The document summarizes the budgets for 2012 and 2013 of STI International. In 2012, total income was 139,200 and total expenses were 105,540, leaving a balance of 33,660. When combined with reserves from 2011 of 18,540, the total reserves for 2012 were 52,200. In 2013, total income was projected to be 139,700 while total expenses were budgeted at 113,500, leaving a projected balance of 26,200. With reserves carried over from previous years, total reserves for 2013 were estimated to be 78,400.
2. Budgets 2012 and 2013
2012 2013
Partner Fees 65,000 65,000
Member Fees 7,200 7,200
ESWC Profit 22,000 20,000
ESWC Summer School 45,000 47,500
Total Income 139,200 139,700
ESWC Summer School 45,000 47,500
Meetings 6,000 16,000
Support Services from STI Research 49,540 45,000
Diverse Expenses 5,000 5,000
Total Expenses 105,540 113,500
Saldo 33,660 26,200
Reserves 2011 18,540
Total Reserves 52,200 78,400
3. 2012 Budget in More Detail
Income Expenses Plus/minus
total total total
Partner Fees 65,000 65,000
Member Fees 7,200 7,200
ESWC Summerschool 45,000 45,000 0
ESWC Profit 22,000 0 22,000
1 Board meetings 0 3,000 -3,000
General Assembly 0 3,000 -3,000
Carmen Brenner (webmaster 10h/week) 0 12,000 -12,000
Web 2.0 (1 Day per week) 0 5,000 -5,000
Web 3.0 (1 Day per week) 0 5,000 -5,000
Tomas Ludrovan (Sysadmin) 0 4,000 -4,000
Server Infrastructure 0 4,000 -4,000
Alice (Admin) 0 9,540 -9,540
Dana Zajic (Finance) 0 10,000 -10,000
Divers Overhead 0 5,000 -5,000
Total 139,200 105,540 33,660
2011 18,540
Total 52,200