The document provides an introduction to the Book of Ezra in the Bible. It discusses that Ezra was likely the author and dates the book between 456-444 BC. It describes the historical background of the Jewish people returning to Jerusalem after 70 years of exile in Babylon, with the help of Persian kings like Cyrus and Darius. The outline presented divides the book into two parts - the return under Zerubbabel and the rebuilding of the temple, and the return under Ezra and his spiritual revival efforts. Key events and people involved are also summarized.
Anxiety Disorders based on the DSM 4 and 5SMR Grey
So this is actually my report in one of my class(abnormal psychology) I wanted to upload it here so it wont go to waste. all of these photos here is not mine, i got it from pinterest :)
The document discusses the prophecy of Daniel chapter 2. It begins by providing context about Daniel's time in Babylon and the need for a revival of godliness. It then summarizes the key parts of Daniel's prophecy:
1) God gave Nebuchadnezzar a dream about an image made of different metals which represented successive world empires - gold (Babylon), silver (Medo-Persia), bronze (Greece), and iron (Rome).
2) Daniel was able to interpret the dream, identifying each metal with a kingdom. Rome's division into European powers is symbolized by the feet of iron and clay.
3) The final kingdom will be Christ's everlasting kingdom
This is the second of five lectures given by Dr. Cady in Santa Fe, NM for the 2012 IMMH conference. It covers the need to identify the hormonal deficiencies of a patient, and ways to remediate them.
The document discusses the original Hebrew name of Jesus (Yeshua) and addresses why it is still appropriate to refer to him as "Jesus" in English. It explains that Yeshua is the Hebrew name, which became transliterated to Iesous in Greek and Jesus in English. Changing the language does not change the meaning or identity of the person. It rejects claims that Jesus' name is related to Zeus, noting there is no historical or linguistic basis for such a connection. The document encourages English speakers to continue using the name Jesus without shame.
This document discusses various types of autoimmune encephalitis and their implications for psychiatry. It begins by defining encephalopathy, encephalitis, and autoimmune encephalitis. It then discusses specific conditions like PANDAS (pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections), anti-basal ganglia antibodies in adult OCD, limbic encephalitis, and anti-NMDA receptor antibody encephalitis. Key points covered include definitions, clinical presentations, treatments, and the frequency with which these conditions initially present to psychiatric services with neuropsychiatric symptoms.
永看壊艶庄糸坦稼 es el dios griego del mar y los terremotos. Es hijo de Cronos y Rea y hermano de Zeus y Hades. Gobierna los oc辿anos de forma similar a como Zeus gobierna los cielos y Hades el inframundo. Se le rinde culto principalmente en Paestum y el cabo Suni坦n en Grecia.
Describes how idolatry and paganism infiltrated the Church. Can be used effectively to teach Roman Catholics and Oriental Church members. Includes brief notes on middle eastern, mesopotamian, egyptian, sumerian, greek, Hindu religions and cults
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n a la numerolog鱈a t叩ntrica seg炭n el maestro Yogui Bhajan. Explica que la numerolog鱈a t叩ntrica estudia el proceso de evoluci坦n espiritual a trav辿s de esta vida y c坦mo cada alma tiene unas condiciones k叩rmicas 炭nicas que forman parte de su proceso. Adem叩s, destaca que la numerolog鱈a t叩ntrica puede brindar orientaci坦n sobre por qu辿 somos como somos y c坦mo desarrollar y mantener una relaci坦n consciente con nuestra alma.
Presentaci坦n en el Cierre del 2属 Congreso de Actualizaci坦n en Medicina Tradicional China Montevideo (Uruguay) 26 de Marzo 2016 organizado por la "Escuela Tian Zhong"
Do we really want the Fisher Kings to Return?Hugh Colmer
The Inca await the return of the Amaru, Mayans await the return of Quetzalcotl, Britain awaits the return Arthur Pendragon, Egyptians await the return of Thoth, and many Christians await the Second Coming of the Messiah. If they realized that they all await the return of the same god would they be willing to die for them? The gods await humanity realizing their Christ Consciousness.
