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Storyboard  Screenplay
 Scene 1 : Black screen
 Sound: Tense Music
 Dialogue: We all know why we
are here (Councilor - First
 Time: 8 second
Scene 2: The character start to
Hold hands.
Camera work: Close up
Editing: Fade in
Time: 3 second
Sound: Tense music
Layered music: Heavy Breathing
Scene 2: long shot of the room
With characters inside.
Camera movement: Slow
panning shot around the
Sound: Tense music
Edit: Cut to
Time 13 sec
 Scene 4: Black Screen
 Dialogue: So who is going to
start first? Councilor
 Sound: Tense music
 Editing: fades to next shot
 Time: 6 seconds
 Scene 5: shot reverse shot
 Dialogue: Ill Start first
character one
 Editing: Cut to
 Time: 5 seconds
 Camera type: mid shot
 Scene 6: close up of character one
 Dialogue: well  I was at the train
station . I notice this black figure
in the opposite direction . as the
train passed by, the mysterious
figure just disappeared
 Sound: Tense music
 Editing: L- Cut
 Scene 7: Flash back scene
 Dialogue: continuing from
scene 6 (L cut)
 Camera type: longshot
 Sound: wind
 Time: 5 seconds
 Scene 8: flash back, train
passing by
 Dialogue: continuing from
scene 6 (L-cut)
 Camera type: close up
 Sound: sound of a train passing
 Timing: 10 seconds
 Scene 9: flash back
 Dialogue: Continuing from
scene 6 (L-cut)
 Sound: people talking, wind
 Editing: cut to the next scene
 Timing: 5 seconds
 Scene 10: close up of character 2
 Dialogue:: I went around the house to
open the curtains, when I reached to the
last curtain, this black figure face just
appears. I quickly closed the curtains .. I
wanted to check if the black figure is there
. When I opened the curtains it
disappeared it wasnt there anymore.
 Editing: L  cut
 Scene 11: flash back
 Dialogue: continuing from
scene 10
 Editing: L-cut
 Camera type: mid shot
 Scene 12: Flash back
 Dialogue: continuing from
scene 11
 Sound: closing curtains, heavy
 Editing: L-cut
 Scene 13: flash back
 Dialogue: continuing from
scene 12
 Editing: L-cut
 Sound: heavy breathing
 Camera type: mid shot
 Scene 14: close up of character three
 Dialogue: : something similar happened to
me as well, I was at the top deck of 24
buss It was empty, only me there  I took
a selfie of myself, when looking at the
picture there was a black figure . I turned
around it wasnt there
 Editing: L-cut
 Scene 15: mid long shot
 Dialogue: continuing from
scene 14
 Sound: cars
 Editing: L- cut
 Scene 16: mid shot of
character three
 Dialogue: continuing from
scene 14
 Editing  L cut
 Sound: clicking noise
 Scene 17: close up of camera
 Dialogue: continuing from
scene 14
 Editing: L-cut
 Scene 18  mid shot of
character three
 Dialogue: continuing from
scene 14
 Editing: L-cut
 Scene 19: long shot of all the
 Character three: This is
something the figure left back
 Character two: yeah, the black
figure left something with me
as well
 Character one: Me too .. But
what does all this mean
 Scene 20: long shot of all the
characters and the silhouette
 Editing: face past, cut to the
next scene
 Music: the tempo of the music
is speeding up
 Scene 21: close up of character
 Dialogue: Its behind you
 Music: tempo increasing
 Sound: heaving breathing
 Editing: cut to , past pace
 Scene 22: close up of the
 Editing: slow pace, cut to
 Sound: tense music
 Scene: 23 long shot of all the
 Dialogue: Look again . Its
still there
 Editing: cut to
 Scene 24: mid shot
 Dialogue: AAAHHHHHH
 Editing: fast pace
 Sound: heavy breathing,
 Music: Tense music
 Scene 25: black screen
 Dialogue: I was waiting for
you Black figure
 Then the title of the film
 Editing: fast pace
Storyboard animated
Storyboard animated

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Storyboard animated

