This document provides tips and advice for authors on getting started with writing, publishing, and marketing books. It discusses reviewing articles, presenting at conferences, freelance writing, and writing columns as ways to start a writing career. It covers details of book contracts, marketing books through social media, talks, and self-publishing options like print-on-demand services and ebooks. Specific self-publishing platforms mentioned include CreateSpace and Smashwords. The document emphasizes the importance of marketing and publicity even after a book is published.
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How to get published - Dr. Chris Stout
1. Writing for fun and profit
well, at least for fun
well, writing.
Chris E. Stout
Center for Global Initiatives & College of
Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago
6. Getting Started
Reviewing (nice way to start)
Scientific Articles Publish or Perish
Highly ranked, peer reviewed journals are the
(academic) gold standard
Dr. Kremer
Presentations => Publications
APS chapter, papers
Professional Magazines
Modern Healthcare
Division 42
Illinois Psychologist(!)
7. Getting Started
What I CANNOT tell you about
Getting an agent
Pitching a manuscript
Never write first
Always contract first!
Scientific first => pop book
Editing vs. Writing
8. Contracts a-go-go or a-no-go?
Wiley vs. APA
Right of first refusal
Contracts are negotiable
Control (ha, ha)
Cover art
Ink color
Font style
Sell by the chapter
9. Marketing Ideas
Get Names to write your
Early Praise
Surprisingly not hard
Past APA Presidents
WEF Founder
The trick?
11. Oprah on line 1
You may believe that once your book is
published, your work is done. Its not.
Its only the beginning. Here are 10 ways
to get started:
Participate in online forums about
your books subject.
Ask colleagues, friends and book
bloggers if they would review your
book. Dont forget to offer them a free
copy of your book.
Create a mailing list composed of
people who have shown interest in
your work. Keep them informed
about anything new that youve
Go to Amazon Central to create an
author profile so readers can learn
more about you.
13. Oprah on line 2
Join social media sites and groups within
those sites that might be interested in
your book.
Join APAs media referral services. Be
ready to define your specific expertise.
Then, be prompt in returning journalists
phone calls and helping them develop
their stories.
Issue press releases about your work.
Dont make the press release
promotional. Instead, orient it toward
stimulating the interest of a reporter or
producer. You can write your own press
release or purchase them from services
that will also distribute them to the media
(e.g., PR Newswire).
16. Talks
Venues for Sales
Public Libraries (email me for a list)
Barnes & Noble
Div 42 @ APA
Venues for Opportunities
Schools/PTAs (consults/referrals)
Houses of Worship (referrals)
Professional (academic currency)
17. Self-Publishing: Blog
Aim for keywords that solve problems (how
to deal with a passive-aggressive husband)
Provide tips that deliver (10 tips for helping
your kid get better grades), or
Answer intriguing questions (why dont men
live as long as women?)
Check out the keywords if youre
contemplating using Googles keyword tool -
There you will discover how frequently people
are using those particular words to search for
that topic.
You dont have to choose the most popular
keywords, but you certainly dont want to
choose one that hardly anybodys using.
18. Self-Publishing: Article Banks
Article banks will provide you
with international exposure,
credibility and traffic back to
your website.
Popular article banks:
article alley
Huffington Post
eHow (pays for your content)
19. Self-Publishing: Books
Print-on-demand (POD) technology,
copies of a book are not printed until
an order is received.
Services: proofread and edit your
index and design your book,
create a book jacket,
provide you with an ISBN (International
Standard Book Number),
put your book into distribution,
take care of order fulfillment, publicity
and marketing services.
20. Self-Publishing: Words of Caution
They frequently overcharge
Sell unnecessary services and
Overstate what they will do.
You may be seduced into spending
many thousands of dollars to get your
book printed and distributed. And
thats without any marketing or
publicity services.
So, be an educated consumer, know
what services you need and know what
those services should cost. Then you
need to comparison shop. There are lots
of companies out there and the pricing
of their packaged plans frequently
21. Self-Publishing: eBooks
Books that are published in digital format can stand on
their own or be another edition of a print book.
Though eBooks do not have the panache of a paper book
- you cant display it in your office or offer a copy to a
valued resource - they can still be a powerful resource for
One advantage of writing a mini eBook is that you can
quickly hitch on to the high profile news of the moment,
creating a ready-made marketing hook.
Make sure that your e-Book is professionally formatted so
that it doesnt look like an amateur production.
Smashwords will format and distribute your eBook for no
up-front costs (they take a small percentage of each sale)
One additional advantage to eBooks is that once theyre
produced, there are no additional printing or shipping
Hence, they can be great bonus gifts for people who visit
your website and display an interest in your services.
22. Self-Publishing: Amazon's CreateSpace
Their printing costs are the lowest,
Their shipping charges are free,
There are no initial set-up fees, and
They offer a non-exclusive agreement that keeps
your future publishing and distribution options
They have Kindle distribution so your book, once
converted, can be published as an e-Book as well.
ProPlan is $39
Larger royalty, receive reduced printing costs and
gain access to an expanded distribution channel.
Almost all authors need some self-publishing
services (editing, formatting, book design, cover
design, marketing and publicity) and Create Space
offers them - for additional fees or you can do them
your self and then use CreateSpace to publish and
distribute your book.