This document summarizes research on the course and outcome of schizophrenia. It discusses several landmark studies including the International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia, Determinants of Outcome of Severe Mental Disorder study, and International Study of Schizophrenia. Overall, the studies found that outcomes tended to be better in developing countries compared to developed countries. Within developing countries, outcomes were particularly good in India, with studies in Agra and Chandigarh finding high rates of remission. Acute onset, good premorbid adjustment, younger age, and shorter duration of initial psychotic episode predicted better long-term prognosis.
Psychotic symptoms occur in up to 30% of Parkinson's disease patients taking long-term dopaminergic treatments and suggest a poor prognosis. These symptoms are an integral part of Parkinson's disease, frequently triggered or aggravated by antiparkinsonian medications. Acute psychosis in Parkinson's patients is considered an emergency requiring intensive antipsychotic treatment while reducing dopaminergic agents and other medications if possible.
Inner Eye: History and Science of The Third Eye aka Pineal Gland aka Ajna ChakraGrantLane4
Why do walls exist? What are some reasons for building walls? Identify some walls and how they functioned. What was the middle wall of partition mentioned in Ephesians 2:14? Who built this wall? Was this wall sanctioned by God? How was it torn down?
The Tarot, like Tiamats Table of Destiny, was revered as a testament to a lost civilization a testament of all that was known or would be ever known. Both contained Ideograms which are not meant to be translated but meditated upon, allowing the mind
to travel in the Multiverse.The Tarot Tree of Life
Dragon Lore
Authentic Imagery of the Tarot
Stargate Metaphysics and Black-Hole cosmology.
The Pineal Gland Stargate
The 22 Major Arcana in the Temple of Osiris
The Eye of Horus the True Third Eye
Parallel Universes
The Axis of the Universe is a Pregnant Hippopotamus
The Caduceus and DNA
Reprogram the DNA with Tarot Imagery
The Antiquity of the Tarot
The Hermetic (Starfire) Tarot
Quantum Jumping to Multiple Universes
The Keys to the Zodiac Cipher: The Tarot
As Above so Below Meaning.
Este documento describe el concepto de tatw叩metro y las vibraciones del 辿ter. Explica que el tatw叩metro mide las fuerzas tat炭as, que los hind炭es consideran fuerzas misteriosas y potentes. Para los occidentales, los tat炭as son vibraciones del 辿ter, la sustancia que, seg炭n la ciencia y fil坦sofos, llena el espacio y transmite fuerzas como la luz y la electricidad. Finalmente, el documento explora conceptos como prana, la energ鱈a absoluta que impulsa todas las vibraciones del universo seg
La mitolog鱈a griega presenta a los dioses del Olimpo como Zeus, Hera, Hefesto, Atenea, Apolo, Artemisa, Ares, Afrodita, Hestia, Hermes, Dem辿ter, 永看壊艶庄糸坦稼, Hades y Dionisio. Cada dios representa una fuerza de la naturaleza o aspecto de la vida humana. Los griegos cre鱈an que estos dioses habitaban en el Monte Olimpo y gobernaban el universo desde all鱈.
There is great confusion in the world about Angels. This confusion is based on most peoples ignorance of the existence of two great and fundamentally different categories of Invisible Forces:
1) The HyperCosmic Spiritual Forces
2) The Cosmic Energy Forces.
On the Gods and the Cosmos by Sallustius (Saturninius Secundus Salutius (fl. 355367), Translation by Gilbert Murray:
VI. On Gods Cosmic and Hypercosmic.
Of the Gods some are of the world, cosmic, and some above the world, hypercosmic. By the cosmic I mean those who make the cosmos. Of the hypercosmic Gods some create essence, some mind, and some soul. Thus, they have three orders; all of which may be found in treatises on the subject.
Of the cosmic Gods some make the world be, others animate it, others harmonize it, consisting, as it does, of different elements; the fourth class keep it when harmonized.
The HyperCosmic Forces, are mostly unknown to people because they are NOT mentioned in the religions of the world .
The main concern of the HyperCosmic Spiritual Forces, is focused onto the Spiritual Salvation of humans from the world of energy and form.
The Cosmic Forces, are those who are worshipped by followers of ALL religions. They are the builders of the visible and the invisible (energy) world. The creators of the Matrix. According to Hinduism, they are the gods of Samsara.