  • 2. Scene 1 : Black screen Sound: Tense Music Dialogue: We all know why we are here (Councilor - First character) Time: 8 second
  • 3. Scene 2: The character start to Hold hands. Camera work: Close up Editing: Fade in Time: 3 second Sound: Tense music Layered music: Heavy Breathing
  • 4. Scene 2: long shot of the room With characters inside. Camera movement: Slow panning shot around the Characters. Sound: Tense music Edit: Cut to Time 13 sec
  • 5. Scene 4: Black Screen Dialogue: So who is going to start first? Councilor Sound: Tense music Editing: fades to next shot Time: 6 seconds
  • 6. Scene 5: shot reverse shot Dialogue: Ill Start first character one Editing: Cut to Time: 5 seconds Camera type: mid shot
  • 7. Scene 6: close up of character one Dialogue: well I was at the train station . I notice this black figure in the opposite direction . as the train passed by, the mysterious figure just disappeared Sound: Tense music Editing: L- Cut Time
  • 8. Scene 7: Flash back scene Dialogue: continuing from scene 6 (L cut) Camera type: longshot Sound: wind Time: 5 seconds
  • 9. Scene 8: flash back, train passing by Dialogue: continuing from scene 6 (L-cut) Camera type: close up Sound: sound of a train passing by Timing: 10 seconds
  • 10. Scene 9: flash back Dialogue: Continuing from scene 6 (L-cut) Sound: people talking, wind Editing: cut to the next scene Timing: 5 seconds
  • 11. Scene 10: close up of character 2 Dialogue:: I went around the house to open the curtains, when I reached to the last curtain, this black figure face just appears. I quickly closed the curtains .. I wanted to check if the black figure is there . When I opened the curtains it disappeared it wasnt there anymore. Editing: L cut
  • 12. Scene 11: flash back Dialogue: continuing from scene 10 Editing: L-cut Camera type: mid shot
  • 13. Scene 12: Flash back Dialogue: continuing from scene 11 Sound: closing curtains, heavy breathing Editing: L-cut
  • 14. Scene 13: flash back Dialogue: continuing from scene 12 Editing: L-cut Sound: heavy breathing Camera type: mid shot
  • 15. Scene 14: close up of character three Dialogue: : something similar happened to me as well, I was at the top deck of 24 buss It was empty, only me there I took a selfie of myself, when looking at the picture there was a black figure . I turned around it wasnt there Editing: L-cut
  • 16. Scene 15: mid long shot Dialogue: continuing from scene 14 Sound: cars Editing: L- cut
  • 17. Scene 16: mid shot of character three Dialogue: continuing from scene 14 Editing L cut Sound: clicking noise
  • 18. Scene 17: close up of camera Dialogue: continuing from scene 14 Editing: L-cut
  • 19. Scene 18 mid shot of character three Dialogue: continuing from scene 14 Editing: L-cut
  • 20. Scene 19: long shot of all the characters Dialogue: Character three: This is something the figure left back Character two: yeah, the black figure left something with me as well Character one: Me too .. But what does all this mean
  • 21. Scene 20: long shot of all the characters and the silhouette Dialogue: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH Editing: face past, cut to the next scene Music: the tempo of the music is speeding up
  • 22. Scene 21: close up of character three Dialogue: Its behind you Music: tempo increasing Sound: heaving breathing Editing: cut to , past pace
  • 23. Scene 22: close up of the councilor Editing: slow pace, cut to Sound: tense music
  • 24. Scene: 23 long shot of all the characters Dialogue: Look again . Its still there Editing: cut to
  • 25. Scene 24: mid shot Dialogue: AAAHHHHHH Editing: fast pace Sound: heavy breathing, screaming Music: Tense music
  • 26. Scene 25: black screen Dialogue: I was waiting for you Black figure Then the title of the film appears Editing: fast pace