A description of pre-production services we provide along with who we are and a short statement. Contact us if you are looking to receive a quote.
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Storyboardart Preproduction Services Grouppdf
1. Who We Are:
ergio Paez nthony Luis Rivera heperd Hendrix olando Ramis
General Manager/ Lead Designer/ Sr. Story Artist/ Story Artist/
Lead Story Artist Producer Illustrator Illustrator
Is a San Francisco Is a founding member Started his career in A graduate of Art
Artist specialising in of StoryboardArt,LLC. comics in the 1990's. Institute, San Francisco.
storyboards, animation, Anthony's focus is Following a lifelong Rolo works for clients in
and visual Development ensuring top level passion for drawing and the animation, gaming,
for TV, feature film, and production manage- graphic storytelling. and film industries. You
games. His Animation ment. Building client Along the way, his tal- can find Rolo during his
credits include projects and artist relation- ents have led him to the down time saving cats
for Pixar, Lucasfilm, ships is the foundation world of animation and from busy intersections
Sony, and Sega. Sergio of StoryboardArt,LLC gaming as a storyboard in the Bay Area.
recently finished up principles which he artist. His client list
season 3 of The Clone helped establish and includes: LucasArts, EA
Wars Animated Series carries through with Games, and DC Comics.
for Lucas Animation. every new client.
2. Need Help Finding Storyboard Services?
StoryBoardArt, LLC
toryboardArt, LLC is a collective of professional animation
artists with over 20 years of industry experience with
LIST OF SERVICES: major studios like Pixar, Disney, Dreamworks, and
STORYBOARDS CHARACTERS e provide digital pre-production services within your
budget and schedule. You will experience the industry's
ANIMATICS best communication and project management. Because
PREVIZ of the network of skilled story artists we have at our disposal, a
tight turn around for your pitch is possible no matter how large
3D STORY or complex it is. We can also handle your character and concept
designs, story reel animatics, backgrounds, and full Previz/3D
animated story reels.
ontact us to find out more about our unique production
(415) 863-1758 platform and how we can help you on your next narrative
www.storyboardart.org project. Using us for your pre-production services will
story@storyboardart.org lift your expectations of professionalism for every other job to