The Cosmic Forces are mainly responsible for the operation of the visible, as well as the invisible energy-world and the laws of Karma. They are the controllers of fate (Gr: Heimarmene).
[The Corpus Hermeticum Book 1: Poimandres to Hermes Trismegistus translated by Brian P. Copenhaver]
[Chapter 1, par. 9]:
The mind who is god (HyperCosmic Wholeness), being androgyne and existing as life and light, by speaking gave birth to a second mind, a craftsman (Cosmic Force), who, as god of fire and spirit, crafted seven governors; they encompass the sensible world in circles, and their government is called fate (Heimarmene).
A book with cosmological content in the form of a study, arraying (in its sum of 635 bibliographic citations which accompany its main corpus) information and excerpts from scientific research, ancient and sacred texts from every mythology, religion, philosophical viewpoints, the Christian Apocryphal Gospels, as well as metaphysical views, so as to compose the complete image of the puzzle of mans role in the world. Furthermore, the contemporary problems of humanity and the entire planet are dealt with and fully explained.
And to close the circle of knowledge offered, many controversial issues are tackled, without reservations or in fear they might not be convenient to the readers
If you are interested in learning more you can follow this link and take a look at the book of truth:
Storie dell'Antico Testamento per i bambini - Libro da colorareFreekidstories
Storie, libri, ebook, lezioni, flashcard, video e pagine da colorare gratuiti per bambini di tutte le et -
bambini, Storie della Bibbia, Storie dell'Antico Testamento, Pagine da colorare della Bibbia, Pagine da colorare della storia della Bibbia, Pagine da colorare dell'Antico Testamento, Storie della Bibbia per bambini, Libro da colorare per bambini, Libro da colorare della Bibbia, Libro da colorare della Bibbia per bambini, Libro da colorare dell'Antico Testamento, Libro da colorare dell'Antico Testamento per bambini ,
Storie dell'Antico Testamento per i bambiniFreekidstories
Storie gratuite, libri, ebook, flashcard, lezioni, video e pagine da colorare per bambini -
bambini, bambini in et prescolare, storie bibliche, storie dell'Antico Testamento, eroi della fede, libro di racconti biblici,
Storie della Bibbia: Superare gli ostacoliFreekidstories
Storie, libri, ebook, flashcard, lezioni, video e pagine da colorare gratuite per bambini -
bambini, racconti biblici, racconti dell'Antico Testamento, racconti del Nuovo Testamento, bilingue inglese e italiano
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n a la numerolog鱈a t叩ntrica seg炭n el maestro Yogui Bhajan. Explica que la numerolog鱈a t叩ntrica estudia el proceso de evoluci坦n espiritual a trav辿s de esta vida y c坦mo cada alma tiene unas condiciones k叩rmicas 炭nicas que forman parte de su proceso. Adem叩s, destaca que la numerolog鱈a t叩ntrica puede brindar orientaci坦n sobre por qu辿 somos como somos y c坦mo desarrollar y mantener una relaci坦n consciente con nuestra alma.
Presentaci坦n en el Cierre del 2属 Congreso de Actualizaci坦n en Medicina Tradicional China Montevideo (Uruguay) 26 de Marzo 2016 organizado por la "Escuela Tian Zhong"
Do we really want the Fisher Kings to Return?Hugh Colmer
The Inca await the return of the Amaru, Mayans await the return of Quetzalcotl, Britain awaits the return Arthur Pendragon, Egyptians await the return of Thoth, and many Christians await the Second Coming of the Messiah. If they realized that they all await the return of the same god would they be willing to die for them? The gods await humanity realizing their Christ Consciousness.
This document summarizes research on the course and outcome of schizophrenia. It discusses several landmark studies including the International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia, Determinants of Outcome of Severe Mental Disorder study, and International Study of Schizophrenia. Overall, the studies found that outcomes tended to be better in developing countries compared to developed countries. Within developing countries, outcomes were particularly good in India, with studies in Agra and Chandigarh finding high rates of remission. Acute onset, good premorbid adjustment, younger age, and shorter duration of initial psychotic episode predicted better long-term prognosis.
