Stress Management:
- Get enough sleep (6-8 hours)
- Be active
- Engage in meditation and yoga
- Eat well
- Take a break
- Talk to someone
- Practice deep breathing
Tips to reduce alcohol intake:
- Gradually reduce the number of drinks
- Use smaller glasses
- Substitute a glass of water in between alcoholic drinks
- Change triggering environment
- Change from your preferred alcoholic drink to one you do not like
- Don't stock up on alcohol
- Be realistic
- Find healthy coping mechanism
Digital Addiction | Psycho Education | Juhin JJuhin J
Digital Addiction:
---Signs & Symptoms---
- Unable to leave your house without phone
- Compelled to check the phone constantly for no particular reason
- Eating with your phone on the table
- Feeling anxious or depressed after using social media
- Obsessed over sending or recieving a text or posting a comment
- Feeling afraid of missing out
- Start the day without mobile phone
- Turn off devices 30 minutes before bed
- Delete time setealing apps from your phone
- Turn off notifications
- Only respond to emails and texts at specific times of the day
Tips to improve Sleep Quality:
- Establish a regular bedtime and waking time
- Do regular exercise
- Use comfortable bed
- Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark with good ventilation
- Switch off your electronic devices 30-60 minutes before bed
- Avoid taking heavy foods before sleep
- Reduce intake of water before bed
- Avoid coffee, alcohol & nicotine intake
Warning Signs of Mental Illness:
- Excessive sadness & anxiety lasting more than 2 weeks
- Sleeping or eating more/less than usual
- Inability to perform daily tasks
- Harming self
- Increased use of alcohol or other substances
- Unusual mood changes
- Decreased performance
- Believing things that aren't real
Rights of Special Groups | Constitution of Indian | Juhin JJuhin J
Rights are rules of interaction between people. These are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement and are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed to people according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory.
Special groups are those who need special attention such as children, women, HIV, handicapped, aged and mentally ill. To protect these groups, these rights have been formulated by the constitution.
Continuing Nursing Education(CNE) is the process directed towards the personal and professional growth of nurses and other personnel while they are employed by a health care agency. It is essential for the upliftment of personal as well as administrative field. CNE helps in updating the knowledge and practice of professional. It is applicable not only to nursing field but also to all the professional fields.
Socioeconomic Status Scale | Nursing Education | Juhin JJuhin J
Socioeconomic status(SES) is a combination of both social and economic variables. It is one of the most important social determinants of health and disease. It influences the accessibility, affordability, acceptability and actual utilization of available health facilities.
Alternative Systems of Medicine in Mental Health | AYUSH | CAM | Juhin JJuhin J
Alternative Systems of Medicine in Mental Health | AYUSH | Complementary Alternative Medicine CAM | Juhin J
Medical products and practices that are not part of standard care is called alternative medicine. Standard care is what medical doctors and allied health professionals, such as nurses and physical therapists, practice. Alternative medicine is used in the place of standard medical care.
HERBAL: The use of plants to heal is probably as old as human kind. Virtually every culture in the world has relied on herbs & plants to treat illness. Many people are seeking a return to herbal remedies because they perceive these remedies as being less potent than prescription drugs and as being free of adverse side effects.
UNANI: According to the principles of unani medicine, disease is a natural process. Its symptoms are the reactions of the body to the disease.
SIDDHA: Siddha System of Medicine in an ancient Science, which belongs to Dravidian culture. It is very useful in maintenance and restoration of good health. Siddha system accounted for total 4448 disease symptoms and its cure. Thousands of herbs and mineral were Included in Siddha system providing good and easy management of chronic to degenerative, viral to cardiac disease.
HOMEOPATHY: Homeopathic remedies are typically derived from plants, herbs, minerals, or animal products. After being crushed and dissolved in alcohol or water, the selected substance undergoes a long process of dilution and succession (a process that involves vigorous shaking of the solution). The solution is then stored.
ACCUPUNCTURE: Acupuncture technique means penetrating the acupoints with hair thin, sterile, disposable, stainless needles to dissolve the obstructions along the meridians.
ACCUPRESSURE: Acupressure is similar in practice to acupuncture, but no needles are involved.
