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Strengthening Families
strengthening families began as a new
approach to child abuse prevention
is systematic
is national
reaches large
numbers of
has impact long before abuse or neglect
promotes optimal development
What we know about child
maltreatment in the United States
 Abuse and neglect of children occurs across all ethnic,
socioeconomic, and religious groups.
 There is no single, identifiable cause of child
maltreatment; it occurs as a result of an interaction of
multiple forces impacting the family.
Thomas, D., Leicht, C., Hughes, C., Madigan, A., & Dowell, K. (2003). Emerging practices in the
prevention of child abuse and neglect. Washington, DC: Childrens Bureaus Office on Child
Abuse and Neglect.
the scope of child maltreatment in the
United States
In 2006,
 Children ages birth to 1 year had the highest rates of
child maltreatment; 84% of victims were less than one
week old
 Children ages 1-3 had the 2nd highest rate of
 905,000 children were victims of maltreatment; the
overwhelming majority experience it in the form of
 1,530 children died from abuse and neglect
Morbidity Mortality and Weekly Report, April 4, 2008. www.cdc.gov/injury
impact of child maltreatment
 Immediate impact on the young victim includes physical
injury, sensory impairment, emotional trauma, and death.
 Long-term impact on the victim includes impairment of
brain circuitry, low threshold for stress, damage to the
area of the brain responsible for learning and memory,
intellectual and social deficiencies, increased risk for
depression, delinquency, and violent behavior.
 Reverberating impact across social systems including
medical, mental health, law enforcement, judicial
system, social services, and other helping agencies as
they respond to CAN and provide support to the victim.
adverse childhood experience (ACE)
An examination of the relationship between
adult health status (diabetes, heart disease,
depression and others) child maltreatment,
and family dysfunction
Categories of ACEs:
 emotional abuse
 physical abuse
 sexual abuse
 emotional neglect
 physical neglect
 household substance abuse
 household mental illness
 incarcerated household member
 mother treated violently
 parental separation or divorce
child abuse prevention efforts
Children under 5  20.6 million
4.2 million children in families below poverty line
($19,806 for 4) 336,000 below 50% of
poverty1,500,000 homeless
Child Abuse Prevention Programs = 2 million
children, including parent education and
training, self  help groups and family resource
Home visiting  550,000 children
child abuse prevention strategies
 Target families with risk factors such as
low income, race, age of parents
 Provide specialized interventions by
trained workers, such as home visiting
and parent education to targeted families
 Focus on reducing risk factors
The Strengthening Families Approach
 Focus on strengthening ALL families
 Go where families already are: start with
trusted organizations with close
neighborhood and cultural ties to families
 Measure results in growth of protective
factors/family strengths
significant beginnings
 National organizations and their leaders
Childrens Defense Fund, NAEYC, Zero to
Three, Childrens Trust Funds, Family Support
America, and others
 Recognized researchers in disparities,
cultural differences, early childhood, child
abuse prevention
 Respected practitioners with expertise in
working with diverse cultural groups
concerns about targeting
 May increases racial disparities, such as
children in foster care
 Does not register vast differences within
cultural and racial groups
 Disrespects the many strengths families
have and can build on
 Labels families and their children unfairly
the original (simple?) ideas:
Start with family strengths and link
them to reductions in child abuse
and increases in child outcomes.
Find out if universally available
places like early childhood
programs can help families and
prevent child abuse.
Influence national organizations,
states and federal systems to adopt
the approach.
Create greater safety and optimal
development for millions of
children and less stigma and
disrespect for families.
just the facts
What does the research tell us about what
is RIGHT with families?
What are the characteristics that promote
childrens healthy development  and are
linked directly to a reduction in child abuse
and neglect?
the protective factors framework
parental resilience
social connections
knowledge of parenting and
child development
concrete support in times of
social and emotional
going where the children are
Early care and education programs were the
original target for Strengthening Families.
daily contact with parents and children
unique, intimate relationships with parents
approach of positive encouragement and
education for all families+
an early warning and response
system to the first signs of trouble
since then,
strengthening families
has been used in a wide
variety of disciplines
that help young
children and their
families, from home
visiting to child welfare.