Psychotic symptoms occur in up to 30% of Parkinson's disease patients taking long-term dopaminergic treatments and suggest a poor prognosis. These symptoms are an integral part of Parkinson's disease, frequently triggered or aggravated by antiparkinsonian medications. Acute psychosis in Parkinson's patients is considered an emergency requiring intensive antipsychotic treatment while reducing dopaminergic agents and other medications if possible.
Inner Eye: History and Science of The Third Eye aka Pineal Gland aka Ajna ChakraGrantLane4
Why do walls exist? What are some reasons for building walls? Identify some walls and how they functioned. What was the middle wall of partition mentioned in Ephesians 2:14? Who built this wall? Was this wall sanctioned by God? How was it torn down?
The Tarot, like Tiamats Table of Destiny, was revered as a testament to a lost civilization a testament of all that was known or would be ever known. Both contained Ideograms which are not meant to be translated but meditated upon, allowing the mind
to travel in the Multiverse.The Tarot Tree of Life
Dragon Lore
Authentic Imagery of the Tarot
Stargate Metaphysics and Black-Hole cosmology.
The Pineal Gland Stargate
The 22 Major Arcana in the Temple of Osiris
The Eye of Horus the True Third Eye
Parallel Universes
The Axis of the Universe is a Pregnant Hippopotamus
The Caduceus and DNA
Reprogram the DNA with Tarot Imagery
The Antiquity of the Tarot
The Hermetic (Starfire) Tarot
Quantum Jumping to Multiple Universes
The Keys to the Zodiac Cipher: The Tarot
As Above so Below Meaning.
Este documento describe el concepto de tatw叩metro y las vibraciones del 辿ter. Explica que el tatw叩metro mide las fuerzas tat炭as, que los hind炭es consideran fuerzas misteriosas y potentes. Para los occidentales, los tat炭as son vibraciones del 辿ter, la sustancia que, seg炭n la ciencia y fil坦sofos, llena el espacio y transmite fuerzas como la luz y la electricidad. Finalmente, el documento explora conceptos como prana, la energ鱈a absoluta que impulsa todas las vibraciones del universo seg
La mitolog鱈a griega presenta a los dioses del Olimpo como Zeus, Hera, Hefesto, Atenea, Apolo, Artemisa, Ares, Afrodita, Hestia, Hermes, Dem辿ter, 永看壊艶庄糸坦稼, Hades y Dionisio. Cada dios representa una fuerza de la naturaleza o aspecto de la vida humana. Los griegos cre鱈an que estos dioses habitaban en el Monte Olimpo y gobernaban el universo desde all鱈.
There is great confusion in the world about Angels. This confusion is based on most peoples ignorance of the existence of two great and fundamentally different categories of Invisible Forces:
1) The HyperCosmic Spiritual Forces
2) The Cosmic Energy Forces.
On the Gods and the Cosmos by Sallustius (Saturninius Secundus Salutius (fl. 355367), Translation by Gilbert Murray:
VI. On Gods Cosmic and Hypercosmic.
Of the Gods some are of the world, cosmic, and some above the world, hypercosmic. By the cosmic I mean those who make the cosmos. Of the hypercosmic Gods some create essence, some mind, and some soul. Thus, they have three orders; all of which may be found in treatises on the subject.
Of the cosmic Gods some make the world be, others animate it, others harmonize it, consisting, as it does, of different elements; the fourth class keep it when harmonized.
The HyperCosmic Forces, are mostly unknown to people because they are NOT mentioned in the religions of the world .
The main concern of the HyperCosmic Spiritual Forces, is focused onto the Spiritual Salvation of humans from the world of energy and form.
The Cosmic Forces, are those who are worshipped by followers of ALL religions. They are the builders of the visible and the invisible (energy) world. The creators of the Matrix. According to Hinduism, they are the gods of Samsara.
The Cosmic Forces are mainly responsible for the operation of the visible, as well as the invisible energy-world and the laws of Karma. They are the controllers of fate (Gr: Heimarmene).
[The Corpus Hermeticum Book 1: Poimandres to Hermes Trismegistus translated by Brian P. Copenhaver]
[Chapter 1, par. 9]:
The mind who is god (HyperCosmic Wholeness), being androgyne and existing as life and light, by speaking gave birth to a second mind, a craftsman (Cosmic Force), who, as god of fire and spirit, crafted seven governors; they encompass the sensible world in circles, and their government is called fate (Heimarmene).
