1) The document discusses sources of stress for college students, including greater academic demands, financial responsibilities, being away from home, and forming new relationships.
2) Several studies have found a relationship between stress and poor academic performance in college students. Common sources of stress identified include homesickness, lower than expected grades, financial issues, and work responsibilities interfering with study time.
3) The objective of the study is to investigate stress sources and coping strategies of college students at Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology by surveying 20 students about 14 potential stressors and their stress levels and coping mechanisms.
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stress research
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A Research Paper
DOSCST Students Stress related
Situations and
Coping Strategies
Submitted by:
Christine Fe A. Sion
Submitted to:
MARCH 2015
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Chapter I
In recent years, it happens sometimes that college students suffer from physical or mental
illness which even leads to temporary absence from school or even stopping. In 2012, a report on
changes of numbers of college students, from Philippine Daily Inquirer point out that biggest
factor that results school failure is stress. Students suffering from chronic stress dont do well in
any subjects. This chronic condition is described as post-traumatic stress disorder. To study the
relationship of stress sources and other factor that causes stress of college students systematically
and find effective ways for reducing stresses can not only help to prevent and correct the disorder
of college students, but also turn to be a useful complement for theories of stresses.
Statement of the Study
The study intends to investigate the stress sources of Pantuyan National High School
students by organizing a data through a tally process particularly on the level of stress they
experienced. Specifically the study seeks to;
1. Compare the frequency number of the sources of stress among the 20 respondents
given a specified 14 resources that causes stress and rank it based on the personal
Stress Level Averages categorize from lowest level as no stress up to above
average or hardcore- the highest level .
2. Identify the Personal Stress Level Averages that most likely to occur with the
students in tertiary.
3. Recognize the Personal Stress Situations among the respondents that the majority
experience when they are stress.
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4. Distinguish the Personal Coping Strategy that the students utilize as defense
mechanism in facing stress.
Significance of the Study
Stress appears to connect much of this research. Defining stress leads one to understand
the role of stress in the development of the persons personality both physical and emotional
condition. Findings suggest that stressful student experiences heighten an individual's response
to stress throughout life. This study provides information about stress sources and coping
strategies functioned as a mechanism to avoid self-depression and failures in school activities as
well as the timely evidence of stress level they rated. Researchers agreed that stress sources of
college students mainly include study factors, social factors, life and economic factors, and
career factors. Furthermore this will serve as an aid for future studies.
Objective of the Study
The objectives of this research can be summarized as follows:
To show the average number of students who experience stress in college bounded
from ages 17-22.
To analyze relationship between the rated level of the stress into the examples of
stress situations and stress coping strategies
The study perceived stress model by the use of tallying organization process data
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Scope and Delimitation
The research sample is bounded with in the Davao Oriental State College of Science and
Technology tertiary level and is composed of two pages questionnaire related to stress which was
given to twenty respondents with different personal backgrounds and beliefs. Respondents are of
different courses with usual college life. This is to show various stress situations and stress
management strategies in college level. Data gathered was based from the interview conducted
last March 8-9, 2015. Questions beyond the study which is far from the objective is not allowed.
Definition of Terms
Anxious - experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or
something with an uncertain outcome.
Cravings- an intense desire to consume a specific food, and is different from normal hunger
Frequency- the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time
Hardcore - extreme
Hostile - unfriendly; antagonistic
Insomnia- sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder in which there is an inability to fall asleep or to stay
asleep as long as desired
Nausea - "feeling sick or queasy"
Stress- either biological or emotional response to a stressor such as an environmental condition
or a stimulus
Tally- a current score or amount; calculate the total number of
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Chapter II
Review of Related Literature
The review of the literature for this study focuses on procedures used to identify the
sources of stress and its coping mechanism that exists for students in tertiary level specifically in
DOSCST and also the relationship between the rated levels of the stress into stress situations
they are facing. The review focuses on a number of different views used to define stress from
different proponent persons. The chapter begins with a definition of stress according to the
gathered data (Sec.1.1) and followed by the findings of various researchers towards stress
(Sec.1.2). The research outcomes germane to the relationship between stress and the students
lifestyle they have done.
Sec.1.1 There is increasing evidence which suggests that today more than ever before;
that common stressors in college life includes greater academic demands, being on ones own in
a new environment with new responsibilities, changes in family relations and ones social life,
financial responsibilities, exposure to new people, ideas, and temptations, being away from
home, often for the first time , making decisions, on a higher level than one is used to , substance
abuse , awareness of ones sexual identity and orientation , preparing for life after graduation ,
psychological make-up can also play a role in vulnerability to depression. People who have low
self-esteem, who consistently view themselves and the world with pessimism, or are readily
overwhelmed by stress may be especially prone to depression.
