehyde,glutaraldehydeDyesHalogensPhenolsSurface active agentsMetallic saltsGases:Ethylene oxide, formaldehyde (g), beta propiolactone
  • 9. PA : sunlightAction primarily due to UV rayshowever, effects vary due to placesEg: in tropical country, the germicidal effect is better than 4 seasoned countries.Bacteria in water are readily destroyed by sunlight.
  • 10. PA : dryingMoisture is essential for growth of bacteria.Drying in air has deleterious effect on many bacteria.However, spores are unaffected. Therefore, it is not really unreliable.
  • 11. PA : heatMost reliable method of sterilization and should be the method of choice.The factors influencing sterilization by heat:Nature of heat-dry or moistTemperature and timeNumber of microorganisms presentCharacteristics of organisms species, strain, sporing capacityType of material from which organism have to be eliminated.
  • 12. Killing effect of dry heatKilling effect is due to protein denaturation, oxidative damage and toxic effect of elevated level of electrolytes.
  • 13. Killing effect of moist heatDue to denaturation and coagulation of proteins.
  • 14. Thermal death timeDef: Minimum time required to kill a suspension of organisms at a predetermined temperature in a specified environment.Thermal death time is inversely proportional to temperature.TDT is increased in presence of organic substance, proteins, nucleic acid, starch, gelatin, sugar, fats, oils.
  • 15. Dry heatFlaming:Items: inoculating loop/ wire, tip of forceps, searing spatulasUsing: bunsen burner*inoculating loop is better dipped in disinfectant first before flaming to prevent spattering.
  • 16. IncinerationItems: contaminated cloth, animal carcasses and pathological material. PVC, polythene can be dealt.However, polystyrene will emit black smoke. Hence should be autoclaved in appropriate container.
  • 17. Hot air ovenHolding period: 160属C, 1 hourItems: glassware, forceps, scissors, scalpels, all-glass syringes, swabs, liquid paraffin, dusting powder, fats, grease.Materials should be properly arranged to allow free circulation of air.
  • 19. Sterilization controlUsage of the spores of Clostridium tetani. The nontoxic bacteria will be cultured to see either it is growing or not.To make sure the sterilization is properly done.
  • 20. MOISt heatMoist heat can be categorized into 3 groups:Temperature below 100属CTemperature at 100属CTemperature above 100属C
  • 21. MH: temperature <100属CPasteurisation of milkHolding period: 63属C, 30 minutes (holder method) ; or 72属C, 15-20 minutes.Target: all nonsporing pathogensEg: mycobacteria, brucellae, salmonella.Coxiellaburnetti, relatively heat resistant, may survive the holder method.
  • 22. InpissatorMedia like LJ and Loefflers serumHolding period: 80-85属C, half an hour.
  • 24. Mh: temperature @100属CBoilingNot recommended for sterilising but ok for disinfection.Sterilisation may be promoted by addition of 2% sodium bicarbonate to the water.Holding period: 10-30 minutes. The lid of sterilizer should not be opened during the period.
  • 25. Steam @ atmospheric pressure (100属C)Used to sterilize culture media.Koch or Arnold steamer is usually used.Inexpensive methodHolding period: 100属C, 20 minutes on three succesive days (tyndallisation/ intermittent sterilization)Principle: first exposure kills vegetative bacteria and then the next exposure will kill vegetative bacteria that matures from the spore.
  • 26. Steam under pressureAutoclave/steam sterilizerPrinciple: water boils when its vapour pressure equals the surrounding atmosphere. Thus, when pressure inside closed vessels increases, the temperature at which water boils increases too.Holding period: varies.Temperature: between 108属C and 147属C.Items: dressings, instruments, laboratory ware, media and pharmaceutical products.
  • 28. Several types of steam sterilizer:Laboratory autoclavesHospital dressings sterilizersBowl and instrument sterilizersRapid cooling sterilizersSterilization control-Spores of Bacillus stearothermophillus is used.
  • 30. filtrationHelps to remove bacteria from heat labile liquidsItems: sera and solutions of sugars or antibiotics.Principle: as viruses pass through the ordinary filters, filtration can be used to obtain bacteria-freefiltrates of clinical samples for virus isolation.