Disorders of Thought and Perception | Mental Health & Psychiatric Nursing | J...Juhin J
The ideas or arrangement of ideas that result from thinking is called thought. Thinking represent the most common form of mental activity. All human achievements and progress are the products of thought. Thought disorder is a disorganized way of thinking that leads to abnormal ways of expressing language when speaking and writing. It is one of the most difficult disorders to diagnose.
Impulse Control Disorder | Psychiatric Nursing | Juhin JJuhin J
Impulse control disorder happens when a person often unable to resist the sudden, forceful urge to do something that may violate the rights of others or conflict with societal norms. These impulsive behaviors may occur repeatedly, quickly and without consideration of the consequences of the actions.
Personality means enduring qualities of a person in many circumstances. It includes perceptions, attitudes and emotions. These behaviors and characteristics are consistent across a broad range of situations and do not change easily. A person usually is not consciously aware of his/ her personality. Many factors influence personality; some stem from biologic and genetic makeup, whereas some are acquired as a person develops and interacts with the environment and other people. These qualities develop into personality traits(Characters).
The most widely used system of personality trait is called Five- Factor Model. This includes, Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. Each trait is further divided into several trait facets to analyse ones personality clearly. Several theorists still argue that there are more traits which have not been captured by this five-factor model.
Openness people loves adventure, appreciate art, imagination and learn new things throughout their life time. Meanwhile low openness people avoid new experiences, stick to their habits and not adventure lovers.
Conscientiousness people are dependable, disciplined and achievement focused. Meanwhile low conscientiousness people are more spontaneous and careless, when extreme.
Extraversion people/ Extroverts are cheerful, sociable and draw energy from crowds. Meanwhile introverts love to be alone. Commonly people think introversion and shyness are same. They both are different. Shyness people has fear of social interaction meanwhile introverts are cheerful but they prefer solo or small group activities.
Agreeableness people are warmth, kind, helpful, compassionate and trust worthy. Meanwhile disagreeable people are cold and suspicious of others.
High Neuroticism people experience lot of negative emotion. Meanwhile low neuroticism people will be emotionally stable.
Personality disorder is defined as, characteristic and enduring pattern of inner experience (or) behavior as a whole marked deviation for a level of exception and acceptable range of individuals culture. ICD 10
Persons with histrionic personality disorder are excitable and emotional and behave in a colorful, dramatic, extroverted fashion. Inability to maintain sincere, long-lasting attachments. They are unaware of their true feelings and cannot explain their motivations. With age, the symptoms of histrionic personality disorder will come down. But patients will feel hard to handle it because they lack the energy they had earlier.
Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder have a heightened sense of self-importance, lack of empathy and grandiose feelings of uniqueness. Underneath, however, their self-esteem is fragile and vulnerable to even minor criticism. Narcissistic symptoms diminish after 40 years of age.
Persons with avoidant personality disorder show extreme sensitivity to rejection and may lead socially withdrawn lives. Although shy, they are not asocial and show a great desire for companionship, but they need unusually strong guarantees of uncritical acceptance. We often describe this group as having an inferiority complex. Some marry, have children, and live their lives surrounded only by family members. If their support system fails, however, they are subject to depression, anxiety, and anger.
Primary sleep disorders:
Primary sleep disorders are those disorders not attributable to another cause, which includes dyssomnias and parasomnias.
Dyssomnias: are primary disorders of initiating or maintaining sleep/ excessive sleepiness, characterized by abnormalities in the amount, quality, or timing of sleep.
Difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep or nonrestorative sleep that lasts for 1 month and causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
Excessive sleepiness for atleast 1 month that involves either prolonged sleep episodes or daily daytime sleeping that causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other functioning.
A rare sleep disorder in which a person, usually under the age of 20, has recurrent sudden episodes of irresistible sleep attacks of short duration 10 - 15 minutes (directly enters into REM sleep).
Breathing related sleep disorder:
Sleep disruption leading to excessive sleepiness or, less commonly, insomnia, caused by abnormalities in ventilation during sleep. These disorders include obstructive sleep apnea (repeated episodes of upper airway obstruction), central sleep apnea (episodic cessation of sventilation without airway obstruction), and central alveolar hypoventilation (hypoventilation resulting in low arterial oxygen levels).