A book with cosmological content in the form of a study, arraying (in its sum of 635 bibliographic citations which accompany its main corpus) information and excerpts from scientific research, ancient and sacred texts from every mythology, religion, philosophical viewpoints, the Christian Apocryphal Gospels, as well as metaphysical views, so as to compose the complete image of the puzzle of mans role in the world. Furthermore, the contemporary problems of humanity and the entire planet are dealt with and fully explained.
And to close the circle of knowledge offered, many controversial issues are tackled, without reservations or in fear they might not be convenient to the readers
If you are interested in learning more you can follow this link and take a look at the book of truth:
Storie dell'Antico Testamento per i bambini - Libro da colorareFreekidstories
Storie, libri, ebook, lezioni, flashcard, video e pagine da colorare gratuiti per bambini di tutte le et -
bambini, Storie della Bibbia, Storie dell'Antico Testamento, Pagine da colorare della Bibbia, Pagine da colorare della storia della Bibbia, Pagine da colorare dell'Antico Testamento, Storie della Bibbia per bambini, Libro da colorare per bambini, Libro da colorare della Bibbia, Libro da colorare della Bibbia per bambini, Libro da colorare dell'Antico Testamento, Libro da colorare dell'Antico Testamento per bambini ,
Storie dell'Antico Testamento per i bambiniFreekidstories
Storie gratuite, libri, ebook, flashcard, lezioni, video e pagine da colorare per bambini -
bambini, bambini in et prescolare, storie bibliche, storie dell'Antico Testamento, eroi della fede, libro di racconti biblici,
Storie della Bibbia: Superare gli ostacoliFreekidstories
Storie, libri, ebook, flashcard, lezioni, video e pagine da colorare gratuite per bambini -
bambini, racconti biblici, racconti dell'Antico Testamento, racconti del Nuovo Testamento, bilingue inglese e italiano
P棚che miraculeuse - Cahier de coloriage.pdfFreekidstories
Histoires, livres, ebooks, cours, flashcards, vid辿os et pages colorier gratuites pour enfants -
enfants, livre de coloriage, pages colorier, histoires bibliques, livre de coloriage de la Bible, pages de coloriage de la Bible, histoires du Nouveau Testament, livre de coloriage du Nouveau Testament, miracles de J辿sus,
Kostenlose Geschichten, B端cher, E-Books, Kurse, Lernkarten, Videos und Malvorlagen f端r Kinder
Kinder, Malbuch, Malvorlagen, Bibelgeschichten, Bibelmalbuch, Bibelmalseiten, Geschichten aus dem Neuen Testament, Malbuch aus dem Neuen Testament, Wunder Jesu,
Storie, libri, ebook, lezioni, flashcard, video e pagine da colorare gratuite per bambini -
bambini, libro da colorare, pagine da colorare, storie della Bibbia, libro da colorare della Bibbia, pagine da colorare della Bibbia, storie del Nuovo Testamento, libro da colorare del Nuovo Testamento, miracoli di Ges湛,
Kostenlose Geschichten, B端cher, E-Books, Kurse, Lernkarten, Videos und Malvorlagen f端r Kinder
Kinder, Babys, Kleinkinder, Vorschulkinder, Bibelgeschichten, Geschichten aus dem Neuen Testament, Wunder Jesu
Storie, libri, ebook, lezioni, flashcard, video e pagine da colorare gratuite per bambini -
bambini, neonati, bambini piccoli, bambini in et prescolare, storie bibliche, storie del Nuovo Testamento, miracoli di Ges湛
O documento descreve a par叩bola do Bom Samaritano contada por Jesus. Ele conta a hist坦ria de um homem que foi assaltado e deixado ferido no caminho entre Jerusal辿m e Jeric坦. Um sacerdote e um levita passam por ele sem ajudar, mas um samaritano, inimigo dos judeus, cuida dele e paga por sua recupera巽達o. A hist坦ria ensina que o pr坦ximo a ser amado 辿 aquele que precisa de ajuda, n達o importando sua nacionalidade.
