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You are at the right place.
StratesysWe do growth2016
We are a business strategy entrepreneurial company,
established in 2011. We know that nowadays pure
expertise isnt enough and in order to perform you
need proficiency, innovation and quality. This is what
we truly believe in and it is what do. Day by day.
We have implemented projects in retail, automotive,
beauty, mineral resources, pharma, services, transport
and logistics, construction, agriculture, advertising,
alongside big and medium-sized companies.
Who we are
Stratesys company presentation2016
What we do We provide custom tailored strategy and
research services that perfectly fit your
business and meet your specific requirements.
Customer based servicesEnterprise based services
Stratesys company presentation2016
These are our strategy services, that help
companies do growth. They consist of
management consulting, corporate
communication, competitive intelligence,
sales performance and marketing.
We use these services in helping companies
better understand their customer needs and
trends. We deliver all types of qualitative and
quantitative research and insight services,
customer interaction and customer
Enterprise Based Services
Management Consulting  we always focus
on understanding and concentrate to
elaborate a personalized solution for each
challenge that our customers face.
We have been engaged in a 1遜 year turnaround
process with a 400M EUR turnover retailer. We have
spent more than 250 hours alongside people, from
shareholders to cashiers, and we have developed a set
of action plans, involving sales, marketing, purchasing,
HR and finance. All of this finally led to our clients
turnover ramp up.
Corporate Communication  we make use of
our diplomacy background in order to secure
accuracy and correct understanding of the
A leading player on the local stationery market wanted
to determine a new set of company values and beliefs.
Through meetings, focus groups and a country-wide
event, not only have we engaged the employees in
determining the true values of the company, but we
have also made them push more in pursuing growth.
Companies who use these services are seeking an out of the box approach
regarding the integration between C-level, middle management and employees.
These services are dedicated to companies that need support with respect to an
action they prepare or to a result that they follow.
Consultancy and Communication
Stratesys company presentation2016
Risk and Reputation Management 
sometimes companies have a risk or a
reputation to manage. We stand by our
customers facing these difficult moments. We
help them see clearer and act swiftly. Our
strengths: forecast and agility.
A worldwide top mineral resource player called us in
helping manage a pollution-linked crisis that they had with
the local community, which at that moment turned into
major street rallies. We have dealt with this major crisis by
independently investigating the situation and creating a
CSR road map, targeting both the social community and
NGOs. Our actions finally led to relief and secured our
clients business.
Intelligence  this is a
service that makes the
difference. It is especially
made for companies that
fight to be on top. We
always help in
understanding more
about competition.
Our hands-on experience in
automotive, constructions,
chemicals, pharma, transport
and logistics, beauty,
alongside top industry leaders,
proves that we can contribute
with added value to sales and
marketshare growth.
Enterprise Based Services
Competition and Crisis
Stratesys company presentation2016
Sales and Marketing
The sales and marketing service helps our clients increase their sales performance
and better address their customers. Our involvement in these areas can be both
active (implementation) or passive (training).
Sales Performance  custom made trainings
adapted to each industry realities and trends,
tailored for each type of trainee.
An international service company asked us to join in
assisting its sales team and improve its sales capabilities. In
a 6 month period we have built a new strategy and
developed a new customer profile that reshaped our
clients positioning in Romania. Our unique training
programs and techniques consistently contributed to this
Enterprise Based Services
Marketing  not only that we seek new ways to
address customers, but we also get directly
involved in campaigns and follow-ups.
A local retailer called us to help in a price and promotion
traceability for its products. During a two week period we
have found a feasible solution that fitted both marketing
and sales teams, concerning out-store and in-store
Stratesys company presentation2016
This type of service is used by our clients to
learn details about who their clients are and
what makes them buy more. We help them
in getting to know their customers better
using a wide range of methods and
approaches, both conventional and
unconventional. We are problem solvers,
focusing on insights rather than method.
We do our research right where the end
user is, thus our ethnographical focus.
Mystery Shopper  the main focus is
on quality. Our proprietary procedure
contributes to accuracy and answers
to why-type questions.
A local FMCG retailer needed to qualitatively
measure its client-employee interaction. We
stepped in assessing +60 stores national wide
and in 3 weeks we have delivered an action
plan containing both observations and
Customer Based Services
Research and Insights
Stratesys company presentation2016
Market segmentation and
strategy whether you are entering a
new market or reassessing your
position on a current, we have the
tools to make it happen.