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder:
Persistent or recurring sleep disruption resulting from altered functioning of circadian rhythm or a mismatch between circadian rhythm and external demands. Subtypes include; delayed sleep phase, jet lag, shift work and unspecified.
Delayed sleep phase: A persistent pattern of late sleep onset and late awakening times, with an inability to fall asleep and awaken at a desired earlier time.
Jet lag: Sleepiness and alertness that occur at an inappropriate time of day relative to local time, occurring after repeated travel across more than one time zone.
Shift work: Insomnia during the major sleep period or excessive sleepiness during the major awake period associated with night shift work or frequently changing shift work.
Parasomnias: are disorders characterized by abnormal behavioral or psychological events associated with sleep, specific sleep stages, or sleepwake transition. These disorders involve activation of physiological systems, such as the autonomic nervous system, motor system, or cognitive processes, at inappropriate times during sleep.
Nightmare disorder:
Repeated occurrence of frightening dreams that lead to waking from sleep.
Sleep terror disorder:
Repeated occurrence of abrupt awakenings from sleep associated with a panicky scream or cry.
Sleepwalking disorder (Somnambulism):
Repeated episodes of complex motor behavior initiated during sleep, including getting out of bed and walking around.
Personality means enduring qualities of a person in many circumstances. It includes perceptions, attitudes and emotions. These behaviors and characteristics are consistent across a broad range of situations and do not change easily. A person usually is not consciously aware of his/ her personality. Many factors influence personality; some stem from biologic and genetic makeup, whereas some are acquired as a person develops and interacts with the environment and other people. These qualities develop into personality traits(Characters).
The most widely used system of personality trait is called Five- Factor Model. This includes, Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. Each trait is further divided into several trait facets to analyse ones personality clearly. Several theorists still argue that there are more traits which have not been captured by this five-factor model.
Openness people loves adventure, appreciate art, imagination and learn new things throughout their life time. Meanwhile low openness people avoid new experiences, stick to their habits and not adventure lovers.
Conscientiousness people are dependable, disciplined and achievement focused. Meanwhile low conscientiousness people are more spontaneous and careless, when extreme.
Extraversion people/ Extroverts are cheerful, sociable and draw energy from crowds. Meanwhile introverts love to be alone. Commonly people think introversion and shyness are same. They both are different. Shyness people has fear of social interaction meanwhile introverts are cheerful but they prefer solo or small group activities.
Agreeableness people are warmth, kind, helpful, compassionate and trust worthy. Meanwhile disagreeable people are cold and suspicious of others.
High Neuroticism people experience lot of negative emotion. Meanwhile low neuroticism people will be emotionally stable.
Personality disorder is defined as, characteristic and enduring pattern of inner experience (or) behavior as a whole marked deviation for a level of exception and acceptable range of individuals culture. ICD 10
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic and relapsing anxiety disorder that is characterized by persistent obsessive thoughts and/or repetitive compulsive actions that impair daily functioning. The repetitive actions can be mental or physical acts, either of which is perceived by the individual as reducing anxiety. Individuals with OCD might recognize the irrationality of their anxiety-driven patterns, they feel helpless to resist the compulsive urges that serve as dysfunctional coping mechanisms to reduce anxiety. Many patients prefer to keep ritualistic compulsions such as repetitive checking of locks or repeated hand washing a secret because they are ashamed of their illogical behavior.
Obsession: Repetitive thoughts, images and doubts which make a person absolutely senseless and irrational. Individual tries to resist but finds unable to do so because that restriction might increase the level of anxiety.
Compulsion: Repetitive actions are performed followed by obsession in order to avoid the marked distress even though the client knows that behavior is unrealistic, senseless and irrational.
Etiology/ Predisposing factors:
I. Biological Theories:
a) Neurotransmitters:
Studies have suggested that changes in brain serotonin(5-HT) function may contribute to anxiety symptoms and anxiety type behaviors. Among anxiety disorders, the most compelling evidence implicating 5-HT exists for OCD.