Kostenlose Geschichten, B端cher, E-Books, Kurse, Lernkarten, Videos und Malvorlagen f端r Kinder
Kinder, Jugendliche, Gleichnisse von Jesus, Gleichnisse von Jesus, Geschichten aus dem Neuen Testament, Geschichten aus der Bibel,
Histoires gratuites, livres, ebooks, cours, flashcards, vid辿os et pages colorier pour enfants -
enfants, pr辿adolescents, adolescents, jeunes, paraboles de J辿sus, paraboles de J辿sus, histoires du Nouveau Testament, histoires bibliques,
As 12 Pedrinhas do Alicerce Aula 1B para crian巽as menores - Memoriza巽達o.pdfFreekidstories
O documento fornece instru巽探es sobre a import但ncia e m辿todos de memorizar passagens b鱈blicas. Ele explica que memorizar vers鱈culos ajuda o crescimento espiritual, Deus falar com a pessoa e compartilhar a f辿 com outros. Tamb辿m d叩 dicas como escolher vers鱈culos, t辿cnicas de memoriza巽達o e revis達o constante.
Les Douze Pierres de Fondation Le巽on 1B pour les plus jeunes - La M辿morisatio...Freekidstories
Histoires, livres, ebooks, cours, flashcards, vid辿os et pages colorier gratuites pour enfants -
enfants, cours bibliques, cours bibliques de base, fondements de la foi, bases chr辿tiennes, principes chr辿tiens de base, 辿l辿mentaire
Storie, libri, ebook, lezioni, flashcard, video e pagine da colorare gratuite per bambini -
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The Parable of the Persistent Widow - Par叩bola de la viuda y el juez injustoFreekidstories
children, preschoolers, kids, bible stories, parables of Jesus, New Testament stories, bilingual english and spanish, ni単os, preescolares, ni単os, historias b鱈blicas, par叩bolas de Jes炭s,
Storie, libri, ebook, lezioni, flashcard, video e pagine da colorare gratuite per bambini -
bambini, bambini in et prescolare, bambini, storie della Bibbia, parabole di Ges湛, storie del Nuovo Testamento, bilingue inglese e italiano,
Storie della Bibbia: il perdono - Bible Stories: Forgiveness
2. Joseph Forgives his Brothers
Of Jacob's 12 sons, Joseph was his father's favorite. Joseph's older brothers finally became so jealous of
him that they nearly killed him, threw him into a pit, and then sold him into slavery. The slave traders
then took Joseph to Egypt.
Giuseppe perdona i
suoi fratelli
Tra tutti i figli di
Giacobbe Giuseppe era il
preferito. I suoi fratelli
maggiori alla fine
singelosirono talmente
tanto di lui che quasi lo
uccisero, lo gettarono in
un fosso e poi lo
vendettero come
schiavo. Cos狸 Giuseppe
fu condotto in Egitto.
3. Many years later Pharaoh had two dreams in one night. None of his advisors could tell him the meaning
of the dreams, so Pharaoh had Joseph brought to him.
Joseph interpreted the dreams for him and said, "God is going to send seven years of plentiful harvests,
followed by seven years of famine. Joseph advised Pharaoh to store grain during the good years so there
would be enough food during the famine. Pharaoh
was so impressed with Joseph that he appointed him
to be the second most powerful man in all of Egypt!
Anni dopo, il Faraone fece due sogni nella stessa
notte. Chiam嘆 i suoi maghi e i suoi saggi perch辿
gli interpretassero il sogno, ma nessuno ci riusc狸.
Quando Faraone raccont嘆 a Giuseppe i suoi sogni,
Dio mostr嘆 a Giuseppe che stava dando al re
unidea del futuro del paese. Ci sarebbero stati
sette anni di abbondanza, seguiti da sette anni di
carestia. Il suo messaggio al Faraone era che si
sarebbe dovuto preparare per gli anni di carestia
ammucchiando scorte durante gli anni di
abbondanza. Il consiglio di Giuseppe piacque al
Faraone, che gli diede lincarico di coordinare la
raccolta e limmagazzinamento delle eccedenze
durante i sette anni buoni. Lo elev嘆 anche al
grado di secondo in comando sopra tutto il paese
4. For seven years, Joseph
gathered and stored all
the extra grain.