For a top tier worldwide agriculture player,
that needed to access a new market, we have
conducted a customer, distributor, price and
market share study, developed outside
Romania. Now he has its customer
segmentation and go to market strategies
done. Now he sells more.
Organizational research: sometimes your organizations performance problems are
not on the outside but on the inside. Using organizational ethnography, assessing
performance and identifying bottlenecks, we can make things and people work together in a
seamless process. Whether it takes coaching or design thinking, we always focus on the best
possible outcome.
People assessment  we can
assess your team and your
partners performance, leading
to better services and customer
Our team has extensive experience
assessing account managers and
salespeople in various industries
(telecom, FMCG, banking,
automotive) with various methods
(CATI, F2F).
CXJM  we have experience in
identifying and mapping
consumer journeys, as well as
assisting your organization in
turning insights into growth.
A leading retailer needed to improve its
stores in face of growing competition.
Following a consumer study we have
conducted a CXJM workshop with +40
management employees and
transformed the insights into
collaborative intrapreneurial projects,
that we followed through.
Bringing your people in the mix
Stratesys company presentation2016
Qualitative insights  we are
specialized in focus group
management and
ethnographic methods, due to
our one of a kind expertise.
A leading construction industry
company wanted to lineup its R&D
with customer needs and
preferences. We helped our client
understand the insights that led its
customers into buying and create a
new family of products.
People interaction  by combining customer research with
competitive analysis, we innovate action plan directions that
perfectly fit our customer growth vision. We reach this by
working side by side with their employees.
Seeking bigger sales, a local company wanted to develop its customer
interaction strategies. So they came to us. Together with sales and
marketing managers we have implemented 12 green field client-centred
directions, and from research to follow-up mechanisms we have accessed
an omnichannel course of action. Now our client has more customers and
a significant percentage of them buy more.
Customer Based Services
This is not field marketing. Its a 2.0 approach that general management usually
seeks on its own: how to address more directions, how to reach more customers
by new, innovative ways.
Customer interaction
Stratesys company presentation2016
How to start working together
You are at the right place at: office@stratesys.ro
Web at: stratcom.ro
Address: Electromagnetica Business Park
266-268, Calea Rahovei
Building No 2
Stratesys. We do growth
Stratesys company presentation2016

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Stratesys - We do growth

  • 1. You are at the right place. StratesysWe do growth2016
  • 2. We are a business strategy entrepreneurial company, established in 2011. We know that nowadays pure expertise isnt enough and in order to perform you need proficiency, innovation and quality. This is what we truly believe in and it is what do. Day by day. We have implemented projects in retail, automotive, beauty, mineral resources, pharma, services, transport and logistics, construction, agriculture, advertising, alongside big and medium-sized companies. Who we are Stratesys company presentation2016
  • 3. What we do We provide custom tailored strategy and research services that perfectly fit your business and meet your specific requirements. Customer based servicesEnterprise based services Stratesys company presentation2016 These are our strategy services, that help companies do growth. They consist of management consulting, corporate communication, competitive intelligence, sales performance and marketing. We use these services in helping companies better understand their customer needs and trends. We deliver all types of qualitative and quantitative research and insight services, customer interaction and customer experience.