strategies do
programs use
to help
families as
well as
and optimal
how can states
and national
systems support,
disseminate and
sustain these
strategies and the
Factors in ECE
and other
Strengthening Families 101
seeking excellent examples 
exemplary programs study
Rural, urban, suburban
Small/large; standalone/multisite
Large-budget/small budget
ALL serving low-income families
ALL already high-quality programs by
other standards
Strengthening Families 101
excellent early childhood programs
(and many other child- and family-
serving programs) are already
building protective factors daily,
but often do not recognize their
impact on families
small but significant changes in
program practice can produce huge
results in preventing child abuse
and neglect for the youngest
An important clue
Arthur Reynolds, University of Wisconsin,
Chicago Parent Child Centers
Longitudinal study of children and families
in a program with similar elements to
those of programs identified by CSSP
Results: 52% reduction in substantiated
cases of abuse and neglect by age 17
organizational partners and funders
Finance Project
Midwest Learning Center for Family Support
National Black Child Development Institute
National Registry Alliance
Parents as Teachers
Parent Services Project
doris duke charitable
casey family programs
annie e. casey
a. L. Mailman family
arthur m. blank family
partners at the federal level:
Office of Child Abuse and Neglect
(Childrens Bureau, ACYF, ACF, HHS)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Child Care Bureau
Maternal and Child Health Bureau
Center for Disease Control and
Prevention, Division of Violence
strengthening families has inspired an
approach to work with children and
families that is:
universally available  not targeted by risk
focused on development and growth 
not only on identified problems
delivered through new, powerful partners
not typically identified as CAN prevention
or family support agents.
Strengthening Families 101
what contributes to a successful family?
Dimensions Description
Basic needs Economic security, housing, health care, other
necessary resources are in place
Education, life experience, skills
plus connections to extended family, neighbors,
co-workers and friends
Nurturing parenting styles, effective
communication and warm interactions among
family members
Sense of control over choices, being valued and
able to make a difference; faith that all will be well
protective factors are:
Characteristics that decrease the likelihood of a person
becoming a victim or perpetrator of abuse or neglect
because it provides a buffer against risk (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention)
Conditions or attributes in individuals, families, and
communities that increase well-being
Buffers that help parents find resources, supports and
strategies to function effectively, even under stress
Love is not enough - Illinois
Parental Resilience = Be strong and flexible
Social Connections = Parents need friends
Knowledge of Parenting = Being a great parent is
part natural and part learned
Concrete Support = We all need help sometimes
Social and emotional development for children =
Help your children communicate and give them
the love and respect they need
Community Cafes - Washington
Parental Resilience = Courage
Social Connections = Community
Knowledge of Parenting = Health
Concrete Support = Freedom
Childrens Social and Emotional Development =
parental resilience
Psychological health. Parents feel supported and able to
solve problems; can develop trusting relationships with
others and are able
to reach out for help
Parents who did not
have positive child-
hood experiences or
who are in troubling
circumstances need
extra support and
trusting relationships
social connections
social connections
Relationships with
extended family, friends,
co-workers, other parents
with children similar ages
Community norms are
developed through social
Mutual assistance
networks: child care,
emotional support,
concrete help
knowledge of parenting and
child development
knowledge of parenting and child
Basic information
about how children
Basic techniques of
Alternatives to
parenting behaviors experienced of a child
Help with challenging behaviors
supports in
times of need
concrete supports in times of need
Response to a crisis 
food, clothing, shelter
Assistance with daily
needs, job opportunities,
transportation, education
Services for parents in
crisis: mental health,
domestic violence,
substance abuse
Specialized services for
social and emotional
social and emotional competence
Normal child development (like using language to
express needs and feelings) creates positive parent-
child reactions
Challenging behaviors,
traumatic experiences, or
development that is not
on track require extra
adult attention
A surprise: what learning
in the classroom does
back at home
levers for change
parent partnerships
professional development
integration into policies
and systems
parent partnerships
ensure that prevention
strategies are
responsive to all kinds
of families, all kinds of
family needs and
work best when parents are involved
consistently in meaningful ways, as decision-
making partners at all levels
help create consumer support for
Strengthening Families
professional development
is about infusing Strengthening Families
concepts into trainings that already exist
across systems
builds a workforce with common knowledge,
language, and goals
supports quality-improvement across
systems that help children and their families
needs to be offered at all levels (providers to
administrators) and accessible to people
with varying levels of competency
policies and systems
is about integrating Strengthening Families
into regulations and procedures that govern
everyday work in child- and family-serving
systems and their agencies
focuses on building Protective Factors,
promoting optimal child development, and
preventing maltreatment
facilitates alignment, coordination, and
collaboration across disciplines
creates a positive context for shifting
attitudes and practice toward more effective
family engagement and better outcomes
Strengthening Families 101
Center for the Study of Social Policy
1575 Eye Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 371-1575
Judy Langford, Senior Fellow, Center for the Study of Social Policy

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Strengthening Families 101

  • 1. Strengthening Families 101 2010 C E N T E R F O R T H E S T U D Y O F S O C I A L P O L I C Y
  • 2. strengthening families began as a new approach to child abuse prevention that: is systematic is national reaches large numbers of children has impact long before abuse or neglect occurs promotes optimal development
  • 3. What we know about child maltreatment in the United States Abuse and neglect of children occurs across all ethnic, socioeconomic, and religious groups. There is no single, identifiable cause of child maltreatment; it occurs as a result of an interaction of multiple forces impacting the family. Thomas, D., Leicht, C., Hughes, C., Madigan, A., & Dowell, K. (2003). Emerging practices in the prevention of child abuse and neglect. Washington, DC: Childrens Bureaus Office on Child Abuse and Neglect.