OCD patients were found to have higher plasma free 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-phenylglycol and plasma norepinephrine levels. The maximum number of binding sites (Bmax) for tritiated clonidine was significantly greater in OCD patients than in normal people. There was a blunted growth hormone, cortisol and ACTH response to clonidine in OCD.
b) Genetics:
Family studies: 35% of first-degree relatives of OCD clients might suffer from this disorder.
Twin studies: Monozygotic twins are more prone to it as compared to dizygotic twins.
c) Electrophysiological Studies:
Electroencephalography: Many of the earlier reports suggested EEG abnormalities in OCD. Temporal lobe spikes and increased theta waves have been reported in sleep EEG or OCD subjects.
Evoked Potentials: Higher N60 amplitudes were found in somatosensory evoked patients in OCD. Obsessional patients are characterized by reduced amplitudes and decreased latencies of late EP component.
d) Brain Imaging:
Cranial CT and MRI scans: An increase in ventricular-brain ratio was found in cranial CT in OCD. Subsequent studies have shown similar results in caudate nuclei. Earlier reports found non-specific abnormalities on Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the brains in OCD.
IV. Psychosurgery:
There are various procedures that have been used in treatment of OCD. They are as follows;
Prefrontal leucotomy
Transorbital leucotomy
Biomedical leucotomy
Orbital leucotomy
Rostral leucotomy
Limbic leucotomy
Subcaudate tractotomy
Hallucinogenic substances are capable of distorting an individuals perception of reality. They have the ability to alter sensory perception and induce hallucinations. Substance induced hallucinations are usually visual.
The term opioid refers to a group of compounds that includes opium, opium derivatives, and synthetic substitutes. Opioids exert both a sedative and an analgesic effect, and used to relieve pain, cough and treatment of diarrhea. They induce a pleasurable effect on the CNS that promotes abuse. These drugs are capable of inducing tolerance and physiological and psychological addiction.
Inhalant disorders are induced by inhaling the aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons found in substances such as fuels, solvents, adhesives, aerosol propellants, and paint thinners. When inhaled, they cause euphoria, sedation, emotional lability, and impaired judgment.
Delirium is an organic cerebral syndrome characterized by concurrent disturbances of consciousness and attention, perception, thinking, memory, psychomotor behavior, emotion and sleep wake schedule.
Delirium Tremens is a psychotic condition caused by complications from alcohol withdrawal. It involves tremors, hallucination, anxiety and disorientation.
Mood stabilizers are medicines that treat and prevents highs(mania) and lows(depression). They also help to keep the mood from interfering with work, school or social life.
Interpersonal theory of personality was proposed by Harry Stack Sullivan. He believed that ones personality involved more than individual characteristics, particularly how one interacted with others. He also explained about the importance of current life events to psychopathology. The theory further states that the purpose of all behavior is to get needs met through interpersonal interactions and decrease or avoid anxiety.
Psychoanalytic Theory by Sigmund Freud | Juhin JJuhin J
Psychoanalytic theory was formulated by Sigmund Freud, an Austrian Neurologist. He was the first to identify development by stages. He considered the first 5 years of a childs life to be the most important, because he believed that an individuals basic character had been formed by the age of 5.
Antidepressants are used to relieve the symptoms of moderate and severe depression. They are usually taken for 4-6 months. They can be used alone or combination with other medications. The purpose of antidepressant is to increase the neurotransmitters in the synapse.
Alternative Systems of Medicine in Mental Health | AYUSH | CAM | Juhin JJuhin J
Alternative Systems of Medicine in Mental Health | AYUSH | Complementary Alternative Medicine CAM | Juhin J
Medical products and practices that are not part of standard care is called alternative medicine. Standard care is what medical doctors and allied health professionals, such as nurses and physical therapists, practice. Alternative medicine is used in the place of standard medical care.
HERBAL: The use of plants to heal is probably as old as human kind. Virtually every culture in the world has relied on herbs & plants to treat illness. Many people are seeking a return to herbal remedies because they perceive these remedies as being less potent than prescription drugs and as being free of adverse side effects.
UNANI: According to the principles of unani medicine, disease is a natural process. Its symptoms are the reactions of the body to the disease.
