(Presentation from Spaces Summit 2018, bol.com)
Dirty little secret: most of the time as developers we have no clear picture of what we are doing; how we are doing it; and especially why we are doing it. We work without a clear perspective, ending up spending too much time building things and later re-building/refactoring them... This is all done in the name of "agility and speed", but we paradoxically end up getting the exact opposite result.
My answer to this? Create a basic design and understanding before starting a project... Then iterate on it, as you face new design decisions (and gain knowledge and insights).
Let me get you into this mindset with some very pragmatic ideas and tools, like: "visualization of problems and solutions", "just enough upfront design", "evolutionary architectures"... but especially why you should stop smashing your keyboard, zoom out, and THINK!
Presentation video here: https://youtu.be/FCqn9iHU9xo
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Stop Smashing Your Keyboard! Zoom Out and Think!
1. Stop Smashing Your Keyboard!
Zoom Out and Think!
Eduardo da Silva (@emgsilva|emgsilva@gmail.com)
5. even though in reality we do not go so fast we are
still expected to go fast
6. Why do we need to move fast?
Because businesses need fast to
stay ahead!
...so, there is always a sense of
urgency on what we are doing
...and that is not bad
7. How are we tackling this need for speed?
Get our heads down and just do it!
Be agile!
Be lean!
Deliver things fast!
9. (blind) Agile and Go Fast
Too much focus on speed (rate of
motion) heads down, lets move
No time to define direction!
Go with the flow/instinct
10. Agile and Go Fast with clear(er) direction
We must focus on high velocity
We need direction (on our
Result = move fast towards the
end goal!
12. Framework for incremental architecture design
1) Start the project by
addressing the important
decisions (=Architecture)
a) What/Why/How
b) Initial plan of action
2) At each new important
a) Re-evaluate the what/why/how - with
the end-goal in mind
b) (re)define plan of action
14. Visualization of Problems and Solutions
When stuck on a problem
go offline, (zoom-out-think)
visualize your problems and
No need of UML and formal
architecture languages
Whiteboarding is good
Helps everyone get a common
perspective faster
15. Architecture Decision Records (ADR) (by Michael Nygard)
Lightweight documentation
of the design decisions
These are immutable - a
design decision is taken
and executed no more
stale documentation
Project documentation that
seats on your codebase!