  • 4. Enterprise Based Services Management Consulting we always focus on understanding and concentrate to elaborate a personalized solution for each challenge that our customers face. We have been engaged in a 1遜 year turnaround process with a 400M EUR turnover retailer. We have spent more than 250 hours alongside people, from shareholders to cashiers, and we have developed a set of action plans, involving sales, marketing, purchasing, HR and finance. All of this finally led to our clients turnover ramp up. Corporate Communication we make use of our diplomacy background in order to secure accuracy and correct understanding of the message. A leading player on the local stationery market wanted to determine a new set of company values and beliefs. Through meetings, focus groups and a country-wide event, not only have we engaged the employees in determining the true values of the company, but we have also made them push more in pursuing growth. Companies who use these services are seeking an out of the box approach regarding the integration between C-level, middle management and employees. These services are dedicated to companies that need support with respect to an action they prepare or to a result that they follow. Consultancy and Communication Stratesys company presentation2016
  • 5. Risk and Reputation Management sometimes companies have a risk or a reputation to manage. We stand by our customers facing these difficult moments. We help them see clearer and act swiftly. Our strengths: forecast and agility. A worldwide top mineral resource player called us in helping manage a pollution-linked crisis that they had with the local community, which at that moment turned into major street rallies. We have dealt with this major crisis by independently investigating the situation and creating a CSR road map, targeting both the social community and NGOs. Our actions finally led to relief and secured our clients business. Competitive Intelligence this is a service that makes the difference. It is especially made for companies that fight to be on top. We always help in understanding more about competition. Our hands-on experience in automotive, constructions, chemicals, pharma, transport and logistics, beauty, alongside top industry leaders, proves that we can contribute with added value to sales and marketshare growth. Enterprise Based Services Competition and Crisis Stratesys company presentation2016
  • 6. Sales and Marketing The sales and marketing service helps our clients increase their sales performance and better address their customers. Our involvement in these areas can be both active (implementation) or passive (training). Sales Performance custom made trainings adapted to each industry realities and trends, tailored for each type of trainee. An international service company asked us to join in assisting its sales team and improve its sales capabilities. In a 6 month period we have built a new strategy and developed a new customer profile that reshaped our clients positioning in Romania. Our unique training programs and techniques consistently contributed to this process. Enterprise Based Services Marketing not only that we seek new ways to address customers, but we also get directly involved in campaigns and follow-ups. A local retailer called us to help in a price and promotion traceability for its products. During a two week period we have found a feasible solution that fitted both marketing and sales teams, concerning out-store and in-store communication. Stratesys company presentation2016
  • 7. This type of service is used by our clients to learn details about who their clients are and what makes them buy more. We help them in getting to know their customers better using a wide range of methods and approaches, both conventional and unconventional. We are problem solvers, focusing on insights rather than method. We do our research right where the end user is, thus our ethnographical focus. Mystery Shopper the main focus is on quality. Our proprietary procedure contributes to accuracy and answers to why-type questions. A local FMCG retailer needed to qualitatively measure its client-employee interaction. We stepped in assessing +60 stores national wide and in 3 weeks we have delivered an action plan containing both observations and recommendations. Customer Based Services Research and Insights Stratesys company presentation2016 Market segmentation and strategy whether you are entering a new market or reassessing your position on a current, we have the tools to make it happen. For a top tier worldwide agriculture player, that needed to access a new market, we have conducted a customer, distributor, price and market share study, developed outside Romania. Now he has its customer segmentation and go to market strategies done. Now he sells more.
  • 8. Organizational research: sometimes your organizations performance problems are not on the outside but on the inside. Using organizational ethnography, assessing performance and identifying bottlenecks, we can make things and people work together in a seamless process. Whether it takes coaching or design thinking, we always focus on the best possible outcome. People assessment we can assess your team and your partners performance, leading to better services and customer satisfaction. Our team has extensive experience assessing account managers and salespeople in various industries (telecom, FMCG, banking, automotive) with various methods (CATI, F2F). CXJM we have experience in identifying and mapping consumer journeys, as well as assisting your organization in turning insights into growth. A leading retailer needed to improve its stores in face of growing competition. Following a consumer study we have conducted a CXJM workshop with +40 management employees and transformed the insights into collaborative intrapreneurial projects, that we followed through. Bringing your people in the mix Stratesys company presentation2016 Qualitative insights we are specialized in focus group management and ethnographic methods, due to our one of a kind expertise. A leading construction industry company wanted to lineup its R&D with customer needs and preferences. We helped our client understand the insights that led its customers into buying and create a new family of products.
  • 9. People interaction by combining customer research with competitive analysis, we innovate action plan directions that perfectly fit our customer growth vision. We reach this by working side by side with their employees. Seeking bigger sales, a local company wanted to develop its customer interaction strategies. So they came to us. Together with sales and marketing managers we have implemented 12 green field client-centred directions, and from research to follow-up mechanisms we have accessed an omnichannel course of action. Now our client has more customers and a significant percentage of them buy more. Customer Based Services This is not field marketing. Its a 2.0 approach that general management usually seeks on its own: how to address more directions, how to reach more customers by new, innovative ways. Customer interaction Stratesys company presentation2016
  • 10. How to start working together You are at the right place at: office@stratesys.ro Web at: stratcom.ro Address: Electromagnetica Business Park 266-268, Calea Rahovei Building No 2 Stratesys. We do growth Stratesys company presentation2016