SIDDHA: Siddha System of Medicine in an ancient Science, which belongs to Dravidian culture. It is very useful in maintenance and restoration of good health. Siddha system accounted for total 4448 disease symptoms and its cure. Thousands of herbs and mineral were Included in Siddha system providing good and easy management of chronic to degenerative, viral to cardiac disease.
HOMEOPATHY: Homeopathic remedies are typically derived from plants, herbs, minerals, or animal products. After being crushed and dissolved in alcohol or water, the selected substance undergoes a long process of dilution and succession (a process that involves vigorous shaking of the solution). The solution is then stored.
ACCUPUNCTURE: Acupuncture technique means penetrating the acupoints with hair thin, sterile, disposable, stainless needles to dissolve the obstructions along the meridians.
ACCUPRESSURE: Acupressure is similar in practice to acupuncture, but no needles are involved.
This document discusses evaluation in nursing education. It defines evaluation as determining the extent to which educational objectives are being realized. Self-evaluation and peer evaluation are described as important types of evaluation. Self-evaluation involves assessing one's own abilities and progress, while peer evaluation involves colleagues assessing each other's performance. The purposes, principles, characteristics, tools, steps, advantages and disadvantages of self-evaluation and peer evaluation are outlined. Evaluation in nursing education aims to assess students' knowledge, clinical skills, identify weaknesses, and improve teaching effectiveness.
Socioeconomic Status Scale | Nursing Education | Juhin JJuhin J
Socioeconomic status(SES) is a combination of both social and economic variables. It is one of the most important social determinants of health and disease. It influences the accessibility, affordability, acceptability and actual utilization of available health facilities.
Planning the unit is known as Unit Plan. Usually after the year plan, the teacher plans the unit plan. So the year plan should be ready before one starts preparing the unit plan.
Large subdivision of the subject matter is called unit. Unit planning provides you a sense of direction and organization that helps you and your students achieve significant academic gains within a particular period of time.
Continuing Nursing Education(CNE) is the process directed towards the personal and professional growth of nurses and other personnel while they are employed by a health care agency. It is essential for the upliftment of personal as well as administrative field. CNE helps in updating the knowledge and practice of professional. It is applicable not only to nursing field but also to all the professional fields.
Disorders of Thought and Perception | Mental Health & Psychiatric Nursing | J...Juhin J
The ideas or arrangement of ideas that result from thinking is called thought. Thinking represent the most common form of mental activity. All human achievements and progress are the products of thought. Thought disorder is a disorganized way of thinking that leads to abnormal ways of expressing language when speaking and writing. It is one of the most difficult disorders to diagnose.
Impulse Control Disorder | Psychiatric Nursing | Juhin JJuhin J
Impulse control disorder happens when a person often unable to resist the sudden, forceful urge to do something that may violate the rights of others or conflict with societal norms. These impulsive behaviors may occur repeatedly, quickly and without consideration of the consequences of the actions.
Personality means enduring qualities of a person in many circumstances. It includes perceptions, attitudes and emotions. These behaviors and characteristics are consistent across a broad range of situations and do not change easily. A person usually is not consciously aware of his/ her personality. Many factors influence personality; some stem from biologic and genetic makeup, whereas some are acquired as a person develops and interacts with the environment and other people. These qualities develop into personality traits(Characters).
The most widely used system of personality trait is called Five- Factor Model. This includes, Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. Each trait is further divided into several trait facets to analyse ones personality clearly. Several theorists still argue that there are more traits which have not been captured by this five-factor model.
Openness people loves adventure, appreciate art, imagination and learn new things throughout their life time. Meanwhile low openness people avoid new experiences, stick to their habits and not adventure lovers.
Conscientiousness people are dependable, disciplined and achievement focused. Meanwhile low conscientiousness people are more spontaneous and careless, when extreme.
Extraversion people/ Extroverts are cheerful, sociable and draw energy from crowds. Meanwhile introverts love to be alone. Commonly people think introversion and shyness are same. They both are different. Shyness people has fear of social interaction meanwhile introverts are cheerful but they prefer solo or small group activities.
Agreeableness people are warmth, kind, helpful, compassionate and trust worthy. Meanwhile disagreeable people are cold and suspicious of others.
High Neuroticism people experience lot of negative emotion. Meanwhile low neuroticism people will be emotionally stable.
