El documento trata sobre el sexting y el grooming. Brevemente describe que el sexting involucra compartir im叩genes con contenido sexual y es una pr叩ctica com炭n entre ni単os y j坦venes. Tambi辿n habla sobre el grooming, que es el acoso cibern辿tico de adultos hacia menores con fines sexuales, un fen坦meno presente en Colombia. Resalta la importancia de conocer estos riesgos para prevenirlos.
This is a complete guide with detailed screenshots for how to delete iPhone messages, music, photos, videos, emails, accounts, call and view history and so on.
To make an engraving, one must first draw a design on a lino block. Then use a cutter to carve away the white areas and edges of the design on the block. Finally, ink the carved design and print it onto a piece of paper to create the engraving.
User manual of Protruly PC/TV digital signageCatherine Lee
This is is the user manual of Protruly all-in-one digital signage for conference, exhibition, retail store and shopping mall, teaching. With digital signage, you can present your products with HD images and videos for promotion.
The document provides information about three Spanish-speaking countries:
1) Spain, which is one of Europe's cultural centers and has transitioned from a rural agrarian society to a more industrialized economy.
2) Mexico, which has a culture deeply influenced by Catholicism and traditional gender roles. Mexico has also developed a manufacturing industry along the US border.
3) Peru, which has a diverse art and craft tradition and economy based on fishing, mining and agriculture. Peru is also predominantly Catholic.
This document summarizes strategies used to grow a Facebook page from 446 likes to over 1,699 likes and engage more users. Key tactics included installing an app to invite friends, posting product pictures with website links, running sponsored stories and ads, monitoring best performing post types, and adjusting ads when click-through rates dropped below 0.5%. Engagement was increased by promoting blog posts, sharing Indian history and culture, responding to comments, and posting at peak online times. Insights showed engaging content involved trivia, history, and lesser known facts.
Oxygen Absorbers & Humidity Indicating CardsSORBEAD INDIA
Sorbead India is a global supplier of Oxygen Absorbers and Humidity Indicating Cards use in Pharmaceutical industries for moisture and humidity solutions.
This document discusses different types of solid pharmaceutical dosage forms including compressed tablets, sugar-coated tablets, film-coated tablets, enteric-coated tablets, controlled-release tablets, effervescent tablets, buccal/sublingual tablets, molded tablets, and tablet preparations and ingredients. Compressed tablets can contain active drug substances alone or combined with other materials and are formed by compression. Other tablets like sugar-coated, film-coated, and enteric-coated tablets provide coatings that protect the drug or alter its release location. Controlled-release tablets slowly release the drug over time. Effervescent tablets contain materials that produce carbon dioxide when dissolved. Tablet ingredients include active drugs and inert excipients
Hydroponics is a soil-less growing method where plants are grown using water and dissolved nutrients rather than soil. Key aspects of hydroponic systems include growing plants in inert mediums, providing artificial lighting to supplement natural light in greenhouses, and carefully controlling the type and amount of nutrients plants receive. Hydroponics has advantages over traditional soil-based agriculture like higher yields, less work, and fewer pests and diseases. However, it also has higher start-up costs and requires technical knowledge to implement properly. Hydroponics is expected to grow in importance for food production in the future as the technology develops.
This document contains supplemental discussion material for human computer interaction courses. It poses several questions about user interface design concepts like confusing dialogs, symbols and labels, user error versus bad design, door handles, color choices, feedback, natural mapping, and the impact of changing terminology. The questions are intended to prompt discussion around improving various designs from a user-centered perspective.
This document summarizes strategies used to grow a Facebook page from 446 likes to over 1,699 likes and engage more users. Key tactics included installing an app to invite friends, posting product pictures with website links, running sponsored stories and ads, monitoring best performing post types, and adjusting ads when click-through rates dropped below 0.5%. Engagement was increased by promoting blog posts, sharing Indian history and culture, responding to comments, and posting at peak online times. Insights showed engaging content involved trivia, history, and lesser known facts.
Oxygen Absorbers & Humidity Indicating CardsSORBEAD INDIA
Sorbead India is a global supplier of Oxygen Absorbers and Humidity Indicating Cards use in Pharmaceutical industries for moisture and humidity solutions.
