nazism and rise of adolf hitler CHAPTER FORM HISTORYvanshika rana
The document provides an overview of the rise of Nazism and Adolf Hitler in Germany. It discusses the political, economic, and social conditions in Germany following World War 1 that enabled Hitler's rise to power, including the instability of the Weimar Republic, hyperinflation, and the impact of the Great Depression. It also describes how Hitler dismantled democracy and established a dictatorship after becoming Chancellor in 1933, instituting racist policies and aggressively expanding German territory, which ultimately led to World War 2.
Here are the answers to the assessment questions:
1. The Constitution of India was adopted by the Constituent Assembly.
2. The Constitution of India was enacted by a Constituent Assembly set up under the Indian Independence Act 1947.
Europe is the world's second smallest continent in terms of area. It has around 50 countries and a population of over 733 million people, making it the third most populous continent. Historically, European powers controlled large portions of other continents between the 16th and 20th centuries. Today, Europe has a high population density and wealth, with its economy being the largest on Earth.
Class 10 chapter_1_thr_rise_of_nationalism_in_europeKamlesh Khanna
Frederic Sorrieu was a French artist who created prints in 1848 visualizing his dream of a democratic world made up of nations. His prints depicted people from Europe and America marching and offering symbols of their nations to the statue of Liberty. The document then discusses the rise of nationalism in Europe following the French Revolution. Nationalist sentiments grew across Europe in the 1800s as people identified more with their own nations, languages, and cultures in response to French influence and the Industrial Revolution. Various nationalist movements emerged seeking to unite different European countries and regions.
India has a huge diversity of flora and fauna due to its varied climate, soil and land relief. It is home to 47,000 plant species, 15,000 flowering plants, 89,000 animal species, 1,200 bird species and 2,500 fish species. The country's natural vegetation has undergone changes due to factors like growing demand for cultivated land, development, urbanization and overgrazing. Conservation efforts include protected areas like wildlife sanctuaries, national parks and biosphere reserves which aim to preserve genetic diversity and protect species in their natural habitats.
The Chipko Movement started in the 1970s in Uttarakhand, India to prevent deforestation by hugging trees to stop them from being cut down. It was sparked by the actions of Gaura Devi and other village women who mobilized to hug trees and prevent a sports goods company from logging. The movement spread across India through the efforts of environmentalists like Sunderlal Bahuguna and Chandi Prasad Bhatt, saving over 100,000 trees from being felled. The non-violent tactic of embracing trees to protect forests drew international recognition and influenced environmental movements.
La lingüística i el nacionalisme lingüístic espanyol. Juan Carlos Moreno Cab...Jesús Frare Garcia
Conferència impartida el 22/05/2009, al si de la jornada El camí de la recerca, en commemoració dels 10 anys de Filologia catalana a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera és Catedràtic de lingüística general de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Presentació destinada a alumnes de 1r de BATX que cursen la matèria de modalitat HIST?RIA DEL M?N CONTEMPORANI.
Nota: Es acosellable descarregar-se la presentació en el seu format original de PowerPoint per tal de visualitzat les animacions i activar els "links" d'ampliació.
Presentació del poema "Brida", de Maria Mercè Mar?al, a càrrec de l'alumnat de primer de batxillerat (1.3), de l'INS Isaac Albéniz de Badalona. Curs 2017-18
Class 10 chapter_1_thr_rise_of_nationalism_in_europeKamlesh Khanna
Frederic Sorrieu was a French artist who created prints in 1848 visualizing his dream of a democratic world made up of nations. His prints depicted people from Europe and America marching and offering symbols of their nations to the statue of Liberty. The document then discusses the rise of nationalism in Europe following the French Revolution. Nationalist sentiments grew across Europe in the 1800s as people identified more with their own nations, languages, and cultures in response to French influence and the Industrial Revolution. Various nationalist movements emerged seeking to unite different European countries and regions.
India has a huge diversity of flora and fauna due to its varied climate, soil and land relief. It is home to 47,000 plant species, 15,000 flowering plants, 89,000 animal species, 1,200 bird species and 2,500 fish species. The country's natural vegetation has undergone changes due to factors like growing demand for cultivated land, development, urbanization and overgrazing. Conservation efforts include protected areas like wildlife sanctuaries, national parks and biosphere reserves which aim to preserve genetic diversity and protect species in their natural habitats.
The Chipko Movement started in the 1970s in Uttarakhand, India to prevent deforestation by hugging trees to stop them from being cut down. It was sparked by the actions of Gaura Devi and other village women who mobilized to hug trees and prevent a sports goods company from logging. The movement spread across India through the efforts of environmentalists like Sunderlal Bahuguna and Chandi Prasad Bhatt, saving over 100,000 trees from being felled. The non-violent tactic of embracing trees to protect forests drew international recognition and influenced environmental movements.
La lingüística i el nacionalisme lingüístic espanyol. Juan Carlos Moreno Cab...Jesús Frare Garcia
Conferència impartida el 22/05/2009, al si de la jornada El camí de la recerca, en commemoració dels 10 anys de Filologia catalana a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera és Catedràtic de lingüística general de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Presentació destinada a alumnes de 1r de BATX que cursen la matèria de modalitat HIST?RIA DEL M?N CONTEMPORANI.
