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Stop! Think first!

        About teachers and students as

Creating Competences through Innovation in Learning and Development

 How can practice-based and practitioner research
  contribute to the quality of innovative learning?
 How can practice-based and practitioner research be
  organised to promote innovativeness for learning at
  work, for work and creating competences?
 How can the researchers, teachers and students in
  educational practices facilitate customer driven
 What are effective approaches to assure ownership of
  research in the professional field?

 Ideas about how action research can be
  used for school development
 Learn about each others theory of action
 Using the action research model on one of
  your own questions

 10 schools in primary and secundary
 One school year of meetings, designing,
  practicing, studying, presenting
 Different results: from a whole new play
  ground to more interesting science classes

Illustraties: Marie Jos辿 Kakebeeke

 a result oriented process in which people
 formulate a collective question. Often this
 question is based on individual questions about
 existing knowledge. This collective question is
 researchable and in the process of questioning
 the right stakeholders are taking part (Leinse,
                                                Culture of

Individual                               Team      School

H. De Koning, 2011
Stop! think first!   handout
Teacher inquiry and knowledge-building cycle
               to promote valued student outcomes
           What knowledge
           and skills do our
           students need?
                                           What knowledge
                                          and skills do we as
                                           teachers need?

 What has been
the impact of our
changed actions?
                                         Deepen professional
                                           knowledge and
                                             refine skills
                    Engage students
                    in new learning
                                        Timperley (2011)

1.  Define a common development goal
2.  Collect questions
3.  Examine each others learning and research styles
4.  Devide the group
   1. Research and development
   2. Plan and act
5. Or do it all together
6. Take slow time to reflect and present results

   Reading about interesting stuff
   Talking about it
   Defining questions
   Redefining questions
   Planning action research
     Sources: books, others, specialists
     Trying out, drawing, building

 What did the students tell us?
   Learning from practice
   Cooperative learning
 How did it match with our own

  Research                                                      Reflection

  Research                 Inquiry based learning     Reflective practicioner(s)
  By teachers following    By teachers                Systematic
  the academic             Data-driven                reflection on action
  research tradition, in   Systematic                 Individual and collective
  cooperation with the     Cyclic                     learning
  university/ academic     Individual en collective
  world                    learning

   This is the way we do things
   Connection to school policies
   Use of data
   A group of learning researchers
   Spreading results
   Agents for the culture
   Structures in place

   Shared view on action research
   Systematic approach
   Primary processes
   Real questions
   Sharing results
Tracking transfer:
                  from ideas changed practice

A new idea that
                                                   Change in
challenges new

                           to. . .
        Having a
        with                         Our common
                     Coaching         task. . .
                     by. . .
Keep in touch

 Naomi Mertens

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Stop! think first! handout

  • 1. Stop! Think first! About teachers and students as researchers Creating Competences through Innovation in Learning and Development
  • 2. CONFERENCE QUESTIONS How can practice-based and practitioner research contribute to the quality of innovative learning? How can practice-based and practitioner research be organised to promote innovativeness for learning at work, for work and creating competences? How can the researchers, teachers and students in educational practices facilitate customer driven innovations? What are effective approaches to assure ownership of research in the professional field?
  • 3. GOALS Ideas about how action research can be used for school development Learn about each others theory of action Using the action research model on one of your own questions
  • 4. R&D PROJECT TEACHER AS RESEARCHER 10 schools in primary and secundary education One school year of meetings, designing, practicing, studying, presenting Different results: from a whole new play ground to more interesting science classes
  • 5. DOING RESEARCH MEANS: Illustraties: Marie Jos辿 Kakebeeke
  • 6. QUESTION ARTICULATION a result oriented process in which people formulate a collective question. Often this question is based on individual questions about existing knowledge. This collective question is researchable and in the process of questioning the right stakeholders are taking part (Leinse, 2010)
  • 7. QUESTION ARTICULATION BASED ON INQUIRY BASED LEARNING Culture of inquiry Deepening Individual Team School Broadening H. De Koning, 2011
  • 10. Teacher inquiry and knowledge-building cycle to promote valued student outcomes What knowledge and skills do our students need? What knowledge and skills do we as teachers need? What has been the impact of our changed actions? Deepen professional knowledge and refine skills Engage students in new learning experiences Timperley (2011)
  • 11. FROM MEETING TO PLG 1. Define a common development goal 2. Collect questions 3. Examine each others learning and research styles 4. Devide the group 1. Research and development 2. Plan and act 5. Or do it all together 6. Take slow time to reflect and present results
  • 13. SAME PROCESS Reading about interesting stuff Talking about it Defining questions Redefining questions Planning action research Sources: books, others, specialists Trying out, drawing, building Presenting
  • 15. EVALUATING WITH THE TEAM What did the students tell us? Motivation Learning from practice Cooperative learning How did it match with our own development? Questioning Planning Waiting!
  • 16. RESEARCH IN CLASS ROOM PRACTICE Research Reflection Research Inquiry based learning Reflective practicioner(s) By teachers following By teachers Systematic the academic Data-driven reflection on action research tradition, in Systematic Individual and collective cooperation with the Cyclic learning university/ academic Individual en collective world learning
  • 17. CULTURE OF INQUIRY This is the way we do things Connection to school policies Use of data A group of learning researchers Spreading results Agents for the culture Structures in place
  • 18. RESEARCH Shared view on action research Systematic approach Primary processes Real questions Sharing results
  • 19. Tracking transfer: from ideas changed practice A new idea that Change in challenges new practice thinking Im planning to. . . Having a conversation with Our common Coaching task. . . by. . .
  • 20. Keep in touch Naomi Mertens n.mertens@aps.nl @prof_bemoeial http://www.linkedin.com/in/naomimertens