This document discusses different types of solid pharmaceutical dosage forms including compressed tablets, sugar-coated tablets, film-coated tablets, enteric-coated tablets, controlled-release tablets, effervescent tablets, buccal/sublingual tablets, molded tablets, and tablet preparations and ingredients. Compressed tablets can contain active drug substances alone or combined with other materials and are formed by compression. Other tablets like sugar-coated, film-coated, and enteric-coated tablets provide coatings that protect the drug or alter its release location. Controlled-release tablets slowly release the drug over time. Effervescent tablets contain materials that produce carbon dioxide when dissolved. Tablet ingredients include active drugs and inert excipients
Hydroponics is a soil-less growing method where plants are grown using water and dissolved nutrients rather than soil. Key aspects of hydroponic systems include growing plants in inert mediums, providing artificial lighting to supplement natural light in greenhouses, and carefully controlling the type and amount of nutrients plants receive. Hydroponics has advantages over traditional soil-based agriculture like higher yields, less work, and fewer pests and diseases. However, it also has higher start-up costs and requires technical knowledge to implement properly. Hydroponics is expected to grow in importance for food production in the future as the technology develops.
This document contains supplemental discussion material for human computer interaction courses. It poses several questions about user interface design concepts like confusing dialogs, symbols and labels, user error versus bad design, door handles, color choices, feedback, natural mapping, and the impact of changing terminology. The questions are intended to prompt discussion around improving various designs from a user-centered perspective.
2. 2 - 3
una storia lontana che ancora ritorna
con la sua forza e la sua tradizione,
per raccontare anni di vita che trascorrono intensi.
Una storia che trova le sue radici in Francia,
tra i segni e le sfumature che il tempo ha lasciato
sulle pavimentazioni in pietra, che diventano oggi
i canoni di un nuovo concetto di bellezza tutto da
Nella nuova interpretazione in gres porcellanato,
Story trasforma le imperfezioni in peculiarit,
la matericit in naturalezza, la grafica in punto
dequilibrio tra antico e moderno, per una storia
nuova senza fine.
{ my story }
3. CHAPTER .1 ivory
CHAPTER .2 bronze
CHAPTER .3 grey
CHAPTER .4 dark
.3 page 14 .4 page 20.1 page 06 .2 page 10A timeworn story that keeps
returning with its strength
and its tradition, to recite the
passing of time elapsed with
A tale that has its roots in
France, between the marks
and hues left by the passage
of time on stone paving,
which today have become the
canons of a new concept of
beauty yet to be fully valued.
In the new reinterpretation of
porcelain stoneware, Story
transforms imperfections into
peculiarities, the texture of
the matter into naturalness
and the graphics into perfect
equilibrium between the
ancient and the modern, for a
new never-ending story.
C'est une histoire d'autrefois
qui revient toujours avec toute
sa force et sa tradition, pour
raconter les ann辿es de vie
intenses qui passent.
Une histoire qui a ses racines
en France, entre les marques
et les nuances que le temps a
laiss辿es sur les sols en pierre,
qui deviennent aujourd'hui les
canons d'un nouveau concept
de beaut辿 valoriser.
Dans une nouvelle interpr辿tation
e n g r 竪 s c 辿 r a m e , S t o r y
transforme les imperfections
en particularit辿s, la texture en
naturalit辿, le graphique en un
point d'辿quilibre entre l'ancien
et le moderne, pour une
nouvelle histoire sans fin.
Eine alte Geschichte, die
mit ihrer ganzen St辰rke und
Tradition zur端ckkehrt, um von
den intensiv verbrachten Jahren
zu erz辰hlen.
Eine Geschichte, die ihre
Wurzeln in Frankreich findet, in
den Zeichen und Nuancen, die
die Zeit auf dem Steinpflaster
hinterlassen hat und heute zum
Standard eines neuen Konzepts
der Sch旦nheit, das in seiner
Gesamtheit ausgesch旦pft wird,
geworden ist.
In der neuen Interpretation aus
Feinsteinzeug Story verwandeln
sich die Unvollkommenheiten
in Besonderheiten, die Textur in
Nat端rlichkeit, die Grafiken in
eine Balance zwischen alt und
modern, f端r eine neue endlose
Es una historia que se remonta
en el tiempo que regresa
con fuerza y tradici坦n, para
contar los a単os de vida que
transcurren con intensidad.
Una historia que hunde sus
ra鱈ces en Francia, entre las
huellas y matices que el
tiempo ha dejado en las
pavimentaciones en piedra,
que se convierten hoy en
c叩nones de un concepto
totalmente nuevo de belleza
por valorizar.
En la nueva interpretaci坦n
en gres porcel叩nico, Story
transforma las imperfecciones
e n p e c u l i a r i d a d e s , l a
materialidad en naturalidad,
los aspectos gr叩ficos en punto
de equilibrio entre lo antiguo y
lo moderno, para una historia
nueva sin fin.