Personality disorder is defined as, characteristic and enduring pattern of inner experience (or) behavior as a whole marked deviation for a level of exception and acceptable range of individuals culture. ICD 10
Persons with histrionic personality disorder are excitable and emotional and behave in a colorful, dramatic, extroverted fashion. Inability to maintain sincere, long-lasting attachments. They are unaware of their true feelings and cannot explain their motivations. With age, the symptoms of histrionic personality disorder will come down. But patients will feel hard to handle it because they lack the energy they had earlier.
Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder have a heightened sense of self-importance, lack of empathy and grandiose feelings of uniqueness. Underneath, however, their self-esteem is fragile and vulnerable to even minor criticism. Narcissistic symptoms diminish after 40 years of age.
Persons with avoidant personality disorder show extreme sensitivity to rejection and may lead socially withdrawn lives. Although shy, they are not asocial and show a great desire for companionship, but they need unusually strong guarantees of uncritical acceptance. We often describe this group as having an inferiority complex. Some marry, have children, and live their lives surrounded only by family members. If their support system fails, however, they are subject to depression, anxiety, and anger.
Primary sleep disorders:
Primary sleep disorders are those disorders not attributable to another cause, which includes dyssomnias and parasomnias.
Dyssomnias: are primary disorders of initiating or maintaining sleep/ excessive sleepiness, characterized by abnormalities in the amount, quality, or timing of sleep.
Difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep or nonrestorative sleep that lasts for 1 month and causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
Excessive sleepiness for atleast 1 month that involves either prolonged sleep episodes or daily daytime sleeping that causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other functioning.
A rare sleep disorder in which a person, usually under the age of 20, has recurrent sudden episodes of irresistible sleep attacks of short duration 10 - 15 minutes (directly enters into REM sleep).
Breathing related sleep disorder:
Sleep disruption leading to excessive sleepiness or, less commonly, insomnia, caused by abnormalities in ventilation during sleep. These disorders include obstructive sleep apnea (repeated episodes of upper airway obstruction), central sleep apnea (episodic cessation of sventilation without airway obstruction), and central alveolar hypoventilation (hypoventilation resulting in low arterial oxygen levels).
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder:
Persistent or recurring sleep disruption resulting from altered functioning of circadian rhythm or a mismatch between circadian rhythm and external demands. Subtypes include; delayed sleep phase, jet lag, shift work and unspecified.
Delayed sleep phase: A persistent pattern of late sleep onset and late awakening times, with an inability to fall asleep and awaken at a desired earlier time.
Jet lag: Sleepiness and alertness that occur at an inappropriate time of day relative to local time, occurring after repeated travel across more than one time zone.
Shift work: Insomnia during the major sleep period or excessive sleepiness during the major awake period associated with night shift work or frequently changing shift work.
Parasomnias: are disorders characterized by abnormal behavioral or psychological events associated with sleep, specific sleep stages, or sleepwake transition. These disorders involve activation of physiological systems, such as the autonomic nervous system, motor system, or cognitive processes, at inappropriate times during sleep.
Nightmare disorder:
Repeated occurrence of frightening dreams that lead to waking from sleep.
Sleep terror disorder:
Repeated occurrence of abrupt awakenings from sleep associated with a panicky scream or cry.
Sleepwalking disorder (Somnambulism):
Repeated episodes of complex motor behavior initiated during sleep, including getting out of bed and walking around.
Personality means enduring qualities of a person in many circumstances. It includes perceptions, attitudes and emotions. These behaviors and characteristics are consistent across a broad range of situations and do not change easily. A person usually is not consciously aware of his/ her personality. Many factors influence personality; some stem from biologic and genetic makeup, whereas some are acquired as a person develops and interacts with the environment and other people. These qualities develop into personality traits(Characters).
The most widely used system of personality trait is called Five- Factor Model. This includes, Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. Each trait is further divided into several trait facets to analyse ones personality clearly. Several theorists still argue that there are more traits which have not been captured by this five-factor model.
Openness people loves adventure, appreciate art, imagination and learn new things throughout their life time. Meanwhile low openness people avoid new experiences, stick to their habits and not adventure lovers.