When there was no food
in all of Egypt, Joseph
opened the storehouses
and sold the grain to the
Durante le sette annate
di abbondanza, Giuseppe
ammass嘆 grandi riserve di
Quando la fame si estese
ovunque, Giuseppe fece
aprire i depositi e fece
vendere grano agli
5. The famine was severe not only in Egypt, but also in Canaan where Jacob and his family lived. So Jacob
sent his older sons to Egypt to buy food.
Quando la
arriv嘆 anche
a Canaan,
terra natale
di Giuseppe,
mand嘆 i suoi
figli in Egitto
a comprare
del grano.
6. Joseph told his brothers, "I am your brother, Joseph, who you sold as a slave." His brothers were so
astounded they did not know what to say. Joseph then told them, "Don't worry about what you did.
God sent me here, to save your lives.
Joseph forgave his brothers, because by then he understood that God had let him go through all those
difficulties for his own and their eventual good.
Disse allora Giuseppe ai suoi
fratelli: "Sono io! Sono
Giuseppe, vostro fratello! I
suoi fratelli erano tanto
sconcertati che non riuscivano
a rispondergli. Giuseppe
prosegu狸: "Non si preoccupi. E'
Dio che mi ha fatto venire qui
prima di voi per potervi
salvare la vita."
Giuseppe li perdon嘆, perch辿 a
quel punto aveva capito che
Dio laveva fatto passare per
tutte quelle difficolt per il
bene suo e di tutta la sua
7. The Story of Jonah
God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and deliver a warning; but Jonah didnt fancy that, and instead he caught
a boat headed in the opposite direction. He ended up in the belly of a large fish, but when he turned back
to God, God mercifully delivered him. Back on dry land, he went on to do what God had asked.
The people of Nineveh believed God. They decided to stop eating for a time to think about their sins. They
put on special clothes to show they were sorry. God saw what the people did. He saw that they stopped
doing evil. So God changed his mind and did not do what he planned. He did not punish the people.
La storia di Giona
Dio aveva detto a Giona di andare a Ninive ad
avvertire i suoi abitanti, ma a Giona la cosa non
andava, cos狸 invece sal狸 su una nave che andava
nella direzione opposta. Fin狸 nella pancia di un
grosso pesce, ma quando si rivolse di nuovo a
Dio, Egli lo salv嘆 miracolosamente. Ritornato
allasciutto, Giona and嘆 a fare quello che Dio gli
aveva chiesto.
Gli abitanti di Ninive credettero al messaggio di
Dio e decisero di fare un digiuno. Tutti, poveri e
ricchi, si vestirono di sacco per mostrare il loro
pentimento. Dio vide che i Niniviti rinunziavano al
loro comportamento malvagit, ritorn嘆 sulla sua
decisione e non li pun狸 come aveva minacciato.
8. Jonah was not happy that God saved the city.
Then the Lord said, But Nineveh has more
than 120,000 people, not to mention all the
animals. Shouldnt I feel sorry for such a great
Giona ne rimase molto contrariato. Il Signore
allora gli disse: - Io non avrei piet di Ninive, la
gran citt, nella quale si trovano pi湛 di
centoventimila persone che non sanno
distinguere la loro destra dalla loro sinistra, e
tanta quantit di bestiame?
9. The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
The kingdom of Heaven is like a King who
wanted to settle accounts with his servants.
La Parabola del servo crudele
Perch辿 il regno di Dio 竪 cos狸. Un re decise di
controllare i servi che avevano amministrato
i suoi beni.
10. As he was doing this, one
official was brought in who
owed him sixty million silver
coins. But he didnt have any
money to pay what he owed.
The king ordered him to be
sold, along with his wife and
children and all he owned, in
order to pay the debt.
Stava facendo i suoi conti,
quando gli portarono un
servitore che doveva
pagargli un'enorme
somma di denaro. Ma
costui non poteva pagare,
e per questo il re ordin嘆 di
venderlo come schiavo e
di vendere anche sua
moglie, i suoi figli e ci嘆
che possedeva, per fargli
pagare il debito.