亅 仂 舒 亳 仆 仆 舒 亳 仂 亳 ,
从仂仂舒 仗仂于亠于亠 仂 弍仆
亞仂 亟 舒 亢 亳 亰 仆 亳 , 仂 亞仍 弍 仂 从 亳
仂 亳 , 亳 从 仂 仆 亳 于仂
个舒 仆 亳 亳 , 亠 亟 亳 仍 亠 亟 仂 于 ,
仂舒于仍亠仆仆 于亠仄亠仆亠仄 仆舒
从舒仄亠仆仆 仗仂仍舒 亳 仄仂亠仆亳.
丐亠 仍亠亟仂于, 从仂仂亠 亠亞仂亟仆
仗亠于舒舒ム 于 仆仂于亶 从舒仆仂仆
亠 舒 仄 仂 亞 舒 仆 亳 仆 舒
从 仂 仍 仍 亠 从 亳 S t o r y 亟 舒 亠
仗仂亠仂礆, 仆亠仂于仆仂礆,
亠 仂 仂 于 舒 仂 仄 仆 仂 于
亳仆亠仗亠舒亳, 亰舒舒于仍
亳 亰 于 舒 亳 亰 仄 亳 亠 仍 仆 仂
舒 从 舒 仍 仆 仂 . 舒 仂 舒 仂 亶
从仂仍仍亠从亳亳 于 仂于亠亠仆仆仂仄
舒于仆仂于亠亳亳 仄亠亢亟 舒亟亳亳亠亶
亳 仂于亠仄亠仆仆仂. 亅仂 仆仂于舒
亳仂亳. 亠亰 从仂仆舒.
4 - 5STORY
I confini si perdono,
lantico stringe la mano al moderno,
le imperfezioni diventano carattere.
Barriers fade away, the antique shakes
hands with the modern, imperfections
become character.
Les limites s'effacent, l'ancien se m棚le au
moderne, les imperfections deviennent
Die Grenzen verlieren sich, das Alte
r e i c h t d e m M o d e r n e n d i e H a n d ,
Unvollkommenheiten werden zum Merkmal.
Las fronteras se pierden, lo antiguo estrecha
la mano a lo moderno, las imperfecciones
se convierten en car叩cter.
story ivory 45x90RT - 18"x36"
story ivory T20 45x90RT - 18"x36"
story bronze brick 7.5x30 - 3"x12"
舒仆亳 亳舒ム, 舒亳仆舒 仗仍亠舒亠
仂 于 亠 仄 亠 仆 仆 仂 , 仆 亠 仂 于 亠 亠 仆 于舒
舒仆仂于 亟仂仂亳仆于仂仄.
6 - 7STORY
5. 束
story bronze brick 7.5x30 - 3"x12"
story ivory 45x90RT - 18"x36"
STORY 8 - 9
Leleganza del portamento 竪
lo stile dellarredamento,
pose e sfumature che accostano
passato e futuro.
The elegance of posture is the furnishing
style, details and shades that juxtapose past
and future.
L'aspect 辿l辿gant est le style du mobilier, des
d辿tails et des nuances qui combinent pass辿
et futur.
Der Habitus der Eleganz ist der Stil der
M旦bel, der Details und der Nuancen, die
Vergangenheit und Zukunft verbinden.
La elegancia del porte es el estilo de la
decoraci坦n, detalles y matices que unen
pasado y futuro.
story bronze 45x90RT - 18"x36"
story ivory brick 7.5x30 - 3"x12"
remake brown 19.7x120RT - 7 3/4"x48"
serie Remake
仆 亠 亠 仗 仂 仆 亳 亰 舒 仆 亳 仍 仆 仂 亶
仍亠亞舒仆仆仂. 亠舒仍亳 亳 仆ミ夷術 仗仍亠舒ム
于仂亠亟亳仆仂 仗仂仍仂亠 亳 弍亟亠亠.
STORY 10 - 11
Una tavola imbandita,
un raggio di sole illumina dettagli
che rendono latmosfera di una
bellezza singolare.
A sumptuously laid table, a ray of sunlight
illuminates the details that make the
atmosphere exceptionally beautiful.
Une table dress辿e, un rayon de soleil
illumine des d辿tails qui rendent l'atmosph竪re
d'une beaut辿 singuli竪re.
Ein gedeckter Tisch, ein Sonnenstrahl
beleuchtet Details, die die Atmosph辰re
einzigartig sch旦n machen.
Una mesa bien puesta, un rayo de sol
ilumina detalles que dan una belleza
singular a la atm坦sfera.
story grey 75x75RT - 30"x30"
story grey brick 7.5x30 - 3"x12"
舒 从 亶 仂 仍 . 仂 仍 仆 舒 仄 亞 从 仂
仂于亠舒亠 亟亠舒仍亳, 仗亳亟舒ム亳亠 仂弍舒仆仂于从亠
仗仍亠仆亳亠仍仆 从舒仂.