Conscientiousness people are dependable, disciplined and achievement focused. Meanwhile low conscientiousness people are more spontaneous and careless, when extreme.
Extraversion people/ Extroverts are cheerful, sociable and draw energy from crowds. Meanwhile introverts love to be alone. Commonly people think introversion and shyness are same. They both are different. Shyness people has fear of social interaction meanwhile introverts are cheerful but they prefer solo or small group activities.
Agreeableness people are warmth, kind, helpful, compassionate and trust worthy. Meanwhile disagreeable people are cold and suspicious of others.
High Neuroticism people experience lot of negative emotion. Meanwhile low neuroticism people will be emotionally stable.
Personality disorder is defined as, characteristic and enduring pattern of inner experience (or) behavior as a whole marked deviation for a level of exception and acceptable range of individuals culture. ICD 10
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic and relapsing anxiety disorder that is characterized by persistent obsessive thoughts and/or repetitive compulsive actions that impair daily functioning. The repetitive actions can be mental or physical acts, either of which is perceived by the individual as reducing anxiety. Individuals with OCD might recognize the irrationality of their anxiety-driven patterns, they feel helpless to resist the compulsive urges that serve as dysfunctional coping mechanisms to reduce anxiety. Many patients prefer to keep ritualistic compulsions such as repetitive checking of locks or repeated hand washing a secret because they are ashamed of their illogical behavior.
Obsession: Repetitive thoughts, images and doubts which make a person absolutely senseless and irrational. Individual tries to resist but finds unable to do so because that restriction might increase the level of anxiety.
Compulsion: Repetitive actions are performed followed by obsession in order to avoid the marked distress even though the client knows that behavior is unrealistic, senseless and irrational.
Etiology/ Predisposing factors:
I. Biological Theories:
a) Neurotransmitters:
Studies have suggested that changes in brain serotonin(5-HT) function may contribute to anxiety symptoms and anxiety type behaviors. Among anxiety disorders, the most compelling evidence implicating 5-HT exists for OCD.
OCD patients were found to have higher plasma free 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-phenylglycol and plasma norepinephrine levels. The maximum number of binding sites (Bmax) for tritiated clonidine was significantly greater in OCD patients than in normal people. There was a blunted growth hormone, cortisol and ACTH response to clonidine in OCD.
b) Genetics:
Family studies: 35% of first-degree relatives of OCD clients might suffer from this disorder.
Twin studies: Monozygotic twins are more prone to it as compared to dizygotic twins.
c) Electrophysiological Studies:
Electroencephalography: Many of the earlier reports suggested EEG abnormalities in OCD. Temporal lobe spikes and increased theta waves have been reported in sleep EEG or OCD subjects.
Evoked Potentials: Higher N60 amplitudes were found in somatosensory evoked patients in OCD. Obsessional patients are characterized by reduced amplitudes and decreased latencies of late EP component.
d) Brain Imaging:
Cranial CT and MRI scans: An increase in ventricular-brain ratio was found in cranial CT in OCD. Subsequent studies have shown similar results in caudate nuclei. Earlier reports found non-specific abnormalities on Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the brains in OCD.
IV. Psychosurgery:
There are various procedures that have been used in treatment of OCD. They are as follows;
Prefrontal leucotomy
Transorbital leucotomy
Biomedical leucotomy
Orbital leucotomy
Rostral leucotomy
Limbic leucotomy
Subcaudate tractotomy
Hallucinogenic substances are capable of distorting an individuals perception of reality. They have the ability to alter sensory perception and induce hallucinations. Substance induced hallucinations are usually visual.
The term opioid refers to a group of compounds that includes opium, opium derivatives, and synthetic substitutes. Opioids exert both a sedative and an analgesic effect, and used to relieve pain, cough and treatment of diarrhea. They induce a pleasurable effect on the CNS that promotes abuse. These drugs are capable of inducing tolerance and physiological and psychological addiction.
Inhalant disorders are induced by inhaling the aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons found in substances such as fuels, solvents, adhesives, aerosol propellants, and paint thinners. When inhaled, they cause euphoria, sedation, emotional lability, and impaired judgment.
Delirium is an organic cerebral syndrome characterized by concurrent disturbances of consciousness and attention, perception, thinking, memory, psychomotor behavior, emotion and sleep wake schedule.