  • 4. the scope of child maltreatment in the United States In 2006, Children ages birth to 1 year had the highest rates of child maltreatment; 84% of victims were less than one week old Children ages 1-3 had the 2nd highest rate of victimization 905,000 children were victims of maltreatment; the overwhelming majority experience it in the form of neglect 1,530 children died from abuse and neglect Morbidity Mortality and Weekly Report, April 4, 2008. www.cdc.gov/injury
  • 5. impact of child maltreatment Immediate impact on the young victim includes physical injury, sensory impairment, emotional trauma, and death. Long-term impact on the victim includes impairment of brain circuitry, low threshold for stress, damage to the area of the brain responsible for learning and memory, intellectual and social deficiencies, increased risk for depression, delinquency, and violent behavior. Reverberating impact across social systems including medical, mental health, law enforcement, judicial system, social services, and other helping agencies as they respond to CAN and provide support to the victim.
  • 6. adverse childhood experience (ACE) study An examination of the relationship between adult health status (diabetes, heart disease, depression and others) child maltreatment, and family dysfunction Categories of ACEs: emotional abuse physical abuse sexual abuse emotional neglect physical neglect household substance abuse household mental illness incarcerated household member mother treated violently parental separation or divorce
  • 7. child abuse prevention efforts Children under 5 20.6 million 4.2 million children in families below poverty line ($19,806 for 4) 336,000 below 50% of poverty1,500,000 homeless Child Abuse Prevention Programs = 2 million children, including parent education and training, self help groups and family resource centers Home visiting 550,000 children
  • 8. child abuse prevention strategies Target families with risk factors such as low income, race, age of parents Provide specialized interventions by trained workers, such as home visiting and parent education to targeted families Focus on reducing risk factors
  • 9. The Strengthening Families Approach Focus on strengthening ALL families Go where families already are: start with trusted organizations with close neighborhood and cultural ties to families Measure results in growth of protective factors/family strengths
  • 10. significant beginnings National organizations and their leaders Childrens Defense Fund, NAEYC, Zero to Three, Childrens Trust Funds, Family Support America, and others Recognized researchers in disparities, cultural differences, early childhood, child abuse prevention Respected practitioners with expertise in working with diverse cultural groups
  • 11. concerns about targeting May increases racial disparities, such as children in foster care Does not register vast differences within cultural and racial groups Disrespects the many strengths families have and can build on Labels families and their children unfairly
  • 12. the original (simple?) ideas: Start with family strengths and link them to reductions in child abuse and increases in child outcomes. Find out if universally available places like early childhood programs can help families and prevent child abuse. Influence national organizations, states and federal systems to adopt the approach. Create greater safety and optimal development for millions of children and less stigma and disrespect for families.
  • 13. just the facts What does the research tell us about what is RIGHT with families? What are the characteristics that promote childrens healthy development and are linked directly to a reduction in child abuse and neglect?
  • 14. the protective factors framework parental resilience social connections knowledge of parenting and child development concrete support in times of need social and emotional competence
  • 15. going where the children are Early care and education programs were the original target for Strengthening Families. daily contact with parents and children unique, intimate relationships with parents approach of positive encouragement and education for all families+ an early warning and response system to the first signs of trouble
  • 16. since then, strengthening families has been used in a wide variety of disciplines that help young children and their families, from home visiting to child welfare.
  • 17. what strategies do quality programs use to help families as well as children? protective factors CAN prevention and optimal development how can states and national systems support, disseminate and sustain these strategies and the Protective Factors in ECE and other systems?