14 - 15STORY
9. story grey 75x75RT - 30"x30"
story grey mosaico burattato
30x30 - 12"x12"
16 - 17STORY
10. story.grey
story grey T_20 45x90 - 18"x36"
westbrown spaccatella 10.5x45RT - 4"x18" serie Travel
STORY 18 - 19
11. CHAPTER .4
La ricerca dellarmonia di corpo e
anima trova equilibrio nellintensit
degli spazi dal gusto minimal.
The search for harmony between body
and soul finds its balance in the intensity of
spaces of minimalistic flair.
La recherche de l'harmonie entre corps et
但me trouve son 辿quilibre dans l'intensit辿 des
espaces au go短t minimaliste.
Die Suche nach Harmonie von K旦rper
und Seele findet ihr Gleichgewicht in der
Intensit辰t der R辰ume von minimalistischem
La b炭squeda de una armon鱈a de cuerpo y
alma encuentra el equilibrio en la intensidad
de los espacios de gusto minimalista.
story dark 75x75RT - 30"x30"
story dark brick 7.5x30 - 3"x12"
仂亳从 亞舒仄仂仆亳亳 仄亠亢亟 亟仂亶 亳 亠仍仂仄
仆 舒 仂 亟 亳 舒 于 仆 仂 于 亠 亳 亠 于 弍 仍 舒 亞仂 仂 亟 仆 仂 亶
仗仂仂亠 仄亳仆亳仄舒仍亳亳亠从亳 仗仂舒仆于.
STORY 20 - 21
12. story dark 75x75RT - 30"x30"
story dark brick 7.5x30 - 3"x12"
story dark 75x75RT - 30"x30"
22 - 23STORY
13. story grey brick 7.5x30 - 3"x12" story dark brick 7.5x30 - 3"x12"
story ivory brick 7.5x30 - 3"x12"
story bronze 30x60RT - 12"x24"
{ more applications }
story bronze brick 7.5x30 - 3"x12"
story ivory T20 45x90 RT - 18"x36"
STORY 24 - 25
STORY IVORY 75x75 RT - 30x30
STORY IVORY BRICK 7,5x30 - 3x12
Pezzi speciali . Special tiles
7,2x60 RT - 3x24
STORY IVORY 30x60 RT - 12x24
Mosaico Burattato 30x30 - 12x12
STORY IVORY 45x90 RT - 18x36
STORY IVORY 45x90 T20 - 18x36 20mm
STORY IVORY 60x60 RT - 24x24
Mosaico 30x30 RT - 12x12
EN 14411 Allegato G_Piastrelle di ceramica pressate a secco con basso assorbimento dacqua (E 0,5%)
Gruppo B Ia UGL (non smaltate, non 辿maille, unglasierte, unglazed, no esmaltado, 亠亞仍舒亰仂于舒仆仆亠)
75x75 RT . 45x90 RT .10mm / 60x60 RT . 30x60 RT . 9,5mm / 7,5x30 . 8,5mm
GRES PORCELLANATO . Porcelain Stoneware . Gr竪s C辿rame .
Feinsteinzeug . Gres Porcel叩nico . 亠舒仄亳亠从亳亶 舒仆亳
STORY BRONZE BRICK 7,5x30 - 3x12
Pezzi speciali . Special tiles
7,2x60 RT - 3x24
STORY BRONZE 30x60 RT - 12x24
Mosaico Burattato 30x30 - 12x12
STORY BRONZE 60x60 RT - 24x24
Mosaico 30x30 RT - 12x12
STORY BRONZE 45x90 RT - 18x36
STORY BRONZE 45x90 T20 - 18x36 20mm
STORY BRONZE 75x75 RT - 30x30
EN 14411 Allegato G_Piastrelle di ceramica pressate a secco con basso assorbimento dacqua (E 0,5%)
Gruppo B Ia UGL (non smaltate, non 辿maille, unglasierte, unglazed, no esmaltado, 亠亞仍舒亰仂于舒仆仆亠)
75x75 RT . 45x90 RT .10mm / 60x60 RT . 30x60 RT . 9,5mm / 7,5x30 . 8,5mm
GRES PORCELLANATO . Porcelain Stoneware . Gr竪s C辿rame .