Nota: Es acosellable descarregar-se la presentació en el seu format original de PowerPoint per tal de visualitzat les animacions i activar els "links" d'ampliació.
Presentació del poema "Brida", de Maria Mercè Mar?al, a càrrec de l'alumnat de primer de batxillerat (1.3), de l'INS Isaac Albéniz de Badalona. Curs 2017-18
Study on the image stitching approach and execute comparative experiments on a variety of image recognition and stitching algorithm. Implement a photo stitching program using the SIFT algorithm with MATLAB.
My inspiration from reading *C++ Primer*, *Effective C++*, *More Effective C++*, *The C++ Standard Library* and some experience from coding.
* Debug
* C++ Syntax
* Habit && Optimization
* Trick
* Trap
* Reference
5. 1. resize(full_img, img, Size(), seam_scale, seam_scale);
2. images[i] = img.clone();
3.1 使用最近邻和次近邻匹配,对任意两幅图进行特征点匹配。
[cpp] view plaincopy
1. vector<MatchesInfo> pairwise_matches;//Structure containing information abou
t matches between two images.
2. BestOf2NearestMatcher matcher(try_gpu, match_conf);//最近邻和次近邻法
3. matcher(features, pairwise_matches);//对每两个图片进行 matcher,20-》
400 matchers.cpp 502
介绍一下 BestOf2NearestMatcher 函数:
[cpp] view plaincopy
1. //Features matcher which finds two best matches for each feature and leav
es the best one only if the ratio between descriptor distances is greater th
an the threshold match_conf.
2. detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher::BestOf2NearestMatcher(bool try_use_gpu=fals
e,float match_conf=0.3f,
3. intnum_matches_thresh1=6,
int num_matches_thresh2=6)
4. Parameters: try_use_gpu – Should try to use GPU or not
5. match_conf – Match distances ration threshold
6. num_matches_thresh1 – Minimum number of matches required for the 2D projecti
7. transform estimation used in the inliers classification step
8. num_matches_thresh2 – Minimum number of matches required for the 2D projecti
9. transform re-estimation on inliers
[cpp] view plaincopy
1. BestOf2NearestMatcher::BestOf2NearestMatcher(bool try_use_gpu, float match_c
onf, int num_matches_thresh1, int num_matches_thresh2)
2. {
4. if (try_use_gpu && getCudaEnabledDeviceCount() > 0)
5. impl_ = new GpuMatcher(match_conf);
6. else
6. 7. #else
8. (void)try_use_gpu;
9. #endif
10. impl_ = new CpuMatcher(match_conf);
12. is_thread_safe_ = impl_->isThreadSafe();
13. num_matches_thresh1_ = num_matches_thresh1;
14. num_matches_thresh2_ = num_matches_thresh2;
15. }
以及 MatchesInfo 的结构体定义:
[cpp] view plaincopy
1. Structure containing information about matches between two images. It’s assu
med that there is a homography between those images.
2. struct CV_EXPORTS MatchesInfo
3. {
4. MatchesInfo();
5. MatchesInfo(const MatchesInfo &other);
6. const MatchesInfo& operator =(const MatchesInfo &other);
7. int src_img_idx, dst_img_idx; // Images indices (optional)
8. std::vector<DMatch> matches;
9. std::vector<uchar> inliers_mask; // Geometrically consistent matches
10. int num_inliers; // Number of geometrically consistent matches
11. Mat H; // Estimated homography
12. double confidence; // Confidence two images are from the same panora
13. };
求出图像匹配的结果如下(具体匹配参见 sift 特征点匹配),任意两幅图都进行匹配
(3*3=9),其中 1-》2 和 2-》1 只计算了一次,以 1-》2 为准,:
8. 2. {
3. for (int j = 0; j < num_images; ++j)
4. {
5. const MatchesInfo &m = pairwise_matches[i*num_images + j];
6. if (m.H.empty())
7. continue;
8. double f0, f1;
9. bool f0ok, f1ok;
10. focalsFromHomography(m.H, f0, f1, f0ok, f1ok);//Tries to estimate focal leng
ths from the given homography 79
11. //under the assumption that the camera undergoes rotations around its centre
12. if (f0ok && f1ok)
13. all_focals.push_back(sqrt(f0 * f1));
14. }
15. }
其中函数 focalsFromHomography 的定义如下:
[cpp] view plaincopy
1. Tries to estimate focal lengths from the given homography
2. under the assumption that the camera undergoes rotations around its cent
re only.
3. Parameters
4. H – Homography.
5. f0 – Estimated focal length along X axis.
6. f1 – Estimated focal length along Y axis.
7. f0_ok – True, if f0 was estimated successfully, false otherwise.
8. f1_ok – True, if f1 was estimated successfully, false otherwise.
[cpp] view plaincopy
1. void focalsFromHomography(const Mat& H, double &f0, double &f1, bool &f0_ok,
bool &f1_ok)
2. {
3. CV_Assert(H.type() == CV_64F && H.size() == Size(3, 3));//Checks a condi
tion at runtime and throws exception if it fails
5. const double* h = reinterpret_cast<const double*>(;//强制类型转
7. double d1, d2; // Denominators
8. double v1, v2; // Focal squares value candidates