  • 19. seeking excellent examples exemplary programs study Rural, urban, suburban Small/large; standalone/multisite Large-budget/small budget ALL serving low-income families ALL already high-quality programs by other standards
  • 21. excellent early childhood programs (and many other child- and family- serving programs) are already building protective factors daily, but often do not recognize their impact on families
  • 22. small but significant changes in program practice can produce huge results in preventing child abuse and neglect for the youngest children
  • 23. An important clue Arthur Reynolds, University of Wisconsin, Chicago Parent Child Centers Longitudinal study of children and families in a program with similar elements to those of programs identified by CSSP Results: 52% reduction in substantiated cases of abuse and neglect by age 17
  • 24. organizational partners and funders Finance Project Midwest Learning Center for Family Support National Black Child Development Institute National Registry Alliance Parents as Teachers Parent Services Project doris duke charitable foundation casey family programs annie e. casey foundation a. L. Mailman family foundation arthur m. blank family foundation
  • 25. partners at the federal level: Office of Child Abuse and Neglect (Childrens Bureau, ACYF, ACF, HHS) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration Child Care Bureau Maternal and Child Health Bureau Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Violence Prevention
  • 26. strengthening families has inspired an approach to work with children and families that is: universally available not targeted by risk focused on development and growth not only on identified problems delivered through new, powerful partners not typically identified as CAN prevention or family support agents.
  • 28. what contributes to a successful family? Dimensions Description Basic needs Economic security, housing, health care, other necessary resources are in place Internal resources Education, life experience, skills plus connections to extended family, neighbors, co-workers and friends Positive family climate Nurturing parenting styles, effective communication and warm interactions among family members Self confidence Sense of control over choices, being valued and able to make a difference; faith that all will be well
  • 29. protective factors are: Characteristics that decrease the likelihood of a person becoming a victim or perpetrator of abuse or neglect because it provides a buffer against risk (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Conditions or attributes in individuals, families, and communities that increase well-being Buffers that help parents find resources, supports and strategies to function effectively, even under stress
  • 30. Love is not enough - Illinois Parental Resilience = Be strong and flexible Social Connections = Parents need friends Knowledge of Parenting = Being a great parent is part natural and part learned Concrete Support = We all need help sometimes Social and emotional development for children = Help your children communicate and give them the love and respect they need
  • 31. Community Cafes - Washington Parental Resilience = Courage Social Connections = Community Knowledge of Parenting = Health Concrete Support = Freedom Childrens Social and Emotional Development = Compassion
  • 33. parental resilience Psychological health. Parents feel supported and able to solve problems; can develop trusting relationships with others and are able to reach out for help Parents who did not have positive child- hood experiences or who are in troubling circumstances need extra support and trusting relationships
  • 35. social connections Relationships with extended family, friends, co-workers, other parents with children similar ages Community norms are developed through social connections Mutual assistance networks: child care, emotional support, concrete help
  • 36. knowledge of parenting and child development
  • 37. knowledge of parenting and child development Basic information about how children develop Basic techniques of developmentally appropriate discipline Alternatives to parenting behaviors experienced of a child Help with challenging behaviors
  • 39. concrete supports in times of need Response to a crisis food, clothing, shelter Assistance with daily needs, job opportunities, transportation, education Services for parents in crisis: mental health, domestic violence, substance abuse Specialized services for children
  • 41. social and emotional competence Normal child development (like using language to express needs and feelings) creates positive parent- child reactions Challenging behaviors, traumatic experiences, or development that is not on track require extra adult attention A surprise: what learning in the classroom does back at home
  • 42. levers for change parent partnerships professional development integration into policies and systems
  • 43. parent partnerships ensure that prevention strategies are responsive to all kinds of families, all kinds of family needs and choices work best when parents are involved consistently in meaningful ways, as decision- making partners at all levels help create consumer support for Strengthening Families
  • 44. professional development is about infusing Strengthening Families concepts into trainings that already exist across systems builds a workforce with common knowledge, language, and goals supports quality-improvement across systems that help children and their families needs to be offered at all levels (providers to administrators) and accessible to people with varying levels of competency
  • 45. policies and systems is about integrating Strengthening Families into regulations and procedures that govern everyday work in child- and family-serving systems and their agencies focuses on building Protective Factors, promoting optimal child development, and preventing maltreatment facilitates alignment, coordination, and collaboration across disciplines creates a positive context for shifting attitudes and practice toward more effective family engagement and better outcomes
  • 47. Center for the Study of Social Policy 1575 Eye Street NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 371-1575 www.cssp.org www.strengtheningfamilies.net Judy Langford, Senior Fellow, Center for the Study of Social Policy judy.langford@cssp.org