Feinsteinzeug . Gres Porcel叩nico . 亠舒仄亳亠从亳亶 舒仆亳
STORY DARK 75x75 RT - 30x30STORY GREY 75x75 RT - 30x30
STORY DARK BRICK 7,5x30 - 3x12STORY GREY BRICK 7,5x30 - 3x12
Pezzi speciali . Special tilesPezzi speciali . Special tiles
7,2x60 RT - 3x24
7,2x60 RT - 3x24
STORY DARK 30x60 RT - 12x24STORY GREY 30x60 RT - 12x24
Mosaico Burattato 30x30 - 12x12
Mosaico Burattato 30x30 - 12x12
STORY DARK 45x90 RT - 18x36
STORY DARK 60x60 RT - 24x24STORY GREY 60x60 RT - 24x24
Mosaico 30x30 RT - 12x12
Mosaico 30x30 RT - 12x12
STORY GREY 45x90 RT - 18x36
STORY GREY 45x90 T20 - 18x36 20mm
16. pz/box mq/box kg/box box/plt mq/plt kg/plt spessore
75x75 RT 2 1,13 24,60 42 47,25 1048 10 mm
45x90 RT 3 1,22 25,00 36 43,74 912 10 mm
60x60 RT 3 1,08 22,00 40 43,20 892 9,5 mm
30x60 RT 6 1,08 22,00 40 43,20 892 9,5 mm
7,5x30 Brick 48 1,08 19,50 48 51,84 948 8,5 mm
30x30 Mosaico Burattato su rete 10 0,90 17,00 30 27,00 525 -
30x30 Mosaico su rete 10 0,90 17,00 30 27,00 525 -
Battiscopa total dek 10 6,00 ml 9,40 70 420 ml 673 -
IMBALLI . Emballage . Verpackung . Packing . Embalaje . Verpackung . Y仗舒从仂于从舒
息 Copyright 2016 Ceramiche Supergres Casalgrande (Reggio Emilia) - Italy
Pubblicato da Ceramiche Supergres. Strada Statale 467, n属 34 - 42013 Casalgrande (RE) Italy
Marzo 2016
Progetto, direzione e coordinamento a cura dellufficio marketing Ceramiche Supergres
息 Copyright 2016 by Ceramiche Supergres Casalgrande (Reggio Emilia) - Italy
Published by Ceramiche Supergres. Strada Statale 467, n属 34 - 42013 Casalgrande (RE) Italy
March 2016
Project, management and co-ordination by marketing Ceramiche Supergres
I dati e le informazioni riportate nel presente catalogo sono aggiornate al momento della stampa
e potrebbero subire successive correzioni e/o modifiche. Verificare sempre lultima edizione
disponibile confrontando la data riportata nellultima pagina della versione cartacea, con quella
indicata nel pdf del catalogo scaricabile dal sito www.supergres.com
I colori e le caratteristiche estetiche dei prodotti sono indicativi e si avvicinano quanto
pi湛 possibile a quelli reali nei limiti consentiti dai processi di stampa.
Data and information reported in this catalogue are updated at the moment of catalogue printing
therefore they may be subject to subsequent corrections and/or amendments. Always check the
latest available issue and compare the date reported on the last page of the hard-paper copy of the
catalogue with that stated in the pdf. format downloadable on website www.supergres.com
The colours and aesthetic features of products are indicative and reproduce, as close as possible, the
real colours and features taking into consideration the restrictions of printing processes.
EN 14411 Allegato G_Piastrelle di ceramica pressate a secco con basso assorbimento dacqua (E 0,5%)
Gruppo B Ia UGL (non smaltate, non 辿maille, unglasierte, unglazed, no esmaltado, 亠亞仍舒亰仂于舒仆仆亠)
75x75 RT . 45x90 RT .10mm / 60x60 RT . 30x60 RT . 9,5mm / 7,5x30 . 8,5mm
GRES PORCELLANATO . Porcelain Stoneware . Gr竪s C辿rame .
Feinsteinzeug . Gres Porcel叩nico . 亠舒仄亳亠从亳亶 舒仆亳
Per dettagli sul prodotto in 20 mm di spessore e sui relativi sistemi di posa ed, in particolare, per le
raccomandazioni, accorgimenti, limitazioni di utilizzo e precauzioni in fase di posa, si raccomanda
di prendere visione dellultima versione del catalogo T20 e del sito www.supergres.com
Pour de plus amples d辿tails sur les produits de 20 mm d辿paisseur et sur leurs syst竪mes de pose, et
en particulier, pour les recommandations, mises jour, limitations dusage et pr辿cautions en phase de
pose, veuillez prendre connaissance du catalogue T20 et du site www.supergres.com
F端r Details zum Produkt mit 20 mm St辰rke und entsprechende Verlegesysteme, insbesondere
hinsichtlich Hinweise und Anmerkungen, Nutzungseinschr辰nkungen und Vorsichtsmassnahmen
w辰hrend der Verlegung, wird die Einsicht des Katalogs T20 und der Webseite www.supergres.com
For further details on the 20 mm product and the installation systems, in particular for
recommendations , restrictions of use, and precautions during installation, please refer to
www.supergres.com and to the catalogue T20.