But apparently, some students enjoy stress. Are these benefits appealing?
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- Stress helps you seem important. Anyone as stressed as you must be working very hard
and, therefore, is probably doing something very crucial.
- It helps you to maintain personal distance and avoid intimacy. Anyone as busy as you
certainly cannot be expected to form emotional attachments to anyone. And let's face it, you are
not much fun to be around anyway.
- It helps you avoid responsibilities. Obviously, you are too stressed to be given any more
work. This gets you off the hook for all the mundane chores; let someone else take care of them.
- It helps you avoid success. Why risk being "successful" when by simply staying
stressed you can avoid all of that? Stress can keep your performance level low enough that
success will not ever be a threat.
- Stress also lets you keep your directive style. "Just do what I say!" is generally
permissible under crisis conditions. If you maintain a permanently stressed crisis atmosphere,
you can justify telling folks what to do all the time.
- (Stanford University Campus Health Center)
Generalized stress is defined as a state of psychological arousal that results when external
demands tax or exceed a persons adaptive abilities (Lazarus, 1966; Lazarus and Folkman,
1984). Environmental demands are labeled stressors, and they can take the form of an acute
event or an ongoing strain (see Pearlin, 1989 in the context of general stress research), while
stress refers to the internal perceived emotions and cognitions. Academic stress has been studied
extensively as an important factor in college student adjustment (Gall, Evans, and Bellerose,
2000; Mallinckrodt, 1988). In general, college-related stress has been found to be inversely
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related to academic performance among traditional undergraduates (Felsten and Wilcox, 1992;
Pritchard and Wilson, 2003; Russell and Petrie, 1992), for freshmen in particular (Struthers,
Perry, and Menec, 2000), for inner-city high school students (Gillock and Reyes, 1999), and for
immigrant college students (Buddington, 2002).
- (Princeton University)
Sec.1.2 There has been many studies (Schafer, 1996; Fisher, 1994; Altmaier, 1983;
Greenberg & Valletutti, 1980), which have reported strong relationship between stress and
college students. Stress has been known to be the fuel the body uses to meet the challenges of
our fast paced modern life; for others, it is the aversive by-product of such a life (Altmaier,
1983, p. 4). Stress is created by excessive environmental and internal demands that need constant
effort and adjustment.
Homesickness: There are many first-year students who experience being homesick. Some
of these reasons can be moving to a new environment, not knowing anyone, missing home, and
missing family and friends. Homesickness is an unpleasant and stressful experience for students.
Academics: A frequently reported source of stress that college students encounter is
receiving a lower grade than they expected. Some students link their self-worth or future with
their grades. Students may start doubting their capability or competency in their future careers.
Some college students have become so preoccupied by grades that they allowed their health
Financial Issues/Work: There are many students who have to work while they are
attending college. Being a first-year student can cause adjustment to college to be even more
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difficult. Some students have to work in order to pay their way through college. This can pose a
number of hazards for students. There are many times when students have to work late at night
and then do not have the time to study. This can then reflect on their academic work and on their
grades. Worrying about their financial issues and their grades can be an immense stressor in their
academic life. More time spent at work can encroach on time otherwise available for studying
(Trockel, Barnes, and Egget, 2000, p. 131). As one can see, one stressor can cause another
stressor to occur.
Relationships: Another source of stress for college students is making new friends.
Giving up 14 or changing new friendships and developing new ones is often a stressful activity
associated with college life (Greenberg, 1996, p. 280). Family can also be a source of stress for
college students. Some families place a great deal of stress on college students by telling them
that they need to acquire good grades.
Interventions: The first intervention that has been known to be helpful is social support.
Social support is helpful because it provides the individual with feedback, validation, and a
sense that one can master ones environment (Hobfoll, 1988, p. 120). Social support can help by
offering distractions from unhappiness caused by stress, or by helping the student re-work and
change personal perspectives on what has happened.
- (Dr. Bob Salt, University of Wisconsin-Stout)
Unfortunately, the effects of stress are not limited to learning and are also the harbinger of
depression. Prolonged stress, especially when severe, can push students to depression and even
to suicide. In a recent flight to Manila, I read a newspaper article saying that the suicide rate
among students in a certain region in South Korea was the highest in the world because the
competition for admission to the best university was highly valued. In that area during the time
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of examinations, the environment should be as quiet as possible to the extent that even airplanes
are not allowed to land or take off. - Leonardo Leonidas MD ,Phil. Daily Inquirer
The mental stresses of college students gain wide attentions from the society currently
College students especially freshmen are group particularly prone to stress Dzurilla and
Everybody has stressboth good stress and bad stress. It's a simple fact of life. "Stress is
experienced in levels. Low levels may not be noticeable at all. Occasional, moderate stress can
be positive and challenge people to act in creative and resourceful ways. High levels can be
harmful, leading to chronic disease," according to WebMd.
