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仍亠仆 亢舒弍舒仂于仂亶 -亟亳亠从仂舒 Garin Studio
仆亟亠 亊亠仄从仂 从仂于仂亟亳亠仍 仄仂弍亳仍仆 舒亰舒弍仂仂从 Garin Studio
MV Switchgear Rating Labels Software_IEC62271-200Pedro Reis
Portuguese Language presentation, Programed Excel VBA, Generates the Rating Labels for the MV swg's, Save 50%, Reduces the mistakes in 80%. Fills out the IAC classification Automatically. Printout in ENglish, German Language.
The document provides information on primary and secondary connections for voltage transformers (VTs) assembled on various Siemens nxair family switchgears. It lists the VT models, circuit breaker versions, and connection types used for different voltage ratings of the nxair M and P models. Diagrams illustrate examples of screw, integrated fuse, and encapsulated wire connections. The document is intended to clarify the VT configuration and notes that any mismatches should be reported to the specified contact.
English is spoken by over two billion people as either a first or second language. It is an official language in 75 countries and is used widely for international business, science, technology, academia and pop culture. Over one billion people were estimated to be learning English by the year 2000 due to its prevalence as the main language for many fields and forms of communication globally.
This document outlines James Garrett's 5 levels of UX adaptation for product management and development. The levels include strategy, scope, structure, skeleton, and surface. At the strategy level, analysis is done of competitors, trends, resources, audiences and customer needs to define communication points and prioritize features. At the scope level, specific front-end features and functions are listed and dependencies determined. The structure level involves wireframes, UI designs, and code for the website and mobile versions. The skeleton level is the development stage where features are built. The surface level focuses on visual design elements like text, images, and multimedia.
The document provides information on primary and secondary connections for voltage transformers (VTs) assembled on various Siemens nxair family switchgears. It lists the VT models, circuit breaker versions, and connection types used for different voltage ratings of the nxair M and P models. Diagrams illustrate examples of screw, integrated fuse, and encapsulated wire connections. The document is intended to clarify the VT configuration and notes that any mismatches should be reported to the specified contact.
English is spoken by over two billion people as either a first or second language. It is an official language in 75 countries and is used widely for international business, science, technology, academia and pop culture. Over one billion people were estimated to be learning English by the year 2000 due to its prevalence as the main language for many fields and forms of communication globally.
This document outlines James Garrett's 5 levels of UX adaptation for product management and development. The levels include strategy, scope, structure, skeleton, and surface. At the strategy level, analysis is done of competitors, trends, resources, audiences and customer needs to define communication points and prioritize features. At the scope level, specific front-end features and functions are listed and dependencies determined. The structure level involves wireframes, UI designs, and code for the website and mobile versions. The skeleton level is the development stage where features are built. The surface level focuses on visual design elements like text, images, and multimedia.
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