Para mayores informaciones sobre el producto de 20 mm de espesor y sobre los relativos sistemas
de colocaci坦n y, en especial, para las recomendaciones, precauciones y l鱈mites de empleo en fase de
colocaci坦n, se recomienda consultar el cat叩logoT20 y el sitio www.supergres.com
仂亟仂弍仆亠亠 仂 仗仍亳从舒 仂仍亳仆仂亶 20 仄仄, 仂 亳亠仄舒 仄仂仆舒亢舒, 仂弍 仂亞舒仆亳亠仆亳 于 仗亳仄亠仆亠仆亳亳, 仂
仄亠舒 仗亠亟仂仂仂亢仆仂亳 仗亳 从仍舒亟从亠 仄仂亢仆仂 亰仆舒 于 从舒舒仍仂亞亠 catalogoT20 亳 仆舒 舒亶亠 www.
Finito di stampare a Reggio Emilia (RE) nel mese di Maggio 2016 da Ruggeri Grafiche per conto di Ceramiche Supergres - Strada Statale 467, n属 34 - 42013 Casalgrande (RE) Italy
I prodotti, i marchi e le immagini riprodotte nel presente catalogo sono tutelati ai sensi della normativa vigente in materia di propriet intellettuale. Ogni violazione degli stessi verr perseguita a norma di legge.
Printed in Reggio Emilia (RE) in the month of May 2016 by Ruggeri Grafiche on behalf of Ceramiche Supergres - Strada Statale 467, n属 34 - 42013 Casalgrande (RE) Italy
All products, trade-marks and photographs reproduced in this catalogue are subject to all existing intellectual property laws. Any breach thereof will be dealt with under the provisions provided by such law.
Norma di riferimento: EN 14411 Allegato G - Piastrelle di ceramica pressate a secco con basso assorbimento dacqua (E 0,5%)
Norme retenue: EN 14411 Annexe G - Carreaux c辿ramiques press辿s sec avec faible absorption deau (E 0,5%)
Besugznorm: EN 14411 Anlage G - Trockengepresste keramische Fliesen und Platten mit niedriger Wasseraufnahme (E 0,5%)
Reference standard: EN 14411 Appendix G - Dry pressed ceramic tiles with low water absorption (E 0,5%)
Norma de referencia: EN 14411 Anexo G - Baldosas de cer叩mica prensadas en seco (E 0,5%)
弌仂仂于亠于亠 仆仂仄亠 EN 14411 亠舒仄亳亠从亳亠 仗仍亳从亳, 仗亠仂于舒仆仆亠 于, 仆亳亰从亳仄 于仂亟仂仗仂亞仍仂亠仆亳亠仄 (E 0,5 %)
Gres Porcellanato . Gr竪s c辿rame . Feinsteinzeug . Porcelain stoneware . Gres porcelanico . 亠舒仄仂亞舒仆亳
Technische Daten . Caracteristiques Techniques
Caracter鱈sticas T辿cnicas .丐亠仆亳亠从亳亠 舒舒从亠亳亳从亳
Normen .Normes
Normas . C舒仆亟舒
Geforderte Eigenschaften . Conditions requis辿s
Requisitos solicitados . 丐亠弍仂于舒仆亳
Wert . Value . Valeur . 仂从舒亰舒亠仍亳
Lunghezza e larghezza dei lati . Lenght and width of the sides
Maegenauigkeit . Longuer et largeur de c担t辿s
Largo y ancho de los lados . 舒亰仄亠 仂仂仆 ISO 10545-2
Requisiti per formato nominale N 15 cm
Conforme . According to
Conforme . Gem辰ss
Conforme . 弌仂仂于亠于亠賊 0,6% 賊 2 mm
Spessore . Thickness
St辰rke . Espesor
Epaisseur . 丐仂仍亳仆舒
ISO 10545-2 賊 5% 賊 0,5 mm
Conforme . According to
Conforme . Gem辰ss
Conforme . 弌仂仂于亠于亠
Ortogonalit . Squareness
Orthogonalit辿 . Rechtwinkligkeit
Ortogonalidad . 仂仂亞仂仍仆仂
ISO 10545-2 賊 0,5% 賊 2 mm
Conforme . According to
Conforme . Gem辰ss
Conforme . 弌仂仂于亠于亠
Rettilineit degli spigoli . Straightness
Kantengeradheit . Equarrage des angles
Rectilineidad de las aristas . 亳于亳亰仆舒 仂仂仆