11. The official got down on his knees
and began begging, Have pity on
me, and I will pay you every cent I
owe! The king felt sorry for him
and let him go free. He even told
the official that he did not have to
pay back the money.
Allora il servitore si inginocchi嘆
davanti al re e si mise a
pregarlo: 'Abbi pazienza con me
e ti pagher嘆 tutto!'
Il re ebbe piet di lui: cancell嘆 il
suo debito e lo lasci嘆 andare.
12. As the official was leaving, he happened to meet
another official, who owed him a hundred silver coins.
So he grabbed the man by the throat. He started
choking him and said, Pay me what you owe!
The man got down on his knees and began begging,
Have pity on me, and I will pay you back. But the first
official refused to have pity. Instead, he went and had
the other official put in jail until he could pay what he
Appena uscito, quel servitore incontr嘆 un suo
compagno che doveva pagargli una piccola somma di
denaro. Lo prese per il collo e lo stringeva fino a
soffocarlo mentre diceva: - Paga quel che mi devi!
L'altro cadde ai suoi piedi e si mise a supplicarlo: -
Abbi pazienza con me e ti pagher嘆. Ma costui non
volle saperne, anzi lo fece mettere in prigione fino a
quando non avesse pagato tutto il debito.
13. When some other officials found out what
had happened, they told the king what the
first official did. The king called the first
official back in and said, Youre an evil man!
When you begged for mercy, I said you did
not have to pay back a cent. Dont you think
you should show pity to someone else, as I
did to you? The king then ordered the
official to be punished until he could pay back
everything he owed.
Gli altri servitori videro queste cose e
rimasero molto dispiaciuti. Andarono dal re
e gli raccontarono tutto quel che era
accaduto. Allora il re chiam嘆 di nuovo quel
servitore e gli disse: 'Servo crudele! Io ti ho
perdonato quel debito enorme perch辿 tu mi
hai supplicato. Dovevi anche tu aver piet
del tuo compagno, cos狸 come io ho avuto
piet di te'. Poi, pieno di collera, lo fece
mettere in prigione fino a quando non
avesse pagato tutto il debito'.
14. What Jesus Said on the Cross
"Father, forgive them, for they know not
what they do" (Luke 23:34).
"Them" were the Roman soldiers who
had been following Pontius Pilate's orders
when they nailed Jesus to the cross to
die. "Them" were also those in the mob
that had called for Jesus' death.
Ci嘆 che Ges湛 disse sulla croce
Padre, perdona loro, perch辿 non sanno
quello che fanno (Luca 23,34).
Loro erano i soldati romani che avevano
eseguito gli ordini di Pilato e inchiodato
Ges湛 sulla croce. Loro erano anche le
persone nella folla che aveva preteso la
morte di Ges湛.
15. In asking His Father to forgive those who had turned on Him and those who had carried out His
execution, Jesus actually spoke in their defense, and in so doing proved in the most powerful way
possible that He believed what He had taught: "Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do
good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you" (Matthew
5:44). Despite the shame and pain the Romans heaped on Jesus, He forgave them. He also forgave
those who had turned on Him. Now He wants us
to have that much love, that much forgiveness.
Chiedendo a Dio di perdonare quelli che gli si
erano rivoltati contro e quelli che avevano
eseguito la sentenza, Ges湛 in sostanza parl嘆 a
loro difesa e dimostr嘆 nel modo pi湛 energico
possibile che le sue non erano state parole vuote:
Amate i vostri nemici, benedite coloro che vi
maledicono, fate del bene a quelli che vi odiano,
e pregate per quelli che vi maltrattano e che vi
perseguitano (Matteo 5,44). Nonostante
linfamia e il dolore cui lo sottoposero i Romani,
Ges湛 li perdon嘆. Perdon嘆 anche quelli che gli si
erano rivoltati contro. Ora vuole che anche noi
abbiamo lo stesso amore, lo stesso perdono.
Image Credits
Joseph Forgives His Brothers: 息 Zondervan
The Story of Jonah : 息 Zondervan
The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant: 息 The Family International & Clipart
What Jesus Said on the Cross: 息 Aurora Productions
Text from the Bible & Activated magazine