Delirium Tremens is a psychotic condition caused by complications from alcohol withdrawal. It involves tremors, hallucination, anxiety and disorientation.
Mood stabilizers are medicines that treat and prevents highs(mania) and lows(depression). They also help to keep the mood from interfering with work, school or social life.
Interpersonal theory of personality was proposed by Harry Stack Sullivan. He believed that ones personality involved more than individual characteristics, particularly how one interacted with others. He also explained about the importance of current life events to psychopathology. The theory further states that the purpose of all behavior is to get needs met through interpersonal interactions and decrease or avoid anxiety.
Psychoanalytic Theory by Sigmund Freud | Juhin JJuhin J
Psychoanalytic theory was formulated by Sigmund Freud, an Austrian Neurologist. He was the first to identify development by stages. He considered the first 5 years of a childs life to be the most important, because he believed that an individuals basic character had been formed by the age of 5.
Antidepressants are used to relieve the symptoms of moderate and severe depression. They are usually taken for 4-6 months. They can be used alone or combination with other medications. The purpose of antidepressant is to increase the neurotransmitters in the synapse.
Alternative Systems of Medicine in Mental Health | AYUSH | CAM | Juhin JJuhin J
Alternative Systems of Medicine in Mental Health | AYUSH | Complementary Alternative Medicine CAM | Juhin J
Medical products and practices that are not part of standard care is called alternative medicine. Standard care is what medical doctors and allied health professionals, such as nurses and physical therapists, practice. Alternative medicine is used in the place of standard medical care.
HERBAL: The use of plants to heal is probably as old as human kind. Virtually every culture in the world has relied on herbs & plants to treat illness. Many people are seeking a return to herbal remedies because they perceive these remedies as being less potent than prescription drugs and as being free of adverse side effects.
UNANI: According to the principles of unani medicine, disease is a natural process. Its symptoms are the reactions of the body to the disease.
SIDDHA: Siddha System of Medicine in an ancient Science, which belongs to Dravidian culture. It is very useful in maintenance and restoration of good health. Siddha system accounted for total 4448 disease symptoms and its cure. Thousands of herbs and mineral were Included in Siddha system providing good and easy management of chronic to degenerative, viral to cardiac disease.
HOMEOPATHY: Homeopathic remedies are typically derived from plants, herbs, minerals, or animal products. After being crushed and dissolved in alcohol or water, the selected substance undergoes a long process of dilution and succession (a process that involves vigorous shaking of the solution). The solution is then stored.
ACCUPUNCTURE: Acupuncture technique means penetrating the acupoints with hair thin, sterile, disposable, stainless needles to dissolve the obstructions along the meridians.
ACCUPRESSURE: Acupressure is similar in practice to acupuncture, but no needles are involved.
This document discusses evaluation in nursing education. It defines evaluation as determining the extent to which educational objectives are being realized. Self-evaluation and peer evaluation are described as important types of evaluation. Self-evaluation involves assessing one's own abilities and progress, while peer evaluation involves colleagues assessing each other's performance. The purposes, principles, characteristics, tools, steps, advantages and disadvantages of self-evaluation and peer evaluation are outlined. Evaluation in nursing education aims to assess students' knowledge, clinical skills, identify weaknesses, and improve teaching effectiveness.
Socioeconomic Status Scale | Nursing Education | Juhin JJuhin J
Socioeconomic status(SES) is a combination of both social and economic variables. It is one of the most important social determinants of health and disease. It influences the accessibility, affordability, acceptability and actual utilization of available health facilities.
Planning the unit is known as Unit Plan. Usually after the year plan, the teacher plans the unit plan. So the year plan should be ready before one starts preparing the unit plan.
Large subdivision of the subject matter is called unit. Unit planning provides you a sense of direction and organization that helps you and your students achieve significant academic gains within a particular period of time.
Continuing Nursing Education(CNE) is the process directed towards the personal and professional growth of nurses and other personnel while they are employed by a health care agency. It is essential for the upliftment of personal as well as administrative field. CNE helps in updating the knowledge and practice of professional. It is applicable not only to nursing field but also to all the professional fields.