ISO 10545-2 賊 0,5% 賊 1,5 mm
Conforme . According to
Conforme . Gem辰ss
Conforme . 弌仂仂于亠于亠
Planarit . Flatness
Planit辰t . Plan辿it辿
Planaridad . 亳于亳亰仆舒 仍亳亠于仂亶 仗仂于亠仆仂亳
ISO 10545-2 + 0,5% 賊 2 mm
Conforme . According to
Conforme . Gem辰ss
Conforme . 弌仂仂于亠于亠
Determinazione dellassorbimento dacqua . Water absorption
Wasseraufnahme . Absorption deau
Absorci坦n de agua . 仂亟仂n仂r仍仂亠仆亳亠
ISO 10545-3 0,5%
Conforme . According to
Conforme . Gem辰ss
Conforme . 弌仂仂于亠于亠
Determinazione della resistenza a flessione e della forza di rottura . Flexion and break resistance
Biegefestigkeit und Bruchlast . R辿sistance la flexion et la force de ropture
Resistencia a la flexi坦n y carga de rotura . 亠亟亠仍 仗仂仆仂亳 仗亳 亳亰亞亳弍亠 亳 舒亰舒ム舒 仆舒亞亰从舒
ISO 10545-4
S 1300 N
R 35 N/mm2
Conforme . According to
Conforme . Gem辰ss
Conforme . 弌仂仂于亠于亠
Determinazione della resistenza allabrasione profonda (porcellanato non smaltato) UGL . Deep Scratch Resistance (unglazed porcelain) UGL
Tiefenverschleissbest辰ndigkeit (unglasierte Feinsteinzeug) UGL . R辿sistance labrasion profonde (gr竪s c辿rame) UGL
Resistencia a la abrasi坦n profunda (no emaltados) UGL . 弌仂亶从仂 从 舒弍舒亰亳于 - (亠亞仍舒亰仂于舒仆仆亶 从亠舒仄仂亞舒仆亳) UGL
ISO 10545-6 175 mm3
Conforme . According to
Conforme . Gem辰ss
Conforme . 弌仂仂于亠于亠
Coefficiente di espansione termica lineare tra 20属 e 100属 C . Linear thermal expansion 20属C to 100属C
Lineare Waerme-ausdehnung zwischen 20属C und 100属C . Dilatation thermique lin辿aire entre 20属C et 100属C
Coeficiente de expansi坦n t辿rmica linear entre 20属C y 100属C . 仂亳亳亠仆 仍亳仆亠亶仆仂亞仂 亠仗仍仂于仂亞仂 舒亳亠仆亳
ISO 10545-8
Metodo di prova disponibile
Test method available
Pr端fverfahren verf端gbarI
M辿thode dassai disponible
M辿todo disponible
仗仂仍亰亠仄亶 仄亠仂亟 亳仗舒仆亳
Conforme . According to
Conforme . Gem辰ss
Conforme . 弌仂仂于亠于亠
Resistenza agli sbalzi termici . Thermal shock resistance
Temperaturwechselbestaendigkeit . R辿sistance aux 辿carts de Temp辿ratur
Resistencia a los choques t辿rmicos . 弌仂亶从仂 从 仗亠亠仗舒亟 亠仄仗亠舒
ISO 10545-9
Metodo di prova disponibile
Test method available
Pr端fverfahren verf端gbarI
M辿thode dassai disponible
M辿todo disponible
仗仂仍亰亠仄亶 仄亠仂亟 亳仗舒仆亳
Conforme . According to
Conforme . Gem辰ss
Conforme . 弌仂仂于亠于亠
Resistenza al gelo . Frost resistance
Frostbest辰ndigkeit . R辿sistence au gel
Resistencia al hielo . 仂仂亰仂仂亶亳于仂
ISO 10545-12
Metodo di prova disponibile
Test method available
Pr端fverfahren verf端gbarI
M辿thode dassai disponible
M辿todo disponible
仗仂仍亰亠仄亶 仄亠仂亟 亳仗舒仆亳
Conforme . According to
Conforme . Gem辰ss
Conforme . 弌仂仂于亠于亠
Determinazione della resistenza chimica . Chemical resistance
Chemikalienbest辰ndigkeit . R辿sistance chimique
Resistencia a los productos qu鱈micos . 丱亳仄亳亠从舒 仂亶从仂
ISO 10545-13
Classe U B minimo (UGL)
Categorie U B min (UGL)
Klasse U B min (UGL)
Class U B min (UGL)
Clase U B min (UGL)
亳仆亳仄仄 从仍舒 U B (UGL)
Conforme . According to
Conforme . Gem辰ss
Conforme . 弌仂仂于亠于亠