  • 31. Types of filtersCandle filtersAsbestos filtersSintered glass filtersMembrane filters
  • 32. Candle filterTypes-Unglazed ceramic filtersDiatomaceous earth filtersAsbestos filtersDisposable, single-used discUsage is discouraged because of its carcinogenic property.Eg: Seitz and Sterimat filters
  • 33. Sintered glass filtershas low absorptive propertiesBrittle and expensiveMembrane filtersMade of cellulose esters or other polymersUsually used for water purification and analysis, sterilization and sterility testing and preparation of solutions for parenteral use.
  • 34. radiation2 types of radiationIonising gamma rays, high energy electronsNon-ionising infrared, UVNon-ionising radiationInfraredUsed for rapid mass sterilization of prepacked items; Syringe, CathatersUVDisinfect enclosed area such as entryways, operation theatres and labs.
  • 35. Ionising radiationGamma raysItems: plastics, syringes, swabs, catheters, animal feeds, cardboard, oils, greases, fabric and metal foils.
  • 36. Chemical agentsIdeal antiseptic/disinfectant shouldEffective against all microorganismsBe active in presence of organic matterEffective in acid as well in alkaline mediaHave speedy actionHave high penetrating powerStableCompatible with other antispetics and disinfectantX corrode metalsX cause local irritation or sensitisationX interfere with healingX toxic if absorbed into circulationInexpensive and easily available.
  • 37. Chemical agentsFactors determine the potency of disinfectants:Concentration of the substanceTime of actionpH of the mediumTemperatureNature of the organismsPresence of extraneous material
  • 38. Chemical agentsAction of chemical actionProtein coagulationDisruption of cell membraneresulting in exposure, damage/loss of contentsRemoval of sulfhydryl group essential for normal functioning of enzymeSubstate competition
  • 39. CA: alcoholFrequently used:Ethyl alcoholIsopropyl alcoholMust be used at concentration 60-90%Isopropyl alcohol used in disinfection of clinical thermometer.Methyl acohol is effective against fungal spores, treating cabinets and incubators.Methyl alcohol is also toxic and inflammable.
  • 40. CA: aldehydeFormaldehyde:Bactericidal, sporicidal and has lethal effect on viruses.Used to preserve anatomical specimens, destroying anthrax spores on hair and wool.Glutaldehyde:Effective against tubercle bacilli, fungi, viruses.Less toxic and irritant to eyes, skinUsed to treat corrugated rubber anaesthetic rubber, face masks, plastic endotracheal tubes, metal instruments and polythene tubing.
  • 41. CA: dyes2 groups of dyes:Aniline dyeAcridine dyeBoth are bacteriostatic in high dilution but are of low bactericidal activity.Aniline dye is more active against gram +ve than gram-veorganisms.Used in microbiology labs as selective agents in culture media.
  • 42. Acridine dyeNot selective as aniline dye.Important dyes:ProflavineAcriflavineEuflavineAminacrineImpair the DNA complexes of the organisms and thus kill or destroy the reproductive capacity of the cell.
  • 43. CA: halogensIodineSkin disinfectantActive bactericidal, moderate action on spores.Chlorine Water supplies, swimming pools and food and dairy industries.Along with hypochlorides are bactericidal. Also act on viruses.
  • 44. CA: phenolsObtained from distillation of coal tar between 170-270属C.Lethal effect: Capacity to cause cell membrane damage, releasing cell contents and causing lysis.Low concentration will precipitate proteins.
  • 45. CA: gasesTypes of gasesEthylene oxideFormaldehyde gasBeta propiolactone (BPL)Ethylene oxideAction is due to its alkylating the amino, carboxyl, hydroxyl and sulphydryl groups in protein molecules.Also on DNA and RNA.Items: heart-lung machines, respirators, sutures, dental equipment, books, clothing.
  • 46. Formaldehyde gasEmployed for fumigation of OT and other rooms.After fumigation, the doors should be sealed and left unopened for 48 hours.BPLProduct of ketane and formaldehyde with a boiling point of 163属C.Rapid biocidal activity but carcinogenic.Capable of killing all microorganisms and is very active against viruses.
  • 47. CA: surface-active agentsDef substance that alter the energy relationship at interfaces, producing a reduction of surface or interfacial tension.Widely used as wetting agents, detergents and emulsifiers.4 main groups:anionicCationicNonionicamphoteric
  • 48. Ca: metallic saltsSalts of heavy metals have a greater action.Eg: salts of silver, copper and mercuryProtein coagulant and have capacity to combine with free sulfhydryl group of cell enzymes.