All of the views direct that college students stress experiences are very rampant and it is
aligning to the study interview done last March 8-9, 2015.
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Chapter III
Result and Discussion
Twenty students coming from different courses of Davao Oriental State College of
Science and Technology with unequal number of females and males respond to the Stress
Questionnaire test conducted where it illustrates the number of students who had a job if
any(Table 1) . Respondents age is limited from 17-22. Next verify the tally data according to the
following tables.
Organization Chart
Table I
Students Job Survey
Age Female Male
No Job Full time Part time
No Job Full
Part Time
12-14 7 1 0 3 0 0
15-23 5 1 1 1 0 1
* 20 respondents having age limits from 12-23
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Table II
* Overall Students Stress Level Average
Overall Personal Stress Level Average Frequency
No stress 0
Slight stress 14
Average 5
Above Average 1
Hardcore 0
According to the tally data results of 20 students , the frequency personal stress
level of the students are rated as slightly stress to experience
Table III
* Over all Students Stress Situations
Over all Personal Stress Situations Frequency
Hostile 3
Panicked 1
Irritable 2
Anxious/worrying 9
Focused 5
Unusually emotional 4
Tired 13
Headache 10
Insomnia 3
12. 12
Loss of appetite 3
Cravings (food, i.e. chocolate) 6
Nausea/upset stomach 1
Diarrhea 0
The Level of Personal Stress Situations of the students represent that getting tired,
having headache and worrying are mostly felt when they are stress while diarrhea
for them never did happen
Table IV
*Overall Students Stress Coping Strategy
Overall Personal Stress Coping Strategy Frequency
Exercise 11
Talk to friends 13
Listen to music 18
Sleep 13
Eat 11
Not eat/diet 1
Work 8
Read 9
Hobby/project (ex. Clean, play guitar) 11
Drugs (ex. Advil, Tylenol) 0
Alcohol 7
Herb/home remedies (ex. Ginseng 0
13. 13
Illegal drugs 0
Smoking (tobacco products) 4
Study shows that the overall personal stress coping up strategy of the students
depends on listening to any music, talking to friends or sleeping wherein these
three got the continuous highest frequency
Table V
* Source of Stress Total Frequency Data
Source of Stress No stress
Hard core
1. Roommate
8 7 2 1 1
2. Living away from home
3 7 7 1 0
3. Money
0 4 13 1 2
4. Job
7 5 3 2 1
5. Grades
1 6 8 2 2
6. Workload/Classes
4 6 11 2 0
7. Family
8 5 4 0 0
8. Friends
9 10 1 0 0
9. Health
9 8 1 0 0
10. Sport
9 5 11 1 1
11. Relationship
(boyfriend/girlfriend) or
marriage 12 4 1 2 0
12. Tests/Exams/Papers
1 6 5 4 0
13. Not being happy
11 6 1 0 1
14. 14
14. Not enough time
9 7 1 1 1
Table V indicates that relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend) greatly affects not on the
students college lifestyle but money and grades are highly the resources of stress
of them. Workloads and sports contribute moderate reasons in them including
friends that give a considerable cause too.
Chapter IV
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
There are a number of factors that result in school failure. The biggest one is stressnot
physical but emotional. In PNHS, students refer this stresses as their primary problem in facing
college life. This is due to several factors that affects their learning individually and sometimes
lead to frustration. With the aid of this research, it is seen that mostly PNHS students encounter
stress to some extent and which gives them that physical and emotionally drained or tired, having
nuisance or headaches and worrying issues. It is not good at all. However, even these stress
situations are trying to destroy them, there are still stresses up coping strategies they use such as
listening to any music, talking to friends or sleeping as a mechanism to repressed or avoid stress.
It only indicates that PNHS students are smart enough in handling their personal stress life while
in college because typically many of them unnoticed that they are in a stress state at all.
Therefore, PNHS students are well to define as good stress handlers.
Prior to the needs of the students; it is needed that the institution must conduct a school
based program about stress issues and understanding the factors that will contribute to the
students physical and emotional life. Since college life is cannot be denied to be stressful, there
is a need to figure out the ways and means of coping up these stress. This stage of learning in
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college is a critical period so it is essential to enhance their stress management abilities as to live
a healthy life entering the society. Factors that affects stress is inevitable that is why from time to
time students updates about stress must be acknowledged. In other hand; tools in reducing stress
is recommended.
Chapter V
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