Determinazione della resistenza alle macchie . Stain resistance
Best辰ndigkeit gegen Fleckenbil . R辿sistance aux taches
Resistencia a las manchas .丕仂亶亳于仂 仄舒仍亳 从 亰舒亞磶仆亠仆亳
ISO 10545-14
Classe 3 minimo
Categorie 3 min
Klasse 3 min
Class 3 min
Clase 3 min
亳仆亳仄仄 3 从仍舒
Conforme . According to
Conforme . Gem辰ss
Conforme . 弌仂仂于亠于亠
Resistenza allo scivolamento . Slip resistance
Bestimmung der Rutschemmungsf辰higkeit . R辿sistance au glissement
Antideslizamiento . 弌仂仗仂亳于仍亠仆亳亠 从仂仍亢亠仆亳
DIN 51130
Classificazione R
Classification R
Klassifizierung R
Classification R
Evaluaci坦n R
仍舒亳亳从舒亳 R
Resistenza allo scivolamento - coefficiente di attrito dinamico ( DCOF ) . Slip resistance - dynamic friction coefficient
Bestimmung der Rutschemmungsf辰higkeit - dynamischer reibungskoeffizientR辿sistance au glissement - resistance de frottement dynamique
Resistencia al deslizamiento - coeficiente de rozamiento dinamico . 弌仂仗仂亳于仍亠仆亳亠 从仂仍亢亠仆亳. 仂亳亳亠仆 亠仆亳
ANSI A137.1:2012
BOT 3000
0,42 wet
Conforme . According to
Conforme . Gem辰ss
Conforme . 弌仂仂于亠于亠
Coefficiente di attrito dinamico . Dynamic friction coefficient
Dynamischer reibungskoeffizient . Resistance de frottement dynamique
Coeficiente de rozamiento dinamico . 仂亳亳亠仆 亠仆亳
D.M.I. Giugno 1989 n.236
(亮 > 0,40)
Conforme . According to
Conforme . Gem辰ss
Conforme . 弌仂仂于亠于亠
GRADO DI VARIAZIONE CROMATICA Ogni prodotto si caratterizza per un grado di stonalizzazione variabile da prodotto a prodotto, da colore a colore. Per stonalizzazione sintende variazione di gradazione cromatica da piastrella a piastrella.
DEGR DE VARIATION CROMATIQUE Chaque produit est caract辿ris辿 par un degr辿 de nuance variable dun produit lautre et dune couleur une autre. Par nuance, il faut entendre une variation de la gradation de couleur entre un carreau et un autre.
GRAD DER FARBABWEICHUNG Jedes Produkt kennzeichnet sich durch einen bestimmten Grad an Marmorierung (Schattierung), der sich von Produkt zu Produkt, von Farbe zu Farbe unterscheiden kann. Unter Marmorierung versteht man den Grad der Farb辰nderung von Fliese zu Fliese.
COLOUR SHADE VARIATION Every product is characterised by colour-shading that can vary from one product to another and from one colour to another. When referring to colour-shading we refer to the chromatic variation of the tile surface.
GRADO DE VARIACIN CROMTICA Cada producto se caracteriza por el nivel de variaci坦n de tonalidad que presentan sus baldosas, que cambia en funci坦n del producto y del color.
亅弌 丶丐 丐 舒亢亟仂亠 亳亰亟亠仍亳亠 亳 从舒亢亟亶 于亠 仂仍亳舒ム 亳仆亟亳于亳亟舒仍仆仂亶 仂仆舒仍仆仂亶 仆亠仂亟仆仂仂亟仆仂. 仂亟 仂仆舒仍仆仂亶 仆亠仂亟仆仂仂亟仆仂 仗仂仆亳仄舒亠 亳亰仄亠仆亠仆亳亠 于亠仂于 仆ミ夷術仂于 仂 仗仍亳从亳 从 仗仍亳从亠.
Prodotto con marcata variazione cromatica
Produit avec une variation de couleur marqu辿e
Produkt mit deutlicher Farbver辰nderung
Product with a marked chromatic variation
Producto con marcada variaci坦n crom叩tica
亳亰亟亠仍亳亠 仗仂亟从仆仂亶 仂仆舒仍仆仂亶 仆亠仂亟仆仂仂亟仆仂
STORY 30 - 31